Trouble In The North

  • Law

Just when you thought there was no news today, BAM! “The Nevada State Commission on Judicial Discipline has filed charges of professional misconduct against both North Las Vegas Municipal Court judges.” [RJ]

You can view the formal statements of charges against Catherine Ramsey and Sean Hoeffgen here.

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February 26, 2016 8:03 pm

Your blog post title reminds me of that scene in Braveheart when the King says "What news of the North?".

February 26, 2016 9:43 pm

Does anyone else think that maybe all of NLV just needs to be bulldozed, buried, and re-done?

Can anyone really say anything good about any aspect of NLV?

February 26, 2016 10:00 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Yeah, not as many white people who think there shit don't stink.

February 27, 2016 6:32 am
Reply to  Anonymous

2:00 wins the Interwebs today.

February 27, 2016 7:05 am
Reply to  Anonymous

And for a prize, 2:00 gets the shitty parts of West Las Vegas and Northtown that haven't seen a grocery store in 20 years.

February 26, 2016 9:49 pm

It'll always be "Northtown" to me.

Lawyer Bird
Lawyer Bird
February 27, 2016 12:04 am

Abolish city courts including hendo, North town, and LV. Nothing that can't be handled at the Justice Court

February 27, 2016 12:46 am

As somebody who has both a county and Las Vegas track I am going to tell you that LV kills a lot more misdo cases than the DA's office wants to take on. NLV and Hendo's case load is small enough that it wouldn't be a problem to absorb those.

February 28, 2016 8:45 pm

Catherine Ramsey and Sean Hoeffgen are both getting "hosed". Wonder if they both have to pay out of their pocket for private counsel to defend them on these charges? Does anyone know? Suspect the charges will be disputed and sounds like uncertain outcome. One Judge refuses to play ball and other one tries to accommodate the City. Both get charges. What is wrong with this picture?

February 29, 2016 8:14 pm

Has Anyone seen this? Recently delivered in my E-mail:

Clark County District Court Judge & Las Vegas Justice of the Peace candidates Compete for the most widely recognized Veteran Endorsement in Nevada

Our official endorsements are below for each judicial seat. The video of each endorsement interview will be archived within a week. If you don’t agree with who we have chosen to endorse, please educate yourself on the candidates.
VIPI is the only group in the State of Nevada that endorses candidates with this type of transparency. We invite every single candidate that has filed for election by using several different types of communication. No other group comes close.

Veterans In Politics International Endorsed Candidates:

Clark County District Judge Dept. 20

• Anat “Annette” Levy

Justice of the Peace Las Vegas TWNSH Dept. 3

• Sean P. Connell

Justice of the Peace Las Vegas TWNSH Dept. 4

• Judge Melissa A. Saragosa

Justice of the Peace Las Vegas TWNSH Dept. 6

• Judge Bita Yeager

Justice of the Peace Las Vegas TWNSH Dept. 9

• Robert Kurth

Justice of the Peace Las Vegas TWNSH Dept. 14

• Amy “JoAnne” Chelini

April 29, 2016 1:27 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Judge Bita Yeager should not only be endorsed charges should be filed as her court does not just reek with prejudice, she is cheating the taxpayers out of millions in fees. We, as Senior citizens just lost our daughter to cancer, so we wanted a place for the summer where we could just enjoy the amenities and share them with our granddaughter whose is 7 years old, loves to swim and ride horses. To make this short lease a property that was all this until possession and we have paid over $12,000 and have not enjoyed one minute. So our owner flew back from New York and made huge promises and gave credit for rent and all was agreed to. Two days later we get notice from GREATER LAS VEGAS PROPERTY MANAGERS that they are running everything and will not keep the agreements that we have in writing and texts and to pay $3750.00 or get evicted which was presented that day. Well this 5 day notice was not stamp-filed did not have a case number and just gave the illusion of a true court document, so we ignored because even though it said we could file an answer, we could not as there was no case number to match it to. Much to our surprise Judge Yeager issues a 24 hour evict saying she knows the facts, but now there is a case number, so you go to the docket and the only thing filed was this 24 hour, so the 5 day for her bases was not filed cheating the taxpayer out of the $71 filing and cheating the tenant out of their right to answer and get there day in front of court and this manager had 15 other evictions in front of her, thus the cheating of fees is over $1100. So i file a stay explaining the illegal actions of this manager and prove to the court we have paid over 12k and are living in a home Southwest Gas says could explode at any time and the stench from the kitchen is so bad you can't get close. So now to make the corruption worse we can have our say in court only if we put up $3750.00 more in cash. We have been living in miserable conditions for 55days and told the owner immediately, so the 14 days to repair mean nothing to this judge, so the judges just want the tenant with zero because after paying the owner $6300 cash, the next day he gets a $10,000.00 business on a business he says is being ran out of this home and uses our furniture as collateral and this loan is at 25% interest, so he no longer has our deposit money, then he hires this rough shot GLVPManagers because as they told me they control the court and whether right or wrong all will go their way. They do not take our calls because now they have JUDGE YEAGER DOING THEIR DIRTY WORK. DON'T ENDORSE IMPEACH.

January 3, 2017 6:34 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

I am a Disabled USMC Veteran who was evicted without a 5 day notice through Bita Yeager's court. Although she lost (and I would like to think my advocacy against her had something to do with it), I am still reeling from financial negatives and need a way to prove this injustice to be made whole. I witnessed a cancer patient claiming the same and even after paying for a hearing she was denied by Yeager and evicted. How would I find out how many evictees this happened to under her laxed judgement?

February 29, 2016 9:27 pm

I thought VIP hated Chelini and Bita?

March 1, 2016 1:53 am

Why do they keep on calling Chelini JoAnne?

April 29, 2016 4:28 pm

Who cares what they call Chelini?

April 29, 2016 4:29 pm

Umm, I would vote for Bonaventure over Kurth. Kurth just keeps running.