All seven of the Nevada Supreme Court justices who were sitting at the time of the FBI raids in the HOA scandal deny having tipped off Nancy Quon. [RJ]
(As mentioned by a commenter yesterday,) Margaret Rudin may be getting a new trial. [RJ]
Justice Court Chief Judge Joe Bonaventura talks about DUI cases. [8NewsNow]
After the U.S. Supreme Court refused to take up a case, Metro is facing a possible trial over illegal entry into a home. [Las Vegas Sun]
UNLV’s climb up the rankings also included it maintaining its #3 ranking in legal writing. Anyone one to give us insight into what makes their legal writing program so great? [Las Vegas Sun]
Two and a half years after she issued sanctions for it, Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez is still ordering a Las Vegas Sands subsidiary to hand over documents. [KNPR]
This legal writing ranking just baffles me. I have supervised many Boyd grads, and my chief complaint in the LACK of legal research and writing skills. It has really stood out among the other recent grads we have had. (None from USD recently, though, for that guy that cares).
Ironic that someone who is critical of the quality of legal writing submits a post with typographical and grammatical errors. (And no, I am not a Boyd graduate, but I do find this bickering over who attended what law school to be petty.)
It's worth pointing out that 3:44 was not pointing out typos; s/he was just saying that there were some present. To me, that's a different thing . . .
March 11, 2015 4:32 pm
Maybe this might clarify things a bit: "The specialty rankings are based solely on votes by legal educators, who nominated up to 15 schools in each field. For the first time, U.S. News asked law schools during the summer of 2014 to supply the names of faculty members and legal educators who were currently teaching in each field. U.S. News used those names as the sole basis for creating the respondent pool for the specialty rankings.
Those programs that received the most top 15 nominations appear and are numerically ranked in descending order based on the number of nominations they received, as long as the school or program received seven or more nominations in that specialty area. This means that schools ranked at the bottom of each law specialty ranking have received seven nominations."
It's the same method as SuperLawyers, or whatever popularity contest is in fashion this year. A bunch of people "teaching" in the same field get together for a massive circlejerk. The more friends you have in other LW departments, the more votes you can recruit.
Eglet has bought most of his SuperLawyer type awards and magazine space too. "Donate" thousands to a cause and the organization gives you an award. Rankings are superficial, but then again so are lawyers.
umm I'm thinking Eglet's results have earned him his awards . . . he's a bad example; there may be some who have to buy awards by patronage but I think his track record speaks for itself. Like it or not, he's gotten amazing results.
I'm not offended by Eglet and other experienced and successful lawyers on those lists. The credibility gets destroyed when they purchase/put/vote some unknown attorney with 1-2 years experience on it. That cracks me up like those old Who's Who in American colleges etc.. If you bought the book you made it. Your mom must be so proud. Don't forget to buy one for your Grandmother too
What 3:18 said…. I graduated four years ago (from Boyd) and about two dozen of my classmates were on one of those best young/new attorney lists last year, including myself. First off, I was surprised to be on the list, but more baffling was that I knew that at least one of my classmates had just started practicing that year! It really made the list a complete joke.
March 11, 2015 4:50 pm
The CD court was an extortion exercise for plaintiffs' and developers' bar and Nance was just their shill. The sisterhood tie bound them together. The reveal likely occurred at the Key West orgy put on by the consultants. The feds should sweat Cherry……he was likely there when she tipped off the other Nancy. If Mahan had been on the state DC to observe the clown car CD court at work, he would have let the details into the trial. Old Leon just thought he could be as lawless as the judges.
March 11, 2015 6:21 pm
According to the RJ article,
"Super" Judge Joe Bonaventure said he presided over nearly 5,500 DUI cases (out of a total of over 8,000 heard by Muni & Justice Courts) last year.
Assuming he worked 48 (five day) weeks, that's over 22 DUI cases per day. With six hours spent in the courtroom each day; that equals just over 15 minutes per case.
Apparently you've never attended the DUI calendar before. He could have easily knocked out that many DUI cases since most of them resolve and the morning is just people entering pleas.
March 11, 2015 10:09 pm
DOJ report criticizes Ferguson,Mizzou on it's profit driven court system among other issues. Hmmmm. That song sounds familiar. Maybe a bit like our Justice Courts and Municipal Courts, especially on traffic matters. I remember a retired muni court judge running for reelection on a platform shouting how much $$$$ she made the Court. Seemed to have lost the purpose of dispensing justice and fairness and made it into a business. Sad but reality.
Post Script: By that I mean us constables enforcing Fair Share – that's tax collection. Traffic citations – at 33,561 U.S. traffic deaths in 2012 alone, traffic cops aren't tax collectors, they're lifesavers. If you don't want a traffic ticket, don't break the traffic laws. Try that kind of flippant attitude after you've seen in person the mangled dead body of a child at the scene of an auto wreck.
No doubt the wreck was caused by carelessness, not the rate of speed of the vehicles before impact. The fat pigs don't ticket for carelessness. That would require real work. They just sit on their fat asses with a radar gun and target Joe Citizen doing 45 in what should be a 45 zone but is conveniently a 35 zone, because that's what raises revenue. We'd have a lot fewer mangled dead bodies if cops were actually cops, but they are not.
March 15, 2015 9:30 pm
Most of the piggies in question are Jordan's boy toys/colleagues. Real cops are not constables here in NV. Banak on it.
This legal writing ranking just baffles me. I have supervised many Boyd grads, and my chief complaint in the LACK of legal research and writing skills. It has really stood out among the other recent grads we have had. (None from USD recently, though, for that guy that cares).
Ironic that someone who is critical of the quality of legal writing submits a post with typographical and grammatical errors. (And no, I am not a Boyd graduate, but I do find this bickering over who attended what law school to be petty.)
As petty as pointing out typos?
It is not petty if in reply to a post that critiques legal writing skills.
It's worth pointing out that 3:44 was not pointing out typos; s/he was just saying that there were some present. To me, that's a different thing . . .
Maybe this might clarify things a bit: "The specialty rankings are based solely on votes by legal educators, who nominated up to 15 schools in each field. For the first time, U.S. News asked law schools during the summer of 2014 to supply the names of faculty members and legal educators who were currently teaching in each field. U.S. News used those names as the sole basis for creating the respondent pool for the specialty rankings.
Those programs that received the most top 15 nominations appear and are numerically ranked in descending order based on the number of nominations they received, as long as the school or program received seven or more nominations in that specialty area. This means that schools ranked at the bottom of each law specialty ranking have received seven nominations."
It's the same method as SuperLawyers, or whatever popularity contest is in fashion this year. A bunch of people "teaching" in the same field get together for a massive circlejerk. The more friends you have in other LW departments, the more votes you can recruit.
Great post, 9:32 AM. Superschools and Superlawyers are both ranked on self-promotion, not actual ability or quality.
Naqvhi is a "super lawyer," because he has PI hostesses.
Eglet has bought most of his SuperLawyer type awards and magazine space too. "Donate" thousands to a cause and the organization gives you an award. Rankings are superficial, but then again so are lawyers.
umm I'm thinking Eglet's results have earned him his awards . . . he's a bad example; there may be some who have to buy awards by patronage but I think his track record speaks for itself. Like it or not, he's gotten amazing results.
Eglet's awards are buying 15 or so judicial departments in Las Vegas.
Ditto. Eglet earned his reputation as an outstanding lawyer. He could slay 1,000 Boyd graduates in any courtroom without breaking a sweat.
And Trevor Hayes' award for being so sexy….Firefly fries!
Hamm and Egglet! Stop with the Dragon-Con references of "slaying Boyd graduates."
I'm not offended by Eglet and other experienced and successful lawyers on those lists. The credibility gets destroyed when they purchase/put/vote some unknown attorney with 1-2 years experience on it. That cracks me up like those old Who's Who in American colleges etc.. If you bought the book you made it. Your mom must be so proud. Don't forget to buy one for your Grandmother too
What 3:18 said…. I graduated four years ago (from Boyd) and about two dozen of my classmates were on one of those best young/new attorney lists last year, including myself. First off, I was surprised to be on the list, but more baffling was that I knew that at least one of my classmates had just started practicing that year! It really made the list a complete joke.
The CD court was an extortion exercise for plaintiffs' and developers' bar and Nance was just their shill. The sisterhood tie bound them together. The reveal likely occurred at the Key West orgy put on by the consultants. The feds should sweat Cherry……he was likely there when she tipped off the other Nancy. If Mahan had been on the state DC to observe the clown car CD court at work, he would have let the details into the trial. Old Leon just thought he could be as lawless as the judges.
According to the RJ article,
"Super" Judge Joe Bonaventure said he presided over nearly 5,500 DUI cases (out of a total of over 8,000 heard by Muni & Justice Courts) last year.
Assuming he worked 48 (five day) weeks, that's over 22 DUI cases per day. With six hours spent in the courtroom each day; that equals just over 15 minutes per case.
Do we need more justices like him…. or not?
Sorry, I meant "Bonaventura".
8 News Now…not the RJ.
Apparently you've never attended the DUI calendar before. He could have easily knocked out that many DUI cases since most of them resolve and the morning is just people entering pleas.
DOJ report criticizes Ferguson,Mizzou on it's profit driven court system among other issues. Hmmmm. That song sounds familiar. Maybe a bit like our Justice Courts and Municipal Courts, especially on traffic matters. I remember a retired muni court judge running for reelection on a platform shouting how much $$$$ she made the Court. Seemed to have lost the purpose of dispensing justice and fairness and made it into a business. Sad but reality.
Those fat pigs on cycles are not police officers. They are tax collectors. Pray for their miserable souls.
March 11, 2015 at 3:24 PM – Back off of us fat pig tax collectors! Not that I have any sort of identifiable soul…
Post Script: By that I mean us constables enforcing Fair Share – that's tax collection. Traffic citations – at 33,561 U.S. traffic deaths in 2012 alone, traffic cops aren't tax collectors, they're lifesavers. If you don't want a traffic ticket, don't break the traffic laws. Try that kind of flippant attitude after you've seen in person the mangled dead body of a child at the scene of an auto wreck.
No doubt the wreck was caused by carelessness, not the rate of speed of the vehicles before impact. The fat pigs don't ticket for carelessness. That would require real work. They just sit on their fat asses with a radar gun and target Joe Citizen doing 45 in what should be a 45 zone but is conveniently a 35 zone, because that's what raises revenue. We'd have a lot fewer mangled dead bodies if cops were actually cops, but they are not.
Most of the piggies in question are Jordan's boy toys/colleagues. Real cops are not constables here in NV. Banak on it.