While the Nevada Secretary of State seems to be struggling to get the online services working correctly, she is also getting sued for denying the request to create the WTF party. [TNI]
A Cowabunga Bay brain injury case is going to trial in October. [I-Team]
Speaking of WTF, the billionaire accused of drug trafficking is getting a sweetheart deal from DA Steve Wolfson that includes no prison time. [Nevada Current; Tweet from @MichelleRindels]
A California law requiring presidential candidates to produce tax returns is likely to cause some legal drama. [RJ]
The "drug trafficking" (overcharged * ∞) sentence is a big fat nothing burger.
August 1, 2019 4:07 pm
As much as I think it is good that we know from where our future presidents receive their income, I thought a tax return was confidential to all but the IRS, with a few exceptions for Congress/Senate with a valid legislative reason, or in fraud cases possibly, and where something contained in them was used as a legal defense to certain claims? The article didn't mention the constitutionality argument contained in the signing statement, just that there was one – I'll have to find that and see if it sways me.
It is interesting to me how many things that were accepted "norms" have been challenged over the last few years. Examples include the tax returns for presidential candidates and blue slips for federal judges.
It will be interesting to see the long-term ramifications. Will future presidents and Congresses pass laws to address these things, or will future candidates/politicians voluntarily return to the old norms… or are the norms just gone forever?
They are gone forever. Getting rid of norms isn't necessarily bad per se. However, these norms have been jettisoned as a brutal means toward short-term tribal ends, not because they were deficient. And this trend, although amplified by Trump, predates him. Our own Harry Reid exercised the "nuclear option," a very foolish, short sighted move.
The entire issue created by California of requiring disclosure of the tax returns to appear on the primary ballot is in reality a non-issue. Under the law, the primary ballot for presidential candidates is essentially meaningless and merely advisory… it is the political party not the ballot results that determine the identity of the candidate moving forward to become the nominee of that party. Trump (or any other candidate) doesn't even have to appear on the primary ballot to win the delegates of that state.
August 1, 2019 at 11:38 AM – I haven't been involved with California elections in over 16 years (I used to be a California Elections Inspector) but I think you may be confusing the system here in Nevada with the one in California.
August 1, 2019 4:29 pm
Given how borked the Secretary of State's rollout of the new Silver Flume system has been, I'd like to create the WTF SOS Party.
August 1, 2019 4:54 pm
Steve Wolfson is a skunk. He will give sweet heart deals to drug dealers, and Alexis Plunkett, but he will not prosecute the killers of a one year old baby who overdosed on heroin and fent. Go fuck yourself, Stevie.
You are clearly not an attorney. Drug trafficking almost always results in a great deal (28+ grams equals a life sentence, that's a joke)…and Plunkett is now a convicted felon after never having been arrested her entire life. Not a sweetheart deal by any means.
I thought it was ballsy for Ozzy Fumo to call for an investigation into this case when I spent the past legislative session watching him trying to absolve defendants from any liability for their actions. Wolfson's deferral of any comments on the case until after the plea goes down makes me wonder if there was an evidentiary problem with this case.
… while the interest accumulates. And he will collect, eventually. Some of these water parks are very shady though in terms of ownership and control, rides designed and built in China or somewhere, etc. It will be a challenge.
August 1, 2019 7:55 pm
The Nevada Supreme Court reversed the $15 million verdict in the "Harvey's law" case.
Pickering = The "Right" justice for Nevada. (I wish I was kidding but this was her actual campaign slogan.)
August 2, 2019 4:29 pm
Hardesty needs to leave.
Parraguire & Gibbons are already absent.
Pickering has no empathy.
Silver, Stiglich and Cadish are doing a great job.
This is an incredible injustice. The Court should not re-write established precedent because it's inconvenient. The legislature and Gov. Jumbo write the laws.
Pickering has a brilliant mind; I just disagree with her across the board on policy. I don't see how Stiglich is a "Hardesty toady" particularly given her strong dissent in yesterday's decision. I've always liked Gibbons personally, and I was disappointed to see him on the wrong side of this decision. The sooner Hardesty is gone, the better. He wants to run everything like Gunderson did, except now there's a lot more to run, which makes him doubly dangerous.
The "drug trafficking" (overcharged * ∞) sentence is a big fat nothing burger.
As much as I think it is good that we know from where our future presidents receive their income, I thought a tax return was confidential to all but the IRS, with a few exceptions for Congress/Senate with a valid legislative reason, or in fraud cases possibly, and where something contained in them was used as a legal defense to certain claims? The article didn't mention the constitutionality argument contained in the signing statement, just that there was one – I'll have to find that and see if it sways me.
It is interesting to me how many things that were accepted "norms" have been challenged over the last few years. Examples include the tax returns for presidential candidates and blue slips for federal judges.
It will be interesting to see the long-term ramifications. Will future presidents and Congresses pass laws to address these things, or will future candidates/politicians voluntarily return to the old norms… or are the norms just gone forever?
They are gone forever. Getting rid of norms isn't necessarily bad per se. However, these norms have been jettisoned as a brutal means toward short-term tribal ends, not because they were deficient. And this trend, although amplified by Trump, predates him. Our own Harry Reid exercised the "nuclear option," a very foolish, short sighted move.
The entire issue created by California of requiring disclosure of the tax returns to appear on the primary ballot is in reality a non-issue. Under the law, the primary ballot for presidential candidates is essentially meaningless and merely advisory… it is the political party not the ballot results that determine the identity of the candidate moving forward to become the nominee of that party. Trump (or any other candidate) doesn't even have to appear on the primary ballot to win the delegates of that state.
August 1, 2019 at 11:38 AM – I haven't been involved with California elections in over 16 years (I used to be a California Elections Inspector) but I think you may be confusing the system here in Nevada with the one in California.
Given how borked the Secretary of State's rollout of the new Silver Flume system has been, I'd like to create the WTF SOS Party.
Steve Wolfson is a skunk. He will give sweet heart deals to drug dealers, and Alexis Plunkett, but he will not prosecute the killers of a one year old baby who overdosed on heroin and fent. Go fuck yourself, Stevie.
You are clearly not an attorney. Drug trafficking almost always results in a great deal (28+ grams equals a life sentence, that's a joke)…and Plunkett is now a convicted felon after never having been arrested her entire life. Not a sweetheart deal by any means.
Clearly I am an attorney, Steve, and I am glad I am smart enough to know what an asshole you are.
You were obviously refreshing this all day…LOL. Do you really think Steve Wolfson posts on here? Pathetic. Get a life.
Lol, 4:16. You get a life.
Good comeback LOL.
Same comeback as yours, 443. Keep proving my point.
I agree with 9:54, and I am an attorney.
I thought it was ballsy for Ozzy Fumo to call for an investigation into this case when I spent the past legislative session watching him trying to absolve defendants from any liability for their actions. Wolfson's deferral of any comments on the case until after the plea goes down makes me wonder if there was an evidentiary problem with this case.
Guess the NV Current and lawmakers are idiots too for criticizing for Wolfson?
It just seems like the Nevada Current was reporting the facts, not commenting on it. Did I miss a post?
Don Campbell is going to get a great verdict.
and spend a few years of appeals collecting the judgment.
… while the interest accumulates. And he will collect, eventually. Some of these water parks are very shady though in terms of ownership and control, rides designed and built in China or somewhere, etc. It will be a challenge.
The Nevada Supreme Court reversed the $15 million verdict in the "Harvey's law" case.
Comes with a concurrence AND a dissent!
Keeps showing as "document unavailable" when I try to view.
Is there something special about this decision that makes it unsuitable for viewing?
Jesus, do any state websites work right now?
2:15 here, uploaded the decision (pdf)
Of course Justice Pickering would like the opportunity to obliterate the heightened duty altogether.
What a disgrace.
Pickering is a disgrace.
Thank you to third party media following our appeal. Appellate court judges being held accountable.
Pickering = The "Right" justice for Nevada. (I wish I was kidding but this was her actual campaign slogan.)
Hardesty needs to leave.
Parraguire & Gibbons are already absent.
Pickering has no empathy.
Silver, Stiglich and Cadish are doing a great job.
This is an incredible injustice. The Court should not re-write established precedent because it's inconvenient. The legislature and Gov. Jumbo write the laws.
Hardesty needs to not only leave but be subjected to the Hell through which he has put other people.
Parraguire and Gibbons– Completely agree
Silver has no clue what she is doing up there but is really enjoying part of the Student Council.
Stiglich is just a Hardesty toady. Lots of potential and a complete disappointment on the Court. Really awful.
Cadish honestly is doing a fine job 6 months in and fits nicely with Pickering as actual intellectual weight on the Court.
I will agree on the last part on Pickering be the smart one. Not impressed with Cadidh.
Pickering has a brilliant mind; I just disagree with her across the board on policy. I don't see how Stiglich is a "Hardesty toady" particularly given her strong dissent in yesterday's decision. I've always liked Gibbons personally, and I was disappointed to see him on the wrong side of this decision. The sooner Hardesty is gone, the better. He wants to run everything like Gunderson did, except now there's a lot more to run, which makes him doubly dangerous.
The only one I am impressed with is Gibbons. Not impressed with Pickering or Silver.
Stating it this way to make a point: All a board, it is the Nevada Supreme Court fucking a retard who died choking on a sandwich.
Cadish, damn spell check.