- Quickdraw McLaw
On Sunday’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, he took a serious look at elected judges–an oft discussed topic in these parts. Here’s the video. Did he tell you anything you didn’t know or hadn’t thought about? Is there any way this will ever change here?
I like Roy Moore. I like electing judges. Why? Because it inconveniences the elites. Power to the people. In New York judges are appointed based on merit (and race, sex, sexual preference, political pull). I would take our Eighth Judicial District Court over any court in New York. Hacks. All hacks.
Btw, I call my penis the gavel, too!
We need a Paul Newby here!!!!
Hahahahahahaaaaa! John Oliver this is hilarious! I bet they will show this video to new judges in Reno at the judicial college. Well done!
"Campaign fund raising made me feel like a hooker at the bus station." Poor judgy.
"Everything but kisses. I have to save something for my future husband."
Oh damn, I was flipping through the channels and landed on Oliver on Sunday night. I wanted to post it to this blog, but I've been buried in work the past two days. Glad it made it on here….it's brilliant!
Can someone teach the elected Judge Saragosa how to properly run her courtroom?
She took the bench 20 minutes late and didn't call cases with retained counsel until almost 2 hours from when they were set. She is either clueless or a complete d*ck. Sadly, I think it's the latter.
It was only 1 hour late for retained counsel…
You could not possibly be suggesting that someone was lying on the internet? Have an up-vote.
If you have more than one case on in the morning Saragosa is a godsend. She allows you to cover everything else and she's still on the bench. She has my vote every time she runs
Right, and if you have to be somewhere else an hour after your 8:30 case was set (Henderson, North Las Vegas), you're stuck. Every other Justice of the Peace in Las Vegas has figured out a way to accommodate the private attorneys.
It's only helpful when the judge allows you to get your case called during the hour after your case was set, not when they make you wait a full hour and then call out-of-custody PD cases before private counsel cases.
Get some friends buddy, they do things like "cover" so you can get on with your calendar…
Heard anything about possible District Attorney reality show filming today? It will top the Constable's attempt but that is not hard to beat.
Filming for a District Attorney's reality show was in Herndon's courtroom today.
That seems ill-advised.
So was it the first and only time DA Wolfson actually appeared in court on a real case? Wow.
Wolfson sucks. He was a shitty private practice attorney, and he is an even shittier DA.
Why is Nowsch the only one in jail?
Wilson has his "peeps" to handle all court appearances, but he stops in on camera "to supervise." Wife Judge Jackie must be green with envy, wonder whose show will air with more episodes before cancellation?
Quick question totally off topic. Does anyone know how Bonnie Bulla got and keeps her position? Her position does not seem to be an elected one, and I have never seen a posting for the Discovery Commissioner job. Is she merely a hired employee who has quasi-judicial powers? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.
I'm not positive, but I think that she and Chris Beecroft are pretty much at-will employees who serve at the pleasure of the district judges, or maybe the Chief Judge. I know they are not elected and I don't think they serve specific terms.
The linked order cites NRCP 16.3
The official County HR title is "Court Hearing Master"