The Scarcity Principle

  • Law

  • Boulder City’s council fired both its city manager and city attorney. [BCR]
  • 10 people are facing felony charges for unemployment fraud. [KTNV]
  • So many judicial races, except when there aren’t. [Nevada Current]
  • A hearing on proposed amendments to the rules on foreclosure mediation is set for November 5. [nvcourts]
  • The managing partner of Fennemore Craig says 2020 will be the hardest compensation year since the Great Recession. [Above the Law]
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October 16, 2020 5:16 pm

I don't know anything about the Boulder City Attorney. But calling your employer a 'circus' before it votes on whether to fire you is a bold strategy.

October 16, 2020 6:30 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Small town politics suck. He knew what was coming so why not call it out? People who take these jobs are walking around with a target on their back.

October 17, 2020 9:19 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Small town politics. If I had a choice between being Sisolak's butler or living in Boulder City, I'd pick Steve. If they bring back nuclear testing, my modest proposal is hold the first test there. Others can decide if they should alert the residents first or just let things sort themselves out.

October 19, 2020 5:23 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Mr. Morris is aware of the incestuous nature of politics in Boulder City and his role in that travesty. The only circus is the one that he operated.

October 16, 2020 8:29 pm

Boulder is the town spending all that time and money on that really stupid, asinine matter where they used a decoy to sucker motorists to drift a little bit into the crosswalk when they stopped for a light, or some such idiocy.

Some motorist then got arrested and convicted.And the conviction got appealed and remanded, and the Boulder prosecutors re-filed charges, kept fighting, kept spending precious funds they don't have.

But what else would you expect form Boulder–a town that largely bankrupted itself with the miserable, preposterous golf course planning and all those ludicrous expenses and hideous contracts associated with it. A city where the Chief Of Police, and even the Head of Animal Control…well, enough said.

October 16, 2020 8:48 pm

Disturbed by the big tech censorship of the Hunter Biden story and Q. Not even a conservative, but this seems a little too big brother.

October 16, 2020 8:57 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

A private company declining to permit the sharing of Russian agitprop is not censorship.

October 16, 2020 9:44 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

I'm disturbed at the uneducated masses saying that a private company refusing to house disinformation is somehow censorship.

This is a sad indictment of our society. Or at best it's a reflection of the fact that Russian, Chinese, and Romanian trolls have zero barriers when they want to stir shit up and pose as American citizens online.

October 16, 2020 9:47 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Explain to me how a picture of Hunter Biden with a crackpipe is "disinformation"

October 16, 2020 10:07 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

"I am going to stand on your lawn and yell disturbing shit you don't like, and if you try to do anything about my actions on your private property, I will call you 'big brother.'"

October 16, 2020 10:10 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

3:07 that argument is ridiculous. The power of social media giants to shape narratives and control the spread of information is something unprecedented in human history.

October 16, 2020 10:14 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Repeal Section 230!

October 16, 2020 10:23 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

I also do not have an issue with a private company filtering the narrative it allows its systems to be used to broadcast. However, if they're going to remain exempt from liability for things their users say, then they should not be allowed to filter content based on political beliefs. Either you're a public site that doesn't participate in conversations between your users and the public, or you're a participant in the conversation and should be held liable for its content if libelous. (and, btw, I'm an EFF member so that's saying a lot.)

October 16, 2020 10:55 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

There's no need to debate such matters, as people's views are seldom determined by objective, fair-minded analysis, or any respect or consideration for the other person's viewpoint. And even so-called scientific issues are not actually debated based on a true review and analysis of scientific data, but instead only by mindlessly parroting the talking points currently in vogue with the party one belongs to.

So, here's sort of a handy score-card checklist on a few such issues, so that rather than actually attempting a deeper dive on an issue, one need merely refer to the checklist and repeat whatever is listed as the positon of the party they are registered with:

1. Pandemic.

Democrat–A legitimate health crisis. Destined to be worse than the bubonic plague.

Republican-At worst covid is a pesky annoyance, and at best typical Democrat over-reaction. And, to the extent it does have any legitimacy, it is another Chinese plot to destroy us.

2. Affordable Care Act.

Democrat–A necessary and altruistic use of federal government authority and funds to provide coverage to millions who cannot otherwise afford it.

Republican–A socialist, or even communist, piece of litigation that is also highly unconstitutional as it forces people to purchase something they neither want nor need.

3. Hunter Biden's Job.

Democrat-Nothing to see here. Move on.

Republican-Rank corruption of the most obvious form. Also, he would be paid millions for a job he is totally unqualified for.

4. Confirmation Hearing.

Democrat: It's Un-American not to wait until we see if a new president will be elected.

Republican: It's Un-American to wait and delay it.

5. The Protests:

Democrats: All police departments suffer from systemic racism.

Republicans: Almost no officer ever racially profiles, but instead objectively analyses all factors–except, of course, race, which never enters into it.

6. Climate Change.

Democrats: A very real and immediate environmental crisis. We all melt within 20 years.

Republicans: A total hoax. I stayed in Buffalo, N.Y. last Christmas, and let me tell you–we will never have to worry about the weather getting too warm. I always had to wear a parka, wool hat, and snow boots.

October 16, 2020 11:03 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

3:55-you forgot some of the most obvious ones, such as Mail In Ballots.

The democrats insist it is the safest, most efficient, almost flawless method of voting, with very few reliable instances of anything improper.

The republicans insist that droves of Democrats, all dressed as native Americans, are dumping boxes of early voting ballots into the harbors, seas and rivers–with all such ballots marked in favor of republican candidates.

Like all the issues you mention and others, neither extreme is true and the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

That being understood, the difficulty is that most of these issues don't fall right in the middle of the two extremes, but usually tend to lean stronger to one side than the other.

So the real challenge is determining where in the middle an issue lays, and which side it tilts more in favor of.

October 16, 2020 11:06 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Most of you miss the issue. Large Tech Co that control most of the internet "social media" can, and do, have a real influence on the information disseminated to the public. A finger on what can be said, or not said, has a chilling effect on free speech. i believe this is a developing area for litigation and draws a parallel to Marsh v Alabama 326 US 508 (1946).

Many people in the United States live in company-owned
towns. These people, just as residents of municipalities, are
free citizens of their State and country …. There is no more
reason for depriving these people of the liberties guaranteed
by the First and Fourteenth Amendments than there is for
curtailing these freedoms with respect to any other citizen.

October 16, 2020 11:23 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Trump 2020

October 16, 2020 11:27 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

I like 3:55! Thank you.

October 17, 2020 5:12 am
Reply to  Anonymous

4:23 PM: Trump's American: Chaos, Violence and Fear. Trump: Liar, Cheater, Groper, Draft Dodger, Failure, Casino Bankrupting (who does that), Classless, and a Con Man that actually might end up as a con. Save the GOP Dump Trump.

October 16, 2020 11:14 pm

3:55, You DO NOT have a future career as a comic writer or political satirist, so keep your day job. Otherwise, to reference one issue you mentioned, you will be at the mercy of waiting on the government for the next pandemic relief package to be passed.

But now that I have dashed your dreams, I get the point you are making.

I also grudgingly admit that the last one you discuss, global warming, is not too bad as people actually say things like that. I have even heard ultra-conservative political anchors and commentators say things like that. There will be a story of a storm, with film of mountains of snow blocking streets, etc. The commentator then says something like "So much for that global warming stuff." The first few times someone said that, I am willing to accept it as a joke or a flippant remark, but it has persisted-often many times from the same commentator.

The extent of Global Warming/Climate Change can certainly be reasonably debated, and perhaps is not the open and shut case many democrats insist it is(or, at least, is not at the crisis level they insist it is). But the debate should not be idiotic, such as anecdotal examples of places that are still quite cold. That makes zero sense.

October 16, 2020 11:27 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Global warming is a hoax created by the Dems to impose socialism on the American people.

October 16, 2020 11:35 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

If this were Tinder, I'd be swiping right for 3:55 and 4:27!!! Trump 2020! Save America.

But, if Hunter needs a party buddy, lmk. He is living the low life dream, with lots of money for nothing, women, knocked up strippers, tons of drugs. An inspiration!

October 17, 2020 5:19 am
Reply to  Anonymous

4:27 PM: Really. Do you believe that there was an ice age? Do you believe that after the ice age the planet go warmer? I think it pretty much an accepted scientific fact that the Earth goes through cooling and heating cycles. The only issues are to what extent humans are contributing to global warming, and is the warming a concern with regard to the viability of the planet. Stick 10 people in a conference room. Do you think it will get warmer? Add another 10 people and turn on the television and everyone's lap tops. Think it will get warmer? Do you really want to be wrong on the issue of whether warming, irrespective of a cause, is of concern to the viability of life on the planet?

October 17, 2020 5:24 am
Reply to  Anonymous

10:19 back in the saddle. Re 4:35: "living the low life dream" I like it, and Hunter sure seems to like it as well. Biden seems like a decent man. Beau seemed like a good man as well. Joe rolled the genetic dice one too many times with Hunter.

October 17, 2020 9:15 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Biden is hardly different than the Clintons and Obamas who monetized political influence. Trump is the first occupant in the WH for a long time who is losing money in the process, and they portray him as corrupt. The gall of these cretins.

Sticking to the law, the perversion and weaponization of the justice system to persecute POTUS and his supporters will further undermine the uniquely American system. The rest of the world already uses their "justice" systems to suppress dissent. That it is becoming accepted here is a harbinger of dark, dark times.

October 19, 2020 2:45 am

#blacklivesmatter vote for Susan Bush for Nevada Court of Appeals