- Quickdraw McLaw
- Nancy Brune, a senior fellow at the Boyd School of Law, writes about housing insecurity: a slow burn crisis we must continue to manage. [TNI]
- Despite the end of the eviction moratorium, it was business as usual at the courthouse. [KTNV]
- Former state water official files $5 million federal civil rights suit against Metro and the Clark County DA’s office. [This Is Reno]
- MGM is donating 2 acres of land for an October 1 memorial. [News3LV]
- The mother who killed her son and left him naked in the desert took her cues from crime shows. [8NewsNow]
- There is a CCBA summer mixer and after bar exam chill event this Thursday. [CCBA]
That DiGiacamo story is nuts! If even half of that is true (and I went and read the Nevada Supreme Court opinion)– JESUS what are we doing on the prosecution side?
Nothing the Feds haven't been doing for decades.
The Feds are way WAAAAAAAY worse. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Good! I'd love to see more prosecutors held accountable for their abuses. They intentionally overcharge so they will have the power in bargaining a plea deal. They destroy lives and their only concern is their conviction rate.
Please explain.
This notion of "held accountable." You mean the county paying a Judgment on their behalf? That is not accountable. You mean there is one story in the R/J about the civil case against DiGiacamo instead of the 26 about Coache as the case played out? You mean a process server comes to his office as opposed to a SWAT team ransacking DiGiacamo's house? Is that what we define as accountable? This is a step in the right direction but lets not pretend anyone is going to jail like Coache did.
I am in need of a referral for an attorney that can assist my client setting up a probate case where the assets are approximately $85k. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
For $85k? If it's the spouse, they just claim it using a small estate affidavit. If not, use the set aside process. One petition, one hearing, and it's over. The Civil Law Self Help Center can walk you or your client through it. Just make sure you notify Medicaid of the petition and hearing at the new address.
If there's a damn good reason to do a summary administration for that amount (and admittedly, sometimes there are), you're going to need to prepare your client for the cost expectation.
Mike Cahill. Piece of cake.
Law Office of Michael R. Cahill, P.C.
7371 Prairie Falcon Rd., Suite 120, Las Vegas, NV 89128
Phone : (702) 382-8202
And now this… a group of Boyd law students (apparently from a group called the "National Lawyers Guild" – which, somewhat ironically, includes "maintain[ing] and protect[ing] our civil rights and liberties in the face of persistent attacks upon them" as one of their main purposes on their website) have written a letter demanding mandatory vaccines for any Boyd student wishing to participate in on-campus classes or activities this fall. Their letter to school administration also demands the installation of plexiglass dividers in the the classroom to "prevent the spread of COVID-19". Wow. Just wow. My takeaway and note to self: never hire a Boyd grad associated with the NLG.
My bigger complaint is they use the term 'USians' to refer to Americans
Love that someone referred to them as "Mini Maos".
Biden is set to announce a plan to extend the eviction moratorium today. Guess I can hold onto my $10 for a little while longer. Earn some interest.
After all, what's another government official dramatically exceeding his authority? Just another day in the USA………
Awww man, I'm gonna have to owe YOU the $10 now!
Little good that will do when all the landlords have already probably started the process. But either way, it ill be immediately enjoined with no stay of the injunction. TRO/Preliminary hearing motions are probably being written as we speak. And they will clearly win, especially after admitting publicly they don't have legal authority. Just all smoke and politics because progressives are killing them righ tnow.
They won't obtain an injection if an Obama-appointed judge is drawn. What should happen is different than what will happen. I'm considering betting another $10 on this.
Biden will then say the Supreme Court stopped this, not me, and will campaign on the supreme court to get progressives fired up. Actually some smart politics: get progressives focused on the supreme court instead. I wouldn't do that personally, but I recognize the good play.
An obama judge will not ignore a clear SCOTUS opinion. Disagree. Doesn't matter whom they draw. No matter whom they draw, though, dems will campaign against the supreme court when they affirm the injunction.
Do you think the Dems would have better messaging if the US Supreme Court overrules the Obama appointed judge? That scenario hands them the "big bad conservative Supreme Court" doesn't care about America argument.
Sure, but that's a premise that will not happen. The SCOTUS opinion is clear as day, does not get any clearer. Any judge is going to follow it.
Prediction: White House to announce Lockdowns in the next two weeks.
Its JUST a Prediction, don't rip my head off.
I thought it might be a possibility, but i also saw data that once Delta peaks, it drops off pretty quickly in other countries. so maybe not an issue here that will cause more drastic actions?
My friend's friend's neighbor's cousin is high up in the CIA so I can confirm this.
Although I have not yet had Judge Ballou hear any substantive motions in my cases, I do like how she runs her courtroom and she appears to follow the law. Not bad for a Democratic Socialist of America member.
I want to do the same thing about a judge who I had very low expectations which is Veronica Barisich in Department 5. I expected two trains/one track. She is prepared. She is concise. She is reasonable. I am incredibly impressed.
No I will not echo the above opinion for Department 24 and especially have nothing nice to say about Department 8. Department 8 is bad enough that I have heard people discussing JDC Complaints and fitness for office.
7:28 come on. Peterson is at least average. You “heard” people… you mean you heard you and your friends whining.
Judge Peterson may be the hardest working judge on the bench right now.
I am 7:28. No I was contacted by two other counsel in 2 different hearings that I was not associated with but who thought my case was a travesty of bad judicial temperament and reasoning and who wanted to share their stories on the same hearing date. I am not filing a JDC Complaint because I think they are a waste of time that go nowhere and only expose you to the judge's ire. With that said, no there is no secret that there are firms that have found her lack of temperament and decisions very problematic.
@7:40- At first I agreed with you because her decisions seemed thorough in her first few months on the bench. However her decisions (some in my favor) have been thoroughly wrong and are costing people money because the decisions are such head scratchers. She routinely will make findings that she has evaluated the evidence and which claims she finds credible and will grant summary judgment or motions to dismiss based upon credibility. No she is not the hardest working judge. She is a judge who shoots from the hip out of hubris and defies legal authority in front of her.
JDC may seem like a waste of time, but they will occasionally get around to taking action. The main issue I have with the JDC is that they do nothing to fix the situation for the people who were wronged by the judges. So what if the judge got reprimanded? What about the client he f-ed in the case? Appeal isn't always an option for low income clients.
8:48-You mention her demeanor and her reasoning, as two main factors that you believe can provide worthy fodder for the commission.
As to her temperament, if it were truly horrendous for a long period of time, it still would not attract the attention and action of the commission, unless it went so far as her placing parties and attorneys in jail without proper cause.
Improper use of contempt powers is a main focus of the commission the last few years.
As to your second proposed line of attack, that being her "reasoning", you can forget about it. You are well aware a judge cannot be sanctioned for arguable faulty reasoning wherein they seem to make the wrong call under the law.
That's what courts of review are meant to address, not ethical panels.
Now, you of course already knew that but are simply venting because you don't like her.
I'm not taking up for her, don't even know her, and have not appeared in front of her. But I'm requesting a little intellectual honesty. You know damn well she can't be sanctioned for being moody and/or making what you believe is the wrong call in a given case.
9:40–valid points but you know the answer.
The commission can sanction judges when appropriate, but has no apparent funds for reimbursing wronged parties. They have a very small budget.
The State Bar, on the other hand, does have a vicitm compensation fund which can be of help in given cases.
Why does the Bar sometimes compensate victims but a judicial discipline commission will not?
Aside from the budgetary concerns, is a question of logistics. If a judge, for example, commits an ethical infraction, it is often difficult to draw a clear nexus between that conduct and some specifically measurable financial harm to a party or attorney.
But with attorney discipline, it is often much less difficult to attempt to measure it.
Obviously a major source of attorney discipline is miss-appropriation of funds. If the case settles for $180,000., and the client is entitled to two-thirds of it(minus certain costs) and the attorney is entitled to one third(plus certain costs) it may not be too difficult to start calculating the financial harm to the client, when the attorney pockets the entire settlement
When people allow out of state attorneys to associate with them, they may want to keep tabs on them. Just venting because I had to waste my time on ridiculous filings any Nevada attorney would have told their out of state buddy had no basis here.
Talk to Craig Mueller about fronting for an out of state lawyer who never actually associated in. Mueller dinged for over $90k in costs and fees for filing frivolous Cliven Bundy action. Neither the District Court nor the Nevada Supreme Court are sympathetic.
Interesting legal gossip
Nathan Costello suing the Estate of Scott Canepa claiming that Nate hooked Canepa up with a bunch of car wash investments. Nate gets diagnosed with Parkinsons. Nate alleges Canepa stole the idea of the car washes and pushed Nate out of the deal but still promised that he would send Nate money. However Scott dies and nothing gets paid to Nate. Nate always kind of seemed an outlier in the Vannah Costello set up but this does seems a little unfair.
Case A-21-832457-B
Must get rid of all televisions…led to death of a child. That's the new normal right? Blame the instrument not the instrument holder?