Someone asked for more coverage about local trials. On Wednesday, a jury returned a defense verdict in a product liability case where a paralyzed plaintiff was seeking $44 million in damages from the manufacturer of a truck bed cover. The successful defense team appears to have been led by Milwaukee based lawyers J. Ric Glass and Brian Cahill who associated with local counsel at Hall Jaffe & Clayton. Representing the plaintiff were Bryan Lewis, as well as a team from Hutchison Steffen. [Courtroom View Network]
Surprise! A Metro cop charged with assaulting a prostitute may endanger a federal gun case in which he was to be a witness. [RJ]
Looks like Stephen Stubbs is facing some felony charges in Las Vegas Justice Court case number 15F00176X. [LVJC Case Lookup]
A new attendance policy in the Clark County School District could affect students’ driving privileges. [RJ]
MLS decided Las Vegas is not getting a soccer team in 2017 or 2018. [8NewsNow]
Meanwhile, for those of you interested in establishing international sports here, Las Vegas does have the USA Sevens Rugby this weekend.
Haters gonna hate, but I will say that the short article by CVN sure did make it look like plaintiff should have won. This is what happens when insurance defense/corporate lawyers take on a PI case. Eglet probably would have gotten $50 million+. In fact, they probably would have settled as soon as the jury was seated. Poor plaintiff.
February 13, 2015 5:44 pm
It looks like Todd Moody was lead partner for H&S which seems weird to me because I thought he was primarily an adoption/family law attorney
^ or just a bad case. Can't be malpractice if the underlying case sucked!
February 13, 2015 7:17 pm
If the NV Bar doesn't pull Stubbs' license to practice law in this state…I'll be so disappointed. This creep has had battery charges filed (more than once)..fake bankruptcy, obstruction (all in the name of the Constitution OF COURSE)..what a joke this guy is. I can't believe anyone would hire an attorney with such a shady past. Oh and PRESENT! Ha!
"CREEP" is the perfect description of STUBBS. I was in the RJC the other day and he was walking around with his entourage of motorcycle clients in their tough guy attire. Does Stubbs really believe this makes him look like he is something special? He looks like a dumb-a$$.
I remember him when he was a visiting student at Boyd. Seemed pompous, but otherwise like any other Mo I've come across. Crazy to see where he ended up.
FYI- The Anonymous that continually bashes on Stephen Stubbs is a convicted felony named James Kimsey. He and Stubbs worked together to help a 5 year old some years back (Stubbs knows nothing about Family Law) and then he and Kimsey worked together defending the bikers. They had a falling out and now Kimsey (in stalking fashion) continuous bashes him.
For those that want to see Kimsey's record, google "James Kimsey fraud" and look at the foot notes of the one Federal case that the 9th Circuit overturned for Kimsey. Kimsey has been convicted (which convictions were not overturned) for unauthorized practice of law, forgery, perjury, conspiracy to commit perjury, and offering a false instrument for filing.
Kimsey even sent the judge in the Bandido case an anonymous fax accusing Stubbs of all kinds of crazy stuff. The dumb-ass faxed it from Kinkos (which has cameras and stamps their location on all faxes) and Kinkos handed over the videos to the defense attorneys in the case. Kimset then (from the same Kinkos) faxes more crazy allegations to law enforcement.
I wonder what people would be saying if they weren't "anonymous". Stubbs is a good guy. He is eccentric and odd, but his heart is in the right place.
February 13, 2015 7:31 pm
Come on, this is bar counsel and the disciplinary panel, you can get away with murder, and they won't do anything.
Stubbs is the BIGGEST crybaby in town. He files more police reports and bar complaints than you can count. Stubbs admitted to the media he did what he was charged with and no doubt will be held accountable. If I were him I'd be worried what my 1%er clients are thinking………Stubbs no likely will be giving up the goods on on of them to try and save his hide. Does anyone know what's happening with the case where he assaulted the women on tape in Coburn's office?
February 13, 2015 7:32 pm
Who is on the So. Nevada Disciplinary panel with the Bar?
February 13, 2015 7:40 pm
So, there is a push for all states to adopt the UBE. Lame. If you think that Boyd caused this market to flood, what do you think would happen if Nevada was a UBE state?
1:31: How do you figure? I have passed both the NV bar exam and a UBE state's bar exam. NV was significantly harder. Three days instead of two. Hour essays versus 1/2 hour essays. Same MBE of course. If NV ever did switch to the UBE, I would bet that Boyd's pass rate would go up. No more bizarre NV specific essays. Look at the NV pass rate overall for July 2014 – 57%. Cannot get much lower.
Hey Felon Stubbs – when you get to prison, they might be pulling down those magic underwear. If there's any justice, the bar will be pulling your license first. I feel very comfortable calling you a felon because you have actually been charged with felonies unlike others you have named. Karma is a bitch isn't it?
So, I'm late to the party here, but what's going on with Half Price Lawyers? Did they go out of business? That sucks for Glenn if they did. I don't know what he paid, but it's probably close to what Harris paid ($4 Million?) for Ticket Busters.
I'm pretty sure Truitt didn't buy Half Price Lawyers. He has a licensing agreement with Stokes for the right to use the name, logos, etc. Word has it Truitt's firm will be done within the next couple months. But I'm guessing Stokes will be looking for some other sucker to license the name to and we'll have to deal with more crappy ads.
February 14, 2015 1:37 am
I happen to have all the old Boyd mailing list emails archived, found some real gems from Stubbs – and a bunch of emails between classmates gossiping about the time he hit a classmate. Anyone else remember that incident?
Oh, I remembering hearing something about that. DR is a douche, so I can see why he hit him. LOL
Didn't DR send an e-mail to the list serve complaining about the finals schedule?
February 14, 2015 2:33 am
PLEASE entertain us with a few. Stubbs has gone out of his way to target well respected and hard working professionals and deserves everything he gets. What he did in Boulder City to the former Chief of Police is beyond disgusting. The Chief was above reproach and Stubbs when the Chief wouldn't kiss his ass went after him with a vengeance. Stubbs did the same thing to former councilwoman and attorney Linda Strickland. I have no doubt that this is just the beginning of Stubbs demise. Have you seen the video of Stubbs assaulting women in attorney Mark Coburn's office? It shows exactly who Stubbs really is……. a major POS.
Here's an interesting one, I copied and pasted the e-mail thread but removed the email addresses, start at the bottom and then read his reply. Everything else is as it was back in '07, complete with the all caps from Mr. Stubbs:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Stephen Stubbs [redacted]
Date: Nov 10, 2007 6:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Info] library cut backs
To: [redacted]
Unlike the previous post, I do hope that this email comes across as
harsh- You are a spoiled BRAT. I have a father and a brother that
serve in the military- YOU DISCRACE THEIR SACRIFICE.
it is appropriate to set apart ONE day a year to honor that sacrifice.
On Nov 9, 2007 3:49 PM, [redacted] wrote:
> It is thoroughly ridicules that the Law library is closing 4 hours early on
> two separate day for both Nevada day and Veterans day. It is one of the most
> crucial times of the semester and merely weeks from thanksgiving. One day
> certainly but two seems excessive. No disrespect to our veterans or our great
> State but it seems difficult to justify this interruption in my opinion.
> _______________________________________________
> Info mailing list
> [redacted]
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Stephen Stubbs [redacted]
Date: Sat, Jun 24, 2006 at 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Info] Stop rendition torture: ACLU memo
To: [redacted]
I would like to state very clearly that President Bush is my hero. He is one of the most noble men to ever walk this planet and his presidency has been brilliant (but not as brilliant as my absolute hero – Ronald Reagan). I am proud to say that Mr. Bush is my President and leader.
On the other hand, the ACLU is the most dispicable organization to ever be placed on the earth. To even place the ACLU in the same sentence as Mr. Bush is a grave insult to all Americans. Do not pretend that the ACLU has even a touch of nobility and don't dare place it as high as Mr. Bush on any level of integrity. Viva la Bush!!!
Why didn't you enlist tough guy? Why didn't you defend the Constitution you hide behind?
You purposely attacked Councilwoman Linda Strickland who has two sons that are Officers in the Navy.Both of the Strickland's sons are Naval Fighter Pilots flying combat missions off aircraft carriers in the middle east and Chief Finn who served in the Navy working on the flight decks of several aircraft carriers. You are a pathetic, vile and narcissistic human being. You want to get paid to hide behind the Constitution instead of serving our country in defense of it. Typical coward who would rather sue than serve.
Stubbs is a little Mormon boy hiding behind his wife and his biker friends who will soon turn on him. Doubtful that any of them will use grease before insertion.
February 14, 2015 7:48 am
Dude, Stubbs IS a tool, but you guys have waaay too much hate for this dude. He'll fail on his own, don't turn the board into Trollfest 2015.
In some respect I agree with you. What most of you do not understand is the tens of thousands of dollars Stubbs costs the taxpayers in the bogus lawsuits he files. He deserves this "egg on his face" and his credibility now in any case will be called in to question. He was called out for lying in a Federal case by the Judge, he lies constantly in cases he is involved in and in this matter he did exactly what he is charged with. Too bad for him that his client put him under the bus and ratted him out. He deserves everything and more based on his own bad acts.
February 14, 2015 3:39 pm
5:37 here, didn't mean for it to be trolling, just found it interesting, sorry!
Give Stubbs enough rope and he will hang himself. Oh never mind … he already is!!
February 15, 2015 4:54 am
Bashing Stubbs isn't trolling. It's stress relief for the fine ethically grounded lawyers of Las Vegas.
February 15, 2015 2:30 pm
You guys have not been on family Court lately I thought everyone acted like Stubbs there including the folks on the bench. YOU MEAN A LAWYER LIED, Hahaha ha
February 15, 2015 3:43 pm
This is how PATHETIC Stubbs is…….his narcissism is out of control. Today on his FB. Unfortunately I get these sent to me.
Stephen Stubbs
52 mins ·
I saw this floating around Facebook. I wrote this in November and it is still making the rounds in the World Wide Web.
Philip Heneghan
Dear Cops,
I do not hate you, although I am accused of hating you practically every day. The truth i…
See More
Stephen Stubbs
19 mins ·
Anyone remember this?
Mongols' spokesman nabbed for jaywalking in Boulder City
With more than 100 police officers patrolling the streets of Boulder City in anticipation of the Mongols Motorcycle Club’s gathering this weekend, chances were great for some sort of incident.
The people on this Stubb's facebook are a bunch of little followers that he has hand picked because they will post adoring messages much of the time. No one challenges his stupidity, the fact that he looks like a dork or is the laughing stock of the of the legal world in Las Vegas. Yes, he adores attention.
It's hard to imagine that he would not be someone's toy in prison, as the bowtie and goofy pasty-white Mormon boy look paints him a sure victim of a bulbous pipe. Repeatedly. The nice men behind bars would fight for a chance to "befriend" our favorite little turd. I don't think his biker friends would be willing to protect him or pay for the prosthetic ass that may be required soon.
February 16, 2015 8:43 pm
His story was something like he saw Mongol being illegally pulled over and questioned so he ran across the street to the rescue inadvertently jaywalking or fabricated by citing officer. Don't know about it being staged but sounds likely.
Normally I would think that he wouldn't get prison time for the alleged crime (while he admitted that he notarized the GPA, he did say that the client authorized him to do it), but he has stepped on so many toes that he could get the max. In that case, I hope he has some friends with his biker clients so that he doesn't end up someone's girlfriend in the joint.
February 17, 2015 6:46 pm
(Don't feed the Anti-Stubbs Troll. Please.)
February 17, 2015 7:25 pm
From Stubbie's FB:
Anyone selling their 1st Generation Playstation 3? It must be backwards comparable.
Also, if you have the PS3 Kingdom Hearts game, I need that too.
I think we can all agree on one thing………..Stubbs is a dumb-ass! Whenever he gets called out on his BS he goes on the attack against someone else.
Hey Stubbs aka anonymous……… no matter who you are blaming you are the one who is charged with two felonies and several misdemeanors. Please keep yourself out of the news so we don't have to read about you.
February 19, 2015 1:47 am
For an attorney with more than a few legal issues of his own to worry about, Stubbs sure has a lot of spare time to spend on Facebook posting childish and narcissistic comments. Does he have any paying clients other than bikers who need tickets fixed? He is an embarrassment to the legal profession and hopefully the Nevada Bar will finally put this putz out of his misery.
February 19, 2015 4:32 am
And we all thought Lerner was a tool. At least he's successful and could probably find his ass with both hands.
Ms. Hassanali should have hired Bob Eglet. He'd have asked for $750mil; and he'd have gotten it.
That depends on whether the judge is part of his collection or not.
I thought Hutchinson hates trial lawyers, but not if his firm has a chance at a big verdict. Weird.
That's why they lost.
Haters gonna hate, but I will say that the short article by CVN sure did make it look like plaintiff should have won. This is what happens when insurance defense/corporate lawyers take on a PI case. Eglet probably would have gotten $50 million+. In fact, they probably would have settled as soon as the jury was seated. Poor plaintiff.
It looks like Todd Moody was lead partner for H&S which seems weird to me because I thought he was primarily an adoption/family law attorney
Sounds like malpractice to me.
^ or just a bad case. Can't be malpractice if the underlying case sucked!
If the NV Bar doesn't pull Stubbs' license to practice law in this state…I'll be so disappointed. This creep has had battery charges filed (more than once)..fake bankruptcy, obstruction (all in the name of the Constitution OF COURSE)..what a joke this guy is. I can't believe anyone would hire an attorney with such a shady past. Oh and PRESENT! Ha!
"CREEP" is the perfect description of STUBBS. I was in the RJC the other day and he was walking around with his entourage of motorcycle clients in their tough guy attire. Does Stubbs really believe this makes him look like he is something special? He looks like a dumb-a$$.
I remember him when he was a visiting student at Boyd. Seemed pompous, but otherwise like any other Mo I've come across. Crazy to see where he ended up.
Time to start calling out people by name at the SB if they don't pull his ticket. And demanding to see their financial statements.
FYI- The Anonymous that continually bashes on Stephen Stubbs is a convicted felony named James Kimsey. He and Stubbs worked together to help a 5 year old some years back (Stubbs knows nothing about Family Law) and then he and Kimsey worked together defending the bikers. They had a falling out and now Kimsey (in stalking fashion) continuous bashes him.
For those that want to see Kimsey's record, google "James Kimsey fraud" and look at the foot notes of the one Federal case that the 9th Circuit overturned for Kimsey. Kimsey has been convicted (which convictions were not overturned) for unauthorized practice of law, forgery, perjury, conspiracy to commit perjury, and offering a false instrument for filing.
Kimsey even sent the judge in the Bandido case an anonymous fax accusing Stubbs of all kinds of crazy stuff. The dumb-ass faxed it from Kinkos (which has cameras and stamps their location on all faxes) and Kinkos handed over the videos to the defense attorneys in the case. Kimset then (from the same Kinkos) faxes more crazy allegations to law enforcement.
I wonder what people would be saying if they weren't "anonymous". Stubbs is a good guy. He is eccentric and odd, but his heart is in the right place.
Come on, this is bar counsel and the disciplinary panel, you can get away with murder, and they won't do anything.
Stubbs is the BIGGEST crybaby in town. He files more police reports and bar complaints than you can count. Stubbs admitted to the media he did what he was charged with and no doubt will be held accountable. If I were him I'd be worried what my 1%er clients are thinking………Stubbs no likely will be giving up the goods on on of them to try and save his hide. Does anyone know what's happening with the case where he assaulted the women on tape in Coburn's office?
Who is on the So. Nevada Disciplinary panel with the Bar?
So, there is a push for all states to adopt the UBE. Lame. If you think that Boyd caused this market to flood, what do you think would happen if Nevada was a UBE state?
Boyd's pass rate would tank.
1:31: How do you figure? I have passed both the NV bar exam and a UBE state's bar exam. NV was significantly harder. Three days instead of two. Hour essays versus 1/2 hour essays. Same MBE of course. If NV ever did switch to the UBE, I would bet that Boyd's pass rate would go up. No more bizarre NV specific essays. Look at the NV pass rate overall for July 2014 – 57%. Cannot get much lower.
Agreed. 1:31 is just a troll.
Hey Felon Stubbs – when you get to prison, they might be pulling down those magic underwear. If there's any justice, the bar will be pulling your license first. I feel very comfortable calling you a felon because you have actually been charged with felonies unlike others you have named. Karma is a bitch isn't it?
Perhaps Stubbs can get his "magic underwear" with a opening flap in the back. HAHAHAHA
"magic underwear"
I would be very disappointed if this person is a member of our profession.
It's a non lawyer who hates Stubbs and posts here occasionally. At least I hope so…
Who are referring too? Sanson? He seems to dislike Stubbs.
Steve Sanson is a bully and a clown.
Shocked that no one on here has commented on our State Treasurer's budget.
It's 4:17pm – domain is listed for sale on Godaddy right now.
So, I'm late to the party here, but what's going on with Half Price Lawyers? Did they go out of business? That sucks for Glenn if they did. I don't know what he paid, but it's probably close to what Harris paid ($4 Million?) for Ticket Busters.
Why is Half-Price still advertising on radio?
I just looked on GoDaddy and it's taken. Their whois record says it doesn't expire until 9/2015. I don't think they lost the domain.
But that said, is available for the taking…
I'm pretty sure Truitt didn't buy Half Price Lawyers. He has a licensing agreement with Stokes for the right to use the name, logos, etc. Word has it Truitt's firm will be done within the next couple months. But I'm guessing Stokes will be looking for some other sucker to license the name to and we'll have to deal with more crappy ads.
I happen to have all the old Boyd mailing list emails archived, found some real gems from Stubbs – and a bunch of emails between classmates gossiping about the time he hit a classmate. Anyone else remember that incident?
Did he hit a girl?
He hit a guy, initials: DR. Involved in bankruptcy cases now.
Oh, I remembering hearing something about that. DR is a douche, so I can see why he hit him. LOL
Didn't DR send an e-mail to the list serve complaining about the finals schedule?
PLEASE entertain us with a few. Stubbs has gone out of his way to target well respected and hard working professionals and deserves everything he gets. What he did in Boulder City to the former Chief of Police is beyond disgusting. The Chief was above reproach and Stubbs when the Chief wouldn't kiss his ass went after him with a vengeance. Stubbs did the same thing to former councilwoman and attorney Linda Strickland. I have no doubt that this is just the beginning of Stubbs demise. Have you seen the video of Stubbs assaulting women in attorney Mark Coburn's office? It shows exactly who Stubbs really is……. a major POS.
Here's an interesting one, I copied and pasted the e-mail thread but removed the email addresses, start at the bottom and then read his reply. Everything else is as it was back in '07, complete with the all caps from Mr. Stubbs:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Stephen Stubbs [redacted]
Date: Nov 10, 2007 6:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Info] library cut backs
To: [redacted]
Unlike the previous post, I do hope that this email comes across as
harsh- You are a spoiled BRAT. I have a father and a brother that
serve in the military- YOU DISCRACE THEIR SACRIFICE.
it is appropriate to set apart ONE day a year to honor that sacrifice.
On Nov 9, 2007 3:49 PM, [redacted] wrote:
> It is thoroughly ridicules that the Law library is closing 4 hours early on
> two separate day for both Nevada day and Veterans day. It is one of the most
> crucial times of the semester and merely weeks from thanksgiving. One day
> certainly but two seems excessive. No disrespect to our veterans or our great
> State but it seems difficult to justify this interruption in my opinion.
> _______________________________________________
> Info mailing list
> [redacted]
And another….
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Stephen Stubbs [redacted]
Date: Sat, Jun 24, 2006 at 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Info] Stop rendition torture: ACLU memo
To: [redacted]
I would like to state very clearly that President Bush is my hero. He is one of the most noble men to ever walk this planet and his presidency has been brilliant (but not as brilliant as my absolute hero – Ronald Reagan). I am proud to say that Mr. Bush is my President and leader.
On the other hand, the ACLU is the most dispicable organization to ever be placed on the earth. To even place the ACLU in the same sentence as Mr. Bush is a grave insult to all Americans. Do not pretend that the ACLU has even a touch of nobility and don't dare place it as high as Mr. Bush on any level of integrity. Viva la Bush!!!
Why didn't you enlist tough guy? Why didn't you defend the Constitution you hide behind?
You purposely attacked Councilwoman Linda Strickland who has two sons that are Officers in the Navy.Both of the Strickland's sons are Naval Fighter Pilots flying combat missions off aircraft carriers in the middle east and Chief Finn who served in the Navy working on the flight decks of several aircraft carriers. You are a pathetic, vile and narcissistic human being. You want to get paid to hide behind the Constitution instead of serving our country in defense of it. Typical coward who would rather sue than serve.
Stubbs is a little Mormon boy hiding behind his wife and his biker friends who will soon turn on him. Doubtful that any of them will use grease before insertion.
Dude, Stubbs IS a tool, but you guys have waaay too much hate for this dude. He'll fail on his own, don't turn the board into Trollfest 2015.
In some respect I agree with you. What most of you do not understand is the tens of thousands of dollars Stubbs costs the taxpayers in the bogus lawsuits he files. He deserves this "egg on his face" and his credibility now in any case will be called in to question. He was called out for lying in a Federal case by the Judge, he lies constantly in cases he is involved in and in this matter he did exactly what he is charged with. Too bad for him that his client put him under the bus and ratted him out. He deserves everything and more based on his own bad acts.
5:37 here, didn't mean for it to be trolling, just found it interesting, sorry!
You aren't trolling.
Give Stubbs enough rope and he will hang himself. Oh never mind … he already is!!
Bashing Stubbs isn't trolling. It's stress relief for the fine ethically grounded lawyers of Las Vegas.
You guys have not been on family Court lately I thought everyone acted like Stubbs there including the folks on the bench. YOU MEAN A LAWYER LIED, Hahaha ha
This is how PATHETIC Stubbs is…….his narcissism is out of control. Today on his FB. Unfortunately I get these sent to me.
Stephen Stubbs
52 mins ·
I saw this floating around Facebook. I wrote this in November and it is still making the rounds in the World Wide Web.
Philip Heneghan
Dear Cops,
I do not hate you, although I am accused of hating you practically every day. The truth i…
See More
Stephen Stubbs
19 mins ·
Anyone remember this?
Mongols' spokesman nabbed for jaywalking in Boulder City
With more than 100 police officers patrolling the streets of Boulder City in anticipation of the Mongols Motorcycle Club’s gathering this weekend, chances were great for some sort of incident.
The people on this Stubb's facebook are a bunch of little followers that he has hand picked because they will post adoring messages much of the time. No one challenges his stupidity, the fact that he looks like a dork or is the laughing stock of the of the legal world in Las Vegas. Yes, he adores attention.
It's hard to imagine that he would not be someone's toy in prison, as the bowtie and goofy pasty-white Mormon boy look paints him a sure victim of a bulbous pipe. Repeatedly. The nice men behind bars would fight for a chance to "befriend" our favorite little turd. I don't think his biker friends would be willing to protect him or pay for the prosthetic ass that may be required soon.
His story was something like he saw Mongol being illegally pulled over and questioned so he ran across the street to the rescue inadvertently jaywalking or fabricated by citing officer. Don't know about it being staged but sounds likely.
This guy is starved for attention.
Normally I would think that he wouldn't get prison time for the alleged crime (while he admitted that he notarized the GPA, he did say that the client authorized him to do it), but he has stepped on so many toes that he could get the max. In that case, I hope he has some friends with his biker clients so that he doesn't end up someone's girlfriend in the joint.
(Don't feed the Anti-Stubbs Troll. Please.)
From Stubbie's FB:
Anyone selling their 1st Generation Playstation 3? It must be backwards comparable.
Also, if you have the PS3 Kingdom Hearts game, I need that too.
There's a reason I'm not Stubb's FB friend – I don't want to have to glean through inane shit like this. Please don't bring it here. Thanks.
Drop dead.
I think we can all agree on one thing………..Stubbs is a dumb-ass! Whenever he gets called out on his BS he goes on the attack against someone else.
Hey Stubbs aka anonymous……… no matter who you are blaming you are the one who is charged with two felonies and several misdemeanors. Please keep yourself out of the news so we don't have to read about you.
For an attorney with more than a few legal issues of his own to worry about, Stubbs sure has a lot of spare time to spend on Facebook posting childish and narcissistic comments. Does he have any paying clients other than bikers who need tickets fixed? He is an embarrassment to the legal profession and hopefully the Nevada Bar will finally put this putz out of his misery.
And we all thought Lerner was a tool. At least he's successful and could probably find his ass with both hands.
Don't be so sure of that. Does anyone have PI hostesses, other than Naqvhi?
Hmmm. I probably should check before commenting.
Here's some help from a top notch lawyer who knows his stuff 🙂
This guy can whoop up on all of you: