- Quickdraw McLaw
Today’s topic comes from a reader who wants your input on dealing with judges and social media: I’m friends on Facebook with a judge and was before the judge became one. I haven’t yet appeared in front of this judge, but in the event that I do, do I need to be concerned about commenting on their Facebook posts or liking photos from their summer vacation? Also, on a similar note, I’m at the point in my career where some of my contemporaries/co-workers/opposing counsel are becoming judges and I have a hard time coping with the fact that someone put them on the bench. Having had to appear in front of one of them, I was disappointed to find they didn’t magically become more judicial. Any tips on how to deal with appearing in front of someone I believe to be incompetent?
If as an attorney you have a real problem "appearing in front of someone [you] believe to be incompetent", then perhaps Clark County, Nevada is not the jurisdiction for you. Here, judicial competence is the exception to the rule.
Wait until these same incompetent people grow ginormous egos. You will be quite sad then and will seriously contemplate a different career. Develop new, diverting interests now!
You seem like you are worried about these two issues, but I would look at it from a different perspective. You are FB friends with a judge in a state that allows sitting judge's to receive campaign donations directly from parties that have cases before them. If it were me, I'd like every post and make sure the checks had my firm's name and my personal information on them.
As for the second concern, remember, knowing is half the battle. If you know the judge and you know they are incompetent, you probably know more than your opponent. Use it to your advantage.
If Judge Miley posted facebook photo of herself on her summer vacation in a bathing suit, I'd "like" it. But it would not make me think she is competent.
This is a horrible post on multiple levels. It is not ok to be so chauvinistic against female lawyers and judges.
Saying somebody is hot but not competent is not chauvinistic. A female could say the same thing about Henderson Municipal Court Judge Stevens. Saying she is not competent because she is a she, would be chauvinistic. You clearly are not hot, so I'm hoping you're competent.
Um, Judge Stevens is not hot. Buy a clue.
@ 11:31 – How would you feel about a photo of Betsy Gonzalez in a thong bikini?
About as much as I would like to see Eglet in a thong.
That is a European, boys's sized Speedo, thank you! Come on, cough up some singles for Eglet, he looks hot in that Speedo. We are hittin up the Cogburn After Party and need some beer moola.
It's chauvinistic because it plays into the idea that women are valuable (or not) primarily based on their physical attractiveness. Also because it's some random internet person making gross comments about a woman's body. Also because it's then attached to a personal insult about a different random internet person (for this last point I am assuming that 11:50 is male and is himself assuming that 11:31 is female).
He who shall not be named but names himself returns…..
Question for my fellow blog readers: What would you do if you know of attorneys whom you believe suffer an alcohol problem? Drink each day. Drink before appearing in court. Drink after leaving court. Walk around smelling like a bar. It's not just a matter of overindulgence every once in a while, it seems like a daily occurrence. I know a few and it's actually quite concerning. But these aren't close friends, merely colleagues. And I'm not sure it affects their ability to adequately represent clients. I've heard whispers from others about these certain colleagues so I know I'm not the only one noticing the issue. So what to do? Mention something or continue to disregard?
Perhaps you could contact lawyers helping lawyers on these attorneys' behalf. They may be able to reach out to the lawyers based on your anonymous tip and offer advice or help.
PLEASE CALL Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers Program
Confidential help from a fellow lawyer is a phone call away
Toll Free: 866-828-0022 or 702-889-9404
Mitch Cobeaga, LCL Coordinator
Or you could just leave them the fuck alone.
If I recall correctly, LCL will handle self-reporting on an anonymous basis. They'll talk with you, counsel with you. Reporting of other attorneys requires that you leave at least a first name.
Can I ask you this, OP. Do these happen to be family law attorneys? If so I think I know them both, and if it matters to you, people have tried to help in various ways (including contacting LCL) and nothing has helped. Even a few judges have tried to intervene without success. If we are talking about the same two attorneys, I wouldn't waste your time.
I know an insurance defense lawyer who is the same way.
11:52 am: ditto. Agreed.
I know a few attorneys who smell like dead animal, should I turn them in?
There are obviously lots of funny comments one might make here, but I'd say my bottom line is that if you are that concerned, say something to them directly. Doesn't have to be a big deal…just tell them it's been mentioned, you've heard rumors, and suggest they consider Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers. I wouldn't put it in writing and I'd try to make it as brief a conversation as possible.
Yeah, attorneys are nuts, I would not say anything directly to them. Say something to the bailiff, and have them run a UA.
Couple of attorneys over at the Lewis and Roca hit the sauce pretty good. Act like it is a frat.
1:12, I think we're talking about the same two attorneys. Not to ruin anonymity but they are good friends, a bit older, both recently divorced? I have a case against one and it's become quite the distraction. Since it sounds like it's been addressed I'll let it go. There's no point in letting it weigh on my conscience any longer.
Stop the presses: attorneys drink and smoke the bong, no way.
LOL at 10:54, she just described half the damn bar.
Why the hell does this topic come up so often? The legal profession is just like any other profession. Some people drink too much. Some people don't drink enough. There's no need to alert the authorities. Just MYOB.
Spoken like a true associate. You are a warrior, buddy.
Thanks 2:06, but I don't think every member of the bar is getting sauced on the regular. Perhaps I'm wrong. I know it isn't common in our area of practice and ours includes members of the bar that are some of the most f'd up of them all.
And fyi, I'm a "he" not a "she"
If you're screwing up a client's case because you're wasted, that becomes the business of every lawyer who ever meets with someone that client told their story to.
It is my business, my name is Lloyd Dobler, and I am the key master.
I know of one judge who drinks on a daily basis at lunch and after work. He's a regular at the courthouse cafe. I've seen the servers put his drinks in cups ( as opposed to wine glasses etc) so as to disguise what he is being served.
Speak on it. Smith, Isreal, who
I discovered fentanyl
Why won't this blog stay dead?
zombie blog. Meant just to annoy "blog is dead" guy. Cuz he annoys me.
What is the status of the Harry Reid's PI case? Who is defense counsel?
Defense counsel Darrell Dennis-Lewis Brisbois … lots of associated counsel for Reid
Darrell Dennis is an excellent defense attorney.
If you find yourself before this judge either remove yourself from representing your client or ask your judge friend to remove themselves from the case so a different judge has no interest in it. This brings back the topic as well from when Judge Ochoa was Facebook friends with a litigant in his courtroom. He was liking photos of her i skimpy short shorts and liking photos of the child who he allowed to reside with mom although she was soliciting sex on webcam with the child in the house. Don't be one of those attorneys that every one cant stand because the judge is playing favorites.
I'm going to call BS. Funny thing about moms who allegedly solicit sex on webcams…the dads usually turn out to be dads who solicit sex on webcams. Get it? That's how they got kid in the first place!! Ha! And really, what's wrong with soliciting sex on webcams? Is that different than soliciting sex on cell phones? Does this scarlet lettered hussy need to lose her kids because she hit up a booty call? Really? And "skimpy shorts"? It's 150 degrees outside approx 5 months a year. I'm sure more than a few female colleagues have pics with them in "skimpy shorts" on facebook. There are probably a lot of male colleagues with shirtless pics on facebook too. What a non-scandal! Go back to your mill Jason.