Jury convicts man of murder in iPad killing case. Now they’re deciding the penalty. [RJ]
In a personal blow to several local members of the bar, the 9th Circuit upheld a federal ban on gun sales to holders of medical marijuana cards finding it doesn’t violate the 2nd Amendment. [Las Vegas Sun]
Judge Cadish grants bail and some unusual requests for trio linked to a killing. [RJ]
The Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection is still accepting applications for the Supreme Court opening. They have also begun accepting applications for Judge Scann’s place on the bench. [nvcourts.gov]
There are more than enough NRA loopholes to obtain a freakin' battery of weapons, why in the heck would a medical card holder even bother buying from a gun shop?
September 1, 2016 5:17 pm
Who has been talking about putting in for these judicial appointments? The usual nuts? The spouses of sitting judges?
September 1, 2016 5:48 pm
Like elections, is there a place where we can publicly see who has applied?
Not sure re/ the State Bar. At the federal level, I think Judge Navarro (now the Chief Judge for the District of Nevada), barred him for life.
I suppose if he's got enough connections and grease he might be able to get back into the State Bar, but not sure how that will help him, as his practice was probably almost all bankruptcy and a small portion of tax work.
Anybody ever have issues with the Henderson court clerks trying to act like attorneys? I do evictions on occasion and this is the second time I've received a call from a filing clerk telling me my client can't do what he's doing, when the NRS clearly says he can. They're essentially defending the tenant when they do this. Any ideas on how to handle this?
When North Las Vegas's clerk did this, we sued her for a Writ of Mandamus to compel her to (1) stamp the document and (2) leave the judging to the Judge. The Civil DA was humiliated and shrugged his shoulders and said this is why giving entry-level employees the power to deny access to courts keeps him paid.
Those practices came to a halt.
Hey, me too! I filed a Writ of Mandamus against them for almost the same thing. Sadly, North Las Vegas is still doing that shit as of this week. They know they have to accept the pleadings, they just choose not to. And they're even worse to pro se people, who don't know rules or have the resources to challenge them.
You are correct. But it got better for about 4 months before they rotated some new toothless ninnies to the window.
September 1, 2016 10:46 pm
My issue was different, but I left message with a Las Vegas Justice Court clerk going on three weeks, and I never received a return call.
September 1, 2016 11:01 pm
Can we just stipulate that justice court clerks should, as part of their hiring orientation, have drilled into their skulls the fact that their duties are purely, 100%, totally and completely ministerial? And that as long as the form is correct, they have zero discretion to refuse to file something? And to that end, if would quit screwing tenants by refusing to permit them to file Answers within the time allowed by statute, that would be just dandy.
September 2, 2016 12:12 am
Kelleen Cota is a dirty scam artist and I wouldn't be surprised if she pulled the trigger herself. Based on her history and what I know about her relationship with her ex-husband, who ran over his wife in a car wash.
There are more than enough NRA loopholes to obtain a freakin' battery of weapons, why in the heck would a medical card holder even bother buying from a gun shop?
Who has been talking about putting in for these judicial appointments? The usual nuts? The spouses of sitting judges?
Like elections, is there a place where we can publicly see who has applied?
The AOC website will have them up, but I don't think they do it until after the application period has closed.
Saw Randolph Goldberg's discipline case got filed with the Supreme Court. Did anyone hear what the recommended discipline was?
Not sure re/ the State Bar. At the federal level, I think Judge Navarro (now the Chief Judge for the District of Nevada), barred him for life.
I suppose if he's got enough connections and grease he might be able to get back into the State Bar, but not sure how that will help him, as his practice was probably almost all bankruptcy and a small portion of tax work.
Please no Craig Friedberg.
3 day weekend lull?
Anybody ever have issues with the Henderson court clerks trying to act like attorneys? I do evictions on occasion and this is the second time I've received a call from a filing clerk telling me my client can't do what he's doing, when the NRS clearly says he can. They're essentially defending the tenant when they do this. Any ideas on how to handle this?
When North Las Vegas's clerk did this, we sued her for a Writ of Mandamus to compel her to (1) stamp the document and (2) leave the judging to the Judge. The Civil DA was humiliated and shrugged his shoulders and said this is why giving entry-level employees the power to deny access to courts keeps him paid.
Those practices came to a halt.
Hey, me too! I filed a Writ of Mandamus against them for almost the same thing. Sadly, North Las Vegas is still doing that shit as of this week. They know they have to accept the pleadings, they just choose not to. And they're even worse to pro se people, who don't know rules or have the resources to challenge them.
You are correct. But it got better for about 4 months before they rotated some new toothless ninnies to the window.
My issue was different, but I left message with a Las Vegas Justice Court clerk going on three weeks, and I never received a return call.
Can we just stipulate that justice court clerks should, as part of their hiring orientation, have drilled into their skulls the fact that their duties are purely, 100%, totally and completely ministerial? And that as long as the form is correct, they have zero discretion to refuse to file something? And to that end, if would quit screwing tenants by refusing to permit them to file Answers within the time allowed by statute, that would be just dandy.
Kelleen Cota is a dirty scam artist and I wouldn't be surprised if she pulled the trigger herself. Based on her history and what I know about her relationship with her ex-husband, who ran over his wife in a car wash.
Or,you could just keep mouthing off,the FBI will want to know what you know and why. If you know so much…….why aren't you being questioned?