Can’t Keep Up

  • Law

  • Are you keeping up? The Legislature introduced 91 new bills yesterday. [TNI]
  • Nevada to get $45 million in opioid settlement. [Forbes; TNI]
  • Fear looms as eviction protections set to expire again. [Nevada Current]
  • Another lawsuit against Real Water, this one filed by Kemp Jones. [RJ]
  • Our thoughts are with all those affected by the recent shootings in Atlanta and Boulder. It’s hard to keep up with something we’d rather not think about, but it is still a problem we must acknowledge. [The Hill]
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March 23, 2021 6:03 pm

Re: Evictions
"Challinor said postponing evictions is the only way to ensure the county can work through its backlog as tenants receive the federal benefits."

So, in other words, let the landlords default on their obligations because the County cannot get its work done.

March 23, 2021 6:10 pm

Awful stuff.. just awful.

Boulder shooting – from what I understand, this is 21 year old Syrian guy, who was a Trump-hating incel, posting anti-Trump stuff and "I need a girlfriend" sad emo things. Motive and weapon(s) are unknown and family is alleging mental health issues – but that is also unknown. Anyone has any other info?

Atlanta shooting – 20 year old incel who, per his own admission (and supported by his roommate) had a serious sex addiction which conflicted with his newly found religious beliefs, and he murdered women and customers at the places he used to frequent for sex. Again correct me if I am wrong.

I want to make sure that I am not missing anything here – there is NO evidence that either incidents were motivated by racism or some sort of prejudice aside from mental illness, unless I am just not aware of the evidence?

March 23, 2021 6:37 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

This is 2021. Everything is about race, or at least the left will find a way to make it so.

March 23, 2021 6:47 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

11:10 and 11:37 – you are both creeps. This feigned ignorance is disgusting and racist. The Boulder shooting appears to be a mental health issue, but the ATL shooting was very clearly motivated by race. The shooter fetishized Asian women. There is a long and very well documented history of fetishizing Asian women in this culture. The people in ATL who were not Asian were caught in the cross-fire. The Asian women were his targets.

To say you are not aware of the evidence while literally posting on the internet, a tool which would allow you to access all the evidence you could possible want or need, is disingenuous at best.

These are enormous, terrible tragedies for the communities and the families. How dare you trivialize their loss with your pseudo intellectualism, devil's advocate bullshit. The shooter wasn't having a bad day. He was a racist weirdo who vented his rage on Asian women. He deserves to rot in hell.

March 23, 2021 7:01 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

11:47 – this is exactly the fallacy that 11:10 and 11:37 warned you about – and fell right into it….dough…

Atlanta shooter admitted that he had a sex addiction and it conflicted with his religious views, tormenting him inside. Atlanta shooter admitted that he received sexual favors from the massage parlors he shot up. He said it has nothing to do with race. He shot white customers too – because he was "trying to end sin" There is currently ZERO evidence (despite your yelling wokeness) that this was at all, in any way, shape or form, related to race.

However, there is now evidence coming out that the Boulder shooter was potentially a radicalized Muslim, who threatened people in the past to report them for hate/anti-muslim biases, he has gotten into fights over his faith and was allegedly going to shoot up a Trump rally…

There is a much more pressing issue here about the radical media bias inciting anti-conservatives hate crimes, but you will dutiful ignore that, because it does not fit the narrative.

Sadly, every time I expect people on the left to be thoughtful, not to jump in with both feet and bite down on the narrative fed to them by the corrupt media, I am inevitable always disappointed… You should examine your biases and your prejudices first before you go accusing others of the same.

March 23, 2021 7:39 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

@11:47 notice I said the Boulder shooting "appeared" to be a mental health issue…not that it definitely was. I'm sure more information will come out.

The ATL shooter absolutely WAS racially motivated…specifically against Asian women. You and 11:10 and 11:37 can all fuck off together. You're attempting to use your education to parse this issue/event into discrete subparts while ignoring the enormous elephant in the room that is the fetishization of Asian women. The non-Asian people were not the targets, they were caught in the crossfire. This is very similar to the non-Latino victims of the El Paso shooter. He targeted Latino people and in the course of shooting up the place, killed some non-Latino people.

The last paragraph of your comment is just so vacuous and so devoid of self-awareness…I just can't. Get back to your daily stormer levity.

March 23, 2021 8:56 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

"fetishization of Asian women"

These were prostitutes.

They didnt deserve to die, just like the thousands of white victims of black crime every year dont deserve to die.

March 23, 2021 9:13 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

I love the term "yelling wokeness". I have been looking for just that term for years now. It is perfect. I plan to use it.

Ben Nadig
Ben Nadig
March 23, 2021 9:34 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Thousands of white victims of black crime who don't deserve to die? Stay off Facebook, use your mind, #Dunning-Kruger:

March 23, 2021 9:57 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

I think there are certain segments of the population that REALLY want evidence that white people are all very racist, and those people will find it regardless of the facts. The Atlanta guy might very well be incredibly racist. But unless you're a person that needs white people to be racist, I think that is but one of many possibilities. I'm sure I could find some news clipping of any imaginable mixture of victim and perpetrator races, and then proclaim that it is proof positive that the perpetrator was racist against the race of the victim. How is it solving anything to push the conclusion that the Atlanta shooter (or any other criminal) is definitely a racist?

March 23, 2021 10:01 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

11:47 is off. The ATL shooter was a mentally deranged man with a sex addiction he wanted to cure by shooting up rub and tugs. The Boulder shooter was a mentally deranged man with mixed motives.

Can't we all just get along?

March 23, 2021 10:03 pm
Reply to  Anonymous
March 23, 2021 10:08 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

The Post Millennial is only slightly less gross than the Daily Stormer. What is wrong with you people?

No doubt the ATL shooter had multiple motives. That much is very clear; however, ignoring that racism was very much one of those motives is disrespectful to the victims and their families as well as their communities and is in and of itself, racist.

And no…we cannot get along. I don't get along with anyone. Except Ben. I get along with Ben 🙂

March 23, 2021 10:15 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

No, 3:08, that much is not "very clear." You're just like the idiots in the idiot Post Millenial spouting out idiot nonsense because you really really want the Atlanta shooter to be racist, facts be damned. You're the problem with America.

March 23, 2021 10:20 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Me having an opinion on some random local blog makes me the problem with America? Seriously? Calm your tits and get back to billables.

March 23, 2021 10:30 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Atl shooter – "I was not motivated by race" "I am a sex addict and I felt conflicted for having gone to these massage parlors to get sex, so I tried to rid the world from sin"….3:08 But.. but… but… RACISM!!!!

3:08 Serious question – how do you live in the world where everything and everyone around you, on TV, in the movies, all your friends, colleagues, the universe, even math and science are all racist, bigoted, prejudicial and un-woke? You realize all of us are laughing at you right?

March 23, 2021 10:31 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

3:08 is the problem.

March 23, 2021 10:52 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

I bet 3:08 is thrilled Biden is using large numbers of plastic cages to house the record setting number of kids being detained as a result of him inviting all of south and central America to come on in. So much more humane than the steel Obama cages the Trump administration used. I'm sure the plastic is recycled.

March 23, 2021 10:56 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Man, this thread is enlightening. I never knew that you could definitively conclude the motive behind a mass murder by taking the unstable shooter's post-arrest comments at face value. Apparently we can evaluate this devastating event without considering the consistencies between the victims, including their race and gender. It's a relief to know that, despite the objective uniformity in the demographics of the victims (and the families and communities that survive them), we can decisively conclude that those conspicuously shared traits had nothing to do with the atrocities that were committed. Thanks, LVLB community!!!

March 23, 2021 10:57 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

I suspect that 11:47 is a troll that hangs out on the blog, maybe even a non-lawyer. No matter what the topic, no matter how the post is written, he/she/whatever finds a way to accuse someone of racism.

March 24, 2021 12:59 am
Reply to  Anonymous

The kid was ill.

March 24, 2021 1:31 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Let's be thankful that the kid was not shot by the police. He'd be the new Rodney King. No, Trayvon Martin. Wait, I meant Michael Brown. Oh, never mind. The media will either successfully spin this into its tedious narrative, or disappear it like so many others.

March 24, 2021 2:39 am
Reply to  Anonymous

I read some of the articles and tweets. Yet again, another story of cowardly cops taking their sweet, sweet time to intervene (with due respect to the heroic first responder cop who was met with deadly fire). Every citizen needs to remember: the police will not save you. The same perp in some other parts of Colorado would have been dead within seconds of firing his first shot. He chose Boulder precisely because citizen carry is less accepted.

March 24, 2021 5:28 am
Reply to  Anonymous

The dead cop seems like the real deal. RIP

March 24, 2021 5:46 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

11:47 here – I'm very much an attorney…unfortunately.

3:56 hit the nail on the head re the ATL shooter.

The Boulder shooter was mentally ill to the point he was experiencing paranoid delusions. Thanks to the GOP, he can still get a gun though! Yay!

Citing Brietbart is idiotic. Just stop.

7:39 – there was an armed officer there and he was shot dead…just like the metro officers at Cici's and the "good guy with a gun" at Walmart. More guns don't stop shooters. You say other parts of CO. Where? Columbine? Denver? Colorado Springs? Littleton? Aurora? Highlands Ranch? Centennial? Bailey? All of those CO towns have had mass shootings and many of them have had multiple mass shootings. This information is readily available online so just stop posting your weird gun fetish nonsense. Better yet…put your ass on the line and go work for Metro. You be that good guy with a gun and see where it gets you. 702-828-5787

Finally, while the officer may very well have been a great guy, let's not delude ourselves into thinking a "6-figure IT job" is better than a state pension. He wasn't harmed financially by taking that job. If y'all want to worship police officers, do something that actually helps them and get guns off the streets and out of the hands of mentally ill people.

March 23, 2021 7:43 pm

Did anyone answer the question posed yesterday about what Eglet is going to get paid for the $45 million settlement?

March 23, 2021 8:16 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

As state Senate majority leader in 2017, Attorney General Aaron Ford was instrumental in passing a last-minute amendment that removed a cap on fees awardable to outside law firms that contract with the State of Nevada. Such contingent fee contracts have been criticized by some legal experts and former attorneys general as allowing states to outsource their litigation power to private firms.

Ford was employed as a partner at Eglet Prince between 2015 and 2018, so he was employed by Eglet Prince at the time he was instrumental in passing a last-minute amendment that removed the cap on fees awardable to outside law firms such as Eglet Prince, which later became Eglet Adams.
One question: since the contract was award to Eglet Prince, will Dennis Prince, Robert Eglet's former partner, receive a cut?

Sleazy or smart? Or both?

March 24, 2021 5:35 am
Reply to  Anonymous

No he doesn’t get a cut. Question for the people again. What other firm could handle the case? Eglet was already awarded Washoe and Clark County. All the other firms that were qualified for the Clark County were out of state firms. Should we have given it to Motley Rice or Levin Papantonio instead? Both excellent, but not local firms.

March 24, 2021 5:46 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Who cares if it is an out of state firm if they are honest and do not try to pull the wool over our eyes? The conduct of Ford and Eglet does not pass the smell test.

March 24, 2021 2:47 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

There are a lot of firms that are qualified in Nevada to handle the case. There was no way that it was not going to Eglet after Aaron changed the law and received a nice payout for a no show job.

March 23, 2021 8:07 pm

Someone said 21% plus costs so $9,450,000.00 plus costs??

March 23, 2021 8:07 pm

There was discussion yesterday about it being inaccurate and misleading for former judges, who are defeated in re-election or retention bids, to represent themselves as "Retired District Judge."

My view is that it is sort of understandable if the defeated judge served like 12, 15 or 18 years in office. IMO, such individuals kind of earned the right to the title(Retired District Judge), even if it is not strictly accurate.

But the discussion yesterday focused on a judge who is still a relatively young man, and was just recently appointed to the position but failed to hold the seat in his retention election.

In this particular instance I think it is not really proper for him to designate himself as "Retired District Judge" which implies decades of service and the judge retiring of their own accord.

"Former District Judge" can be used by him and has the same impact as "Retired District Judge."

But that all said, I agree with the poster who said we lost a good judge, who was never given the chance to be an even better judge. And now he can't even serve as a Senior Judge as he lost his election. But he will probably earn a real good living with ARM, so it all may work out okay for him.

March 23, 2021 10:21 pm

Since Aaron Ford was working for Eglet Prince when he managed to pass a last-minute amendment removing a cap on fees awardable to outside law firms such as Eglet Prince; since Robert Eglet, the senior partner at the firm, said that the bill simply restored the ability of the attorney general to contract with outside law firms at favorable rates; and since Eglet added that the change was made in part because he was told Attorney General Adam Laxalt had expressed interest in contracting with an outside firm to sue opioid manufacturers on behalf of the state, am I the only person who sees a conflict of interest here??

“Every attorney general before Laxalt had the power to hire outside counsel to represent the state with the attorney general on a contingency basis,” Robert Eglet wrote. “The bill gave that power back to Laxalt and any future Nevada attorney general.”

Aaron Ford has declined to say on the record if Eglet lobbied him to include the amendment as part of the bill.

Remember when former Congresswoman Shelley Berkley got into trouble for voting on bills which would benefit her husband? Well, wasn't Aaron Ford promoting and voting on bills which would directly benefit his then law firm?

March 23, 2021 10:55 pm

My wife and I are considering having a baby. We both have busy careers. How do you balance it? Any tips?

March 23, 2021 11:01 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

One of you needs to stay home with the baby/kid. Why have a child just to have daycare raise it? Don't be selfish – a parent should raise that child. Yes, that may mean you have to tighten the old belt a bit but it will be worth it.

March 23, 2021 11:12 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

I have similar questions as 3:55 PM. My other half and I are both civil litigators with typically busy schedules, and are wondering where to start.

March 24, 2021 12:52 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Just do it! I don't know anyone who regrets having more kids; I know many who wish they had more kids. You can figure out the details later. The good news is you will enjoy the conception process. 😉

March 24, 2021 5:01 am
Reply to  Anonymous

One parent needs to stay home. Kids deserve that, especially where the career of one parent is more than enough to support the family. It's bad enough that my kids have one lawyer parent, no kid needs two! 😉

March 24, 2021 2:15 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

My kid has two attorney parents is doing just fine! While I get the advice that one should stay home, that isn't good advice for everyone. Neither my spouse nor I had any interest in being a stay at home parent. Our child wasn't "raised by daycare." He was raised by two working parents that love him very much.

It sounds to me like the people saying those things are projecting their own inability to set boundaries/stop work at a reasonable time on to you. Yes, it is difficult, and there will be days you have to work late or go in early, or pick up work after the kid goes to bed. But you can do it.

For those thinking about having children, save some money so you can each take some parental leave. Talk to friends/family about recommendations for child care. Consider a stay at home parent who wants to make some extra cash, or maybe a nanny. Then do it. There is never a perfect time to have kids. A large part of being a parent is doing what it takes to make it work. It doesn't have to be perfect. You don't have to be perfect.

March 24, 2021 4:39 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Don't have kids-just my 2 cents. I am sure I am in the minority here, but I have two and if I could go back and not have kids I totally would. Hindsight is 20/20. Having time to yourself, travel, and enjoying the life you used to have is very difficult. Kids are a lot to handle and the work taking care of them is never done. Maybe I was not meant to have them. With that being said, my kids are loved and cared for and I am fortunate to have a job that allows us to have one parent stay at home. The wife does not share my opinions in this matter.

March 24, 2021 4:54 pm
Reply to  Anonymous


March 23, 2021 11:10 pm

Depending on whether you work for a firm or have your own practice, you can have a nursery/play room in your office devoted to the baby. Depending on your schedules, you will probably need to hire a part time or full time nanny. Your staff will get sick of having to perform their normal duties and watch the baby. Oh, by the way, those will be the best years of your life!!!

March 23, 2021 11:34 pm

Michael Carrigan Case: At issue in the case was a 2006 Nevada Ethics Commission finding against a city councilman in Sparks, Nevada. The Ethics Commission ruled that Councilman Michael Carrigan violated the state ethics code by voting to approve a casino development at a time when his campaign manager and close friend was being paid $10,000 a month by the developer.

Carrigan protested the finding, noting that he disclosed his campaign manager's role prior to his vote.

He appealed to the Nevada Supreme Court, which ruled in his favor. The Nevada high court declared that voting by an elected public officer is protected by the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech and expression.

The U.S. Supreme Court reversed that decision. Writing for a unanimous court, Justice Antonin Scalia noted that as far back as the founding of the republic, both federal and state laws barred officials from voting on matters in which they had a personal interest. Just as the nation's founders treated obscenity and libel as speech that is not protected by the First Amendment, said Scalia, so too did they treat recusal laws for legislators and judges as permissible under the Constitution.

How can Aaron Ford justify promoting and voting for an amendment which directly benefited his then law firm, Eglet Prince, and why did no one file an Ethics Complaint?


March 24, 2021 12:09 am
Reply to  Anonymous

No one file an Ethics Complaint because no one messes with Eglet. No one! You want the law? Here it is: Do not mess with Robert T. Eglet. That's the law.

March 24, 2021 12:12 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Thanks, Robert.

March 24, 2021 3:40 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Pickering dissented from NV SCT opinion on this and SCOTUS agreed w/her position

March 24, 2021 6:01 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Pickering has standards and makes a once in her long life decision that is right. Holy shit.

March 24, 2021 3:29 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Pickering is the most principled person on the court and one of the most intelligent. Perhaps a unanimous SCOTUS opinion agreeing with her dissent demonstrates that? I really don't understand the people on this blog. ITs like some of you live in a different universe.

March 24, 2021 4:06 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

She is an intelligent and principled country club elitist. On the right issue, she is spectacular, but her myopia makes her horrible for other cases.

March 24, 2021 4:15 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

9:06 translated: The best judges are the ones who agree with me. Personally, I don't want judges who agree with me, I want judges who are against me when I'm wrong.

March 24, 2021 4:28 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

9:15 sounds like a fine man.

March 24, 2021 5:37 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

8:29 am, I want to live in the universe you live in. Do they allow jogging when I am 80?

March 23, 2021 11:44 pm

A legislator’s vote is the commitment of his apportioned share of the legislature’s power to the passage or defeat of a particular proposal. He casts his vote “as trustee for his constituents, not as a prerogative of personal power.” Raines v. Byrd, 521 U. S. 811, 821; Nevada Commission on Ethics v. Carrigan, 564 U.S. 117;131 S. Ct. 2343; 180 L. Ed. 2d 150.

March 24, 2021 12:18 am

I guess 5:09 answers that question about sleazy.

March 24, 2021 2:41 am

Interesting how as soon as the Leftists find out that the Boulder shooter wasn't a white Maga hat wearing conservative, they immediately stop talking about race and run right to mental health.

March 24, 2021 2:52 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Could not agree more, 7:41 PM. When are we white males in this country going to get a fair shake?