Blue Origin

  • Law

  • Per A.O. 20-05, masks are again mandatory at all Eighth Judicial District Court facilities, effective immediately. [eighthjdcourt blog]
  • The Clark County Commission will meet today to discuss the current Covid situation. [TNI
  • Justice of the Peace Suzan Baucum denied the motion to dismiss the case against Zaon Collins. [RJ]
  • Plea deal decimates child abuse case. [RJ]
  • DA Wolfson and Sheriff Lombardo panned for generic responses at NAACP forum. [Nevada Current]
  • Today at noon there will be a civil bench bar meeting with a special panel discussing proposed amendments to ADR and Short Trial rules. [eighthjdcourt blog]
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July 20, 2021 6:02 pm

JP SuZan Baucum
I am not a Baucum fan, but she did the right thing. The DA is wimping out, I suspect because of the pressure to protect Collins, a star player from Gorman headed to UNLV basketball. The man he collided with died. Your average kid, black or white, would not receive the favorable treatment sought by the requested dismissal.

July 20, 2021 6:20 pm

The renewal of mask mandates is just the powers-that-be exercising their authority in response to the panic mongering media. The easiest and most visible directive is forcing people to wear a mask.

The mask is not the answer to the problem, but that gets ignored since enough fear-driven people jump on the obedience bandwagon and become dedicated soldiers to the cause. As a society, we are chasing our tails at this point and behaving in an unnecessarily desperate manner given the extremely high survival rate of this virus.

July 20, 2021 6:31 pm
Reply to  Anonymous
July 20, 2021 7:25 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Maybe people should stop being selfish cowards and just get vaccinated so we can put an end to this.

July 20, 2021 7:33 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

@11:20 You are completely wrong. It is insane to talk about the high survival rate when there are 600k+ dead americans. And masks DO work. They aren't perfect, but they do work. I agree completely with 12:25. Stop being selfish. Get vaccinated. If you have concerns, talk to your doctor. Don't watch fox news, don't read your uncle's post on facebook, and don't talk to your Q neighbor. Talk to the medical professionals and then get vaccinated.

July 20, 2021 8:25 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

People like 11:20 AM are a lost cause. We need to accelerate herd immunity among the 11:20's of the world. I propose that we create a traveling circus of sorts. WWF, Trump and Ted Nugent will perform in the same traveling show in the biggest INDOOR arenas in the country. Tucker Carlson should be the Emcee. The show should encourage lots of yelling and participation. We probably need at least 3-4 nights at Allegiant Stadium. Absolutely no masks. Let the virus rip through these people so we can get to herd immunity faster. The show will be free to all of America's strong-willed unvaxxed patriots. Maybe we could even pay them to attend with an in-kind six pack of Bud Light or something.

July 20, 2021 8:29 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

The name of the game now is to demonize the unvaxxed, and attempt to scapegoat them as responsible for all of the new measures they’re going to bring in. Liberal states are already bringing back masks – in the middle of the summer. The European situation has gotten insane with the vaxx passport being required to go virtually anywhere, and we know very well that there is a single agenda being rolled out.

They are going to roll out vaxx passports in America, under the guise of “private companies can do whatever they want to anyone.” The government will of course demand that every chain business, including Walmart and other food stores, start requiring proof of vaxx to enter, then they will claim that is the “right of a private company to choose who they do business with.”
There may well also be a full lockdown in America in the fall. Maybe, maybe not, but regardless, there will be very extreme new measures. Whatever the case, the vaxxed will not get any benefit from having been vaxxed, as they are going to be forced back into an even worse nightmare grid. The devil doesn’t keep promises.

All of that is going to be blamed on the unvaxxed, who are becoming a separate class in an apartheid type system being instituted across the planet.

Finally, after all of these years, a line is being drawn between “us” and “them.” Those who would hand over their own bodies to the government are of no use to us. They are people who believe completely in this system. Some of them may criticize it in some ways, but when push comes to shove, they will allow this system inside of their bodies because they believe that this will benefit them somehow.

Getting the vaxx in order to receive privileges from the government is no different than summoning up a demon to make a blood pact: whatever powers you get from the deal come at the cost of eternal suffering and ultimate doom. It’s almost not even metaphorical – what is this genetic cocktail, if not the modern representation of witchcraft?

The people who understand this understand it at different levels, certainly. Not all of them are as well-informed as we are. But they are well-informed enough to be on our team. This is the final decision for all of mankind. Once you make the decision to be vaxxed – or to refuse despite the consequences – you’ve put yourself on a path that will have a definite outcome.

The forces of darkness are organizing against us, and we need to organize ourselves to resist. You need to get involved with other unvaxxed people. Soon.

This is the line upon which the ultimate battle will be fought: the vaxxed against the unvaxxed. Those who will surrender their body and soul to the Beast System, and those who refuse.

July 20, 2021 8:30 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

12:33 – Hi there! I hope you are well.

According to the Mayo Clinic (not Fox news or Q Neighbor/ Facebook) the death from Covid -19 in Nevada continues to trend down.

Fatality rate in May of 2021 was 1.72%, while today it is 1.68%

The rolling 7 day death average from COVID in THE ENTIRE NEVADA is 6 deaths per day –

In fact, there were many more Covid deaths daily, per average in Nevada in April/May and June then now.

The fact that the positive cases are spiking is expected and welcomed by the medical community. We have nearly 80% of all persons over the age of 65 vaccinated. Thus, the people currently getting the new variant are mostly younger (by statistics) healthy people, with good immune systems that recover in short order and once recovered will contribute to achieving herd immunity.

In fact, I would encourage the opposite. If you suspect you have COVID, but are feeling generally ok – DO NOT go to the doctor and get tested. DO NOT contribute to the statics that will be used to justify more infringements upon you.

July 20, 2021 8:33 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

1:29 / 1:30,

What's your favorite Ted Nugent song? Could I interest you in a free six pack of Bud Light?

July 20, 2021 8:33 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

>Getting the vaxx in order to receive privileges from the government is no different than summoning up a demon to make a blood pact: whatever powers you get from the deal come at the cost of eternal suffering and ultimate doom. It’s almost not even metaphorical – what is this genetic cocktail, if not the modern representation of witchcraft?

Thanks for the laughs 1:29, keep up the funny writing!

July 20, 2021 8:35 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

1:29 / 1:30 is punking us with Poe's Law. " It’s almost not even metaphorical – what is this genetic cocktail, if not the modern representation of witchcraft?" There is no way that is a real comment.

July 20, 2021 8:54 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

1:29/1:30 is completely insane. Wow. Blood pacts and witchcraft? Just wow. Get help.

July 20, 2021 9:22 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Time for the doubters herein to do some of their own research on mRna vaccines.
Eff you and your shot.

Herd Immunity would've happened early last year were it not for lockdowns, quarantines and masks. Its called the human immune system and it works.

July 20, 2021 9:53 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

>Its called the human immune system and it works.

How's that working out for the 600,000 dead people here? The millions dead in India?

July 20, 2021 10:14 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Happens every year. Its called the flu. TB kills hundreds of thousands every year and no wears masks for that

July 20, 2021 10:21 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

"powers-that-be exercising their authority in response to the panic mongering media."

OK, I'll bite. To what end? Why do the powers-that-be want to exercise their authority for something that is inconvenient and doesn't line their pockets? What is the end game for this grand scheme?

July 20, 2021 10:46 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

600k do not die every year from the flu. That's simply false. It is also easily verifiable with a simple internet search.

Covid is not the same as TB either. People who work with TB patients and TB patients themselves DO wear masks so that suggestion is also false. Further, TB is a bacteria. Covid is a virus. Big difference.

July 20, 2021 10:59 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Re Ted Nugent: Ted's a right wing dick. But the song Stranglehold and the album Free For All (featuring Meat Loaf on vocals) are bad ass. For all you old rockers and young music aficionados treat yourself to the foregoing.

July 20, 2021 11:02 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

3:21, the end game is to stay in power.

July 20, 2021 11:18 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

4:02, how does implementing mask mandates help one stay in power?

July 20, 2021 11:20 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

1:25 is half right, natural anti-bodies work quite well. But there is no anti-body test given prior to getting vaccinated. Would seem like the responsible thing to do. Instead, we get the reckless, hostile cry, "Get Vaccinated!" Do you really have my best interest in mind, or is this all about you?

July 20, 2021 11:25 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

4:18, that action keeps the media and those that buy into their sensational headlines satisfied that their concerns have been met, at least for now. Sensationalism is never content.

July 21, 2021 2:10 am
Reply to  Anonymous

You want to know why we lead the country in cases currently? Because these people are your neighbors:
Anti-vax BS and passionate ignorance on full display, Also, apparently, "stress" is what causes covid.

July 20, 2021 7:38 pm

Wtf is wrong with people – get vaccinated!!

July 20, 2021 9:23 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

WTF is wrong with you? I am not sick and I am not getting the jab!

July 21, 2021 12:07 am
Reply to  Anonymous

What about those Texas congressional members that were all vaccinated and still got COVID? Why should anyone inject themselves with anything that doesn't prevent you from getting COVID? Why are unknown long term vaccine risks worth taking, but taking your chances with your longstanding immune system and possible COVID infection send so many straight to triggered? How about, everyone minds their own damn business and stay home if you're scared?

July 21, 2021 12:35 am
Reply to  Anonymous

5:07 – "Why should anyone inject themselves with anything that doesn't prevent you from getting COVID?"

Why don't you ask my friend who is so sick from COVID right now that she hasn't been able to get out of bed for the past two weeks? She did not get a shot. The rest of her family did. All of them tested positive for COVID. She is only one with symptoms. The vaccine works.

Circumstances have changed. Last year, we put on masks to protect people who did not want to get sick and die. Now we are being asked to put masks back on to protect assholes like you who apparently want to get sick and die. Fuck you.

July 21, 2021 3:17 am
Reply to  Anonymous

@5:35 Fuck me? Fuck you and your dumb friend. If the vaccine worked, your friend's family wouldn't have gotten Covid. People get polio vaccines and don't get polio, because that vaccine actually works. The Covid vaccine, at best, decreases some symptoms. You know what else does? hydroxychloroquine, which the mainstream media vilified for a year only to hurt Trump, yet now they are saying it does help. So, I'm not getting the "jab" and you and your friend can go fuck yourselves.

July 21, 2021 1:09 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Man, I really hope 8:17 PM gets COVID, that it's absolutely miserable (maybe hospitalized), but I hope 8:17 PM survives if only to live with the shame of being such an asshole about being so wrong. Please tell me 8:17 PM, that you do not wear a mask anywhere under any circumstances. Please tell me that most of the people you spend time with (assuming there are any) are also not vaccinated.

July 21, 2021 7:24 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

I suspect that the virus is real. It is a danger to people with poor immune systems and to those with co-morbidities. People of any age could have impaired immune systems and serious illnesses. However, immune and health problems are more associated with the elderly as they have had a lifetime to engage in bad habits and non-healthy living. The vast majority of those whose deaths were attributed to Covid had co-morbidities.

Even so, the elderly stricken with Covid still had a high survival rate of about 95 percent. Everyone else had a 98 or 99 percent survival rate. It is impossible to have precise numbers because the data is skewed to maximize Covid deaths. Hospitals were given economic incentives to report all deaths as Covid deaths as long as the person had Covid or a positive PCR test. Allegedly, a person who died in a motorcycle crash was listed as a Covid death because he had a positive PCR test.

The real question is whether the people who reportedly had Covid died from it, or from the lack of treatment, or the wrong treatment. Initially, hospitalized Covid patients were put on ventilators and were killed by the ventilators until a doctor figured out that the breathing problem had a different cause than what they assumed and issued a warning. Other Covid deaths were due to the lack of treatment.

Remember, the assumption was that there were no treatments, thus the emphasis on developing a vaccine, but there were two highly successful, safe, and inexpensive treatments based on HCQ and Ivermectin. These treatments stood in the way of emergency permission to use untested and unapproved vaccines and were demonized for the sake of Big Pharma vaccine profits. So if you had Covid, they sent you home untreated until you got so bad that you had to be hospitalized, and then they killed you with ventilators.

In other words, we do not really know if anyone died from Covid itself.

If you care to understand what a total failure the entirety of the world’s health authorities have been in dealing with the “Covid pandemic” consider that in malaria-infested African countries there is no Covid, no masks, no lockdowns. Why is this? The answer is that in malaria-infested countries people take a HCQ pill one a week.

Consider Tanzania, for example. The entire population of Tanzania—59,734,218 people— is considered at risk for malaria, with 93% of the population living in malaria transmission areas. Consequently, the population takes HCQ once a week as a preventative against malaria. HCQ is also a preventative and a cure for Covid. In all of Tanzania over the period from January 3, 2020 to July 14, 2021, there are only 509 reported cases of Covid and 21 reported deaths. Almost all occurred in April 2020.

As the Covid test is unreliable and known to produce false positives and as anyone who dies who has a positive test has his death reported as a Covid death, we don’t actually know if there is a single case or a single death from Covid in Tanzania.

The Covid case numbers were greatly inflated by the PCR test. It is now understood that at the high rate of cycles at which the test was run it produces a false positive rate as high as 97 percent. Many and perhaps most of the mild cases and cases without symptoms were not really Covid infections. I have seen no explanation of why the test was run at a cycle rate known to invalidate the test. The question remains if it was done on purpose to generate fear and support for an experimental and untested vaccine.

When the medical establishment tells you that the vaccine is safe, they do not know that, because it is an untested vaccine being used on an emergency basis. In fact, the vaccine is being tested on the world population. The Covid shot is called a vaccine, but in reality it is technology-based and seems to function like an operating system. Normally, vaccines are made from dead or live virus. The Covid “vaccine” is not. It is experimental gene therapy, not a "vaccine."

July 21, 2021 9:20 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Wow, 12:24.

I've seen some loads of horseshit on this blog, but yours is probably the largest. Multiple ignorant statements in each paragraph, each more wrong the next.

Tanzania is probably the test case for what would happen if Trump and his ilk (including you, apparently) got the pandemic response they wanted. The President held three days of prayer and declared the pandemic over. How is it over? Because they haven't had any cases. How do they know they don't have any cases? Because they limit testing to foreigners traveling to Tanzania. No testing equals no cases equals no deaths attributed to covid. Their national health institutes hide information and refuse to talk to journalists.
It's also curious how you say Tanzania has "only" had 21 deaths, since Tanzania banned the release of infection data in April 2020, and hasn't reported any since then.

All the time, their President hawked herbal remedies and was anti-vax and anti-mask. Well, at least he was until he died after a 3-week illness that looked pretty similar to covid. Meanwhile, when people from Tanzania travel to other countries and are forced to test, a large percent of them test positive. Oman said 18% before they stopped travelers from Tanzania from entering.

Sounds like your kind of people.

July 21, 2021 10:16 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Everybody tests positive using a PCR test not in the way that it was designed for a test that it was not designed for. False Positives are a reality!

July 22, 2021 12:23 am
Reply to  Anonymous

12:24 – “The Covid shot is called a vaccine, but in reality it is technology-based and seems to function like an operating system.”.

Do you realize how bat shit crazy you sound?

July 22, 2021 6:24 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

When one sees the ruthless de-platforming of people questioning the prevailing dogma, you know you are living in 1984. Sweden and Florida got it right.

July 22, 2021 7:48 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

This lawsuit is a great read.

July 23, 2021 2:36 am
Reply to  Anonymous

11:24 – you would need an electron microscope to detect the number of fucks I give about 1984 and deplatforming. Just get the god damn shot.

July 23, 2021 3:14 am
Reply to  Anonymous

@6:09 You hope I get Covid. Fuck you. I hope you and everyone you care about gets Covid and "maybe gets hospitalized". However, since you didn't wish death on me, I shall not wish death on you. Because if I did, I'm sure the moderator of this blog would delete my post, but leave your post up. I don't wear a mask under any circumstances unless required to by law. You can believe it or not, I actually do have a lot of friends, who also believe this is all bullshit. I'm pretty sure that if Joe Biden told you to cut your pecker off to prevent spreading covid, you'd be the first to run over to the guillotine to have it whacked off, because you clearly have no ability to think for yourself. #Lemming

July 23, 2021 3:19 am
Reply to  Anonymous

8:14 has shown me that even at my advanced age, it is possible to fall in love with an anonymous poster. Hugs and kisses to you!

July 23, 2021 4:41 am
Reply to  Anonymous

8:14 – Just because you cut yours off for your Trumpy doesn't mean the other side is doing the same.

Stop politicizing a fucking vsaccine.

July 23, 2021 5:46 am
Reply to  Anonymous

8:14 – Trump got the vaccine in January, but you still won’t get it? Stupid mouth breather.

July 23, 2021 2:24 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

8:14 PM,

6:09 AM here, pecker fully in tact. Let's just focus where we agree- you should continue to not wear a mask. Please do spend a lot of time this weekend with your other like-minded friends.

July 23, 2021 7:53 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Can we all agree Alex Jones was right? The election. The pandemic. The great reset.

July 26, 2021 3:14 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Show me a video where Trump was getting the Covid mRna nanotechnology shot. #neverhappened #youcantproveit #believenothing #theyareliars #theyarethedeepstate

July 20, 2021 7:41 pm

Wtf is wrong with the NSC?

July 20, 2021 7:49 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Would you like answers submitted in alphabetical or chronological order?

July 21, 2021 2:48 am
Reply to  Anonymous

It is better than the well run than the Nevada Federal Court. Left a message 4 weeks with a clerk, never returned. Go I front of Miranda, and let me know your thoughts?

July 21, 2021 2:49 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Sorry, typos

July 20, 2021 9:25 pm

For a bunch of lawyers schooled trained and practice in critical thinking, there sure are a lot of you that suck at it. Try researching and stop accepting at first blush the word of the government bureaucrats, big pharma and Rachel Maddow and use the critical thinking skills you use on the daily for your clients.

July 21, 2021 1:47 am
Reply to  Anonymous

In other words, ignore the law and ignore the evidence. The equivalent of proof nullification.

July 21, 2021 2:36 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

No. Ignore the media and those that seek to control you.

July 21, 2021 4:08 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Like the law, rules, evidence, decency, ethics…..those things that seek to control you.

July 20, 2021 10:14 pm

Wolfson and Lombardo offer generic responses at NAACP event.

In a sense, I understand their approach–playing it safe and keeping things general. Too much specificity can actually backfire and give one's opponents much more that they can latch onto and attack.

But if you play it too safe, that can backfire even worse as it makes one look to be not sufficiently concerned and certainly not proactive on the issue.

Also, they knew what this specific setting was, and they should have anticipated that at this time emotions are very high as to racial issues, etc.

So, knowing what is going out there in society, and knowing this was an NAACP forum, it was startling that either of them felt they could answer questions(focused on disparate treatments of minorities) by either avoiding the question, or by attempting to dismiss such dialogue by stating they have no idea of the race of the suspects and defendants who have cases before METRO and/or the DA.

Far better answers would include we are doing this or that because we are very concerned about such issue, or we have new compulsory training programs for employees which better focus on race issues, etc.

And Lombardo, who is running for Governor, needs more work on this issue than Wolfson, who tends to think a little better on his feet as to providing impromptu answers.

That said, Wolfson, who usually performs pretty well at these types of forums or interviews, kind of dropped the ball here. By responding that he never knows the race of the Defendant's charged by his department,(rather than taking an opportunity to expound on how to better guard against this perceived disparity in treatment based on race), looks like he is blanketly dismissing that there is any conceivable problem as to disparity in charges, or sentencing, based on race.

July 20, 2021 10:33 pm

3:14, I had the same reaction.

Their responses were a bit weak from a political and public relations standpoint.

But perhaps they were simply being honest–they don't think there is any serious problem in this area that their respective offices need to address.

Which raise another question–is honesty always the best policy in politics?

July 20, 2021 11:35 pm

3:14, 3:34–Actually I view it a bit differently, and believe that Wolfson and Lombardo displayed some real political acumen at this event.

They gave boring, safe, useless, innocuous answers, which were totally lacking in substance, and which offered no helpful insights, and took no risks that might offend any voters.

They alternated that approach of providing useless answers, with the approach of simply declining to answer some questions at all.

So, they both seem to "get" the political game, as their election results repeatedly prove.

July 20, 2021 11:37 pm

4:35–Very sarcastic, but very true.

July 21, 2021 12:30 am
July 21, 2021 1:46 am
Reply to  Anonymous

That is a link that goes to the front page. Got a case number?

July 21, 2021 2:52 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Who isn't in debt? Where is the Eglet funnel money going yo come from now? Dave Thomas has debts to pay.

July 21, 2021 4:07 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Who is this attorney?

July 21, 2021 1:45 am

Judge Delaney– I really like you as a judge. However not getting court minutes out for multiple months after hearings is simply unacceptable. I have been patient on multiple cases but you are delaying cases because parties cannot get Orders done where you dont get minutes out but also require a court reporter so that parties' only real hope of being able to do an order is to order a transcript in literally every hearing. I know other departments are slow but are not this slow.