- Quickdraw McLaw
- Nevada is appealing Judge Miranda Du’s decision on blocking plutonium. [LasLas Vegas Sun Vegas Sun
Real Administrative Inefficiency
I am totally sober, and have been for years. If…
Real Administrative Inefficiency
I am LDS and have been at many social events…
With Immense Gratitude
Civil forfeiture is the single most corrupt action a governmental…
You Shall Not Pass
Yes, because the illegal border jumpers moved by cartels are…
Stupid Mistake
Commissioner Fontano was at his wits end this morning during…
So lets start the predictions…Who gets dept 6 and 9? what about the 3 federal magistrate jobs?
I see Balius is shooting for dept 6. Regardless of why, he was voted out, how can he be appointed?
Well he can be appointed but not incredibly likely. Of course if no one else applies for the positions…..
Who else is in the running?
Joe who?
Word on the street is that Eglet supports Bailus. So I'd say appointment is incredibly likely.
Why would Eglet support Bailus? Because he used to be Mike Cherry's law partner?
Or because he likes his rulings? And wants to keep someone on the bench who received a considerable amount of campaign contributions from the firm last election cycle?
I think Kevin Speed is more likely to get that appointment between the two but who knows who else will put in. Suspect there are people waiting until the last minute to put in applications.
I believe that if a District Judge has been defeated at the polls in Nevada that he/she is constitutionally precluded from being appointed by the Governor to a subsequent full-time judicial positon. This has been interpreted to even preclude someone who was defeated for re-election in even serving as a Senior Judge.
But even if this preclusion did not exist, as 8:50 suggests a Governor will not appoint someone who was just turned out of office by the voters. Looks bad. Not only would it look like the Governor does not care what the voters think, it would look like he is actually defying the voters and rubbing their faces in the fact that his authority can undo their will and preferences.
However, none of this prevents the defeated judge form attempting to get back on the bench via the election process.
ma ma
Is anyone getting the magistrate positions? The first one should have been out of the merit selection panel's hands on December 31.
I was once on a panel to select a Federal Magistrate. I was amazed at how much gossip was exchanged, and a couple of the other panel members were apologetically homophobic.
well at least they apologized about being homophobic
For some reason, they are using separate panels and interview processes for the three spots. The first selection panel is done but no decision by the DJs yet.
Typo I am sorry I meant unapologetically homophobic. Two panel members felt that if a man was gay he was automatically unqualified for the position.
Well knowing the Federal bar and who put in for the position, I guess we know who they were attacking.
How do you know who submitted for Federal Magistrate?
I am hearing Bob Massi died. Any one confirm or know details?
oh I hope that is not true. That would be very sad.
George Knapp tweeted that he died this morning of cancer.
Owen Nitz died also on January 30th.
Dear Eric Dobberstein:
You wrote a letter soliciting our client to hire your firm. You sent your letter soliciting the client to OUR FIRM. You will pardon me if I will not be forwarding your solicitation letter to our client.
This is incredible. I hope you forwarded the letter on to the Bar.
"I hope you forwarded the letter on to the Bar." With a courtesy copy to Eric Dobberstein, Vice-President of the State Bar Board of Governors.
You mean the State Bar of which Eric is on the BoG? Where exactly do you think the OBC is going to take that letter?
Jinx! You owe me a coke!
You are correct. I will pay up tomorrow.
For the past month now, the e-service notifications I receive from the EJDC e-filing system do not contain file-stamps nor hearing dates. I have to go back to the notice, sometimes days later, to get the file-stamped document and hearing date. Anyone else having this issue? Is there some button I've left unchecked that is causing this problem, or is this just the way it works now?
The Motions are immediately e-served (without a file stamp or a hearing date). You are supposed to get a separate notification of filing that contains the file stamp and hearing date but the system is imperfect. Oh well. Its good enough for the EJDC.
The workaround seemed to be to list your email in the "courtesy copies" field on the efiling system, then you would get a separate notice when the clerk accepted the filing. It's been a while since I've filed in EJDC, so I have no idea if that still works. Getting instantly served with the submitted, not filed, copy of a document is purely useless. The court should adopt the federal court system for e-filing–accept all documents through the gate, subject to review later.
This should be changing with the implementation of the new rules. Documents will be filed and served upon submission, similar to the federal court, with the caveat that the clerk will be able to recall a document if there are any errors.