Affordable housing was an issue in 2006. It wasn't in 2012. Liberals need to understand that market forces don't always allow everyone to buy a house at any point in time. My house is now worth more than it was in 2006, even adjusted for inflation. I predict "affordable" housing won't be an issue in 3 years when the housing market has bottomed out (again). Just be patient and the prices will adjust.
And spare me all the talking points about people moving in from California, cash investors, etc. People were saying those same things in 2006. Here's what really matters: Household income in Clark County (and the rest of the U.S.) has been stagnant for a long, long time. The wages and salaries paid in this valley cannot sustain these housing prices, and they won't.
Can I assure you of the timeline? Absolutely not. Do I know exactly how the bubble will burst? Nope. But I assure you that a correction is coming.
All this hand wringing about affordable housing is for naught and totally unnecessary.
I assume 10:02 is pointing out that in the article, the AP assumes Christian Morris is a male by referring to her as a "he"
April 13, 2021 5:38 pm
Has anyone else received the following email? Fortunately, no such video could possibly exist. What should the recipient of such an email do?
Í αm a hacker who hαs αccess to yoür operatíng system.
Í also have full αccess to yoür αccoüňt.
Í've been watchíng yoü for α few months now.
The fαct ís thαt yoü were ínfected wíth mαlwαre throügh an αdült síte that yoü vísíted.
Íf yoü αre not famílíar wíth thís, Í wíll explaín.
Trojαn Vírüs gíves me füll αccess and control over a compüter or other devíce.
Thís means that Í cαn see everythíng on yoür screen, türn on the cαmera αnd mícrophone, büt yoü do not know αboüt ít.
Í also hαve αccess to αll yoür contαcts αnd all yoür correspondence.
Why yoür αntívírüs díd not detect mαlwαre?
answer: My mαlwαre üses the dríver, Í üpdαte íts sígnatüres every 4 hoürs so thαt yoür αntívírüs ís sílent.
Í mαde α vídeo showíng how yoü sαtísfy yoürself ín the left half of the screen, and ín the ríght half yoü see the vídeo that yoü watched. Wíth one clíck of the moüse,
Í cαn send thís vídeo to all yoür emαíls αnd contacts on socíαl networks. Í can also post access to αll yoür e-maíl correspondence and messengers that yoü üse.
Íf yoü want to prevent thís, trαnsfer the αmoünt of $950(USD) to my β!tcoín αddress (íf yoü do not know how to do thís, wríte to Google: Büy β!tcoin).
My β!tcoín address (βŤC Wαllet) ís: 1CEbisuNDcFHBqm2q838bTtDBHR1xFpqqg
after receívíng the pαyment, Í wíll delete the vídeo and yoü wíll never heαr me αgαín.
Í gíve yoü 48 hoürs to pay.
Í hαve α notíce readíng thís letter, and the tímer wíll work when yoü see thís letter.
Fílíng α complaínt somewhere does not mαke sense becαüse thís emαíl cαnnot be trαcked líke my β!tcoín address.
Í do not mαke αny místakes.
Íf Í fínd thαt yoü have shαred thís message wíth someone else, the vídeo wíll be ímmedíately dístríbüted.
I head Microsoft has tracking software that will pay you $5.00 every time you post or forward that email. And Facebook says you have to post a disclaimer to preserve your privacy rights. Also if you recieve any emails from Nigeria about a Candian lottery, its totally legit.
A young man lost his life (sounds like he made some mistakes in his life and he should not have tried to run). A mother and father lost a son. A police officer (most likely a good person) made a horrible mistake and took another person's life. I am sure she will have regrets and depression the rest of her life, as will the mother and father. Pretty disgusted by 12:28 and 12:38. Time to stop with BS and the hate. If you are gonna hate put your name on your hate.
12:45 here and to 12:53: Dont think this tragedy was "all because of is skin color." Th young man had outstanding warrants and he tried to flee from a cop. You are as much of the problem as 12:28 and 12:38.
Hey 12:53, are you saying that the officer intended to mistake her gun for her taser, and proceeded to shoot the guy knowing that she would kill him, solely because the driver was a person of color? Your mind reading powers are amazing! As 12:45 states, a terrible mistake was made. Also, government has become so intrusive in our lives that cops are now making traffic stops for the little of things, like having fuzzy dice or a scent tree hanging from our rear view mirrors. You want to have less shootings by police, go to your legislature and get them to abolish at least half of the laws created to control our daily lives.
"Outstanding warrants and he tried to flee from a cop". Certainly capital offenses punishable by immediate death. But you are right– it is not all because of skin color; it is because of power imbalance. Power that allows 4 cops to choke a man to death with a knee to get due process while someone who runs gets summarily executed.
It's a tough situation and I understand the idea of "heat of the moment" but there is a discernible difference between the feel and weight of a taser and the feel and weight of a handgun. Plus officers wear them on different hips for this exact reason. I hope it was a legitimate mistake but this is a tragic outcome.
If you are right handed you carry the gun on your right side and the taser on your left. They have different holsters. The taser is lighter. When you take the safety off the taser, an LED light flashes. How the heck did she make that mistake?
Assuming that most people that read and post to this blog are lawyers, I cannot believe that amount binary only (wrong v. right, day or night, black or white) comments that are made. What about nuance and shades of gray? Is is possible that a white female cop with 26 years of experience is a racist and summarily executed a biracial 20 years old with outstanding warrants? Yeah its possible. Is it more likely that that experienced female cop made a "mistake" and killed a 20 year old? Probably. Is it more probably that Chauvin made a horrible "mistake" and unintentionally killed Floyd, or more probable that he intentionally took action that resulted in Floyd's death. I dont think Chauvin intentionally killed Floyd, but I sure think that he took intentionally took action and consciously disregard a substantial risk of significant harm. P.S. I am damn glad a lot of you were not my parents, and if you have kids is that how you are teaching them to view the world. Signed ID FBU.
I think ID FBU is about right. Taser girl was pure incompetence from the look of it. Chauvin I can't decide. His attorney has shaken my faith in his guilt. Did he follow department policy? Was the pressure on the back and not the neck? Was it the massive amount of fentanyl and meth that Floyd chugged during the stop? I don't know.
What is the going rate for a simple uncontested guardianship (of the person only and person and estate) as well as an uncontested quiet title action? Thanks.
April 13, 2021 9:36 pm
Boyd law school ranked 60th in country? How could a local law school (Boyd) with only its market in Southern Nevada move up in rankings against law schools with national and regional reputations? UNLV Boyd law does not even reach into Northern Nevada. I just don't get these rankings. I am not faulting Boyd. They have done a good job but a government sponsored public law school will always succeed because they are state funded. Have any public law schools failed? None that I know about.
I'm pretty sure there are Boyd grads (particularly that incredible 2013 class) kicking ass in just about every state, and some in other countries as well.
"How could a local law school (Boyd) with only its market in Southern Nevada move up in rankings against law schools with national and regional reputations?"
Because, outside of the Top 10 and bottom half, law school rankings are a total sham. Is there a difference between Harvard and Cooley Technical Institute and Law School? Most assuredly. Is there a meaningful, substantive difference in the quality of education between #30 and #60? #60 and #90? This is the fluff of imaginary "prestige" upon which douchebags and irrelevant academics fret.
Boyd has a lot of reach in Northern Nevada. Definitely not as much as Southern Nevada because McGeorge had such a grip on the Reno area for so long, but in the last 10 years, or maybe 8 years since the release of the prestigious Boyd class of '13, a lot of the newer crop are Boydians.
April 13, 2021 10:14 pm
2:47 and 3:02–Boyd rankings. Boyd has a local reputation is the point. ASU and U of A have regional/national reputations. Boyd is ranked 60th with Tulane and two Penn State Law Schools. Better than Northeastern? C'mon. That just does not sound right.
3:09-Roger Williams still open ranked 147 out of 193 according to a quick search. Whittier and Arizona Summit closed. Nevada School of Law Old College in Reno was Nevada's first law school. It folded in the late 1988. It was private.
Affordable housing was an issue in 2006. It wasn't in 2012. Liberals need to understand that market forces don't always allow everyone to buy a house at any point in time. My house is now worth more than it was in 2006, even adjusted for inflation. I predict "affordable" housing won't be an issue in 3 years when the housing market has bottomed out (again). Just be patient and the prices will adjust.
And spare me all the talking points about people moving in from California, cash investors, etc. People were saying those same things in 2006. Here's what really matters: Household income in Clark County (and the rest of the U.S.) has been stagnant for a long, long time. The wages and salaries paid in this valley cannot sustain these housing prices, and they won't.
Can I assure you of the timeline? Absolutely not. Do I know exactly how the bubble will burst? Nope. But I assure you that a correction is coming.
All this hand wringing about affordable housing is for naught and totally unnecessary.
Buckle up.
@ 9:38
Exactly, Well said.
I'm going to the RJC tomorrow for the first time in over a year. How much of a hassle is getting through the lines, COVID protocols, etc.? Thanks
What lines? Literally you walk right in because it is a ghost town.
Can confirm.
I was there last week and there was a line out the door and around the corner, probably a few hundred people.
Wow. Assuming Christian Morris is a male? I don't consider myself a feminist, but maybe I should. Good job Christian! Amazing result.
Christian is a female.
And what a female she is!
I assume 10:02 is pointing out that in the article, the AP assumes Christian Morris is a male by referring to her as a "he"
Has anyone else received the following email? Fortunately, no such video could possibly exist. What should the recipient of such an email do?
Í αm a hacker who hαs αccess to yoür operatíng system.
Í also have full αccess to yoür αccoüňt.
Í've been watchíng yoü for α few months now.
The fαct ís thαt yoü were ínfected wíth mαlwαre throügh an αdült síte that yoü vísíted.
Íf yoü αre not famílíar wíth thís, Í wíll explaín.
Trojαn Vírüs gíves me füll αccess and control over a compüter or other devíce.
Thís means that Í cαn see everythíng on yoür screen, türn on the cαmera αnd mícrophone, büt yoü do not know αboüt ít.
Í also hαve αccess to αll yoür contαcts αnd all yoür correspondence.
Why yoür αntívírüs díd not detect mαlwαre?
answer: My mαlwαre üses the dríver, Í üpdαte íts sígnatüres every 4 hoürs so thαt yoür αntívírüs ís sílent.
Í mαde α vídeo showíng how yoü sαtísfy yoürself ín the left half of the screen, and ín the ríght half yoü see the vídeo that yoü watched. Wíth one clíck of the moüse,
Í cαn send thís vídeo to all yoür emαíls αnd contacts on socíαl networks. Í can also post access to αll yoür e-maíl correspondence and messengers that yoü üse.
Íf yoü want to prevent thís, trαnsfer the αmoünt of $950(USD) to my β!tcoín αddress (íf yoü do not know how to do thís, wríte to Google: Büy β!tcoin).
My β!tcoín address (βŤC Wαllet) ís: 1CEbisuNDcFHBqm2q838bTtDBHR1xFpqqg
after receívíng the pαyment, Í wíll delete the vídeo and yoü wíll never heαr me αgαín.
Í gíve yoü 48 hoürs to pay.
Í hαve α notíce readíng thís letter, and the tímer wíll work when yoü see thís letter.
Fílíng α complaínt somewhere does not mαke sense becαüse thís emαíl cαnnot be trαcked líke my β!tcoín address.
Í do not mαke αny místakes.
Íf Í fínd thαt yoü have shαred thís message wíth someone else, the vídeo wíll be ímmedíately dístríbüted.
Best regαrds!
I head Microsoft has tracking software that will pay you $5.00 every time you post or forward that email. And Facebook says you have to post a disclaimer to preserve your privacy rights. Also if you recieve any emails from Nigeria about a Candian lottery, its totally legit.
Call/email RedPanda for help.
@10:38a – Use the modern version of File 13.
I am hoping this extortionist launches my only fans career.
This is why you always cover any camera in the room before rubbing one out.
I love how females are treated in this profession. Just had a sexist comment made to me by opposing counsel. Gross.
Why are you out working when you should be taking care of your family? So called "sexism" is natures way of course adjustment.
Are you Mormon? I think I know who you are.
Grow up.
Nice job that female cop did in Minnesota mistaking her gun for a taser.
Now the world has lost a future astronaut good boy.
The rap world mourns
A young man lost his life (sounds like he made some mistakes in his life and he should not have tried to run). A mother and father lost a son. A police officer (most likely a good person) made a horrible mistake and took another person's life. I am sure she will have regrets and depression the rest of her life, as will the mother and father. Pretty disgusted by 12:28 and 12:38. Time to stop with BS and the hate. If you are gonna hate put your name on your hate.
You people are assholes. A young man and father died all because of his skin color. Someone should snuff you out because of your low…..
12:45 here and to 12:53: Dont think this tragedy was "all because of is skin color." Th young man had outstanding warrants and he tried to flee from a cop. You are as much of the problem as 12:28 and 12:38.
Hey 12:53, are you saying that the officer intended to mistake her gun for her taser, and proceeded to shoot the guy knowing that she would kill him, solely because the driver was a person of color? Your mind reading powers are amazing! As 12:45 states, a terrible mistake was made. Also, government has become so intrusive in our lives that cops are now making traffic stops for the little of things, like having fuzzy dice or a scent tree hanging from our rear view mirrors. You want to have less shootings by police, go to your legislature and get them to abolish at least half of the laws created to control our daily lives.
I up, 12:53. I agree.
"Outstanding warrants and he tried to flee from a cop". Certainly capital offenses punishable by immediate death. But you are right– it is not all because of skin color; it is because of power imbalance. Power that allows 4 cops to choke a man to death with a knee to get due process while someone who runs gets summarily executed.
It's a tough situation and I understand the idea of "heat of the moment" but there is a discernible difference between the feel and weight of a taser and the feel and weight of a handgun. Plus officers wear them on different hips for this exact reason. I hope it was a legitimate mistake but this is a tragic outcome.
If you are right handed you carry the gun on your right side and the taser on your left. They have different holsters. The taser is lighter. When you take the safety off the taser, an LED light flashes. How the heck did she make that mistake?
Assuming that most people that read and post to this blog are lawyers, I cannot believe that amount binary only (wrong v. right, day or night, black or white) comments that are made. What about nuance and shades of gray? Is is possible that a white female cop with 26 years of experience is a racist and summarily executed a biracial 20 years old with outstanding warrants? Yeah its possible. Is it more likely that that experienced female cop made a "mistake" and killed a 20 year old? Probably. Is it more probably that Chauvin made a horrible "mistake" and unintentionally killed Floyd, or more probable that he intentionally took action that resulted in Floyd's death. I dont think Chauvin intentionally killed Floyd, but I sure think that he took intentionally took action and consciously disregard a substantial risk of significant harm. P.S. I am damn glad a lot of you were not my parents, and if you have kids is that how you are teaching them to view the world. Signed ID FBU.
I think ID FBU is about right. Taser girl was pure incompetence from the look of it. Chauvin I can't decide. His attorney has shaken my faith in his guilt. Did he follow department policy? Was the pressure on the back and not the neck? Was it the massive amount of fentanyl and meth that Floyd chugged during the stop? I don't know.
I know most of you remember. Wouldn't be the first cop to go to prison for this type of "mistake"
The officer who killed Oscar Grant spent 11 months in jail after claiming he thought his gun was a taser.
Do you know what day it is?
No, hump day is tomorrow, on Wednesday.
Today is "Be Kind to Lawyer's Day"
Yes, this appears to be a real thing since 2017, every second Tuesday in April.
What is the going rate for a simple uncontested guardianship (of the person only and person and estate) as well as an uncontested quiet title action? Thanks.
Boyd law school ranked 60th in country? How could a local law school (Boyd) with only its market in Southern Nevada move up in rankings against law schools with national and regional reputations? UNLV Boyd law does not even reach into Northern Nevada. I just don't get these rankings. I am not faulting Boyd. They have done a good job but a government sponsored public law school will always succeed because they are state funded. Have any public law schools failed? None that I know about.
Reno law school, was that public? There are plenty of UNLV grads in Reno. What is the going rate for a Boyd 2011 with extra aggression?
I'm pretty sure there are Boyd grads (particularly that incredible 2013 class) kicking ass in just about every state, and some in other countries as well.
Is top 250 law school, Roger Williams still open?
"How could a local law school (Boyd) with only its market in Southern Nevada move up in rankings against law schools with national and regional reputations?"
Because, outside of the Top 10 and bottom half, law school rankings are a total sham. Is there a difference between Harvard and Cooley Technical Institute and Law School? Most assuredly. Is there a meaningful, substantive difference in the quality of education between #30 and #60? #60 and #90? This is the fluff of imaginary "prestige" upon which douchebags and irrelevant academics fret.
Boyd has a lot of reach in Northern Nevada. Definitely not as much as Southern Nevada because McGeorge had such a grip on the Reno area for so long, but in the last 10 years, or maybe 8 years since the release of the prestigious Boyd class of '13, a lot of the newer crop are Boydians.
2:47 and 3:02–Boyd rankings. Boyd has a local reputation is the point. ASU and U of A have regional/national reputations. Boyd is ranked 60th with Tulane and two Penn State Law Schools. Better than Northeastern? C'mon. That just does not sound right.
Read 'em and weep.
3:09-Roger Williams still open ranked 147 out of 193 according to a quick search. Whittier and Arizona Summit closed. Nevada School of Law Old College in Reno was Nevada's first law school. It folded in the late 1988. It was private.
Northeastern? Never heard of it
No pot lounges.
Keep death penalty.