- Quickdraw McLaw
- Congratulations to Cara Campbell on her election to muni court. [TNI; RJ]
- Here’s more on the lawsuit that will possibly delay recreational marijuana. [TNI]
Tell Me Why
Yes. My taxes are low considering the ridiculous amount I…
Tell Me Why
Fuck yes. We're already paying for it as part of…
Tell Me Why
I, too, am willing to pay more in taxes. Taxes…
Tell Me Why
I've had four years of experience with the UK healthcare…
Ain’t Nothing But A Mistake
How is this a "problem"? The "usual providers" are the…
Request: can you make the links open in another page?
i second this request. we are in 2017, yo! its already bad enough i have to come to this website through "incognito" status on my web browser
Right click the link and select open in new tab…
It is a simple request for a change, not a request for an alternative method that, by the way, is far more inefficient than clicking the mouse wheel on the link and having it open in another page.
I know how to do these things.
I asked for a change to the way the links work.
Some people…
Or you can press "control" and then click on the link.
What they said. But seriously it is a whole 'nother click to do that. I changed today's links but no promises in the future.
See how much better the links work?
Counter-request: I'm not a big fan of tabs opening up without my say-so. If I follow a link, I expect my browser to go there as I told it to, because that's the default behavior of hyperlinks. 9:10, if you want it different, go click yourself. Don't mess with the default. That's Best Practices.
Now, that said,
Fiore. Yum yum. Liquor distribution laws need to be repealed. It is a racket.
In the Almase/Campbell race, which was close to 50/50 after early voting, it was clear that the election day voters had more knowledge about Almase' fake endorsement with the Rock, the outrageous mailers ,than early voters did(in large part because to a significant extent, the controversies, and the reporting on them, occurred late during the early voting period),
Since a lot of that controversy occurred during the later stages of early voting, most early voters would not have been exposed to it, but most election day voters would have already been exposed to it, and considered it.
So, after election day results were counted, this race which had been virtually even after early voting was counted, grew to a six point win for Campbell.
Some local journalists and columnists has been opposed to early voting, and one of the reasons is early voters do not get to consider highly relevant lapses in judgment and behavior desperate candidates engage in at the last minute. This particular race demonstrates the support for that view, as many election day voters took a dim view of some of those negative developments late in the campaign.
Shut up.
Did Almase ever get the "written authorization" from the Rock? I kind of hope she did, just to fan the flames.
I early voted, and I already knew that Almase is a train wreck.
What 10:47 said
A freakin' Congressman was shot at a republican baseball practice.
Of the gunman, "Hodgkinson's Facebook page is largely political, his profile picture is a caricature of Bernie Sanders as Uncle Sam. The Facebook feed is filled with anti-Trump sentiments such as 'Trump is guilty and should go to prison for treason.' He also 'liked' a political cartoon that suggested [House Majority Whip Steve] Scalise should be fired. On March 22, he posted 'Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It's Time to Destroy Trump & Co.' Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said both in a statement and on the Senate floor that he had learned the shooter volunteered on his presidential campaign — and that he condemned the shooting in the strongest possible terms."
The violent rhetoric and actions on all sides needs to stop.
"Another" – fixed it for ya'.
Can anybody advise or provide a link to an objection form to the report and recommendations from the discovery commish? Thank you!
I've had quite a bit of success with this form: https://tinyurl.com/I-Heart-Bonnie
Good luck!
Stick the link you know where. I am not amused. Just ignore the post, you don't have to be an ass.
Let me guess. You're the kind of lawyer who happily requests "sample" motions from whichever list-serv you belong you, which you then slap your client's name on and for which you charge him/her up the yin-yang. There are no forms for the objection, because the objection is (frequently) your one and only shot to tell the judge how and why Bulla is wrong, and you are right. It's not a form. It's legal writing. It's advocacy. It's what you're being paid to do. So, do it.
Thank you, Bonnie.
You peeps need to take a chill pill. The person asked for a form. Ignore the post if you don't want to respond. This is why our profession sucks.
You have to love it when OTAs are over and we get to put on the pads and do some full-contact hitting on this blog.
I love that denim outfit more than I love the song. Thank you.
WTF? I ask people for exemplars all the time if I haven't done something before, and I happily help out others who are less experienced. Obviously the facts and substantive law are your own. What is the L and A code for "reinvent wheel?" Is that what your clients want to pay for?
Because we all know @3:19 has created every document from scratch and it is his/her original work. Don't be so full of yourself.
When I'm telling a judge that another judicial officer is full of shit? You're damn right it's my original work.
So you are one of those attorneys whose best argument is that opposing counsel is full of shit. Not only does that argument fail to persuade anyone, but I hate to break it to you, it ain't original.
So now that Alverson might be on the run and on the ropes, what firm of some size is next? Does Hutchison & Steffen end up over their skis on their palatial quarters now that Mark is spending more time in Carson City? Does Steve Morris finally retire and take his dogs out to pasture? Predictions on the next domino to fall…
Mark is spending less time in Carson City. He did not like it as much as he thought and does not want to be away from his family, which is why he is not running for Governor or a national seat.
Well it won't be Eglet. Dude has bank.
So who is next? Who overextended themselves with a beaucoup buildout and now is carrying such a heavy debt load that they are precarious?
I had wondered why he didn't run for Gov. I think he would have beaten Laxalt, even though Laxalt would have had the benefit of the support of the nutcase Fioreites in the primary.
MAC? You have to wonder why Coffing was willing to throw his hat in ring for judgeship.
Any updates about Alverson?
They won't give employees updates. They just got mail this week. So maybe that is a sign they finally signed the lease at the next place. They should be okay. Cases still coming in. Clients aware of temporary space. Clients are loyal.
6605 Grand Montecito Pkwy, Ste 200
               Las Vegas, NV 89149
So it is the Asurion Building. Nice looking building. Terrible access. We looked at renting there when they were desperate for tenants because it was effectively a shell. It really is a nice building, nicer than the morgue they left.
I am not happy about Fiore. I will say it is nice to see the incumbents get booted. More people need to vote.
Some "judicial officers" are full of shit.
I am laughing at the purist who never used a form before. Right!
I can understand looking for a form for a discovery plan and scheduling order. An objection to discovery commissioner's decision? Not really a form type of thing. Maybe it's just me, but this blog doesn't seem like the type of place where one would ask for a form.
To play Devil's Advocate, if you have never seen what an Objection looks like, you might want to look at one just to see the format that it follows, even if the substantive arguments are really case specific.
I would do it as an abbreviated brief. Nothing wrong for asking for a form on the blog.