Have you made up your mind about Ballot Question 1 yet? Steve Wolfson spoke in favor of the initiative. [RJ]
Have you made up your mind about Ballot Question 2 yet? A local church may be trying to influence the outcome. [Las Vegas Weekly]
Anyone have the scoop on the comment from yesterday about the Morris/Snell merger not happening? ed. Apparently the merger is postponed until a certain conflict can be resolved, but for now it is no longer imminent.
For those looking for a little money on the side, the County needs poll workers. [Las Vegas Sun]
Las Vegas law connection–the area authority is attorney William Stoddard.
September 30, 2016 4:11 pm
Separation of Church and State, one of the most basic aspects of the Constitution. Not all private schools have religious affiliations but most do. You can't use government money for religious purposes. I went to Catholic schools. My folks had to scrape up the tuition and never looked for a government handout. I'm shocked this is even an issue it is such a basic principle. Only in Nevada.
I remember at my son's public elementary school when the Constitutionally challenged uneducated Mormon mothers got control of the PTA. They kept trying to sell religious/Crosses etc. for fundraisers at the school and ignorantly could not understand when people told them it is against the Constitution. In their minds, religion was the all powerful guiding force and the U.S. Constitution was irrelevant to their cause. It was very scary.
Trying to sell religious related products. Whatever 12:07 My point was the general failure to grasp the difference of Church and State at a public school.
I am trying to figure out what religious items Mormon moms would sell. The story sounds made up – especially in light of the fact that when pushed, the commenter quickly backed off of the crosses issue and made such a lukewarm assertion of "religious related products." I'm calling bullshit on this one.
Selling crosses or religious material at PTA fundraisers is not in violation of the constitution. It might irk the robed tyrants in SCOTUS, but it is not a violation. Separation of Church and State meant no state religion, not no freedom to choose. Little moes go to moe school; little papists go to papistry camp; little yids go to yid school, little rainbow spectrum of sexuality deviants go to CCSD, etc.
I am proud Nevada is setting the stage for student liberation.
Separation of church and state? Maybe some legal scholar can pull out the document and place the exact verbiage of this "most basic aspect" of the Constitution here. It's no more "basic" than the phrase "prohibit the free exercise thereof," or "abridging the freedom of speech." It is merely words written by Thomas Jefferson. You know, one of those old guys that are irrelevant to modern-day theories about how the government should be run.
Madison, not Jefferson, you uncultured wretch. When the Bill of Rights was drafted, Jefferson was Ambassadoring his ass over over France, one French maid at a time.
Can someone provide a short summary of the ESA case? I am too lazy to read the whole thing, and under no circumstance will I allow a RJ journalist to try to explain it to me. Thank you.
I'm too lazy to read it too, but based on all the commentary out there, I understood the ruling as: "you can't steal the $ outright from the public schools that are already the WORST in the nation (because this is what happens when you do, hello!), but definitely feel free to steal it indirectly by passing some special appropriations bill that diverts the $ before it ever gets allocated to the WORST public school system in the nation." There, did we make everyone happy? Obviously we did, because both sides are claiming victory! Hooray for us! That's what Justices are for! (so so heavy on the sarcasm here)
Our schools are failing because of the huge number of deplorables in them, government mandates and the greedy unions. Every extra dollar dropped into public schools is wasted dollar. They should all close, their PERS cashed out at pro rata market value, and nothing left but ESA schools with exactly zero government interference.
We'd be a magnet for every high IQ family in the world within a few years. President Trump would showcase us and even build a Trump K-University, where child is GREAT.
September 30, 2016 6:43 pm
As to the combining of the Morris and Snell bloodlines, is it the dogs that are holding it up? I can see him insisting that Snell take the dogs or take nothing.
Agreed. But wow. Literally the same week and they still honored him as alum of the year. Did they already spend too much on the catering order and could not cancel?
One of the 20 or so stake presidencies sent a stupid email. The area authority corrected it. And yet… MORMON CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!
Also, it's absolutely not illegal for a tax exempt church to explicitly campaign for or against ballot initiatives. Sloppy work, Las Vegas Weekly.
Las Vegas law connection–the area authority is attorney William Stoddard.
Separation of Church and State, one of the most basic aspects of the Constitution. Not all private schools have religious affiliations but most do. You can't use government money for religious purposes. I went to Catholic schools. My folks had to scrape up the tuition and never looked for a government handout. I'm shocked this is even an issue it is such a basic principle. Only in Nevada.
I remember at my son's public elementary school when the Constitutionally challenged uneducated Mormon mothers got control of the PTA. They kept trying to sell religious/Crosses etc. for fundraisers at the school and ignorantly could not understand when people told them it is against the Constitution. In their minds, religion was the all powerful guiding force and the U.S. Constitution was irrelevant to their cause. It was very scary.
LDS mothers wouldn't be selling crosses.
Trying to sell religious related products. Whatever 12:07 My point was the general failure to grasp the difference of Church and State at a public school.
The school quickly realized the illegality and put a stop to it.
Maybe they were selling magic underwear?
I am trying to figure out what religious items Mormon moms would sell. The story sounds made up – especially in light of the fact that when pushed, the commenter quickly backed off of the crosses issue and made such a lukewarm assertion of "religious related products." I'm calling bullshit on this one.
Selling crosses or religious material at PTA fundraisers is not in violation of the constitution. It might irk the robed tyrants in SCOTUS, but it is not a violation. Separation of Church and State meant no state religion, not no freedom to choose. Little moes go to moe school; little papists go to papistry camp; little yids go to yid school, little rainbow spectrum of sexuality deviants go to CCSD, etc.
I am proud Nevada is setting the stage for student liberation.
Maybe the mormons were selling those ctr rings. Or that picture or Jesus looking to the left in a red robe. A signed photo of Mitt Romney…
LDS members would never be selling Crosses – have you ever seen a Cross on the roof of a Ward building – no.
Separation of church and state? Maybe some legal scholar can pull out the document and place the exact verbiage of this "most basic aspect" of the Constitution here. It's no more "basic" than the phrase "prohibit the free exercise thereof," or "abridging the freedom of speech." It is merely words written by Thomas Jefferson. You know, one of those old guys that are irrelevant to modern-day theories about how the government should be run.
Madison, not Jefferson, you uncultured wretch. When the Bill of Rights was drafted, Jefferson was Ambassadoring his ass over over France, one French maid at a time.
Let me buy you a Ben Franklin beer, chump.
Can someone provide a short summary of the ESA case? I am too lazy to read the whole thing, and under no circumstance will I allow a RJ journalist to try to explain it to me. Thank you.
Invalid funding mechanism prevents the accounts from working. No other problems.
My children and I thank you.
I'm too lazy to read it too, but based on all the commentary out there, I understood the ruling as: "you can't steal the $ outright from the public schools that are already the WORST in the nation (because this is what happens when you do, hello!), but definitely feel free to steal it indirectly by passing some special appropriations bill that diverts the $ before it ever gets allocated to the WORST public school system in the nation." There, did we make everyone happy? Obviously we did, because both sides are claiming victory! Hooray for us! That's what Justices are for! (so so heavy on the sarcasm here)
Our schools are failing because of the huge number of deplorables in them, government mandates and the greedy unions. Every extra dollar dropped into public schools is wasted dollar. They should all close, their PERS cashed out at pro rata market value, and nothing left but ESA schools with exactly zero government interference.
We'd be a magnet for every high IQ family in the world within a few years. President Trump would showcase us and even build a Trump K-University, where child is GREAT.
As to the combining of the Morris and Snell bloodlines, is it the dogs that are holding it up? I can see him insisting that Snell take the dogs or take nothing.
Word is Steve Morris wants to continue the dog-friendly office, but Frank Snell is more of a cat person.
2:38 wins the internet today
So Ricki Barlow gets UNLV alum of the year yesterday and is under investigation by the FBI for corruption.
For BSL's legacy, see also: Erin Kenny and Dario Herrera
Agreed. But wow. Literally the same week and they still honored him as alum of the year. Did they already spend too much on the catering order and could not cancel?