- Quickdraw McLaw
The Blogger polls are not working very well in the posts, but we have one up on the side relating to a suggestion from a reader. How many of you work more than one job? It’s probably not typical for lawyer types, but surely some of you do a little something on the side? What do you do to make extra money? Something law related, teaching, physical labor, etc…
Breaking: Supreme Court issues ruling on ESAs. The Supreme Court’s site is being hammered, so good luck getting the opinion, but local reporters are tweeting about it. Check out @NealTMorton for more information and screenshots.
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Why do you need polls anyway
Because the blog is dead and the bloggers are lazy.
Jobs, how much your bonus was, polls. Only a few readers care about that. Gossip, rumors and behind the scenes manipulation is what the majority want. I realize you cannot go quite as extreme as WWL but you do need to spice it up a little.
10:09 speaks the truth
people have to share rumors and gossip. The blogmaster is not all knowing. Someone has to tell them about things like Morris and Snell Wilmer merger–like is it still happening, because I hear that it might not be.
I work full time at a large firm, but also take side jobs from friends. I probably do 2-3 projects a month for them for between $75-$100 an hour. Particularly if I have a purchase in mind. Its sort of like a small monthly bonus of my own choosing. I do get 1099'd though. >:(
Um, you're fired?
You're doing legal work on the side? And you work at a large firm? That's risky man. Imagine the conversation you'll be having if your side work turns into a conflict for your firm. It won't be a good one.
11:19: Don't let the haters discourage you. Keep on going. I am sure you are mindful of your ethical obligations.
Or the even less pleasant conversation if you mess something up and your firm gets the claim only to find that your freelancing is not covered by insurance.
Fishing off the company pier… sort of. Fine until something goes sideways and that paper trail is revealed.
I am trying out a new cheer: Paul Clement, money well spent!
I'm sorry, why exactly does Laxalt think this is a "victory?" Didn't they lose??? I must be missing something…
spin baby spin.
And check out this little easter egg hiding in the opinion (thanks Adam and Paul!):
"We now recognize an exception to this injury requirement in certain cases involving issues of significant public importance. Under this public-importance exception, we may grant standing to a Nevada citizen to raise constitutional challenges to legislative expenditures or appropriations without a showing of a special or personal injury."
I teach a class for a couple extra bucks.
Can someone confirm where this poor poor person works/worked?
Good grief… "Hartman is a self-described bankruptcy specialist, legal assistant and 'supporter of the wrongfully convicted Steven Avery.'"
Dunno, but she is not bad looking. Avery did okay …
I have four jobs. None of them pay well.
I think I am going to start a school on the side.
I'm a musician. Playing gigs here and there is my "side" job. I price my fees so it pays pretty well.
I hear that running for President can be lucrative, if you play your cards right.