- Quickdraw McLaw
- Here is video of an interaction between Judge Rena Hughes and a 12-year old girl in a custody hearing? Is it normal? Appropriate? Concerning? [LasVegasNow]
- Anything else going on out there?
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https://newrepublic.com/post/191313/donald-trump-ally-supreme-court-overturn-press-protection Steve Wynn is a massive piece of shit.
There is probably more to this Judge Hughes story than was reported. I don't think she did anything wrong but sometimes the most popular decision of leaving a child primarily with one parent is not the custody arrangement that the law supports. If the Judge was just doing her job, how is that really newsworthy? She probably has some haters out there. Nothing to see here…….just move along…….AND VOTE TODAY!!!
Hughes should have appointed an advocate for the child and she should have treated the child with compassion.
Agreed. No compassion shown in this situation. Children don't choose to be in the middle of a custody fight.
8:56 is right. Why did she not appoint an advocate for the child? She probably didn't think anybody would obtain the video from the hearing and put it up on Youtube, but this wasn't the smartest move on her part. She shouldn't have been addressing the child directly without allowing her to have representation. Makes her look callous.
There is much more than reported. There is another video on facebook showing her berating the child, telling her to grow up, and that she never will see her mom again. C U next Tuesday at the judicial discipline hearing, Rena.
Totally inappropriate on multiple levels. Besides how she treated the child, where was mom and/or her attorney during all of this? Dad and his attorney were present in the videos. What about that pesky problem of ex parte communication?
When You Go Vote Judge Joe!
As idealistic and naive as it sounds:
No matter what happens, it appears that there is going to be a large amount of unhappy people. It's been an ugly race because, among many reasons, there are so many people who feel that they haven't been properly represented. The important thing is to try and set aside our differences for the common good and to listen to each other. There are always going to be key points that we disagree on, but with an at risk economy, the US falling behind in living standards, and continued inequality (pick your immutable characteristic) we need to figure it out and get it together.
People will realize that life will go on pretty much as normal after this election. This election has been blown up way out of proportion in the media because of the two clowns running, but I remember as far back as 1988 when my teacher said that if Bush won, she'd move out of the country. People tend to overstate the amount of power the President actually has. And the good news is that in 4 years, we get to do this all over again!
The video on Judge Hughes is totally unfair. That video does not show what has happened in the case. It doesn't show if there are therapists or other health providers involved. All it shows is a really bad day in court. It's unknown what led to that particular situation, but my guess is that mom has poisoned that child against her father and thought she'd get away with it now that the child is old enough to say she doesn't want to see dad. However, that's not what the law says. Now mom is obviously trying to use the media to get her way. But, that's just my guess. Sad fact is that family court judges routinely have to make the most out of terrible situations that usually involve children. They shouldn't get pilloried based on a video of one tiny slice of the case.
This is just my guess, but the video doesn't show if there were armed terrorists holding a gun to the head of a newborn baby or if other terrorists were involved. All it shows is a really good day in court. Its unknown what led to that particular situation, but my guess is that dad molested the daughter and now that the child is old enough to say she doesn't want to see dad. However, that's not what the law says. Now obviously the judge is trying to use the law blog to get her way. But, that's just my guess. Sad fact is family court judges routinely allow terrorists to hold babies hostage and have to make the most out of terrible situations that involve terrorists holding babies hostage. Terrorists shouldn't get pilloried based on a video of one tiny slice of the case.
I think this is one instance where the context doesn't matter. I guarantee that there is much more to this case than what happened in that video. The problem is that a judge should not be arguing directly with a young child in court, who has no representation, no matter what the context.
Is it normal for something like that to be sealed months later like the reporter said it was?
It seems to be normal lately when the public shows an interest in the actual activities of our elected officials and they feel a need to cover up things. Typical.. there is nothing to see here, keep moving along…
I do not think the context matters either. That video brought tears to my eyes. No 12 year old should be treated like that.
Wolfman Jack thinks Rena Hughes sucks…have a lollipop
Trump Files Lawsuit Over Early Voting in Southern Nevada: http://www.reviewjournal.com/news/politics-and-government/trump-campaign-files-court-challenge-over-early-voting-southern-nevada
And the request for relief has already been denied. Sounds like Judge Sturman tore them a new one.
Here is a copy of the Writ filed by Trump's organization. It appears they have legitimate concerns if, in fact, the polling site was allowing people to get into like after 8pm (which is not permissible) as opposed to allowing just those already in line to vote (which is permissible.)
It's a 100 page PDF, around 10 Megs in size.
The Deadspin twitter feed has some of the video up. Mad respect for Judge Sturman.
As soon as I saw the case was assigned to Judge Sturman, I would have had a preremptory challenge on file in a nanosecond. She is a card carrying Democrat.
Well, according to the County and the Trump campaign, everything is fine. The County says they did nothing wrong (even allowing people to join the line after early voting is technically closed), and Trump campaign says that they won even though Judge Sturman denied them.
When you're talking about temporary poll sites, the polls don't close on Friday until the County Clerk wants them to:
NRS 293.3572  Temporary branch polling places: Authority of county clerk to establish; hours during which voting may be conducted; legal rights and remedies of property owners or lessors not affected by presence of polling places.
1.  In addition to permanent polling places for early voting, the county clerk may establish temporary branch polling places for early voting which may include, without limitation, the clerk’s office pursuant to NRS 293.3561.
2.  The provisions of subsection 3 of NRS 293.3568 do not apply to a temporary polling place. Voting at a temporary branch polling place may be conducted on any one or more days and during any hours within the period for early voting by personal appearance, as determined by the county clerk.
I only practice family law – speaking to a child this way never right in any context – wrong so many levels – children rarely in Court room – therapists usu involved – reunif therapy may be appropriate here – sealings happen but not too often – sadly judges here get God complexes quickly – sorry typing one hand
How effing sad is it that a corrupt scumbag disgraced fraudster like Michael McDonald is Nevada's Republican Party chairman? Our state is a shithole.
If you are hiring Aurora Maskall and Teddy Parker to bring your election related action, well no wonder you did not win. Aurora has not won anything in years. Teddy would have only made sure that the other side never received the pleading before he asked for relief. Good job Trump!
Looks like Marquis & Aurbach was in on it too.
The real question here is, regardless of who Trump hired for this case, after having their asses handed to them in court, will Trump actually pay these attorneys for their work? I'm guessing no based on past practice.
I suspect that it was "volunteer"
The first firm on the petition was Marquis Aurbach. I certainly hope these folks weren't doing it as volunteers.
Just an anonymous reminder that there are Guardian ad Litems and CASA's who can be appointed easily and cheaply to represent children in that situation! Judge Hughes should be ashamed of herself for communicating from the bench that way to a CHILD, completely regardless of whatever either parent may have done.
Voted for Gale.
SHUT UP!!!!!
This train wreck of an election will thankfully be over in a bit over 3 hours, thank God!
I have voted in every election since Reagan and looking at the ballot before hitting the button to cast the votes it struck me… For the first time since I began voting, the vast majority of the votes were not in support of a candidate but rather cast against the opposing candidate. What a said commentary of where we have gone as a society.
If this is a small peek into the future of the country, God help us and later generations.. The future looks mighty bleak
I cannot wait for the Trump victory. To see all the libtards in tears that there will be less war, less political correctness, less taxes, less regulations and a President who actually puts America first. The horror!
The good news is I'm rich and will not be effected by idiots like you who are looking for Trump to fix every bad decision you've ever made in your life and make America great again because you can't.
The good news is that it was idiots like you who brought this about with your glib elitism.
We are an embarrassment. We just elected a person who says Mexicans are rapists. He makes fun of veterans, and he sexually assaults women. If you voted for him, there is a special place for you in hell.
All lies and you are quite foolish for buying into them. The left does not win by spreading truth. It wins by spreading lies. Don't be a peckerhead. Read. Think. Be free.
Words straight out of Trump's mouth – on video. How are those lies?
Go Trump!!