- Quickdraw McLaw
- Attorney William K. Errico was arrested on Friday for felony charges of exploitation of the elderly and exploitation of a vulnerable person related to the theft of almost $500,000 from two of his clients. [RJ]
- Here’s an article on the State Bar of Nevada’s ability to discipline lawyers in response to felony convictions. The article stems from attorney Brian Bloomfield, who pleaded guilty in December to felony charges, still practicing law and Judge Jessie Walsh recently giving him his passport back so he can go on an out of country vacation. [RJ]
As a quick aside, and certainly nothing new or insightful, but I was at a dinner with some friends on saturday, as they were quizzing me about which judicial candidates to vote for. As we were going through the list I was so saddened by the quality of the candidates. Although we joke about it on this page, the situation is really pathetic. Especially when most glowing compliments are "least of the evils" or "vote for the devil we know". Really!? Is this acceptable? [sigh]
Run yourself or encourage well-qualified people you know to do so. In the meantime, I genuinely appreciate the input from the people on this site about the different candidates and, yes, the LVRJ's. Still have to think about them but we do the best we can. We have some pretty terrific judges in LV — Barker, Herndon, Cadish, Bell, Denton, to name a few.
That's what 8:12 seems to be saying… we lose a lot of qualified, smart (and impartial) individuals because of the money and campaigning involved.
I agree with your comments, except Bell. She is not her father, not even close.
thank heavens
Yep, I marked up my sample ballot this weekend while doing online searches on each one (including on this blog) and and it made me feel like throwing up. Candidates, FYI, one criterion for crossing someone off my list was any candidate who posts here about him or herself while vehemently insisting he or she is actually someone other than the candidate. It's painfully obvious when you do that, try thought you might not to be obvious.
I know this is the Las Vegas Law Blog, but this attorney from Reno seems……interesting.
I'd bet that's a very effective ad.
Off-topic – sick of doing insurance defense, and want to break into an area of law that I can actually make a difference in people's lives. Family law is a possibility (if some of the judges are shitty, all the more reason to provide the clients with advocacy.) Wills, possibly, but I don't know if I can carve out a nice estates practice right off the bat. Any other suggestions?
Immigration law or social security law. Just remember that when you actually make a difference in people's lives, it usually comes at the cost of making money for yourself.
Consumer law? Plenty of people being ripped off all over the valley. How about working for LACSN? They pay a decent salary, although you'll never get rich.
Yeah, but you have to work for LACSN…
Some of the worst undesirables are practicing consumer law, one of them is running for judge.
We will have a lot to complain about if he gets elected.
I am also disappointed with most of the judicial candidates, Dave Thomas' crew namely. Even if they are the only candidate, I am not voting for them.
Which one is running for judge?
Miley's opponent, Friedberg.
Speaking of accused attorneys, anyone hear from Gerry Zobrist on how he's doing in prison?
Anyone have access to that ALM article re Judge Jay Bybee's ties to his former law firm? Might have some interesting numbers… See Above The Law…
Anyone know anything about Errico? Is he a Mormon? Is there a pattern here?
What difference does it make what religion he belongs to? It appears he is a crook regardless. Every house of worship has hypocrites.
He stole a $400,000 injury settlement from my critically injured (now) wife when she was 17 and hospitalized in 2008. He illegally had her sign it all over to him. Her family was out of the country so she was vulnerable. Special place in hell for this man.
That is awful. Cannot believe that attorneys are not prosecuted for stealing from their clients as are people who shoplift beer from convenience store. And yes it appears that he is mormon as his website states he went to BYU (Hawaii Campus). Members of the LDS church hold themselves to higher standards and often hold themselves out to being honest and reliable in their business dealings.
2014 Legal Elite is up: http://www.nevadabusiness.com/2014/06/legal-elite-2014-nevadas-top-attorneys/?utm_source=Eblast&utm_medium=e-mail&utm_campaign=June%202014%20Eblast
How the hell is a 2 or 3 year old a legal elite?
Here comes the annual debate. Yes, we recognize this list isn't exactly accurate. Yes, we recognize some people get all their buddies to vote for them. So what? This is a marketing gimmick, and those who effectively use it will make more money, and in that sense, they ARE ELITE. I am a young buck. I may give it the old college try next year.