Commissioner Fontano was at his wits end this morning during sales in probate court. The friday probate zoom is a circus. This morning CF lost it. “We’ve been doing this for five years!” His anger was righteous and justified. Every single week there somebody leaves their mic open and their office conversation bleeds into the hearing. Sometimes, there are multiple offenders in a week. Then you have the surly real estate agents and investors that try to talk back and argue with him, which happened again this morning. They really should eliminate Zoom for the sales, it’s just a disaster and there are too many problems.
ZOOM for uncontested hearings are fine. ZOOM for sales is a nightmare because people argue and talk over each other and its almost impossible to tell who bid when.
They don’t have a dedicated court recorder for Probate so it’s just the court clerk who has no training on how to work Zoom and is also responsible for taking written notes at the same time. Zoom needs to go away and only be used as a very last resort.
At a minimum, they need to eliminate Zoom for the sales. That’s where 90% of the chaos comes from. And it’s almost always entitled, inconsiderate and disrespectful real estate agents and investors. Those people can shower and go to probate court in person if they want to participate.
January 17, 2025 11:03 am
I just recently installed tik tok, maybe 2-3 months ago. I really like it, bummed and shocked to see it go.
Tanner Castro’s attorney moved to dismiss the federal indictment this week. The facts of the case are even worse than I thought before. The attached screenshots of the Snapchat conversations are so cringe.
January 09, 2025 09:00 AM Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus
Yeager, Bita COURTROOM:
Tucker, Michele
RJC Courtroom 14C
Defendant Crawford NOT PRESENT out of custody.
Mr. Villani advised there is a pending resolution the State Bar needs to approve. COURT
CONTINUED TO: 4/03/25 9:00 AM
Jacob J. Villani A
Commissioner Fontano was at his wits end this morning during sales in probate court. The friday probate zoom is a circus. This morning CF lost it. “We’ve been doing this for five years!” His anger was righteous and justified. Every single week there somebody leaves their mic open and their office conversation bleeds into the hearing. Sometimes, there are multiple offenders in a week. Then you have the surly real estate agents and investors that try to talk back and argue with him, which happened again this morning. They really should eliminate Zoom for the sales, it’s just a disaster and there are too many problems.
ZOOM for uncontested hearings are fine. ZOOM for sales is a nightmare because people argue and talk over each other and its almost impossible to tell who bid when.
Why doesn’t the court mute those not their turn to speak?
They don’t have a dedicated court recorder for Probate so it’s just the court clerk who has no training on how to work Zoom and is also responsible for taking written notes at the same time. Zoom needs to go away and only be used as a very last resort.
At a minimum, they need to eliminate Zoom for the sales. That’s where 90% of the chaos comes from. And it’s almost always entitled, inconsiderate and disrespectful real estate agents and investors. Those people can shower and go to probate court in person if they want to participate.
I just recently installed tik tok, maybe 2-3 months ago. I really like it, bummed and shocked to see it go.
It’s not going anywhere. You heard it here first.
“Dismissing” a judgment? The article did not make sense.
Sounds like it was a default that was excused
Default judgment. Better(ish) article here
Default and Default Judgment Set Aside
Tanner Castro’s attorney moved to dismiss the federal indictment this week. The facts of the case are even worse than I thought before. The attached screenshots of the Snapchat conversations are so cringe.
What’s the case no?
It looks like the DA is dismissing the case against Doug Crawford.
01/21/2025 Request
Judicial Officer
Yeager, Bita
Hearing Time
9:00 AM
DA Request Re: Dismiss Case
likely because he agreed to disbarment
January 09, 2025 09:00 AM Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus
Yeager, Bita COURTROOM:
Tucker, Michele
RJC Courtroom 14C
Defendant Crawford NOT PRESENT out of custody.
Mr. Villani advised there is a pending resolution the State Bar needs to approve. COURT
CONTINUED TO: 4/03/25 9:00 AM
Jacob J. Villani A
Disbarred as if January 13, 2025 ORDER OF DISBARMENT
Unfortunate. So he gets to escape accountability because he had a law license to surrender. Lame.
Margaret Rudin SOOOO did it. End of story
And it has hit the Review Journal on our favorite ABG.