Nevada is closed for non-essential business for the next 30 days. Governor Sisolak told Nevadans what should happen and what they should do last night–but was it an order? How will businesses who comply be affected? How about those that don’t? [NV Health Response; News3LV]
Don’t worry though, construction is essential and that means work continues on Allegiant Stadium. [8NewsNow]
And according to a tweet from a Reno city councilman, professional offices including lawyers can remain open so long as desks are arranged to provide workers with maximum safety. [TNI]
With closures affecting blood drives, there is an increased need for blood donations. [News3LV]
Here’s a debate between some candidates for Department 23. [RJ]
You can keep up with some of the latest on Clark County Courts via @LasVegasCourts — the Eighth Judicial District Court’s information officer.
I would like everyone's honest assessment. We have tens of thousands of people out of work, stuck in their homes with their kids, most of them have no savings. This is a powder keg, IMO. What are the chances of civil unrest here in Las Vegas. I am thinking of bugging out this weekend to a small out of state town with family and then continuing to work remotely from there. I am genuinely terrified this town will explode. Am I nuts?
You are not nuts. Thought has crossed my mind. Told my wife and kids that they are free to go to a designated location that we have some property. Everyone wants to think that they are important, but I keep thinking that we really are essential. Clients are panicking just like I am panicking and yet we have the chance to be voices of reason, to ameliorate that powder keg that you discuss.
Swung by Costco this morning. They were limiting the number of people who could enter at once (makes sense). They were enforcing that limit and keeping the peace with 2 Metro units. That's a bit more concerning.
Drive by a gun store right not and see what those parking lots look like.
March 18, 2020 4:32 pm
Governor said last night that Evictions in Las Vegas Justice Court have been cancelled a day after Baucum said that they were going forward. This was a horrible oversight by the judge in her first version of the Administrative Order.
March 18, 2020 4:35 pm
I went to Sprouts at 6:30am this morning to wait for it to open. In 4 minutes, there was a line 20 deep. The La Bonita's across the street already had a long line. Every store I drove by on the way home had full parking lots and lines. If you feel better leaving, do it. No judgment. I'm going to hold out hope that people will be civil.
at 12:52 is a dick. Seriously? Attacking Trump? Bet you agree with China that the virus was implanted there by the U.S. Army.
March 18, 2020 5:42 pm
Everyone needs to just calm the hell down. My grandparents' generation survived the Great Depression and rationing of resources during WWII. My parents were teenagers during the polio epidemic. Those things went on for years. We can get through the next couple of months until we have a handle on learning to live and work in the presence of this virus.
Next couple of months? The taskforce came out today and estimated the pandemic to last 18 months. I don't know about you but think about all of the change in the last 7 calendar days. Now multiply that by 80 and you have the projected length of the pandemic.
Both the Corona Taskforce and Governor Sisolak referenced the Imperial College London study that was recently released that estimated 500,000 Britons and up to 2.2 million Americans dead without containment. That would be 5 times the casualty count of World War II.
Good lord. There were 15 million soldier casualties in WWII, 25 mil wounded and 45 mil civilian casualties. Please be reasonable or do some research before throwing up numbers. Just causing more unnecessary drama.
You compare apples an oranges. 11:48 AM is correct. There were 400,000 American deaths in WWII. There may be as many as 2.2M American deaths from corona virus.
Somewhere between 55M and 80M worldwide could die from coronavirus. WWII had 70M casualties. Apparently, however, that is "unnecessary drama."
They had a promising article about how Kaiser Permanente in Seattle was just starting Phase 1 Testing of a vaccine on 3/16/20.
That article was somewhat hopeful, estimating about a year for an effective vaccine. It also talked about how they were going to rush the stages through as fast as possible, as phases 2, 3, and 4 (if used) typically take several years.
It talked about the vaccine encapsulated mRNA for the "spike" protein – apparently the vaccine causes the body to generate its own spike protein (the spindly red things coming off of the virus in the electron microscope pictures) because that's the portion of the virus that easily latches on to human cells in vivo presently. The theory is that the inoculated people will have antibodies that rise up to fight the "spike" protein, and from thereon out, those people's bodies will have antibodies against the spike protein, thereby protecting them (not known presently to what degree) if they are infected with the ACTUAL virus because their bodies will fight off the virus almost immediately instead of 1-2 weeks, like we see now.
The article talked about how the testing now is testing safety of vaccine overall and also how they were giving different levels/concentrations of the vaccine to determine what the most effective level is. It also talked about how a few months ago, the Chinese scientists studying this virus openly published the genetic code of this virus, and there was only a time frame of 63 days in between this publication and the entire process of creation/implementation/injection (creation) of the first batch of vaccines for the phase 1 participants.
12:11 nailed it as did 11:48. We are facing the prospect of five times more Americans dying in the next 18 months than Americans who did in 4 years in World War II. If that is "unnecessary drama" in your book, perhaps it is you that needs to be reasonable and do some research.
A lot of hysteria here.
The medical professionals say that for most, COVId-19 is comparable to the flu. Almost everyone is sick for two weeks but recover nicely. Yes, compromised persons may die, but they likely would also die from a good case of the ordinary flu.
2:49, define "most." Sure it's true that "most" people don't have severe issues. But even if most equals 95%, that's still a shitload of severely ill people who need hospitalization in a short span of time.
And no, the death rate is not the same as flu. It's about 10x the flu. Many people who die from this would not die from the flu.
10:42 here. Well, that certainly escalated quickly. In no way did I intend to suggest that people should not be gravely concerned, or that this whole thing will simply blow over in a couple of months. However, this is not a time to panic, or to head for the hills with your AR-15 and bucket of freeze-dried grub from Jim Bakker. But I do think that extreme measure now will help, dare I say, "flatten the curve" ( I'm so sick of hearing that already) so that we can hopefully get ahead of this and by summertime get back to something that resembles normalcy, understanding that this does not mean we are out of the woods or that no more people will be afflicted. That won't happen until there is a vaccine. This is bad. The world is not ending. I'm more concerned about global warming in terms of the long run. As one of my economics professors was fond of saying, in the very long run we're all dead.
@ 3:25 "the death rate is not the same as flu. It's about 10x the flu"
That is not a fact. The number of persons infected with COVID-19 is not known. The initial data is incomplete and initial death rate of near 2% was based only a limited number of cases, mostly from those who are compromised. The numbers will likely be very different with a larger data set. Hit the "pause" button on the histrionics.
The initial CFR was suspected to be 3-5%. Best evidence now is it is .6% (death rate in S. Korea after comprehensive testing) to around 2%. Typical seasonal flu has a CFR in the ballpark of .1%, so the conservative estimate is 6 to 20 times as deadly. That's not "histrionics".
6:00- So your argument to not panic is that "[t]he number of persons infected with COVID-19 is not known. The initial data is incomplete". In other words, there are arguably thousands/millions of people who we do not yet know are sick. Yeah that's far more frightening. Thanks for helping the other side of the argument.
The denominator in this fraction is unknown. The larger the denominator and the smaller the numerator, the lower the death rate. Simple math, not a judgement. Take a look at the data of those that have unfortunately passed away from this and it is clear that the majority of them had other complicating issues, issues that would have made it difficult to get over the flu as well. And it was reported this evening that no new cases have been reported in China's Wuhan area, and that China it returning to normal. Fauci also said on Ingram last night that he fully expects that a vaccine will be available soon and that we will not be going through this again next flu season.
Based on South Korea's extremely extensive testing we have a pretty good idea of what the denominator is. Also, "soon" is relative, but the best estimates I have seen are around 18 months for a vaccine, assuming the ones we think will work actually work. Human safety testing, to my understanding (as a lawyer, not a doctor) take a minimum of 12-14 months, even when we can waive all the other red tape.
Also, China literally welded people shut in their homes and put more than half the population on a strict mandatory quarantine. I am not hopeful we can head things off as quickly as China.
7:31, you're right that the denominator for COVID is unknown so we don't know the true death rate. But what you're missing is the exact same is true for the regular flu. Tons of people get the flu and don't go to the doctor and therefore aren't counted in the denominator for its death rate. Fact is the doctors who know this stuff say it's much more deadly. I'll trust them.
March 18, 2020 5:55 pm
10:51- Snowflake, you won't melt. It's going to be ok.
You say that but it was not OK for those affected by the war and the depression. It will not be OK for those that die during this Pandemic. I can't tell if you're trolling or one of those selfish, don't-know-history millennials. I was in the grocery store a few days ago and some old lady who is highly at risk was trying to work the self checkout was met by a snotty 2oish clerk who said, "There's no need to worry." I said, "Not for you maybe." Typical attitude of the selfish. Do worry and do protect your families. That's different from panicking and going crazy.
March 18, 2020 6:14 pm
How to Stay Emotionally Healthy During the Coronavirus Outbreak
Proven techniques for managing stress and anxiety over the outbreak.
I'm just wondering why they are keeping the RJC fully staffed. There are signs on the staff elevators limiting occupancy to 3. If we're that concerned, judges should have the authority to let their staff leave when court is over. We are not making this better. In truth, we should all be concerned about what can happen. I heard one of the Marshals use the term "urban shopping" for when people without resources start shopping at other people's houses.
Yes, I feel that this crisis has been blown out of proportion by the media and political figures. However, we are all going to have to deal with the panic that it has caused.
Be safe and stay healthy!
March 18, 2020 7:50 pm
Anyone want to discuss capitalism? It works awesome! As long as it's propped up by qualitative easing, bailouts and maybe now a trillion dollar giveaway.
He did suspend his social media advertising but has not dropped out yet.
March 18, 2020 8:11 pm
All appellate arguments cancelled effective immediately.
March 18, 2020 9:52 pm
Essential Services?
Are law firms exempt from the closing order?
March 18, 2020 10:40 pm
I wrote yesterday asking for help about the small chain and Force Majeure, etc. and how scary it is with a family and a mortgage. So just a few minutes ago I get the email we are all done. I don't blame the boss, what else can he do? But does anyone know what this means, "President Trump announced Wednesday during a White House press conference that the Department of of Housing and Urban Development is suspending all foreclosures and evictions until the end of April." Any specifics?
It means that HUD will suspend foreclosures and post-foreclosure evictions for mortgages insured by FHA until the end of April. FHFA ordered Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to suspend foreclosures and evictions for any single-family mortgages that they back for “at least 60 days,” the agency said.
If you are a landlord/renter of a house, this has nothing to do with your rights to evict or be evicted (although the Justice Court moratorium on evictions might). It will be interesting to see if people try to do an end-run around Justice Court and file their unlawful detainers in District Court.
The Justice Court order from a day or so ago said the Evictions will continue. I saw something today (sorry, I cannot now find the source) that Justice Court has suspended summary evictions.
6;04– You are absolutely right. Baucum's original Order said that summary evictions (and unlawful detainers) would continue as "necessary" even though Sisolak said on Monday night that everyone was to be kinder and gentler and give some leeway on housing. Eviction Court proceeded yesterday. The Supreme Court was not happy about it which is why you see an Amended Administrative Order 20-03 which removes the evictions and which is countersigned by Chief Justice Pickering in complete "Mom is going to countersign your report card" fashion. Don't bother looking at Odyssey. It still says eviction hearings are on.
I would like everyone's honest assessment. We have tens of thousands of people out of work, stuck in their homes with their kids, most of them have no savings. This is a powder keg, IMO. What are the chances of civil unrest here in Las Vegas. I am thinking of bugging out this weekend to a small out of state town with family and then continuing to work remotely from there. I am genuinely terrified this town will explode. Am I nuts?
You are not nuts. Thought has crossed my mind. Told my wife and kids that they are free to go to a designated location that we have some property. Everyone wants to think that they are important, but I keep thinking that we really are essential. Clients are panicking just like I am panicking and yet we have the chance to be voices of reason, to ameliorate that powder keg that you discuss.
Swung by Costco this morning. They were limiting the number of people who could enter at once (makes sense). They were enforcing that limit and keeping the peace with 2 Metro units. That's a bit more concerning.
Drive by a gun store right not and see what those parking lots look like.
Governor said last night that Evictions in Las Vegas Justice Court have been cancelled a day after Baucum said that they were going forward. This was a horrible oversight by the judge in her first version of the Administrative Order.
I went to Sprouts at 6:30am this morning to wait for it to open. In 4 minutes, there was a line 20 deep. The La Bonita's across the street already had a long line. Every store I drove by on the way home had full parking lots and lines. If you feel better leaving, do it. No judgment. I'm going to hold out hope that people will be civil.
Marshall law is coming.
Marshall, Marshal, Martial!
10:07 for the win!
And when it comes time for Trump to announce it, he'll pronounce it "mar-tee-all."
at 12:52 is a dick. Seriously? Attacking Trump? Bet you agree with China that the virus was implanted there by the U.S. Army.
Everyone needs to just calm the hell down. My grandparents' generation survived the Great Depression and rationing of resources during WWII. My parents were teenagers during the polio epidemic. Those things went on for years. We can get through the next couple of months until we have a handle on learning to live and work in the presence of this virus.
Ok boomer. That was a different world.
Next couple of months? The taskforce came out today and estimated the pandemic to last 18 months. I don't know about you but think about all of the change in the last 7 calendar days. Now multiply that by 80 and you have the projected length of the pandemic.
Both the Corona Taskforce and Governor Sisolak referenced the Imperial College London study that was recently released that estimated 500,000 Britons and up to 2.2 million Americans dead without containment. That would be 5 times the casualty count of World War II.
Good lord. There were 15 million soldier casualties in WWII, 25 mil wounded and 45 mil civilian casualties. Please be reasonable or do some research before throwing up numbers. Just causing more unnecessary drama.
You compare apples an oranges. 11:48 AM is correct. There were 400,000 American deaths in WWII. There may be as many as 2.2M American deaths from corona virus.
Somewhere between 55M and 80M worldwide could die from coronavirus. WWII had 70M casualties. Apparently, however, that is "unnecessary drama."
They had a promising article about how Kaiser Permanente in Seattle was just starting Phase 1 Testing of a vaccine on 3/16/20.
That article was somewhat hopeful, estimating about a year for an effective vaccine. It also talked about how they were going to rush the stages through as fast as possible, as phases 2, 3, and 4 (if used) typically take several years.
It talked about the vaccine encapsulated mRNA for the "spike" protein – apparently the vaccine causes the body to generate its own spike protein (the spindly red things coming off of the virus in the electron microscope pictures) because that's the portion of the virus that easily latches on to human cells in vivo presently. The theory is that the inoculated people will have antibodies that rise up to fight the "spike" protein, and from thereon out, those people's bodies will have antibodies against the spike protein, thereby protecting them (not known presently to what degree) if they are infected with the ACTUAL virus because their bodies will fight off the virus almost immediately instead of 1-2 weeks, like we see now.
The article talked about how the testing now is testing safety of vaccine overall and also how they were giving different levels/concentrations of the vaccine to determine what the most effective level is. It also talked about how a few months ago, the Chinese scientists studying this virus openly published the genetic code of this virus, and there was only a time frame of 63 days in between this publication and the entire process of creation/implementation/injection (creation) of the first batch of vaccines for the phase 1 participants.
12:11 nailed it as did 11:48. We are facing the prospect of five times more Americans dying in the next 18 months than Americans who did in 4 years in World War II. If that is "unnecessary drama" in your book, perhaps it is you that needs to be reasonable and do some research.
A lot of hysteria here.
The medical professionals say that for most, COVId-19 is comparable to the flu. Almost everyone is sick for two weeks but recover nicely. Yes, compromised persons may die, but they likely would also die from a good case of the ordinary flu.
"Yes, compromised persons may die, but they likely would also die from a good case of the ordinary flu."
You are a FUCKING MORON, 2:49.
Normal flu: 55,000 Americans die.
Corona: 1-2M Americans die.
2:49, define "most." Sure it's true that "most" people don't have severe issues. But even if most equals 95%, that's still a shitload of severely ill people who need hospitalization in a short span of time.
And no, the death rate is not the same as flu. It's about 10x the flu. Many people who die from this would not die from the flu.
10:42 here. Well, that certainly escalated quickly. In no way did I intend to suggest that people should not be gravely concerned, or that this whole thing will simply blow over in a couple of months. However, this is not a time to panic, or to head for the hills with your AR-15 and bucket of freeze-dried grub from Jim Bakker. But I do think that extreme measure now will help, dare I say, "flatten the curve" ( I'm so sick of hearing that already) so that we can hopefully get ahead of this and by summertime get back to something that resembles normalcy, understanding that this does not mean we are out of the woods or that no more people will be afflicted. That won't happen until there is a vaccine. This is bad. The world is not ending. I'm more concerned about global warming in terms of the long run. As one of my economics professors was fond of saying, in the very long run we're all dead.
@ 3:25 "the death rate is not the same as flu. It's about 10x the flu"
That is not a fact. The number of persons infected with COVID-19 is not known. The initial data is incomplete and initial death rate of near 2% was based only a limited number of cases, mostly from those who are compromised. The numbers will likely be very different with a larger data set. Hit the "pause" button on the histrionics.
The initial CFR was suspected to be 3-5%. Best evidence now is it is .6% (death rate in S. Korea after comprehensive testing) to around 2%. Typical seasonal flu has a CFR in the ballpark of .1%, so the conservative estimate is 6 to 20 times as deadly. That's not "histrionics".
6:00- So your argument to not panic is that "[t]he number of persons infected with COVID-19 is not known. The initial data is incomplete". In other words, there are arguably thousands/millions of people who we do not yet know are sick. Yeah that's far more frightening. Thanks for helping the other side of the argument.
The denominator in this fraction is unknown. The larger the denominator and the smaller the numerator, the lower the death rate. Simple math, not a judgement. Take a look at the data of those that have unfortunately passed away from this and it is clear that the majority of them had other complicating issues, issues that would have made it difficult to get over the flu as well. And it was reported this evening that no new cases have been reported in China's Wuhan area, and that China it returning to normal. Fauci also said on Ingram last night that he fully expects that a vaccine will be available soon and that we will not be going through this again next flu season.
Based on South Korea's extremely extensive testing we have a pretty good idea of what the denominator is. Also, "soon" is relative, but the best estimates I have seen are around 18 months for a vaccine, assuming the ones we think will work actually work. Human safety testing, to my understanding (as a lawyer, not a doctor) take a minimum of 12-14 months, even when we can waive all the other red tape.
Also, China literally welded people shut in their homes and put more than half the population on a strict mandatory quarantine. I am not hopeful we can head things off as quickly as China.
Many experts predict that it will flare up again in China as soon as the extreme measures are lifted and people begin traveling, etc.
Yeah I saw yesterday now the fed gov thinks isolation measures might have to go on for 18 months to be effective!?
7:31, you're right that the denominator for COVID is unknown so we don't know the true death rate. But what you're missing is the exact same is true for the regular flu. Tons of people get the flu and don't go to the doctor and therefore aren't counted in the denominator for its death rate. Fact is the doctors who know this stuff say it's much more deadly. I'll trust them.
10:51- Snowflake, you won't melt. It's going to be ok.
You say that but it was not OK for those affected by the war and the depression. It will not be OK for those that die during this Pandemic. I can't tell if you're trolling or one of those selfish, don't-know-history millennials. I was in the grocery store a few days ago and some old lady who is highly at risk was trying to work the self checkout was met by a snotty 2oish clerk who said, "There's no need to worry." I said, "Not for you maybe." Typical attitude of the selfish. Do worry and do protect your families. That's different from panicking and going crazy.
How to Stay Emotionally Healthy During the Coronavirus Outbreak
Proven techniques for managing stress and anxiety over the outbreak.
There are a variety of mental health programs being released and resources that are available.
I'm just wondering why they are keeping the RJC fully staffed. There are signs on the staff elevators limiting occupancy to 3. If we're that concerned, judges should have the authority to let their staff leave when court is over. We are not making this better. In truth, we should all be concerned about what can happen. I heard one of the Marshals use the term "urban shopping" for when people without resources start shopping at other people's houses.
Yes, I feel that this crisis has been blown out of proportion by the media and political figures. However, we are all going to have to deal with the panic that it has caused.
Be safe and stay healthy!
Anyone want to discuss capitalism? It works awesome! As long as it's propped up by qualitative easing, bailouts and maybe now a trillion dollar giveaway.
Well thank G-d Bernie just dropped out!
He did suspend his social media advertising but has not dropped out yet.
All appellate arguments cancelled effective immediately.
Essential Services?
Are law firms exempt from the closing order?
I wrote yesterday asking for help about the small chain and Force Majeure, etc. and how scary it is with a family and a mortgage. So just a few minutes ago I get the email we are all done. I don't blame the boss, what else can he do? But does anyone know what this means, "President Trump announced Wednesday during a White House press conference that the Department of of Housing and Urban Development is suspending all foreclosures and evictions until the end of April." Any specifics?
It means that HUD will suspend foreclosures and post-foreclosure evictions for mortgages insured by FHA until the end of April. FHFA ordered Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to suspend foreclosures and evictions for any single-family mortgages that they back for “at least 60 days,” the agency said.
If you are a landlord/renter of a house, this has nothing to do with your rights to evict or be evicted (although the Justice Court moratorium on evictions might). It will be interesting to see if people try to do an end-run around Justice Court and file their unlawful detainers in District Court.
3:40 here, thank you for your answer, it seems a little rough on renters but I see the landlord problem as well, tough situation for all, thanks again
The Justice Court order from a day or so ago said the Evictions will continue. I saw something today (sorry, I cannot now find the source) that Justice Court has suspended summary evictions.
6;04– You are absolutely right. Baucum's original Order said that summary evictions (and unlawful detainers) would continue as "necessary" even though Sisolak said on Monday night that everyone was to be kinder and gentler and give some leeway on housing. Eviction Court proceeded yesterday. The Supreme Court was not happy about it which is why you see an Amended Administrative Order 20-03 which removes the evictions and which is countersigned by Chief Justice Pickering in complete "Mom is going to countersign your report card" fashion. Don't bother looking at Odyssey. It still says eviction hearings are on.
All LV Justice Court evictions are suspended and any defaults and deadlines stayed by the order Chief Justice Pickering signed with Chief Judge Baucum. A link is here
Eglet will somehow end up with a billion dollar verdict or settlement out of this. The only question is how.