Some CCSD schools are starting optional online instruction as it begins to look like school might not be (physically) back in session this school year. [Las Vegas Sun]
The USAO announced a COVID-19 Fraud Coordinator position. [Las Vegas Sun]
At the direction of Chief Justice Pickering, the Nevada Supreme Court has changed the settings on its public portal. Effective immediately, all documents, except those filed under seal, will be accessible from hyperlinks on the docket sheets for the cases. This makes the appendices electronically available, equally with briefs and court orders, from any computer with internet access. This change shall be in effect until further notice. [NV Courts]
Governor Sisolak issued a list of essential services and sectors. [Fox5Vegas; RJ]
Governor never gave an "order," it's just a strongly worded suggestion. As long as the courts are open, we are essential. Can't really see executive branch shutting down the judicial branch or its key players–separation of powers or something…
Most everybody I know is staying open. Problem is businesses are being shuttered so work will probably dry up for a while. Might be time to go into bankruptcy/restructuring or crim defense to defend the uptick in domestic batteries that will be coming.
Why is it ridiculous that an activity where you could have groups of no larger than 4 people no closer than 100 yards apart ridiculous? Outdoor activities at distance are actually within all of the recommendations. Keeping the dining room open would be ridiculous.
I cannot believe are stupid and selfish people are who are being told by NIH and CDC to stay the fuck home for a month when there is a pandemic. Do your research. Don't be out unless it is for essentials, grocery store, gas, doctor's office, hospital. You are risking other people's lives, including my immunosupressed husband, because you want to play a round of golf. Fuck you, and Anthem Golf Course.
"I know in times of stress, many of you seek the release that comes from exercise. But this is not the time for you to be in a gym, healthclub, or fitness center. Until the risk goes away, find other ways to exercise such as home workouts, hikes, or other outdoor activities. But as you do so, remember to maintain social distancing from others doing the same." – Governor Sisolak, 3/17/20
I actually think golf makes complete sense. Pay online or by card (no need if you're a member), stay outside with a small group of 4 for a few hours. Maybe eliminate shared carts.
It violates public health for a golf club to be open, but please proceed to your green. Can I cook you a grilled cheese sandwich? Who is Anthem's attorney? WAM.
Show me the public health order (state or federal) that indicates that people in groups of not more than 4 people who are hundreds of yards apart violates public health.
We are an in a pandemic. Follow second grade since. You want to place your health at risk and kill others, be my guest. Go to the CDC, NIH, or look up the proclamation by Sisolak, San Francisco….what else do you need????
10:33 quoted Governor Sisolak's proclamation, which specifically encouraged outdoor activities. Whether the golfers in question were actually respecting the social distancing requirement is a different issue.
Who gives a shit about Anthem Country Club? They should not be open, period. They don't offer remote golf. You have a grill, store, and employees that have to assist your old, privileged ass. Please, I wish my only problem is a round of golf!
I have no problem with 10:16's post. Why are you taking it so personally. 10:16 is trying to protect his or her family. You are the one trolling, 2:01.
" Go to the CDC, NIH, or look up the proclamation by Sisolak, San Francisco….what else do you need????" Mmmmm how about a single citation in any of those places to not being outside. Sisolak encouraged people to go outside and keep social distance. Section 10(a)(iii) of the San Francisco Order stated that persons are permitted "iii. To engage in outdoor activity, provided the individuals comply with Social Distancing Requirements as defined in this Section, such as, by way of example and without limitation, walking, hiking, or running."
Once again, can you cite to a single source that indicates that being hundreds of yards apart outdoors is prohibited? You can hate golf. I personally think that it is an incredibly overpriced activity for the effete. However none of that changes the fact that there is nothing in any of the COVID literature that prohibits golf so long as social distancing is maintained.
You are wrong. They are saying that golf clubs are an essential business? Please tell me you are a lawyer. I am sorry you don't understand public health or basic English.
You are arguing past each other. The Anti-Anthem people are arguing golf courses are not an essential business. No one argued to the contrary. The "Pro-Anthem" people have asserted that there is nothing in the CDC Guidelines or Sisolak directive that indicates that outdoor activities such as golf should be prohibited.
So you are both right. Anthem the business should shut down as non-essential and then anyone who wants to go hiking with a 3, 5 and 7 iron at safe distance from other people should be allowed to hike.
There you go, be an ass. I cannot believe the stupidity on this blog sometimes. Do you work at Alverson Taylor? Where they require their support staff to come into the office during a pandemic.
I imagine it was in the toilet before all of this. They have been reduced to filing frivolous Lanham act claims for porn stars against every strip club in town.
March 19, 2020 7:55 pm
I want to thank the blog for allowing me to see caliber of the attorneys and judges in this town by the intellectual level of the posts today. Hope everyone stays safe, and does not hoard groceries.
March 19, 2020 8:24 pm
It takes a national crisis to become a great President. As was the case with Lincoln, Reagan, etc. Even the fiercest critics have said Trump is outstanding. Ilhan Omar, the most outspoken "he should be in jail, monster" said that his leadership was "unparalleled: and "incredible." I attribute his leadership to the fact he did not care if he stepped on some toes of the snowflakes who are more concerned if it's called "Kung Flu" then how many masks are available. When proven right I thought I'd be a little more vindictive in my thoughts to the liberals out there but I actually feel sorry for those that put so little faith in a true American who reflects the heart of Americans. Liberals: Please reevaluate your ideologies in light of the proven effectiveness of conservative values. With apologies to the saying "There are no atheists in foxholes" I'll say, "There are no liberals in Pandemics."
1:24 here again, actually I wish I could claim all of the genius behind my argument but it was mostly based on (stolen from) the guest host on Rush Limbaugh today haha so nope not trolling, just laying out arguments for intelligent discussion, I take it you disagree with Rushbo's guest host
Don't you have a spam list for this kind of drivel? Why are you coming here with this nonsense. Be honest for a minute, have you actually read any of Lincoln's writings? I mean, beyond the Gettysburg Address and Second Inauguration? Because, intellectually and morally, comparing Trump to Lincoln is a lot like comparing a serial killer to Jesus or Buddha.
March 19, 2020 8:44 pm
Wow! I want whatever 1:24 pm is smoking, shooting, or snorting, to get through the pandemic. The hallucinations seem WILD!
Hydroxychloroquine…looks to make short work of the virus' duration among those infected, and don't forget about herd immunity, which appears to be happening now. Might soon be time to pare back down to global warming as the primary Xanax driving apocalypse theory. Be careful golfing today, supposed to get some rain.
March 19, 2020 10:50 pm
1:24–I do think that President Trump has been quite presidential, as well as restrained and centered in his approach(would he is not always).
And although I am, like you, a supporter of the President, I think you are far too gushing in your praise, and you appear to think that policy is largely formulated and driven by individual presidents,rather than a complex and multi-layered team approach.
Please keep in mind a couple things. First, before you heap too many accolades on any president for how they approach a crisis, please examine their approach leading up to such crisis. Until very recent weeks, Trump's approach was to first call the coronavirus "a hoax"(which was totally irresponsible and flew in the face of the reality and science of the matter).
He then began to acknowledge it as something of apparent legitimacy but rather than focusing on solutions or plans he vented his spleen by blaming China(which, although there is no time to address that here, admittedly his statement in that regard has some arguable levels of legitimacy).
Finally, he is now addressing the crisis appropriately. But keep in mind that when any President addresses a crisis, they are really offering nothing novel or really insightful or helpful that they arrived at by themselves, but, are, understandably, relying almost exclusively on suggestions and approaches offered by their teams of experts. The President will then read the decision to the media and the public, and then sign the necessary documents adopting and authorizing the approaches, and they then receive undue credit for all their supposedly bold and innovative leadership–when all they actually did was to wisely adopt the recommendations of experts who truly understand these problems.
We constantly see examples of this.President Obama was given undue credit for the locating and extermination of Osama, while President George W. Bush was given undue credit for the eventual apprehension of Saddam Hussein.
But if we truly understood how little each of those presidents truly understood about the intricacies of such a complex, largely covert and multi-layered military operation, we would probably be quite surprised.
But at least they had the sense to delegate and get out of the way of those who did know and understand, and Trump is displaying the same sense at this time.
3:50 – While I agree with most of what you said, and I do agree it was an intelligent and well written response without name calling, Trump never called the Coronavirus a hoax. That, just like the "very fine people" hoax, never happened. The Coronavirus hoax comment was perpetrated by the Washington Compost. On Feb. 28, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank tweeted out, “Remember this moment: Trump, in South Carolina, just called the coronavirus a ‘hoax.’ ” The tweet has since been “liked” more than 162,000 times. Milbank subsequently wrote a column repeating the claim.
But anyone watching Trump’s rally in the Palmetto State that day knows this wasn’t what Trump said. “Trump said that when he used the word ‘hoax,’ he was referring to Democrats finding fault with his administration’s response to coronavirus, not the virus itself,” noted, which generally leans left. Milbank was forced to update his column, noting “Trump said Saturday the ‘hoax’ referred to [was] Democrats’ pinning blame for the virus” on him.
So, facts do matter. He didn't say the virus itself was a hoax.
On another note, I am disgusted with the way the Mainstream Media is obsessing over what Trump refers to the Virus as rather than actual news about things that do matter, i.e. ventilators, masks, medicine, etc.. They want to paint him as a racist for using the term "Chinese Coronavirus" which, just a month ago everyone in the Mainstream Media was using (i.e. Jim Acosta). Now, despite 100 years of referring to disease by the place of origin, it is immediately racist to do so. I'm calling it the Chinese Coronavirus because that's where it originated.
3:50 here. I agree that it is beyond absurd to suggest use of the term Chines Coronavirus is racist.
Now if it is in fact racist, then I suppose the flowing terms are racist as well: English muffin, French toast, Turkish towels, Italian
Bread, Russian dolls, Dutch Ovens, Afghan rugs, Swiss Mix hot cocoa, Persian cats, Irish whiskey, German Sheppard, etc, etc, etc.
People are dying and somehow the PC word police are dedicating resources to white washing the origins of the disease. It's no different than pretending inner city crime is not driven by the residents of said inner cities. Death to truth.
Asian Americans are being attacked on the streets due to the prejudice that term is creating. It is not a "PC" issue; we have evolved and the virus has a name: COVID-19 or Coronavirus. That's it. Anything else is just racist and an excuse to be a dick.
5:08–the fact that a handful of highly disturbed and dangerous morons may take the actions you mention in no way converts the term "Chinese Coronavirus" into an inherently racist term.
Some other epidemics have been associated with one of their initial major counties or origin(e.g. German Measles, Spanish Flu, etc.). If we were to, heaven forbid, encounter a future return of such epidemics, it would not be inherently racist to refer to them as German Measles or Spanish Flu.
That said, I will gladly concede that it is best to avoid anything that may inflame the dangerous morons who we know are out there, so it is best to not add the term "Chinese" when referring to the illness. I will also concede that unlike Spanish Flu or German Measles(that have always been known as such) since the Coronavirus is generally just referred to as Coronavirus, and not Chinese Coronavirus, it is best to leave out the "Chinese" part of it.
So, No, I part ways with you as to your view that the use of such term is racist in nd of itself. But yes, I agree that noting the current social climate, and the number of dangerous morons who are out there(many of which have absorbed the "China Bashing" that has been occurring pretty consistently since the 2016 election) it is far better, and far more responsible, to simply refer to it as Coronavirus.
March 19, 2020 11:10 pm
1:24 back again. 3:50 Thank you for an intelligent, well written response, thank you for no name calling. Although I disagree with some of your points I truly appreciate you treating me as a human being and discussing it. You may even convince me unlike those knee-jerk troll posters.
2:58 Even the lowest among us can rise every once in a bit to do something great. And if you don't understand that potential you probably don't understand the teachings of Jesus. Do I like the fact that "grab em by the pu**y" is now leading the charge, not really, but I'm giving credit where it is due.
March 20, 2020 5:02 pm
FWIW, some books that have helped me pass the time.
1. The ADHD Advantage.
2. Skin in the Game.
3. The End of Mental Illness.
4. Re-reading parts of Atlas Shrugged. She damn well called it right. Brilliant woman who, btw, created one of the finest 2nd gen feminist characters EVER, Dagny Taggart.
I couldn't get hyperlinks to reviews to work, but you can look up each on or your preferred book review site.
Heard some firms are laying off staff and reducing attorney salaries, any truth?
Which practices? Which firms?
To everyone: Is your firm closed by reason of the governor's closing order? or are you staying open and "essential" service?
Governor never gave an "order," it's just a strongly worded suggestion. As long as the courts are open, we are essential. Can't really see executive branch shutting down the judicial branch or its key players–separation of powers or something…
Most everybody I know is staying open. Problem is businesses are being shuttered so work will probably dry up for a while. Might be time to go into bankruptcy/restructuring or crim defense to defend the uptick in domestic batteries that will be coming.
I have heard that Hennes and Haight have cut salaries. Have also heard that Decastroverde is struggling.
What about golf courses? I heard that Anthem Country Club plans on remaining open to its members for golf. Ridiculous.
Why is it ridiculous that an activity where you could have groups of no larger than 4 people no closer than 100 yards apart ridiculous? Outdoor activities at distance are actually within all of the recommendations. Keeping the dining room open would be ridiculous.
I cannot believe are stupid and selfish people are who are being told by NIH and CDC to stay the fuck home for a month when there is a pandemic. Do your research. Don't be out unless it is for essentials, grocery store, gas, doctor's office, hospital. You are risking other people's lives, including my immunosupressed husband, because you want to play a round of golf. Fuck you, and Anthem Golf Course.
"I know in times of stress, many of you seek the release that comes from exercise. But this is not the time for you to be in a gym, healthclub, or fitness center. Until the risk goes away, find other ways to exercise such as home workouts, hikes, or other outdoor activities. But as you do so, remember to maintain social distancing from others doing the same." – Governor Sisolak, 3/17/20
10:16 is right on. I am sorry for your family that you are going through this. Who even plays golf anymore? Only old people.
I actually think golf makes complete sense. Pay online or by card (no need if you're a member), stay outside with a small group of 4 for a few hours. Maybe eliminate shared carts.
It violates public health for a golf club to be open, but please proceed to your green. Can I cook you a grilled cheese sandwich? Who is Anthem's attorney? WAM.
Show me the public health order (state or federal) that indicates that people in groups of not more than 4 people who are hundreds of yards apart violates public health.
We are an in a pandemic. Follow second grade since. You want to place your health at risk and kill others, be my guest. Go to the CDC, NIH, or look up the proclamation by Sisolak, San Francisco….what else do you need????
10:33 quoted Governor Sisolak's proclamation, which specifically encouraged outdoor activities. Whether the golfers in question were actually respecting the social distancing requirement is a different issue.
Who gives a shit about Anthem Country Club? They should not be open, period. They don't offer remote golf. You have a grill, store, and employees that have to assist your old, privileged ass. Please, I wish my only problem is a round of golf!
How is Anthhem Golf an essential business?? Where is Harry Reid when you need him in his smoking jacket.
It is probably Harry or his jailbird buddy, Whittemore who wants to play at Anthem, and keeps posting on here. Maybe it is Eglet, who is good for it.
@ 10:16 – very professional.
Are you the poster on this blog who angrily over reacts to everything? You appear to be unhappy.
I have no problem with 10:16's post. Why are you taking it so personally. 10:16 is trying to protect his or her family. You are the one trolling, 2:01.
Here's professional: #staythefuckhome
" Go to the CDC, NIH, or look up the proclamation by Sisolak, San Francisco….what else do you need????" Mmmmm how about a single citation in any of those places to not being outside. Sisolak encouraged people to go outside and keep social distance. Section 10(a)(iii) of the San Francisco Order stated that persons are permitted "iii. To engage in outdoor activity, provided the individuals comply with Social Distancing Requirements as defined in this Section, such as, by way of example and without limitation, walking, hiking, or running."
Once again, can you cite to a single source that indicates that being hundreds of yards apart outdoors is prohibited? You can hate golf. I personally think that it is an incredibly overpriced activity for the effete. However none of that changes the fact that there is nothing in any of the COVID literature that prohibits golf so long as social distancing is maintained.
They did. Read. Move on.
Call SNHD to see if they think Anthem Golf club should stay open for you. Call Sisolak's office. Dr. Jen Ashton. The DHHS.
No they didn't because there is nothing there. In fact they cite to sources that say the exact opposite.
You are wrong. They are saying that golf clubs are an essential business? Please tell me you are a lawyer. I am sorry you don't understand public health or basic English.
You cannot argue with stupid, who the fuck cares about Anthem Golf unless it is Anthem Golf.
You are arguing past each other. The Anti-Anthem people are arguing golf courses are not an essential business. No one argued to the contrary. The "Pro-Anthem" people have asserted that there is nothing in the CDC Guidelines or Sisolak directive that indicates that outdoor activities such as golf should be prohibited.
So you are both right. Anthem the business should shut down as non-essential and then anyone who wants to go hiking with a 3, 5 and 7 iron at safe distance from other people should be allowed to hike.
There you go, be an ass. I cannot believe the stupidity on this blog sometimes. Do you work at Alverson Taylor? Where they require their support staff to come into the office during a pandemic.
Or Hall Jaffee Clayton
Black and LoBello finally went remote. Hate it here. Steve Mack keeps talking about the virus. Tired of hearing about it.
Morale is in the toilet at A-T. Heard there is no hot water, no sanitizer and no common sense.
Law suit to follow, proceed.
I imagine it was in the toilet before all of this. They have been reduced to filing frivolous Lanham act claims for porn stars against every strip club in town.
I want to thank the blog for allowing me to see caliber of the attorneys and judges in this town by the intellectual level of the posts today. Hope everyone stays safe, and does not hoard groceries.
It takes a national crisis to become a great President. As was the case with Lincoln, Reagan, etc. Even the fiercest critics have said Trump is outstanding. Ilhan Omar, the most outspoken "he should be in jail, monster" said that his leadership was "unparalleled: and "incredible." I attribute his leadership to the fact he did not care if he stepped on some toes of the snowflakes who are more concerned if it's called "Kung Flu" then how many masks are available. When proven right I thought I'd be a little more vindictive in my thoughts to the liberals out there but I actually feel sorry for those that put so little faith in a true American who reflects the heart of Americans. Liberals: Please reevaluate your ideologies in light of the proven effectiveness of conservative values. With apologies to the saying "There are no atheists in foxholes" I'll say, "There are no liberals in Pandemics."
I disagree with some of 1:24 but I disagree more with your summary disagreement.
1:24 here again, actually I wish I could claim all of the genius behind my argument but it was mostly based on (stolen from) the guest host on Rush Limbaugh today haha so nope not trolling, just laying out arguments for intelligent discussion, I take it you disagree with Rushbo's guest host
Dear Chuck Muth,
Don't you have a spam list for this kind of drivel? Why are you coming here with this nonsense. Be honest for a minute, have you actually read any of Lincoln's writings? I mean, beyond the Gettysburg Address and Second Inauguration? Because, intellectually and morally, comparing Trump to Lincoln is a lot like comparing a serial killer to Jesus or Buddha.
Wow! I want whatever 1:24 pm is smoking, shooting, or snorting, to get through the pandemic. The hallucinations seem WILD!
1:24 here, love that!!
Hydroxychloroquine…looks to make short work of the virus' duration among those infected, and don't forget about herd immunity, which appears to be happening now. Might soon be time to pare back down to global warming as the primary Xanax driving apocalypse theory. Be careful golfing today, supposed to get some rain.
1:24–I do think that President Trump has been quite presidential, as well as restrained and centered in his approach(would he is not always).
And although I am, like you, a supporter of the President, I think you are far too gushing in your praise, and you appear to think that policy is largely formulated and driven by individual presidents,rather than a complex and multi-layered team approach.
Please keep in mind a couple things. First, before you heap too many accolades on any president for how they approach a crisis, please examine their approach leading up to such crisis. Until very recent weeks, Trump's approach was to first call the coronavirus "a hoax"(which was totally irresponsible and flew in the face of the reality and science of the matter).
He then began to acknowledge it as something of apparent legitimacy but rather than focusing on solutions or plans he vented his spleen by blaming China(which, although there is no time to address that here, admittedly his statement in that regard has some arguable levels of legitimacy).
Finally, he is now addressing the crisis appropriately. But keep in mind that when any President addresses a crisis, they are really offering nothing novel or really insightful or helpful that they arrived at by themselves, but, are, understandably, relying almost exclusively on suggestions and approaches offered by their teams of experts. The President will then read the decision to the media and the public, and then sign the necessary documents adopting and authorizing the approaches, and they then receive undue credit for all their supposedly bold and innovative leadership–when all they actually did was to wisely adopt the recommendations of experts who truly understand these problems.
We constantly see examples of this.President Obama was given undue credit for the locating and extermination of Osama, while President George W. Bush was given undue credit for the eventual apprehension of Saddam Hussein.
But if we truly understood how little each of those presidents truly understood about the intricacies of such a complex, largely covert and multi-layered military operation, we would probably be quite surprised.
But at least they had the sense to delegate and get out of the way of those who did know and understand, and Trump is displaying the same sense at this time.
3:50 – While I agree with most of what you said, and I do agree it was an intelligent and well written response without name calling, Trump never called the Coronavirus a hoax. That, just like the "very fine people" hoax, never happened. The Coronavirus hoax comment was perpetrated by the Washington Compost. On Feb. 28, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank tweeted out, “Remember this moment: Trump, in South Carolina, just called the coronavirus a ‘hoax.’ ” The tweet has since been “liked” more than 162,000 times. Milbank subsequently wrote a column repeating the claim.
But anyone watching Trump’s rally in the Palmetto State that day knows this wasn’t what Trump said. “Trump said that when he used the word ‘hoax,’ he was referring to Democrats finding fault with his administration’s response to coronavirus, not the virus itself,” noted, which generally leans left. Milbank was forced to update his column, noting “Trump said Saturday the ‘hoax’ referred to [was] Democrats’ pinning blame for the virus” on him.
So, facts do matter. He didn't say the virus itself was a hoax.
On another note, I am disgusted with the way the Mainstream Media is obsessing over what Trump refers to the Virus as rather than actual news about things that do matter, i.e. ventilators, masks, medicine, etc.. They want to paint him as a racist for using the term "Chinese Coronavirus" which, just a month ago everyone in the Mainstream Media was using (i.e. Jim Acosta). Now, despite 100 years of referring to disease by the place of origin, it is immediately racist to do so. I'm calling it the Chinese Coronavirus because that's where it originated.
I agree with 6:15.
3:50 here. I agree that it is beyond absurd to suggest use of the term Chines Coronavirus is racist.
Now if it is in fact racist, then I suppose the flowing terms are racist as well: English muffin, French toast, Turkish towels, Italian
Bread, Russian dolls, Dutch Ovens, Afghan rugs, Swiss Mix hot cocoa, Persian cats, Irish whiskey, German Sheppard, etc, etc, etc.
People are dying and somehow the PC word police are dedicating resources to white washing the origins of the disease. It's no different than pretending inner city crime is not driven by the residents of said inner cities. Death to truth.
Asian Americans are being attacked on the streets due to the prejudice that term is creating. It is not a "PC" issue; we have evolved and the virus has a name: COVID-19 or Coronavirus. That's it. Anything else is just racist and an excuse to be a dick.
5:08–the fact that a handful of highly disturbed and dangerous morons may take the actions you mention in no way converts the term "Chinese Coronavirus" into an inherently racist term.
Some other epidemics have been associated with one of their initial major counties or origin(e.g. German Measles, Spanish Flu, etc.). If we were to, heaven forbid, encounter a future return of such epidemics, it would not be inherently racist to refer to them as German Measles or Spanish Flu.
That said, I will gladly concede that it is best to avoid anything that may inflame the dangerous morons who we know are out there, so it is best to not add the term "Chinese" when referring to the illness. I will also concede that unlike Spanish Flu or German Measles(that have always been known as such) since the Coronavirus is generally just referred to as Coronavirus, and not Chinese Coronavirus, it is best to leave out the "Chinese" part of it.
So, No, I part ways with you as to your view that the use of such term is racist in nd of itself. But yes, I agree that noting the current social climate, and the number of dangerous morons who are out there(many of which have absorbed the "China Bashing" that has been occurring pretty consistently since the 2016 election) it is far better, and far more responsible, to simply refer to it as Coronavirus.
1:24 back again. 3:50 Thank you for an intelligent, well written response, thank you for no name calling. Although I disagree with some of your points I truly appreciate you treating me as a human being and discussing it. You may even convince me unlike those knee-jerk troll posters.
2:58 Even the lowest among us can rise every once in a bit to do something great. And if you don't understand that potential you probably don't understand the teachings of Jesus. Do I like the fact that "grab em by the pu**y" is now leading the charge, not really, but I'm giving credit where it is due.
FWIW, some books that have helped me pass the time.
1. The ADHD Advantage.
2. Skin in the Game.
3. The End of Mental Illness.
4. Re-reading parts of Atlas Shrugged. She damn well called it right. Brilliant woman who, btw, created one of the finest 2nd gen feminist characters EVER, Dagny Taggart.
I couldn't get hyperlinks to reviews to work, but you can look up each on or your preferred book review site.
God bless.
Another hot one I just wrapped up: Profiles in Corruption. Harris is way dirty.