- Quickdraw McLaw
Today we turn to the polls to ask whether you’ve ever called the State Bar of Nevada ethics hotline. What was your experience? Was bar counsel wise and helpful or did they seem clueless and unconcerned? Did you resolve your ethical dilemma? Was it uncomfortable when they asked for your bar number? Would you recommend it to your colleagues?
I've called a few times on items that I felt I was in the right with but wanted a second opinion. Having to give my bar number made me nervous the first time but the advice was spot on.
I think the asking for the bar number is dumb. Anyone can look up a name and bar number on the website and give it to them. In theory it should weed out non-attorneys, but it's not the most effective method.
I've called before, but the issues are usually over their head because of the nuances of the practice. It's a tough job to be asked to give ethical guidance on stuff you may not know.
I have also called before seeking guidance on accepting payments from clients. After providing basic information (including bar number) I was transferred directly to someone who gave me spot on advice. I would call again without hesitation.
Hey my name is John — I'd like to reach the person behind the blog about a legal story idea. I work for KNPR in Las Vegas. Could you shoot me an email johnKNPR@gmail.com ? Thanks
Sure. That's why your email address is at gmail instead of knpr.org like everyone else that works for KNPR.
Looks like someone wants to serve a subpoena….
Hey "John", if you want to get a hold of the people who run this blog, their e-mails are posted in the column to the right.
Bet you it is really our constable and Toomin
I've called before and found it very helpful. With the disclaimer that no attorney can be completely knowledgeable about everything (imagine that!) I found it was great to get a second opinion from another attorney. I usually run things by fellow attorneys in the office but like the hotline for situations that I may be uncomfortable discussing with co-workers, especially concerning cases I am handling. An objective, neutral, third party is sometimes preferable to a co-worker. I've always found the advice to be most helpful and would call again.
Alot more attorneys should take the extra few minutes to make the call. Alot easier than dealing with a malpractice claim, disciplinary proceeding or even a bar complaint. Does it guarantee that those things won't happen? Of course not but it has to significantly decrease the liklihood it will happen.
In fact I just spoke to them the other day. Nothing but pleasant and helpful every time.
Wendy Kazel Attorney at Law Respondant
Statement of District Court Error. Explain why you believe the district court was wrong. Also state what action you want the Nevada Supreme Court to take. (Your answer must be provided in the space allowed).
The District Court knew that the Respondent’s actions in both Justice Court and the District Court had no proof to support her allegations. The Court knew that Judge Bell previously ruled that the respondent’s attorney could not be a material witness for the Respondent and continue to represent her but allowed him to keep representing her. She knew that there was an affidavit filed in the Appellants pleadings that disputes Stoffels affidavit. That alone is a genuine issue of fact that needed to be decided at trial. Bringing an action without providing proofs when compelled to do so clearly established the Appellants claim of abuse of process. The District Court was aware by the Respondents and her attorney’s arguments that their action against the appellant was ordered dismissed as a rule 37 Sanction. The two conflicting affidavits constitute at least one material fact that can only be decided by trial. The District Court Judge was aware the Respondent did not comply with the Discovery Orders of the Court. Two Conflicting Affidavits filed in this action, one from the Appellant and one from the Respondents only material witness for her causes of action clearly show that there were specific conflicting facts that show there was an existence of Genuine Material fact that can only be decided by trial. The Respondents proof of damages is the mere fact that the actions in the District Court were brought without any proofs that could be provided by the Respondent at Trial. The Appellant did all he could to gather the facts and evidence to dispute the Respondents Allegations, he could not find any, he couldn’t they did not exist. The Appellant argued that in front of the Discovery Commissioner multiple times and then Discovery Commissioner ordered the Respondent to produce the Discovery that the Appellant sought 3 times. The Respondent failed to comply and her action was dismissed as a rule 37 action. The District Court erred when he tried to place the burden of providing the Appellant to provide proofs that could not have existed that the Appellant sought from the Respondent during discovery. The District Court should have denied Summary Judgment and deemed the Respondents failure to provide ordered discovery as an admission of the Appellants causes of action.
Okay, I'm going to assume that this is not Wendy Kazel. I do this because I really want to believe that no lawyer practicing in Nevada would have writing skills this terrible and the poor judgment to post this embarrassing screed on a public website under her own name. (Yes, yes, I know, but let me cling to my illusions, okay?) I don't know Wendy, but I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt.
Wendy, your clients are posting things under your name. You should tell them to stop that.
it is about Wendy Kazel Read the Appeal in the Nevada Supreme Court and the Counter Claim against her in District Court, In my opinion she should be disbarred
My brain melted half way through. Anyone have a TLDR version?
TL;DR: Appellant (not the attorney) doesn't use paragraphs.
Looks like Kazel represented Landan's now ex-wife in divorce proceeding. He didn't like what happened and sued Kazel for abuse of process.
nope looks like she sued the guy in Justice Court and District Court and he Counter Sued in District Court
Wendy Kazel is the Counter – Defendant in the Case the District Court Case Number is A-11-651878-C
The Appeal Case Number is 62390
What does the Wendy Kazel stuff have to do with those poor, overworked attorneys at the State Bar answering ethics questions?
because the State Bar Does Nothing But Protect Unethical Lawyers, The State Bar does little to enforce ethics, Just like most of the Courts and Judges come on guys, The State Bar is Like Metro overseeing Metro……. Be Real, If Every Occupation Policed themselves then we would not need Lawyers would we
you see this is what is wrong with the system read these cases SCR 172 was violated, An attorney prepared, had her client sign, and then filed a Trust Deed for property her client was not even awarded, with no judgment at the time it was filled and in violation of a court injunction, there were statments made without supporting affidavits, there was forged affidavits this case is now in the Suprem Court, In addition Judge Bulla dismissed the attorney's actions against the pro per litigant for her failure to provide discovery that she was compelled to produce by Judge Bulla 3 times. There is fabrication of evidence, and 3 State Bar Complaints and the State Bar did nothing the guy counter sued and fought an uphill battle on a case that should have never been filed in the first place. Read the pleadings it stinks of ethic violations. This lawyer accused the guy of assulting her in fromt of another attorney, and claimed the other attorney did nothing. The other attorney told the court it was a fabricated story, 3 bar complaints were filed where was the ethics committee playing golf, well lets see if the Supreme Court does something, I doubt it just another pro per litigant getting screwed. Every lawyer should read this case and demand something be done if its all true. Well form your own opinion, this was my opinion, I just read the court pleadings and minutes
Wow and the attorney that was alleged to perjure the affidavit was Jason Stoffel, is running for Family Court Judge, He and Kazel are the Poster Children for Corruption in the Courts
If Stoffel committed perjury and filed a affadivit that was untrue and was a material wittness for his clent while being her advocate he should win the election for family court judge he already proved he is corrupt I hope this is protected free speech his client a fellow attorney seems to like suing people who excersie their rights to ftee speech
Hope the Nevada Supreme Court rules in the Pro Se litigants favor maybe ir will teach the family court lawyers what discovery compliance is about this pro se guys appeal against Wendy Kazel is a more important appeal issue then the Riebero decision handed down my the Nevada Supreme Court years ago do not mock pro se litigants i think this one has it right and he should prevail on his abuse of process claim against fellow attorney Stoffel and Wendy Kazel
Ax to grind much?
Where is the State Bar ethics folks when stuff like this goes on without an investigation. MAYBE AT RICK'S PARTY