- Quickdraw McLaw
- Judge William Voy decided a 15 year-old boy will be tried as an adult when he faces murder charge. [RJ]
- Stanley Rimer, who let his 4 year-old sun die in a hot SUV, is representing himself in a suit claiming his civil rights have been violated in prison. [RJ]
- Attorney Mark Rouse explains why social security disability needs reformed. [RJ]
"Stanley Rimer is a despicable human being, and he deserves every single minute of his sentence," Stanton said Monday. – See more at: http://www.reviewjournal.com/news/las-vegas/man-who-let-4-year-old-son-die-hot-suv-files-civil-rights-suit#sthash.y9Yo4kol.dpuf
Stan the Man deserves life in the clink.
Best Lawyers in America announced their Las Vegas "Lawyers of the Year" as listed at http://vegasinc.com/business/people/2015/aug/16/people-move-aug-16-22/. Here is the list as quoted…
"Multiple attorneys received the Lawyer of the Year designation from Best Lawyers, a peer-review publication. They include Maria Nutile, Nutile Law; Mark Ferrario, Edward Quirk and Mark Tratos, all of Greenberg Traurig; J. Randall Jones and Will Kemp, both of Kemp, Jones & Coulthard; Edwin Keller Jr., Kamer Zucker Abbott; Steven Oshins, Oshins & Associates; Ellen Schulhofer, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck; Jeffrey Silver, Dickinson Wright; Laura Thalacker, Hartwell Thalacker; J. Colby Williams, Campbell & Williams; and Carol Davis Zucker, Kamer Zucker Abbott."
A lot of the regulars on that list. Congrats to them. I wish I was them right now.
No first year attorneys on that list. LOL
Jeff Silver, good one.
Compare this list to the "super lawyers" and with few exceptions being "super" is only important to your mom
I like lists where it will say something like "attorney of the year" or "top female attorney" and they have been in practice less than 2 years. Total BS and marketing for future clients I guess. I got a "top 10 criminal lawyer" solicitation and I have never done a criminal hearing. Should I pay for the plaque? Damn I must be good at everything! I should work at Half Price Lawyers…if they are still around. They are advertising "under new management" on the radio now. Anyone have any details on this?
This is why the Best Lawyers in America is the preeminent list. Since none of the B.S. happens that happens with other services. And the Lawyer of the Year in each area of practice is the best (at least per Best Lawyers) that year of the best.
They seem to rotate the Lawyers of the Year a little bit if you look the attorneys up. None of them gets it every year. A few of them have won it multiple years though from what I saw when I just looked.
As to 2:24pm's question on Half Price Lawyers, at the bottom of the HPL website it states that Mark Cogburn is the licensee. I heard the commercials back on the radio this weekend myself.
I meant Mark Coburn, got to speedy with my typing there. Want to make sure I'm naming names correctly.
Why isn't Stubbs mentioned?