- Quickdraw McLaw
- There are four months left for victims of the October 1 shooting to apply for assistance through the Nevada Victims of Crime program. [Fox5Vegas]
- A tentative deal avoids a strike for Caesars properties, but negotiations are still ongoing for others. [KNPR]
- Court of Appeals affirms excluding a liability expert. [Compelling Discovery]
- Is your office more of a donut office or a bagel office?
Donuts, baby!
Dunkin or Krispy Kreme
The only one of Krispy Kreme's I like is their crack-laced glazed donuts. I say 'crack-laced' because I'm not sure what else explains why they're so damn addicting. Other than that, I prefer Winchells'.
That'd be "addictive"
Fortunately, I am here to shed truth and light onto all. First of all the doughnuts versus bagels discussion is comparing apples to oranges. Doughnuts are the reason not to slash your wrists before the end of the day and bagels are a main dish, like chicken or fish.
Now that the sacred High Holy Day of Donuts has passed, allow me to create great religious divisiveness by reminding everyone that raised doughnuts,such those made in the foundry of hell known as the evil Krispy Kreme, are an abomination in the eyes of the lord and that only cake doughnuts, such as those found in the Temple of Winchell, are pleasing to God.
Let the religious war begin.
Jordan – every true donuteer knows that the only righteous donut in the land is the donut found in your independent donut shop. Skip the flavorless puffs at Kreme, and eschew the heavy rocks at Winchell's. Go where the blueberry donuts have actual blueberries in them.
How can you tell if someone is a cake donut-eater? They'll tell you.
This needs to be settled by violent confrontation – like a doughnut eating contest.
… although I do stand firmly in support of the independent doughnut shop. But I rarely drive by a Winchell's.
I like "donuteer", very hip.
My office is wishy-washy: it's both donuts and bagels on Friday.
I never understood the bagel thing. I mean, they aren't gross or anything, but they aren't some kind of a treat, either. Donuts, muffins, pastries, etc. are delicious treats. Bagels are bread. Bread is fine, but when I see a bunch of bagels and nothing sweet, I think, "Wow. Bread. Yay."
"Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be." — Michael Scott
I love Einstein bagels cream cheese.
Who you people?
There's been a lot of blogging over the last few weeks wherein the posters insist they will not vote for certain incumbent judges, or judicial candidates, based on who some of their supporters and contributors are and/or who is involved in the operations of their campaign.
I understand that concern to an extent, but these bloggers usually say nothing about the relative merits of the judge or judicial challenger. The whole focus is on who their campaign manager is.
But politics is like some totally different, dirty world. In real life, it may be reasonable to heavily judge people by the company they keep. Yet when it comes to dark world of politics, all successful candidates, including the ones we like and support, will have also been supported by people and groups we don't care for.
My opinion is that we should examine many factors, with the primary factors being an incumbent judges performance on the bench. Instead, it seems a lot of people don't want to support a judge because they have a negative view of the campaign manager and/or other supporters.
Oh well, I guess it's as good a reason as any if in fact the voter knowns nothing about the actual judicial merits of the candidate.
The issue is, particularly in judicial races where temperance, impartiality and enforcement of the law are critical job factors, if you are willing to hire an alleged scumbag who will do anything (particularly for those with the funds) to get you elected, maybe you aren't fit to hold the office. Dave Thomas and Tom Letizia both work in this manner.
But most successful campaign managers leave much to be desired. Judicial candidates will presumably hire an aggressive, even ruthless, campaign manager who has a great success record, rather than a Mr. Nice Guy Type with a questionable record of getting people elected.
And in politics, there really isn't much of a middle-ground. Often the choice is between hiring the highly successful bastard who devotes himself full-time to campaigns, or the somewhat ineffectual nice guy who dabbles in campaigns but does something else for his primary income.
I concede that what I am saying sounds absurd on certain levels, but for those who have been around politics for years, they will tend to agree there are not many people between those two extremes. You will not find the highly successful, yet highly honorable, campaign manager who never, ever distorts or fabricates, and who refuses to play dirty hard ball.
This person in the middle–the highly successful yet always fair and reasonable and honorable, campaign manager, is in grievously short supply.
So, often it is a case of choosing between the two extremes.
As long as the judge/judicial candidate understands they can face disciplinary action (including suspension and removal from the bench) related to campaign manager shenanigans, go ahead and hire the successful bastard.
Grab me some floss for my teeth, Elissa Cadish has both scumbags working for her.
To: 11:49: But it doesn't historically appear that the judges who hire the successful bastards suffer much in the way of repercussions from the shenanigans of such campaign managers.
But, agreed, that such might be changing a little over the last couple years. One judge attracted judicial discipline proceedings for claiming, in campaign literature, that he had some endorsement(s)that he did not actually have.
And there is a pending discipline proceeding wherein a muni judge's campaign worker had a photo of an action star sliced with a photo of the judge, to make it appear they were standing side-by-side,and placed it on the campaign website, along with the proclamation that the action star really supports the re-election of the judge. But the judge had never met the action star, and if the campaign worker ever had met him, they were never able to obtain his formal approval. Once challenged, the photo and endorsement were promptly removed with an appropriate apology offered, but the damage was done.
And, yes, as 11:49 points out, a judge can be left holding the bag, while the consultant goes unscathed. And that is what is happening in such case.
I'm just going to vote for any name that sounds like an alcohol beverage…Vegas baby!
Assuming it's true, why hasn't the Bar made a statement about Stan Hunterton's status as former Bar Counsel and Jenine Isaacson now being in charge? If it's not true, why hasn't someone made a statement. Aren't we entitled to know who is in charge? If Steve Wolfson suddenly left his office there would be something more than rumor and blog comments. I agree with the comment from yesterday about a lack of transparency by the Bar. The rumors go back several weeks and there is no official statement.
There is that BOG truthfulness.
While I have little that is good to say about the way the Bar operates, Stan is/was an employee, not an elected official. If something were to be said, it would be along the lines of "he left to pursue other opportunities and we wish him luck in his future endeavors," which doesn't tell us a damn thing. We need here is some good gossip/rumor mill stuff.
This just in from the Bar: Stan has decided to better himself morally and has now taken a position as Groom of the Stool with Darth Sidious.
Says the one who stole from his/her trust account.
3:20 thanks for the clarity, it makes perfect sense now, anyone that criticizes Stan must have stolen from their Trust account, of course, thanks for the insight
Please tell me 3:20 is a passerby to the blog and not really someone who practices law with that kind of reasoning
3:20 is either a current employee of the OBC or someone applying for one of the perpetually open jobs at OBC who wants to be able to cite their post at 3:20 as a sign of allegiance to evil.
3:41 best and most accurate comment of the day
If you never want another "Stan" at the Bar then – "I want you to get up right now, sit up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell – 'I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!' Things have got to change. But first, you've gotta get mad!… You've got to say, 'I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!'"
Or you could just vote in the BoG Election and support candidates who want to clean house at the OBC as well as within the offices of the SBN. That might work also.
I expect nothing from the Bar and I am never disappointed
Good Godyssey, the system is slow today.
That is cute. Great, I have to file something this afternoon. I will grab my bthrm reading material, the campaign ads to enjoy while e-filing.
46 minutes from the time that I typed the case number in until the system allowed me to submit and print my receipt. It is in Justice Court so that means that I should get a file stamped copy back by 4th of July.
Amount of time that it would take to drive from my office in Summerlin, run into the Courthouse, file it (except that the Clerks would yell at me for not e-filing) and drive back to my office? 46 minutes.
I am so tired of people going in on Stan. Stan has put up with so much bullshit.
first of, he called Slim, then wrote him and everything but still no return call. Stan even left his cell, his pager, and his home phone at the bottom. I clearly remember being in the OBC inside Stan's office and seeing that underground shit with Skam, his office was full of Em posters and Em pictures, man.
Stan never knew his father, who always cheat on Stan's mom and beat her.
Sometimes Stan even cut himself to see how much it bleeds, like just for the rush.
Don't You know what it was like for Stan growin' up.. Then there is all of you who never answered your Bar complaints, like
Mister "I'm Too Good To Call Or Write the OBC". Like six months would go by even. Stan knew you got the registered letters, he wrote the addresses on 'em perfect. Stan love you, you coulda been together, think about it
You ruined it now, I hope you can't sleep and you dream about it
And when you dream I hope you can't sleep and you scream about it
Pretty clever.
Just got it, very nice
please quit telling people to go to Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers so blindly. do some research. LCL may arguably be nothing more than an AA meeting. in AA you are drilled to "stick with the winners" and shun anyone else. does that sound like a healthy supportive environment to you? twelve step groups seem to raise suicide rates and incidents of destructive substance use, not the other way around. both of the last head Bar Counsel's (stan and david clark) go to AA meetings or did regularly. its not anybody's job to maintain that precious "anonymity" for them. deleting comments to preserve their anonymity is a discredit to those harmed by these destructive ideologies. the people who went to AA and wound up killing themselves certainly would not care. it is a bias issue and deserves attention. AA operates like a cult and shuns and punishes those who don't utterly buy in, even when it is obvious that some people are hurt, not helped by it. up north Northern Nevada Board Member Keegan Low loves punishing other for his sins in the name of AA. do some reading http://aorange1.tripod.com/
what medication is branded as "it works if you work it"? they say that at every single AA meeting. would that ever pass FDA muster?
Thank you 7:32 and this is another reason the one hour per year substance abuse add-on to regular CLE is a big problem: The educational model is AA based. While it's valuable to some it's not to all and this is a voluntary bar association. I think CLE should be about substantive legal issues not addiction and spirituality. I know it's not politically correct but it's of concern to me.
AA is the most effective treatment there is for alcoholism. It has a high failure rate, but still the best there is. It teaches you to control your triggers and urges. It is a support group ultimately and depending on which meeting you go to it can be good or shitty.
The idea that AA is the most effective treatment for alcoholism is, at best, highly controversial. Here is a good (albeit imperfect) article on the controversy.
Thank you for pointing out one of the most insightful articles I have read in years. I have wrestled with this for some time. 12 steps in not for everyone.
Dear Op, please delete the comments about AA , Stan, LCL, etc. Do not want the drama or the payback. Sorry to ask for your time this way.
Please do not delete these comments. The exposure of Stan's destructiveness should come out little by little and it must be documented, discussed, and not forgotten so that it never happens again. The toll on innocent lawyers, and indirectly their clients, in his mindless pursuit of trophy suspensions may not be overcome for literally decades as those real life people and actual human clients seek to recover. Stan was worse than a real-life Hugoian Javert, in that the underlying fanaticism to order had to be a charade to justify his evil and exaggerated pursuit of the smallest perceived infraction. And to any knee-jerk, you-must-be-bitter-bloggers, you can believe it or not but I have never had Bar discipline but know of what I referenced – first hand.
So please do not delete this. Thank you.
You are 1000% correct and very articulate in how you have put this. I have never had discipline but have witnessed it first hand with people who were very close to me. I have discussed the issue with Rob Bare, who just shakes his head at the mess that has been made and chasm between OBC and its members. We replaced justice with zealotry and fanaticism. And what does the Bar (including OBC members) say today? "It has been nothing personal. "Those who have been destroyed recently just came on to our radar at the wrong time. 5 years ago or 5 years from now–things will be back to fair again." All of this destruction for no good purpose.
Levity's sentence in his farewell column, "Gale Skala, thank you for your great assistance in making reservations, meetings, telephone conferences and schedules, always with the cutest smirk and sweetest notes." Does anyone besides me find this odd and condescending?
Sounds sexist
members of the Bar need to be aware of how twelve step cult members JUST LOVE infiltrating every facet of the bar and law they can in the name of "Service" as they call it. Numerous former Bar Counsel are twelve step devotees. Its got so systemic that there is not, ludicrously, a CLE requirement that indirectly funds their disgusting and dangerous pursuits dressed up as spirituality. https://www.orange-papers.info/
would love to see a review of all the applicants for admission to the Bar whom had some minor bullshit on their record and go forced into the nonsense LCL, twelve step cult process only to be damage by the fact that attendance at twelve step groups actually creates substance abuse problems, via a learned helplessness (step 1, powerless) and increases the rate of suicice. not that the soulless people in the legal profession in Nevada care at all. there is too much competition and such has been an effective means of weeding out (ie, killing) competition. http://www.wbur.org/radioboston/2014/03/31/12-step-dodes
people on the disciplinary boards and character and fitness committees and beyond who are 12 step true believers need to start being outed as their bias is dangerous and their influence is vast