- Quickdraw McLaw
Congratulations! You made it. The election is over. Now, let’s see some results:
- State Judicial Races results
- State AG results
- Clark County District Court results
- Clark County Justice Court results
- Ballot Question results
Way to go Judge Gall!
Honestly, I am surprised about Roohani election loss. She had the money, the machine behind her, well liked by all, nothing negative about her, no reason why people should have voted her out. so weird.
She is not well liked by all. The DA’s office didn’t endorse her for a reason. She routinely makes decisions that any objective citizen would find offensive with regard to bail settings, sentencing, and probation revocations. She acts tough then doesn’t follow through on her threats. She acts beyond her authority, doesn’t understand the differences between state and federal court, and micromanages. She should be embarrassed to call herself a former prosecutor.
9:09 – You are mistaken on multiple levels. Judge Roohani declined to accept an endorsement by the DA's office because one of their union board members is on her criminal track and she didn't want any appearance of impropriety. If Roohani is so disliked, then why did she have Wolfson and Daskas’s endorsement? If her decisions are so offensive, then why hasn't the DA's office appealed her? Your entire premise just crumbled! Roohani understands that incarceration isn't the only tool in the toolbox. That made her a very fair and ethical prosecutor, just like she is a fair, ethical, and well respected judge. Sadly, the 8th may have lost an outstanding judge in this election. You seem like a bitter, old school DA who can't figure out the new Valdez-Jimenez standards. (Dare I say … you seem like a USAO reject.) I'll bet Roohani runs circles around you. You think Yianna Reizakis is a better choice?? Well buckle up, Buttercup!
When I'm on the mic, it's like a cookie, they all crumble
Try to get close and get smacked
My homie Doggy Dogg has got my back
Roohani never should have sat the bench. Never practiced in state court but appointed District Court judge. Hmmm. And I like how you think having the money and political connections is a good thing. Many people like me vote against that. Basically the system is upset they can’t buy the system any longer.
She is not a fabulous judge but was getting better. Her opponent will be a nightmare on the bench.
Easy, 10:50 – we all know the DA's don't like facts getting in the way of their theories.
I believe there was a posting recently which indicated that Roohani's opponent was an Emerge Nevada candidate. I know their chosen candidates have done very well against male incumbents in prior election cycles, but if their organization can now demonstrate the ability to take down a well-funded and politically connected female judicial candidate, it stands to reason that there isn't any judicial race in Clark County they won't be favored to win if they choose to get involved in it.
Reizakis winning had nothing to do with her being an Emerge Nevada candidate. (Reizakis wasn't endorsed by most Emerge Nevada alums.) She purposely changed her name from Yianna Reizakis to Anna Albertson to become more "electable." Reizakis targeted Roohani because of the foreign name. The electorate is woefully uninformed in judicial races, so racism and "otherism" kicks in. Need more proof? See Bita Khamsi now Yeager.
Holy smack….. Republicans may be taking the spot for Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, and State Controller? Only one it looks like Democrats held onto is the AG office. Presuming mail-in ballots don't come in and flip the results, that should be interesting – a Democrat AG representing a Republican state executive office.
In the immortal words of one Hulk Hogan: "Nothing changes but the names, BROTHER."
Marchant and Fiore are not going to make it. Marchant will be a little bitch and cry conspiracy, but when it comes time to pony up admissible evidence in court, will have none.
The two above are scary. They make the Nevada Supreme Court look good.
dodging a bullet by rejecting Chattah, as well…
I am a Republican but there was no way that I could allow Marchant, Fiore or Chattah anywhere near those offices. No I want Ford out but not bad enough to hand the keys to Chattah. Marchant and Fiore I am convinced do not even understand what the offices that they were running for do.
Joe Gloria presser: Still counting 15k ballots from Tuesday's mail and Monday's drop-off. Still counting 13k ballots from today's mail. Processing 300 drop boxes worth of ballots that were received at the polling locations on Election Day.
I wouldn't count out the Democrats at the state level just yet. Also, Brian Sandoval had a Democratic AG his first term. That AG's name? Catherine Cortez-Masto.
1:03 – I'm another Republican, and I felt the same, except that I think Marchant knew exactly what that SOS's office does.
I'm a former (pre-Trump) Republican. The GOP needs to clean house here in Nevada. No more Michele Fiore. No more Michael McDonald. There are others. These people are clowns and keep regular voters from taking the NV GOP seriously.
Well said 1:07.
Looks like Conine and Aguilar have a decent shot at catching up. Sisolak has no chance. No clue what's going to happen in the Senate race.
Gotta hand it to Ralston. We'll see if he named the right winners, but no matter what he nailed the relative strength of all the candidates. The Indy poll from a couple weeks ago is looking good too.
Andrew Wasielewski suspended for using a client's credit card without their permission and for hitting an elderly client's trust account. Apparently he cut the plea deals of a lifetime. https://nvbar.org/wp-content/uploads/2022.10.31-Andrew-Wasielewski-Temp.-Suspension.pdf
is he the one that represented that landlord in the sex case?
He is.
Just heard that Judge Matthew Harter took his own life. Condolences to his family, friends and colleagues. He was one of the good judges on the Family Court bench.
Assuming this to be true, condolences to his family. It does leave one to wonder on another day about those posts one month ago that "Judge Harter's JEA commented yesterday that the judge will be back on the bench soon."
I did not know him. Horrible if true, and condolences to his family, friends, and court staff.
Whoever needs to hear this – you're not alone. You can get help.
Condolences to everyone affected by this.
This is really sad. Terrible news. My heart goes out to his family and friends.
He is married, has eight children, and one grandchild? How terrible!!!
@2:16 That's pretty ignorant to assume Judge Harter's JEA ever even suspected Judge Harter's passing to be a possibility. Anyone who has seen him knows he's extremely distraught. It's obvious he never expected this outcome.
Counting the Votes -Why does it take so long? Florida did it in hours. Everything is now electronic (scanned mail in votes), so it somehow seems incompetent that a small state like Nevada cannot get votes counted in a timely fashion.
Don't even start with mail in ballot excuse crap. Florida has far more mail-in's than any state. Germany hand counts ALL of the votes in a national election. The results are out by 7 or 8 PM. Similar situation in national French elections.
I agree it's ridiculous! Why can't they count the ballots that are still in the mail?!? Unbelievable!
Florida requires that mail-in ballots be received by 7 pm on Election day. Thus, at 7 p.m. on Election day, they close the polls, let the folks in line vote, and finish counting, confident that anyone ballot is being carried by a slow mail carrier is just screwed that election. We require that mail-in ballots be mailed by election day, and received no later than 3 days after. Florida allows them to count the ballots before polls close. We can't.
Also, everything is not scanned. The beknighted realms of Nye County and White Pine decided to do everything by hand.
Look, if we really, really wanted to get everything counted in a timely manner, we absolutely could. All it would take would be to amend NRS 293D to redefine "covered voter" as "registered voter." And then adequately fund elections.
Most places where the races have been "called" are also still counting votes. The difference is that the races here are close enough that the outstanding votes could still swing the results one way or another.
Full discourse: I was fervent liberal when younger and growing more conservative as I age, I’m 43 now, so I leaned Rep on n Penn, that said I cannot believe Fetterman was elected with the sadness of his stroke, there are truly two Americas and each side does not care to change their vote based on facts, same thing on Rep side, they will vote for Rep no matter what
Fetterman successfully painted Oz with the Outsider brush. In 6 months, Fetterman's stroke symptoms will have resolved, but Oz will always be the rich guy from New Jersey who didn't understand Pennsylvania, its history, its football, or its veggie trays. That's why he lost.
Whats not to get? People tend to vote for their party. I don't understand how once being liberal and now being more conservative prevents you from understanding that.
Fetterman (or his team) ran a brilliant race. He is blue collar Western Pennsylvania. He looks and talks like Joe the Plumber but was able to draw Philadelphia liberals and WaPa blue collars together to form a coalition. Pennsylvania Rs have no one to blame but themselves: trying to replace Pat Toomey with a Trump-plant from out of state was pure lunacy. Pennsylvania will elect Republicans if you give them a reasonable option.
Fetterman had his stroke 5 months ago. It's unlikely he'll show much more improvement in the next 6 months. But whatever makes you feel better to justify your loyalty to anyone on the Left side of the aisle, keep telling yourself that.
5:43- I am actually a Republican and it’s a masterful job that our side could and should learn from. Fetterman came across as sympathetic and a man of the people. Oz did not come across as in any real manner in tune with Pennsylvanians. Instead of putting our heads in the sand, we should learn what went wrong and fix them in two years.
From the beginning Oz was an absolutely horrible candidate and there is no other way to explain the result. Gee, I wonder if the people of Pennsylvania would like a wealthy Turkish man with liberal Hollywood/entertainment ties who is barely passing though Pennsylvania as their Senator? You found out the answer was no.
The problem isn't speed: all of Clark County's in-person and mail before Monday was counted as of last night. The problem is margins and the fact that mail will continue coming in until Saturday.
According to the Secretary of State website, my mail-in ballot (sent weeks ago) still has not been counted.
So you're saying there's a chance.
I would not trust the USPS to deliver my ballot. Have had too many pieces of mail go missing.
I am sorry about Matthew Harter. What a loss
Does anyone know what happened? I heard it was suicide with a gun. This is newsworthy but the privacy of his family should be respected.
Then why ask or provide unsubstantiated rumors? Unbelievable.
I don't think that 3:18 asking what happened was intended to offend 3:21. The news of his passing has been confirmed and I think that a lot of us are scratching our heads asking how it could have happened. So horribly sad…
It is true, as 3:21 suggests, that we should limit our comments to factual representations which have officially been released, and identify such sources, but beyond that we should avoid any errant speculation.
To that end, within the court system the following matters were included within a release: he suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the abdomen, and was transported by emergency services, but that he was breathing on his own and that the wound was not considered life-threatening.
But within a couple hours a new release was issued that he had succumbed to the injury.
Just really, really horrible. It's been a rough couple years for him. His marshal, who he was very close to and had a great friendship with, died in an accident, and within the last year or so the judge's father, veteran attorney Allan Harter, passed on.
The judge was subject to being bashed by a certain activist group, and I hope(perhaps unrealistically) that such group exercises restraint and decorum during this horrible time for the judge's family.
Shall not be named.
Cooley laying off Associates. Waiting to see what happens at Snell where they were recruiting first years for more than $160,000. https://abovethelaw.com/2022/11/stealth-layoffs-junior-associates-top-20-biglaw-firm-cooley/
Who cares? Does Cooley have a Las Vegas office? Is Snell a top 20 firm? Did Snell mass hire corporate attorneys like Cooley did, per the article?
Dotson losing to Demonte is a big loss for the defense bar. Demonte was not a "reasonable" prosecutor.
I'll be honest, I voted for Dotson knowing very little about her other than seeing her in court over the years. To hear that she's great for the defense shamely teaches me I should not have voted in that race. I'm glad to hear a pro-defense judge lost.
Dotson was a sweetheart and was rapidly improving.
"Pro-Defense" is the most ridiculous comment about Dotson that I have seen. I do civil and criminal. She was really good at criminal for someone having little experience with it. It is the "prosecutor's misconception" that a judge who looks at both sides like one does in civil is "pro defense" when prosecutors are so used to ramrodding through cases with their buddies.
The comment doesn’t even say Dotson is pro-defense. Merely that Demonte is not reasonable as a prosecutor and, thus, likely will not be reasonable or fair to the defense as a judge. You have to really hate the constitution if the thought that someone behaves reasonably as a judge makes you glad she lost.
3:53 c'mon, this is a lawyer blog. You don't think people are going to notice what you did with the "hate the constitution" comment? Clearly 8:26 said they were glad she lost based based on understanding someone as saying she is pro-defense. Why even make a comment like that? I hope this is not representative of the type of logic you demonstrate as a lawyer. I wonder if you also say that people who do not share your political beliefs "hate America."
A "big loss for the defense bar" is a reasonable step to "pro-defense". Otherwise, why the "big loss"?
A judge can be not a rubber stamp for prosecutors without being "pro-defense." They are not the same thing.
I said a loss for the defense bar because she is reasonable and actually listens to pretrial release arguments. Demonte ran on a platform of denying pretrial release petitions. I have also dealt with Demonte before and she was overzealous and unbalanced.