Judge Eric Johnson, who is trying to retain his seat this year, issued a ruling that the ESA school choice program is neutral with respect to religion. [RJ; Las Vegas Sun]
A Nye county drug case against Heidi Fleiss was dismissed. [RJ]
Justice of the Peace Rodney Burr has officially taken Judge Diana Hampton’s place on the Henderson Municipal Court bench and Henderson city council member/deputy district attorney Sam Bateman has announced he is running for the justice court position vacated by Burr. [RJ]
Question on the blog: Did the most recent comments posting to the right disappear or change. I used to like that when pulling up the blog. Disappeared. No comments posted. Sometimes the comments were as good as the headline. Please advise. I think it was by "recent comments."
I've been having problems with my "recent comments widget" too. Probably some popup blocker type problem. I bet I could fix it if I knew a damn thing about computers. For now I just do without recent comments.
I heard a rumor that Nevada Business Magazine has been calling those who made the cut in Legal Elite this year and asking them to advertise. Any truth to this?
of course that is what's happening …. you don't think the magazine actually wastes its time and money figuring out who the "Legal Elite" are without some benefit to them in the end via additional advertising revenue.
I never heard of these calls coming in at the firm I was at. But it was obvious from the full page ads that Gordon Silver and Pisaneli Bice took out that some firms took that shit more seriously than others.
That is par for the course. My firm has several attorneys listed and we were already working out the size ad we would buy before the list was announced.
I've never advertised with them and I've been listed in both for the past two or three years. They use the list to then try to solicit advertisements, but not require them, if you're on the list. The only reason you'd advertise is if you want to include a big photo on a plaque in your office.
For Former Justice of the Peace Burr this is a pure money grab. Not that I blame him. He can "retire" and collect his judicial retirement, AND take the city salary.
May 19, 2016 7:21 pm
Anyone have any comment on being a member of an Inn of Court?
I thought it was a great way to network. As a younger attorney, I met a lot of experienced attorneys and judges through the group meetings and actually got to spend significant time with them preparing our presentation. I wouldn't have run into these people through my normal practice. In the end I stopped participating because of the time commitment.
Question on the blog: Did the most recent comments posting to the right disappear or change. I used to like that when pulling up the blog. Disappeared. No comments posted. Sometimes the comments were as good as the headline. Please advise. I think it was by "recent comments."
I've been having problems with my "recent comments widget" too. Probably some popup blocker type problem. I bet I could fix it if I knew a damn thing about computers. For now I just do without recent comments.
My "recent comments" disappeared also.
The "recent comments" heading is there for me, but it is followed by some javascript mess.
Why is Glen Lerner giving $10k to tea party republican, Eric Johnson?
Because 1:29, Lerner was sleeping with your mom!!!
My mom would not touch Lerner with a ten foot poll. Eric Johnson getting nasty.
My mom is voting for Trump. She loves America and wants it to be great again.
Your mother hates herself.
I heard a rumor that Nevada Business Magazine has been calling those who made the cut in Legal Elite this year and asking them to advertise. Any truth to this?
of course that is what's happening …. you don't think the magazine actually wastes its time and money figuring out who the "Legal Elite" are without some benefit to them in the end via additional advertising revenue.
You are elite in this town if you pay to advertise. Naqvhi is not a top lawyer.
Several billboards say otherwise.
I never heard of these calls coming in at the firm I was at. But it was obvious from the full page ads that Gordon Silver and Pisaneli Bice took out that some firms took that shit more seriously than others.
Yes, you can rely on the veracity of attorney's bought and paid for radio spots, tv adds, and bill board.
Well, well, well. It must be the legal elite telethon, I just received a call at my law firm to advertise. I am a good attorney, but not legal elite.
Just write a check and join the "Legal Elite"!
That is par for the course. My firm has several attorneys listed and we were already working out the size ad we would buy before the list was announced.
Right, you pay to be legal elite, or Rocky Mountain superstars.
I've never advertised with them and I've been listed in both for the past two or three years. They use the list to then try to solicit advertisements, but not require them, if you're on the list. The only reason you'd advertise is if you want to include a big photo on a plaque in your office.
On the list, you pay.
Been on both lists over the last few years, never paid.
Reality indicates otherwise.
For Former Justice of the Peace Burr this is a pure money grab. Not that I blame him. He can "retire" and collect his judicial retirement, AND take the city salary.
Anyone have any comment on being a member of an Inn of Court?
It is great both in appearance and practice if you are a litigator. Did it in Law School. Did as a newbie. Did it as an experienced practitioner.
How do you join?
What is so great about it? I had always thought it was just a bunch of ass kissers and judicial asses. Maybe I am wrong.
Nope, you are right. You can smell ass kissers a mile away. Pucker up!
1:13 – there was an announcement in the state bar email today, you fill out the application here: https://www.nvbar.org/wp-content/uploads/Inn-Application-2016-2017.pdf
1:04 – how is it a great experience?
I thought it was a great way to network. As a younger attorney, I met a lot of experienced attorneys and judges through the group meetings and actually got to spend significant time with them preparing our presentation. I wouldn't have run into these people through my normal practice. In the end I stopped participating because of the time commitment.
Jerry Tao is buzzing around the group.
Linda Marquis should join. Love to look at her fur hats.
She is a hottie.
Marquis is a hottie. White hot!
Marquis let me introduce you to Mary Kay cosmetics. Caked on like Tammy Faye.
"Back evil Bundt cake; I rebuke you!"
"It is a bunk cake. Bunk, bunk cake." "Bundt, bundt cake."
My BFGW. Love that flick.
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Didn't click it. Will not click it. Go make money in an honest way.