- Quickdraw McLaw
January tends to be a month where a lot of people in the legal profession change jobs. Maybe its because of resolutions that are made, maybe it’s because the bonuses have been paid, or maybe it’s just because firms start hiring again. Now that the holidays are over and you made it through another calendar year, let us know where you stand on job satisfaction. Are you satisfied where you are at? Do you plan on looking for a new job? Are you already looking? If you’re not satisfied where you are at, why? What could get you to change your mind?
"Satisfied" is a relative term in this context.
Yes, in the sense that the job "adequately meets or complies" with my need not to live in a tunnel beneath LVB.
That's a yes or no question that is difficult to answer with a yes or a no.
Doing what most of us do isn't so bad. We get paid pretty well for doing work that's usually interesting (CD lawyers excepted) and doesn't break our backs. Mostly, it beats digging ditches.
But given my choice, I'd rather be an unemployed beneficiary of a large trust fund living in La Jolla.
Looks like Frank Flansburg was not satisfied with his job.
Is he leaving MAC?
He is still on their website
I don't know this guy, but kinda lame to single out some random young guy.
Where are you getting your info 2:16. It seems like a pretty random comment with no reference. Is it a rumor, or is it known information?
This is known information. It will leak out. It is also public information if you know where to look. cough…secretary of state…cough.
Why would that be helpful? It just shows that he is an officer in some other businesses with MAC as the resident agent.
I would try to search by entity name and not officer name.
Who cares. Move on. Try and do some real work 3:08.
Schwartz Flansburg, PLLC that was formed on 12.31.2014? I know that one of the MAC associates went to Schwartz. Coincidence? Either way, good for him if he is moving. MAC seems really top heavy, although I have no idea who the rainmakers are there.
Awesome seeing Kephardt swearing in Lombardo
Awesome reading your spelling of Kephart.
Who cares?