Flaws And Irregularities

  • Law
  • Employees, represented by Taylor Jorgensen, file federal suit againt Robert Telles. [News3LV; RJ]
  • Nevada Supreme Court denies appeal of conservative activist seeking to oust county official. [AP]
  • WNBA investigating Aces’ deal with Vegas tourism authority. [ESPN]
  • Ellis Island Casino owners sue over 2023 Las Vegas Grand Prix issues. [News3LV]
  • There is a second post today below regarding judicial election articles.
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May 20, 2024 10:08 am

Gotta’ say this about Telles: he is a consistent source of news. Wouldn’t be so bad; except, ya’ know, the murdery part.

May 20, 2024 10:50 am

Last week there were gripes about Family Court and the need for Family Court reforms. I would like to know (1) what needs to be reformed (2) how do you propose making those reforms (3) can your “reforms” be made that are consistent with our duty to advocate for our clients? If you believe someone has lied, have you ever sought relief via Rule 11? I am tired of hearing the complaints without any solutions. And go!

May 20, 2024 1:15 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Great post but week before Memorial Day weekend – please repost middle next week n u get a lot of traction I think.

May 20, 2024 1:16 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Judges actually willing to be “judgy”, enforce the laws as written and having the juevos to make a bloody decision would be a good start.

One or two of these in place, and the rest will follow suit.
Potter, for all his faults, was actually this judge.

May 20, 2024 3:24 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Respectfully disagree.

May 20, 2024 3:30 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

I can tell you from personal experience. Potter, had no problem holding my feet to the fire and compelling respect. He made decisions that in my cases, went to protect the children. He was often an asshole about it. But he was the only asshole he allowed in the courtroom, in my experience.

Also, I watched Bill Gonzales jail a woman for contempt (for a weekend) after the third time she blatantly violated his orders (subject to a contempt Motion). First time I have ever in over 20 years seen that in F.Ct.

It happens but its rare. Time to bust up the cabal. new judges and a new crop of practitioners.

May 20, 2024 3:59 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Bust up the cabal! U get credit but I wish I would’ve thought of it. And it’s true it needs to be done.

May 20, 2024 3:37 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

No he was not. Have you not read the details of his disciplinary history? The guy had some serious issues. He is not a model for judicial restraint or conduct. I join your frustration with the lack of decision making, but his behavior is not the answer. Also, he wasn’t “judgey.” He showed blatant favoritism at times.

May 20, 2024 4:02 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Potter ruled for his own former roommate without divulging it, hand cuffed a lawyer, and called the LVRJ on a litigant/lawyer and revealed confidential info. Both names escape me but it’s in the LVRJ about when he was suspended.

May 20, 2024 4:10 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

One of his rightful targets was the topic of discussion last week.

May 20, 2024 4:47 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Rightful target? Did you watch the video? Did you see the discovery requests where opposing party was requesting 20 years of bank statements and Potter refused to allow me to be heard for even 30 seconds? Did it occur to you to ask why a district court judge was hearing a discovery matter? Were you at the hearing? Did you read the order after the disciplinary hearing where he threatened the prosecutor and had to get a psychological evaluation, amongst other things? Are you such a lil PAB you wanna talk shit about me, but do so anonymously? How cute.

May 20, 2024 5:33 pm
Reply to  Michancy

I don’t know you but did not see you referenced in the previous post. Are you sure this post was about you? If not this seems awfully self revelatory.

May 20, 2024 5:38 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

I am literally the only person in the whole world named Michancy. You posted this using the internet…a tool that gives you access to the known universe of information. Instead of posting a completely irrelevant comment that does nothing to advance the conversation, why don’t you go on the interwebs and do a little searchy search. It’s really not difficult information to obtain. Oh and since we’re talking about judicial discipline, why don’t you meander on over to the Commission on Judicial Discipline’s website and look there too?

May 21, 2024 9:17 am
Reply to  Anonymous

The person above did not reference a “Michancy”. Are you sure you are not taking something personally that was not directed at you?

May 20, 2024 4:55 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Or did you mean Linda Bell was his rightful target?

May 20, 2024 1:46 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

My primary gripe is “all carrot and no stick”.
Allowing attorneys to yell at the judge and the judge not stopping it.
Attorneys constantly interrupting the other party or other attorney and the judge not stopping it.
When one party (through counsel) alleges domestic abuse, hints at sexual abuse of a child (“1 yo daughter came home from her dad’s house and seemed to react to me when I went to take off her clothes to bathe her as if she was sore ‘down there’, I never filed a police report because I didn’t want my daughter taken from me”) then agreeing to joint physical custody ultimately; full knowing their allegation was B.S.
Alleging that father beats her up regularly but never reported it to friends, family, or the police, but years later in a custody dispute all of a sudden those allegations come out. I’ve had this on both sides (representing fathers alleging mother beat on him regularly, and mother’s alleging father beat on her regularly).
One side accusing the other side of being a drug addict, but at the hearing in the morning the judge orders that person to go to ATI before end of the day, and ordering a two month return hearing with the alleged drug addicted parent having supervised visitation for 2-4 hours per week only for the next 60-90 days. The alleged drug addict parent goes straight to ATI and tests clean of literally every drug they test for, but now only can see his young son or daughter at Donna’s House on Saturday for 2 hours each weekend until the return hearing. It’s clear they’re used to try to manipulate the situation, and the judge doesn’t call them out on it.

Fixes? Punish the accuser when the allegations are proven false. Stop allowing attorneys to yell and scream over the judge. Stop allowing one side to repeatedly accuse the other of B.S. that they never prove, or clearly indicate is not true. What kind of parent lets a sexual molester have joint physical custody of their child? NONE – that’s why it’s clear the accusations are B.S.

May 20, 2024 3:35 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

(1) There’s a lot of changes that need to be made. For starters, all hearings should be open to the public and the media. Cases need to be more accessible to pro se litigants, not less. Financial forms and stuff with private info can still be masked, but people should be able to access their own cases. Right now they cannot even see when their next hearing is. Out sourced providers need to be eliminated completely. There are procedures in the discovery rules for hiring and utilizing experts. Having some hired gun come into court with no qualifications or even basic standards is outrageous. Hallmark needs enforced against out sourced providers. The judges also need to stop delegating their authority to the out sourced providers. It does not matter what some therapist who is being paid by a party says – the judge has the ultimate authority and responsibility to make the tough calls. That would be a start. There is more. (2) It probably would not hurt for the state to consult with some legal clinics that promulgate model rules and statutes. It is a complex system and there are no easy answers, but that’s not an excuse to not try. (3) Yes. The idea of advocacy in a family court context needs to be re-examined though. The adversarial model serves the interests of abusers and insane people. I have told clients for years that if we are in family court, we’ve already lost. A win in family court is a joint petition and parties who never go back.

I have filed twice to sanction another attorney. One time it was granted. The other time the judge berated me and my client for filing and accused us of multiplying proceedings. Then she made a finding that what we said was correct and true and that the opposing party’s behavior contributed to the conflict in the case. Complete upside down bullshit.

May 20, 2024 10:55 am

I’ve lost track of time, are the Telles plaintiffs up against SOL?

May 20, 2024 11:37 am
Reply to  Anonymous

They allege they got their Right to Sue letter on February 28, 2024, so they had 90 days from then for it to be timely.

May 20, 2024 4:12 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Here is the thing….Telles ran that office terribly and probably was shopping stuff out to his buddies. With that said, the office is at least as bad (and maybe worse) under Rita Reid. It is an absolute disaster currently.

May 20, 2024 5:11 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Here is my take. Mossoulini made the trains run on time. Rob got cases closed quickly and competently. Unfortunately, in the process he was an awful boss. It was not immediately apparent how awful he was. Rob was one of those people who spoke respectfully and professionally to those he considered to be his equal or superior, but shat all over those he considered beneath him. This is part of why the abuse went on for as long as it did.

Rob’s abuse wasn’t justified in any way. But it’s also true that there was a certain inertia in that office from years of John Cahill. And the employees didn’t like it when Rob tried to shake things up to make things run more smoothly. Rob’s approach to these changes, however, was ham-fisted, abrasive and undiplomatic. When you’re dealing with government employees, you can’t turn the ship on a dime. Mix in Rob’s inappropriate relationship with RLK and it’s a powder keg.

I don’t blame Rita Reid for running. She was running out of options of how to deal with Rob, so she had guts and played the only card she had- run for office. Things might not be as smooth as they could be right now, but keep in mind that whole office has had massive turnover. I don’t think they are fully staffed, even now.

May 20, 2024 4:18 pm

Logged into the RJ to get the top news of the day. What is the lead headline for the most pressing story? “Popular Las Vegas barbecue spot moving to bigger location.” That is the biggest news of the day according to our newspaper of record.