- law dawg
Per your request, feel free to discuss the Robert Telles trial in this post. As always, please keep your posts workplace appropriate. Day 3 live stream from Court TV is here.
Per your request, feel free to discuss the Robert Telles trial in this post. As always, please keep your posts workplace appropriate. Day 3 live stream from Court TV is here.
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https://newrepublic.com/post/191313/donald-trump-ally-supreme-court-overturn-press-protection Steve Wynn is a massive piece of shit.
Guymon has not been a “stellar member of the community…
Are Telles’s constant odd facial mannerisms some kind of show for the jury or is he just a freak?
I know Rob. It’s a little of both.
He is not helping his case any. He just looks guilty. He needs a better poker face.
He looks like Lex Luthor. He’d better hope Solomon Grundy can come to the rescue.
I once heard a juror in a civil matter say, as I overheard at lunch (not my trial): “That young lawyer was a smartass and dressed too fancy. That’s why I voted for the other side. He should try working like I do.” I was stunned. My point? Jurors may consider that Telles looks freaky and makes weird contortions.
The other odd personal behavior was the medical examiner laughing during her testimony. It was probably nerves, but it made her look flippant, arrogant and detached from the horror of the crime.
I thought it odd yesterday but rewatched Yagi last night. She is a forensic examiner so a little weird to begin with. She even made a joke when asked about her experience with blood in the body cavity that her patient base is a little biased in its results (they are all dead). But the attorneys were smiling with her so it was not uncommon for her to smile back. She actually was likeable.
I was interpreting the smiling being partly that, partly the pathologist being amused that the lawyers were having some difficulty translating medical lingo into more layman’s terms, especially about being specific about the nature, location, and which one of the several penetrating and slashing wounds. Even the lawyers were having difficulty using the anatomical specificity that she was using.
The jurors are like that’s flying all over our heads.
I get they need to get the meticulous specificity down for the cold transcript, but then it needs to be translated into more common language so anyone who is not an M.D. and conversant in anatomy and pathology can follow along too.
Medical examiners and forensic pathologists literally spend their professional lives with dead people and come face to face with the results of some really gruesome and gory deaths. She said she performs approximately 250 autopsies in a year. So that’s going to have some effect on personality traits, for sure.
Rob is making less goofy facial expressions today (Friday).
the forehead!! weird.
Roberta is on the stand and the way he keeps looking at her is freaking me the hell out
Let’s start the day handicapping Telles’ odds of acquittal. At the start of trial, those odds approached zero. Right now, Rob has 12/1 chances of acquittal. Thats all thanks to Draskovich who is doing a great job with nearly impossible facts.
*odds of acquittal.
Have not heard the defense case yet. Unfair to prognosticate yet.
No scientific value at all but I’ve been watching trial with 3 friends and 1 is arguing he was framed bc no blood on his clothes. Juries are strange.
I missed some of the clothes stuff – my understanding is the cops never found the pants or the shirt the murderer was wearing ?
Wouldn’t those be the most likely clothes to have blood on them?
No. The odds are still zero and will remain zero.
two pieces of the shoes tested presumptive positive for blood.
40.9 Septillion times more likely than the dna mixture was Telles and German than it was German and an unknown person.
DNA shows that Telles has worn the gray cut up shoes.
So you’re saying there’s a chance….
There’s definitely a chance!
But there’s no reasonable doubt 😉
Thoughts about Roberta Lee Kennett’s testimony?
She says Telles *hated* German. Not good for Telles!
Ouch. Hell hath no fury like being the other woman scorned.
Do you have knowledge that she was, in fact, scored by Telles?
She has been laid out as a character favorable to Rob in everything leading up to now and then BAM! “Hey Rob, dont drive your car that looks just like the murder vehicle. Its not the murder vehicle right?”
His goose is getting cooked.
Will he testify?????
Is Roberta the lady got out of backseat in video?
Allegedly, yes.
in opening, they said he would.
That makes Telles pot committed.
Yes a poker brother. I play at Sunpoint mostly and Aria when I feel strong.
That means Draskovich is dedicated to letting Telles ride this bomb all of the way into the ground.
“When I was a prosecutor….l always knew I had a winner when the defendant refused to testify. All I want to do is to tell the truth.The jury wants to hear me say I didn’t do it.”
“And that, you will do very well. But with every word, you will confirm what the prosecution is saying. That you were overwhelmed with a []obsession….that took a wrong turn into rage. . . . You will have gone a long way to eliminating the jury’s reasonable doubt.”
“laid out”? Did you do that on purpose?
“40.9 Septillion more times more likely…”
Has anyone tried to go watch in person? Can we get into the courtroom or is it blocked off due to publicity?
Seems like this has been a pretty good day for the state testimony wise. Draskovich is doing the best he can and asking decent questions but just feels like he’s not getting the testimony he needs to support the coverup story. Didn’t seem to have any response to the fingernail evidence
Holy smokes, Telles would be the worst poker player of all time. His attorneys need to light him up over the faces he makes! It’s sinking any chances he may have of acquittal.
He’s also not any good at getting away with murder.
He wears shit nikes? GUILTY!
If German is looking down, he has to have thought after all of the times that he tangled with Tony the Ant and lived to tell about it how could it have been THIS GUY that took him out.
This is the week Telles turns it around and destroys WOLFSON and his entire department. Get ready boys. Telles is taking the stand and he will take no prisoners.
Except the judge herself
Telles with 132 photos of German’s home on his phone
Planted by LVMPD and Compass Realty, obv.