Given the growing amount of comments, it seems that Kolesar & Leatham is closing shop this Friday, but we have yet to see anything official (news releases, articles, court filings, emails) Anyone have anything more than anonymous rumors that they can share regarding the closure?
CDC officials says it’s a question of when, not if, coronavirus COVID-19 will have an outbreak in the United States. They suggest there may be “significant disruption” in our lives. President Trump is having a press conference this afternoon to discuss. What do you think? Are you prepping, prepped, or ignoring? Does your firm have a plan in place for dealing with this if it does get disruptive? [NPR; Las Vegas Sun; CDC]
It’s Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Are you giving anything up for the next 40 days?
Predictions on the press conference: Trump will say nothing about how he ordered the National Security Council's entire global health security unit shut down, along with the Department of Homeland Security's counterpart epidemic team back in April and May 2018, leaving us totally unprepared for a disease outbreak. Instead, we'll get a rambling mess of meaningless superlatives, talking about how "great" and "terrific" everything is, how the stock market is "huge" and "tremendous", and how the evil Democrats are filling the world with "fake news" about his utter incompetence and sabotage of American democracy and global standing.
Here we go again. Trump's fault. Always take advantage of any emergency to target Trump. The media will spin this for the feeble minded and TDS infected.
What makes it worse is that the career bureaucrats are all anti-Trump and will no doubt help make sure the "crisis" is worse than it would have otherwise been just to get Trump. The left has never been shy about sacrificing innocent lives.
Who knows, maybe they figure out a way to target "deplorables" in horrible Midwest states. How wonderful, maybe a virus bomb at NASCAR? An aerial dispersion over Nashville? A little something something at the RNC? The possibilities are endless.
I have my water, ammo and canned goods. Stay frosty.
He's fired/defunded our disease outbreak response teams as well as the CDC and you're on here whining about the libs? What? Did that red hat morph into an alien and suck the brains out of your teeny tiny skull? Also Nashville is in a blue county so the aerial dispersion won't be there. We're aiming for the trailer parks the next county over. Duh.
Points to scoreboard –> "President Donald Trump's administration can withhold millions of dollars in law enforcement funds from states and cities that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities, a U.S. appeals court ruled on Wednesday."
People like 12:19 are tearing the country apart. I am tired of the way people like you frame every news story into fodder for your stupid tribal feuds. When people die from gun violence, it's not a tragic loss of life, it's an argument why gun control doesn't work and why we need more guns. The threat of coronavirus isn't a potential health crisis, it's an opportunity to attack Trump or the LIBS. Do you people ever listen to yourself? This isn't a sporting event, these are real people experiencing real tragedy.
"Meanwhile, Donald Trump is once again attacking the “fake news” media on Twitter over its coverage of the Wuhan coronavirus, a day after US health officials warned the deadly virus would inevitably spread across the country. The president suggested in a series of tweets that the latest developments surrounding the outbreak outbreak were simply the result of news outlets “dong everything possible to make the Coronavirus look as bad as possible, including panicking markets, if possible”."
12:19 don't worry about the trolls. We MAGA are God-Loving, law-abiding, child-protecting, Constitution-loving folks, and we vote! We have your back so keep on with your posts. Every time I read a trollish, hateful, liberal, TDS post it strengthens my love and resolve. I heard a psychologist yesterday speaking that even as a liberal herself she recognized TDS was a bonified emotional situation. MAGA 2020!
To 5:45, 3:49 here: I love your sense of humor, as Connor McGregor said after he lost one in the ring – "nice knock brother." P.S. my love of all, even liberals
3:49, this is a blog for lawyers, not for nationalist propaganda. What’s fascinating about your post, like that of 12:19, is that neither of you refute any statement with any sort of evidence and instead engage in name-calling and rhetoric to evoke some sort of response; e.g., trolling. The notion that 12:19 shouldn’t worry about the trolls is therefore rather ironic.
More ironic is your statement “we MAGA,” whom I believe the rest of the world refers to as “Trump cultists,” gather together under the auspices of being “law-abiding, Constitution-loving folks.” You do realize that the leader of you MAGA cult is the polar opposite of everything you purport to stand for? As soon as he leaves office he’ll be charged with felony campaign finance fraud (Individual 1, co-conspirator with Michael Cohen). He illegally used charity funds to pay off legal obligations of entities he controlled, to promote his hotels, to buy personal items, and to support his presidential election campaign. He illegally took hundreds of millions of tax-free dollars from his father. He violates the emoluments clause of the Constitution by using the office of the Presidency for personal enrichment, and illegally funneled millions into his campaign from Saudi benefactors. He supports “taking the guns first and worrying about due process later.” He unconstitutionally halted military aid to the Ukraine to aid in their fight against Russia, whose interests he has a substantial personal stake in protecting. The list just goes on and on. Hitching your wagon to this paragon of ham-fisted organized crime is just baffling.
And the most painful irony is identifying yourselves as “child-protecting” while supporting the literal caging and separation of immigrant children as punishment to the parents of those children for nothing more than misdemeanor charges.
No rational person, conservative or liberal, is against abiding by the law, protecting children, or the Constitution. But by donning that asinine red Chinese-made trucker hat, you’re making it clear that you support a man who stands for the opposite of what you purport to stand or. At best you’re a hypocrite, and at worst you’re using the false flag of patriotism to advance the goals of fascism and oligarchy.
That's class, man. Good on ya. You increase my hope that most of us will exist the other side of this ugly era and eventually regard each other again as "fellow Americans," even when venting anonymously on blogs.
If you seriously blame Trump for everything then you are in dire need of some TDS treatment. Don't even worry about Coronavirus. TDS is way more serious. Trump is the best president I've seen in my lifetime. Reagan is a close second. This November, you better vote Republican down the whole ticket. That's going to be the only thing that can save this country from Socialism. There won't be a need for a sanctuary city because there won't be a border. Then you should worry about the Coronavirus because our healthcare system won't function.
Coronavirus, while it can be fatal isn't going to kill that many people in the U.S. We have the best healthcare in the world. From everything I've read, you'll just go through a bad cold to flu like symptoms. The elderly are definitely the most vulnerable. Now, how it got started is quite interesting. The biological warfare lab in Wuhan was testing it on animals. Turns out, someone at the lab sold some of the dead animals to the local market to be used as meat.
Pointing out that Trump gutted the NSC/DHS/CDC institutions that address public health pandemics is not derangement. It is showing where his priorities lie in the federal government.
And responding that "yall always blame Trump for everything" does absolutely nothing to actually respond to the facs that he did, in fact, defund those areas of the government. Pure deflection.
On a related note, 11:29, the media reporting that the director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases said it is expected to reach the US and spread in the US is the opposite of "media spin." It is reporting exactly what the director of the applicable wing of the CDC – an expert in the field – said.
I was in court and a K&L attorney confirmed that this was the last week. As of next week, he would be representing the client at his new firm.
February 26, 2020 8:20 pm
Wonder if they are still planning on showing to this at UNLV:
Talking Sports with Kolesar & Leatham: A Discussion of the Business & Legal Framework of the Sports We Love
Monday, March 2, 2020, 5:30 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.
February 26, 2020 8:49 pm
I'm giving up booze. I'm scared. It will be harder than I would like to admit.
I agree with the earlier replies. Acknowledging the problem and taking that first step is huge. Cutting down is possible, and resources are available; you can do it!
Non-alcohol beer is good. Try Kaliber, Clausthaler, Hack Beck,and Brooklyn Special Effects. You’ve taken the first step. Be proud, be strong, be steadfast.
This looks AMAZING. Getting one this weekend! Thank you.
February 26, 2020 9:24 pm
At 12:49 – even though you said that anonymously, it is brave to admit. Good luck. Your health insurance might have options that would help in quitting.
February 26, 2020 9:38 pm
Can we get some updates from on board the titanic (aka K&L) as it sinks beneath the waves? What is the mood in the office? Who has managed to find a life raft?
February 26, 2020 9:45 pm
Who is in charge of the suctioned off art collection?
February 26, 2020 11:53 pm
Off topic: I make an open challenge to OBC Hooge. Come on this blog and defend your qualifications, expertise, and record at the OBC. His position confirms the long held belief in Vegas: It's who you know and who you bl**.
P.S. I have never been disciplined but I did meet him once and it seared an impression into my mind of wonderment at the political system that is the NSB.
Same experience here. I had occasion to speak to him and I do not have enough adjectives to express my impressions. Vapid, jejune, naive, simplistic are all I can come up with. There is absolutely nothing going on in that head relating to a cogent thought.
At the risk of opening a Pandora's Box, the decision in Veterans in Politics v. Willick came down last week in which the Supreme Court reversed and remanded on the Anti-SLAPP issue. Very gossipy interesting read. Case 72778
Hmm I just read it, and the Supreme Court basically applies the test of whether the statement in issue is a matter of "public interest" to each of VIP's statements about Willick. It found that all of them were matters of public interest.
Seems to me that the court has set a very low bar for what constitutes a matter of "public interest." A couple of the statements I agree would qualify. But a couple others, e.g., that Willick lost an appeal (which statement was also arguably untrue), strike me as things that pretty much no one cares about except for the parties to the case, and not an issue of public interest.
Correct. Chuck Thompson found that Willick was not subject to Anti-SLAPP as the matters were not of public interest. Supreme Court reversed on all 5 statements and found the matters to be of public concern, including statements regarding attorney misconduct complaints and commentary on official legal proceedings are always matters of public interest
February 27, 2020 5:35 pm
Opinion piece by John L. Smith about Kolesar & Leatham's shuttering on The Nevada Independent today.
Sort of a puff piece but really the story is pretty straightforward. The firm was gutted by a migration which meant continued viability and paying rent on a huge office that would be half empty was not practical. Nile and Bob are of an age that retooling is not prudent. And it was Nile and Bob's firm. There is no real diverse management structure or succession plan.
Are we really that simple headed here? 10:29 says mildly critical things about K&L's management structure but because it is not savagely critical of K&L, it must be two 75+ year old partners posting on this Blog. Ridiculous
Nile isn't 75, he's about 10 years younger than Bob. Also, are we really still doing the "Thanks [insert name]" thing? May God have mercy on your soul, 10:33 AM.
No 2:00 p.m. Not ageism. Just a commentary on the likely propensity of 75 year old retiring partner to sit around and anonymously gossip about themselves on a Blog.
February 27, 2020 6:06 pm
Agreed re: 10:03 a.m.
Where are the attorneys and staff headed, any ideas?
February 27, 2020 6:39 pm
On a happier note, Randy Tindall was lit up for $650k yesterday on a minimum-limits case.
Predictions on the press conference: Trump will say nothing about how he ordered the National Security Council's entire global health security unit shut down, along with the Department of Homeland Security's counterpart epidemic team back in April and May 2018, leaving us totally unprepared for a disease outbreak. Instead, we'll get a rambling mess of meaningless superlatives, talking about how "great" and "terrific" everything is, how the stock market is "huge" and "tremendous", and how the evil Democrats are filling the world with "fake news" about his utter incompetence and sabotage of American democracy and global standing.
Here we go again. Trump's fault. Always take advantage of any emergency to target Trump. The media will spin this for the feeble minded and TDS infected.
What makes it worse is that the career bureaucrats are all anti-Trump and will no doubt help make sure the "crisis" is worse than it would have otherwise been just to get Trump. The left has never been shy about sacrificing innocent lives.
Who knows, maybe they figure out a way to target "deplorables" in horrible Midwest states. How wonderful, maybe a virus bomb at NASCAR? An aerial dispersion over Nashville? A little something something at the RNC? The possibilities are endless.
I have my water, ammo and canned goods. Stay frosty.
He's fired/defunded our disease outbreak response teams as well as the CDC and you're on here whining about the libs? What? Did that red hat morph into an alien and suck the brains out of your teeny tiny skull? Also Nashville is in a blue county so the aerial dispersion won't be there. We're aiming for the trailer parks the next county over. Duh.
Points to scoreboard –> "President Donald Trump's administration can withhold millions of dollars in law enforcement funds from states and cities that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities, a U.S. appeals court ruled on Wednesday."
People like 12:19 are tearing the country apart. I am tired of the way people like you frame every news story into fodder for your stupid tribal feuds. When people die from gun violence, it's not a tragic loss of life, it's an argument why gun control doesn't work and why we need more guns. The threat of coronavirus isn't a potential health crisis, it's an opportunity to attack Trump or the LIBS. Do you people ever listen to yourself? This isn't a sporting event, these are real people experiencing real tragedy.
9:13 AM was spot on:
"Meanwhile, Donald Trump is once again attacking the “fake news” media on Twitter over its coverage of the Wuhan coronavirus, a day after US health officials warned the deadly virus would inevitably spread across the country. The president suggested in a series of tweets that the latest developments surrounding the outbreak outbreak were simply the result of news outlets “dong everything possible to make the Coronavirus look as bad as possible, including panicking markets, if possible”."
12:19 don't worry about the trolls. We MAGA are God-Loving, law-abiding, child-protecting, Constitution-loving folks, and we vote! We have your back so keep on with your posts. Every time I read a trollish, hateful, liberal, TDS post it strengthens my love and resolve. I heard a psychologist yesterday speaking that even as a liberal herself she recognized TDS was a bonified emotional situation. MAGA 2020!
"…it strengthens my love …" Fascinating. You love of whom or what, exactly?
I encourage you keep going with the sessions. The psychologist might help with the persecution complex and ego weakness.
To 5:45, 3:49 here: I love your sense of humor, as Connor McGregor said after he lost one in the ring – "nice knock brother." P.S. my love of all, even liberals
3:49, this is a blog for lawyers, not for nationalist propaganda. What’s fascinating about your post, like that of 12:19, is that neither of you refute any statement with any sort of evidence and instead engage in name-calling and rhetoric to evoke some sort of response; e.g., trolling. The notion that 12:19 shouldn’t worry about the trolls is therefore rather ironic.
More ironic is your statement “we MAGA,” whom I believe the rest of the world refers to as “Trump cultists,” gather together under the auspices of being “law-abiding, Constitution-loving folks.” You do realize that the leader of you MAGA cult is the polar opposite of everything you purport to stand for? As soon as he leaves office he’ll be charged with felony campaign finance fraud (Individual 1, co-conspirator with Michael Cohen). He illegally used charity funds to pay off legal obligations of entities he controlled, to promote his hotels, to buy personal items, and to support his presidential election campaign. He illegally took hundreds of millions of tax-free dollars from his father. He violates the emoluments clause of the Constitution by using the office of the Presidency for personal enrichment, and illegally funneled millions into his campaign from Saudi benefactors. He supports “taking the guns first and worrying about due process later.” He unconstitutionally halted military aid to the Ukraine to aid in their fight against Russia, whose interests he has a substantial personal stake in protecting. The list just goes on and on. Hitching your wagon to this paragon of ham-fisted organized crime is just baffling.
And the most painful irony is identifying yourselves as “child-protecting” while supporting the literal caging and separation of immigrant children as punishment to the parents of those children for nothing more than misdemeanor charges.
No rational person, conservative or liberal, is against abiding by the law, protecting children, or the Constitution. But by donning that asinine red Chinese-made trucker hat, you’re making it clear that you support a man who stands for the opposite of what you purport to stand or. At best you’re a hypocrite, and at worst you’re using the false flag of patriotism to advance the goals of fascism and oligarchy.
6:47 (3:49),
That's class, man. Good on ya. You increase my hope that most of us will exist the other side of this ugly era and eventually regard each other again as "fellow Americans," even when venting anonymously on blogs.
If you seriously blame Trump for everything then you are in dire need of some TDS treatment. Don't even worry about Coronavirus. TDS is way more serious. Trump is the best president I've seen in my lifetime. Reagan is a close second. This November, you better vote Republican down the whole ticket. That's going to be the only thing that can save this country from Socialism. There won't be a need for a sanctuary city because there won't be a border. Then you should worry about the Coronavirus because our healthcare system won't function.
Coronavirus, while it can be fatal isn't going to kill that many people in the U.S. We have the best healthcare in the world. From everything I've read, you'll just go through a bad cold to flu like symptoms. The elderly are definitely the most vulnerable. Now, how it got started is quite interesting. The biological warfare lab in Wuhan was testing it on animals. Turns out, someone at the lab sold some of the dead animals to the local market to be used as meat.
TDS is a terrible affliction. God bless.
6:59 – "Here are eight specific and factual reasons why Trump is a terrible President and human being."
8:25, 9:23 – "YoU hAvE a MaDE uP mEnTAL dIseAsE."
Pointing out that Trump gutted the NSC/DHS/CDC institutions that address public health pandemics is not derangement. It is showing where his priorities lie in the federal government.
And responding that "yall always blame Trump for everything" does absolutely nothing to actually respond to the facs that he did, in fact, defund those areas of the government. Pure deflection.
On a related note, 11:29, the media reporting that the director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases said it is expected to reach the US and spread in the US is the opposite of "media spin." It is reporting exactly what the director of the applicable wing of the CDC – an expert in the field – said.
Fake News about Trump all the time. Tired of it already.
He did not gut CDC
He did not conspire with Russians
He did not conspire with Ukrainians
He did not launder money
Pelosi and the Democrats will try to spin the China virus as yet another Trump failure. Human life is at stake but only politics matter.
Very sad.
I had a K&L shareholder call me the other day and tell me that the K&L closing is for real.
I was in court and a K&L attorney confirmed that this was the last week. As of next week, he would be representing the client at his new firm.
Wonder if they are still planning on showing to this at UNLV:
Talking Sports with Kolesar & Leatham: A Discussion of the Business & Legal Framework of the Sports We Love
Monday, March 2, 2020, 5:30 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.
I'm giving up booze. I'm scared. It will be harder than I would like to admit.
@ 12:49 – 9 years sober here my friend – you can do it! Seek support.
I did it by first just skipping every other day. That was way harder than just stopping the rest of the way was. Good for you.
I agree with the earlier replies. Acknowledging the problem and taking that first step is huge. Cutting down is possible, and resources are available; you can do it!
Non-alcohol beer is good. Try Kaliber, Clausthaler, Hack Beck,and Brooklyn Special Effects. You’ve taken the first step. Be proud, be strong, be steadfast.
Good for you 12:49! I rarely drink any more but weed (vaping or edibles) is my go-to for when I need a little help relaxing
I need to look into vapes/edibles as an alternative to drinking. One of the most accomplished attorneys I know swears by it.
I admire the support and helpful suggestions you folks are giving. Inspirational. I'm going to try the every other day to start.
Check out The Dispensary NV on Decatur, they often have the best deals on vape cartidges and edibles. They also have a shop in Henderson.
Vape cartridges are full of dangerous chemicals. I highly recommend a dry herb vaporizer called "The Mighty."
This looks AMAZING. Getting one this weekend! Thank you.
At 12:49 – even though you said that anonymously, it is brave to admit. Good luck. Your health insurance might have options that would help in quitting.
Can we get some updates from on board the titanic (aka K&L) as it sinks beneath the waves? What is the mood in the office? Who has managed to find a life raft?
Who is in charge of the suctioned off art collection?
Off topic: I make an open challenge to OBC Hooge. Come on this blog and defend your qualifications, expertise, and record at the OBC. His position confirms the long held belief in Vegas: It's who you know and who you bl**.
P.S. I have never been disciplined but I did meet him once and it seared an impression into my mind of wonderment at the political system that is the NSB.
Call Paola, without Dominic around, and ask her why Hooge Roll is OBC.
Same experience here. I had occasion to speak to him and I do not have enough adjectives to express my impressions. Vapid, jejune, naive, simplistic are all I can come up with. There is absolutely nothing going on in that head relating to a cogent thought.
He's not even from Vegas right? And was working in Lincoln County previously? So how exactly was he juiced? Makes no sense.
I wish I could give up the practice of law for 40 days.
Oops, 4:22 here. Was not meant to be a reply to the Hooge post.
His juice was young, District Attorney law enforcement angel and of the correct religious persuasion.
angle*. No angel
At the risk of opening a Pandora's Box, the decision in Veterans in Politics v. Willick came down last week in which the Supreme Court reversed and remanded on the Anti-SLAPP issue. Very gossipy interesting read. Case 72778
Not lazy but very busy – can you give us quick overview. What I remember is Sanson protected by SLAPP, Marshal (with one L) lost, correct?
Hmm I just read it, and the Supreme Court basically applies the test of whether the statement in issue is a matter of "public interest" to each of VIP's statements about Willick. It found that all of them were matters of public interest.
Seems to me that the court has set a very low bar for what constitutes a matter of "public interest." A couple of the statements I agree would qualify. But a couple others, e.g., that Willick lost an appeal (which statement was also arguably untrue), strike me as things that pretty much no one cares about except for the parties to the case, and not an issue of public interest.
Correct. Chuck Thompson found that Willick was not subject to Anti-SLAPP as the matters were not of public interest. Supreme Court reversed on all 5 statements and found the matters to be of public concern, including statements regarding attorney misconduct complaints and commentary on official legal proceedings are always matters of public interest
Opinion piece by John L. Smith about Kolesar & Leatham's shuttering on The Nevada Independent today.
It is an advertisement for Kolesar
Sort of a puff piece but really the story is pretty straightforward. The firm was gutted by a migration which meant continued viability and paying rent on a huge office that would be half empty was not practical. Nile and Bob are of an age that retooling is not prudent. And it was Nile and Bob's firm. There is no real diverse management structure or succession plan.
Thanks, Nile and Bob, 10:29.
Are we really that simple headed here? 10:29 says mildly critical things about K&L's management structure but because it is not savagely critical of K&L, it must be two 75+ year old partners posting on this Blog. Ridiculous
I agree with 10:33. Are we so simple minded to think two 75 year olds don't know how to use a computer? Agist
Nile isn't 75, he's about 10 years younger than Bob. Also, are we really still doing the "Thanks [insert name]" thing? May God have mercy on your soul, 10:33 AM.
Have mercy on your soul for posting on here. That made me smile.
No 2:00 p.m. Not ageism. Just a commentary on the likely propensity of 75 year old retiring partner to sit around and anonymously gossip about themselves on a Blog.
Agreed re: 10:03 a.m.
Where are the attorneys and staff headed, any ideas?
On a happier note, Randy Tindall was lit up for $650k yesterday on a minimum-limits case.
Tell me more please!
Moderate impact t-bone. Defense argued for $0.00. Derek Duke was their expert. That’s about all I know.
Who was Plaintiff's counsel?