In my opinion, Cutter would be a disaster on the bench. From what I have witnessed, she has a very tortured relationship with the truth. I have been shocked by the ease in which she lies in court without any regard for other people’s rights. I perceive her to be lazy, haughty, and dishonest. I am aware of her public reprimand and do not see any indication that this public discipline altered her actions. I have heard complaints that she will not even get her clients bills when repeatedly asked to do so. She does not seem to think that she is accountable to her client’s and their money. Can you imagine what she would do while wearing the robe? Stoffel is even-keeled, works well with others, and honest.
So the choice is between horrible and very horrible. Isn't there a third person in the race? If so, then maybe that's who I should vote for by default.
May 15, 2020 5:21 pm
Why are so many people against Quinn for BOG? Can someone explain? I've never had a case against him, but he doesn't seem like a bad guy.
I completely agree and am very curious to know what has fueled the negative responses. I have had a few cases with Casey over the years and I found him easy to get along with and reasonable. My only complaint was that he was sometimes slow to respond. But that complaint applies to 75% of the bar, including myself.
Quick procedural question, is the clerk's office still issuing defaults? And if so, how do you go about doing that? You can't issue them online like summons and writs can you? Do you mail them in? Do you just have to wait until we go back to normal?
With regard to both judges and BOG candidates, just remember that all these posts you see could be from one person. A lot of posts does not equal a lot of people. That's the problem with anonymous comments–one bitter OC or client or secretary could get on here with a vendetta. Thus, like everything on the internet you have to take it with a grain of salt.
11:59 is of course correct, and that needs to always be considered.
But even with that major qualifier in place there does appear to be much greater disenchantment with BOG, and with the Bar itself, than in more recent decades.
There is a concern of disproportionate and/or uneven discipline.
And there is a growing concern that the BOG is really like some closely-held club, where true outsiders and agents of change are not welcome.
And when they send their re-election letters, requesting your vote, the tone tends to give credence to this view. When these incumbents list their accomplishments, it tends to be matters which tend more to benefit them and others in similar large and influential firms, and not really matters of much concern to most solos or small firm practitioners.
After listing these accomplishments that may very well be of no interest to many rank-and-file attorneys, we are invariably treated to the cliché "but there is more to be done."
Why would I want someone committing to do more of something that was of no real benefit to me in the first place?
Just for once, if someone actually said, in one of these letters, that disproportionate discipline is an issue of arguable merit that warrants their attention, I would vote for such candidate in a heart beat, and hundreds of others would as well. Just mentioning the issue would show a degree of courage and character that many would admire.
Kephart has a 55 percent approval rating, and 1 person discusses him constantly? There are 44 percent attorneys who don't like him. Okay. And what does he have to do with the BOard candidates? You lost my attention, 11:59.
Stop trolling and blaming others for your problems, 2:06. You blamed a person before who was not trolling you. You do it again, I will let them know. You should be ashamed of yourself as a Nevada Supreme Court Justice.
May 15, 2020 7:20 pm
Agree that Jason is the only choice.
May 15, 2020 9:33 pm
I agree that some people could be padding the positive or negative comments regarding candidates. I am new to this discussion. Jason has matured over the last few years. He is knowledgeable, and I believe he is the only choice in this department.
May 15, 2020 9:42 pm
It will be unforgivable if Sisoslacker keeps Casinos on lock down until after Memorial Day. Not only is he slowly suffocating the economy, he is making Trump look good. Trump will probably be re-elected because of the way blue states handled all this. New York, New Jersey and Michigan are disasters. #businessdestroyer #1term4tubby
I haven’t exactly heard any of the casino owners jabbering about how they want to fling the doors open and get back to life as it was before the shutdown. Perhaps, just perhaps, some of the casino owners are recognizing there is a possibility that some infected, yet asymptomatic, dipshit from out of town will show up and plant his fat ass at the buffet only to spread the virus to dozens, if not hundreds of others, who in turn will return to their hometowns only to spread it even further. You have to accept that “What happens in Vegas . . .” is just an ad. If someone brings a virus, not only can it stay here, but it can travel home with others. Maybe you should crack open another Natty Light, turn on your handheld video poker game and fuck off.
I haven't heard a single Covid warrior, the great defenders of the vulnerable, stand up for those that are vulnerable to the flu. Let's face it, the same people that are at risk with Covid, were at risk of dying from the flu last year. Where were the masked avengers then? I guess if you are susceptible to complications from the flu, you were, are, and still will be SOL, because after all, Covid is all the rage.
It's for the same reason that people don't run measles 5Ks and instead run cancer research 5Ks. Cancer is very deadly and kills people in almost everyone's lives. Measles doesn't kill as many people. Similarly, covid kills a lot more people than the flu, especially grandma and grandpa. That's why.
And way to mock people for wearing a mask when there's a deadly (maybe not to you but to a lot of people in our community) virus spreading. That's the definition of "conservative." You should applaud their conservatism.
OP, can the casinos profitably run at half capacity? Do they want to take the liability of running at full capacity? This isn’t just a top down issue. I know of a few business owners who are weary of opening because of the inevitable lawsuits. It’s rosy thinking to think that if the Governor lifted everything that the world would just return to normal.
I thought all the data shows this Covid-19 was pure overblown hysteria. Just tell the overweight and elderly visitors to stay away. No need for masks, social distancing or anything else. Open everything, including the bars and clubs.
Someone said that the poor poor virus itself is a victim? Like, hey everyone, don't blame poor Covey. She doesn't know any better and we need to give her an Obamaphone?
Depends on the firm and (sometimes) depends if the firm has a one-tiered or two-tiered structure, but at larger firms, basically bill a lot, demonstrate your ability to generate business (or, at some firms, generate a lot of business) and show the current partners you are competent enough to practice without supervision without being a constant malpractice headache.
May 16, 2020 1:02 am
5:39: To become a partner, you need to stop being a drone working all day and night to bill 2,500 hours a year. The firm loves the drones, but it does not make them equity partners. The drones are fungible, easily replaced. Why make them real partners, except in name — in name, to raise their billing rate and to bind them with bonds of loyalty (one direction only!!).
To be valued by the firm enough to become a partner, you need to develop your own book of business, which means that you need to take time from billing to do that. Let your billables fall to 2,000 and spend the extra 500+ hours to bring in your own clients. And keep control of your own clients, do not let your bosses steal them from you! They will try, so it is your job to stop them.
(1) I've work for years in "biglaw"–at least by Vegas standards–and almost no one has worked anywhere near 2500 a the firms. Most people were in the 1800-2100 range.
(2) I've seen lots of midlevel associates that were social butterflies, attended every event, brought in some nominal amount of business, but were pushed out because the firm had work for them to do, and the work wasn't getting done as well as it needed to be done.
Unless you have a book, you are just an employee, whether your title is partner, managing director, senior associate, associate, or whatever the heck.
If you are a superb grinder or minder, you need to attach yourself to a finder. If you are a great finder but lack the discipline to become an exceptional attorney, you need to find a grinder and minder.
In my experience, the best finders are extremely rarely good at grinding or minding. It's like sales: the best salesmen are crazy. The best engineers are boring as heck. NOTE: There are exceptions. I am generalizing.
Good luck.
May 16, 2020 7:57 pm
New pet peeve (am I the only one who experiences this): Dear Client, I need your documents to be able to review and produce in litigation. I don't need 75 photographs of the 75 pages of the contract. I just need the contract. You can mail it or email it or fax it. But your 75 photographs that you think I am going to crop one by one will not suffice.
In my opinion, Cutter would be a disaster on the bench. From what I have witnessed, she has a very tortured relationship with the truth. I have been shocked by the ease in which she lies in court without any regard for other people’s rights. I perceive her to be lazy, haughty, and dishonest. I am aware of her public reprimand and do not see any indication that this public discipline altered her actions. I have heard complaints that she will not even get her clients bills when repeatedly asked to do so. She does not seem to think that she is accountable to her client’s and their money. Can you imagine what she would do while wearing the robe? Stoffel is even-keeled, works well with others, and honest.
Agree. The times I witnessed her she seemed like, in my opinion, she forgot to do her book report and had to ad lib.
It would not be bad if her ad lib was truthful but thinking on your feet should not include making up facts on your feet.
Unfortunately there is no good choice running against her. Everyone who I have talked to is voting for Cutter because they think Jason would be worse.
So the choice is between horrible and very horrible. Isn't there a third person in the race? If so, then maybe that's who I should vote for by default.
Why are so many people against Quinn for BOG? Can someone explain? I've never had a case against him, but he doesn't seem like a bad guy.
I completely agree and am very curious to know what has fueled the negative responses. I have had a few cases with Casey over the years and I found him easy to get along with and reasonable. My only complaint was that he was sometimes slow to respond. But that complaint applies to 75% of the bar, including myself.
Quinn, Bacon, Watkins, and Lachman.
Quinn is intolerant.
Quick procedural question, is the clerk's office still issuing defaults? And if so, how do you go about doing that? You can't issue them online like summons and writs can you? Do you mail them in? Do you just have to wait until we go back to normal?
The clerk's office is still issuing defaults and you can do it online. I was able to obtain a default earlier this week.
What do you file it under? I filed it under application for default and nothing happened.
File it under "Default". Application for Default is treated like a Motion
With regard to both judges and BOG candidates, just remember that all these posts you see could be from one person. A lot of posts does not equal a lot of people. That's the problem with anonymous comments–one bitter OC or client or secretary could get on here with a vendetta. Thus, like everything on the internet you have to take it with a grain of salt.
Sure. The same person keeps posting the same thing over and over again.
I am undecided about Pickering, but I posted once about her RJ endorsement. Do, your theory is out the window.
11:59 is of course correct, and that needs to always be considered.
But even with that major qualifier in place there does appear to be much greater disenchantment with BOG, and with the Bar itself, than in more recent decades.
There is a concern of disproportionate and/or uneven discipline.
And there is a growing concern that the BOG is really like some closely-held club, where true outsiders and agents of change are not welcome.
And when they send their re-election letters, requesting your vote, the tone tends to give credence to this view. When these incumbents list their accomplishments, it tends to be matters which tend more to benefit them and others in similar large and influential firms, and not really matters of much concern to most solos or small firm practitioners.
After listing these accomplishments that may very well be of no interest to many rank-and-file attorneys, we are invariably treated to the cliché "but there is more to be done."
Why would I want someone committing to do more of something that was of no real benefit to me in the first place?
Just for once, if someone actually said, in one of these letters, that disproportionate discipline is an issue of arguable merit that warrants their attention, I would vote for such candidate in a heart beat, and hundreds of others would as well. Just mentioning the issue would show a degree of courage and character that many would admire.
You lost me at one person is only complaining about the Bogs. No, a lot of attorneys bitch about the Bogs, including me. No,11:59.
Kephart has a 55 percent approval rating, and 1 person discusses him constantly? There are 44 percent attorneys who don't like him. Okay. And what does he have to do with the BOard candidates? You lost my attention, 11:59.
Stop trolling and blaming others for your problems, 2:06. You blamed a person before who was not trolling you. You do it again, I will let them know. You should be ashamed of yourself as a Nevada Supreme Court Justice.
Agree that Jason is the only choice.
I agree that some people could be padding the positive or negative comments regarding candidates. I am new to this discussion. Jason has matured over the last few years. He is knowledgeable, and I believe he is the only choice in this department.
It will be unforgivable if Sisoslacker keeps Casinos on lock down until after Memorial Day. Not only is he slowly suffocating the economy, he is making Trump look good. Trump will probably be re-elected because of the way blue states handled all this. New York, New Jersey and Michigan are disasters. #businessdestroyer #1term4tubby
I haven’t exactly heard any of the casino owners jabbering about how they want to fling the doors open and get back to life as it was before the shutdown. Perhaps, just perhaps, some of the casino owners are recognizing there is a possibility that some infected, yet asymptomatic, dipshit from out of town will show up and plant his fat ass at the buffet only to spread the virus to dozens, if not hundreds of others, who in turn will return to their hometowns only to spread it even further. You have to accept that “What happens in Vegas . . .” is just an ad. If someone brings a virus, not only can it stay here, but it can travel home with others. Maybe you should crack open another Natty Light, turn on your handheld video poker game and fuck off.
I haven't heard a single Covid warrior, the great defenders of the vulnerable, stand up for those that are vulnerable to the flu. Let's face it, the same people that are at risk with Covid, were at risk of dying from the flu last year. Where were the masked avengers then? I guess if you are susceptible to complications from the flu, you were, are, and still will be SOL, because after all, Covid is all the rage.
It's for the same reason that people don't run measles 5Ks and instead run cancer research 5Ks. Cancer is very deadly and kills people in almost everyone's lives. Measles doesn't kill as many people. Similarly, covid kills a lot more people than the flu, especially grandma and grandpa. That's why.
And way to mock people for wearing a mask when there's a deadly (maybe not to you but to a lot of people in our community) virus spreading. That's the definition of "conservative." You should applaud their conservatism.
Did 3:13 just say that COVID is a fad? Like Hansel, it's so hot right now?
3:13 you say that people who are SOL from COVID-19 would also be SOL from the flu. That's demonstrably false.
OP, can the casinos profitably run at half capacity? Do they want to take the liability of running at full capacity? This isn’t just a top down issue. I know of a few business owners who are weary of opening because of the inevitable lawsuits. It’s rosy thinking to think that if the Governor lifted everything that the world would just return to normal.
Stop defending Covid like it is some sort of victim. And yes, Hansel is so hot right now. #iwishyouwerentaliar
I thought all the data shows this Covid-19 was pure overblown hysteria. Just tell the overweight and elderly visitors to stay away. No need for masks, social distancing or anything else. Open everything, including the bars and clubs.
And strip clubs. A lot of single moms are suffering needlessly.
Someone said that the poor poor virus itself is a victim? Like, hey everyone, don't blame poor Covey. She doesn't know any better and we need to give her an Obamaphone?
and have some respect for your elders, 3:13.
The almighty Covid has shifted our cultural values to where we now respect our elders. Amazing. Is there anything Covid can't do?
How do you become a partner at a firm?
Depends on the firm and (sometimes) depends if the firm has a one-tiered or two-tiered structure, but at larger firms, basically bill a lot, demonstrate your ability to generate business (or, at some firms, generate a lot of business) and show the current partners you are competent enough to practice without supervision without being a constant malpractice headache.
5:39: To become a partner, you need to stop being a drone working all day and night to bill 2,500 hours a year. The firm loves the drones, but it does not make them equity partners. The drones are fungible, easily replaced. Why make them real partners, except in name — in name, to raise their billing rate and to bind them with bonds of loyalty (one direction only!!).
To be valued by the firm enough to become a partner, you need to develop your own book of business, which means that you need to take time from billing to do that. Let your billables fall to 2,000 and spend the extra 500+ hours to bring in your own clients. And keep control of your own clients, do not let your bosses steal them from you! They will try, so it is your job to stop them.
(1) I've work for years in "biglaw"–at least by Vegas standards–and almost no one has worked anywhere near 2500 a the firms. Most people were in the 1800-2100 range.
(2) I've seen lots of midlevel associates that were social butterflies, attended every event, brought in some nominal amount of business, but were pushed out because the firm had work for them to do, and the work wasn't getting done as well as it needed to be done.
Unless you have a book, you are just an employee, whether your title is partner, managing director, senior associate, associate, or whatever the heck.
If you are a superb grinder or minder, you need to attach yourself to a finder. If you are a great finder but lack the discipline to become an exceptional attorney, you need to find a grinder and minder.
In my experience, the best finders are extremely rarely good at grinding or minding. It's like sales: the best salesmen are crazy. The best engineers are boring as heck. NOTE: There are exceptions. I am generalizing.
Good luck.
New pet peeve (am I the only one who experiences this): Dear Client, I need your documents to be able to review and produce in litigation. I don't need 75 photographs of the 75 pages of the contract. I just need the contract. You can mail it or email it or fax it. But your 75 photographs that you think I am going to crop one by one will not suffice.
Been there….at least they sent something.