- law dawg
- Judicial candidate, Madilyn “Leavitt” Cole, defends partisan mailer, adopts mom’s maiden name for campaign to unseat Justice of the Peace Cynthia Dustin Cruz. [Nevada Current]
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I didn’t love it when I found out she didn’t use Leavitt professionally until she was running for justice of the peace. We don’t need any judicial dynasties.
She did not use it professionally. She did not use it personally. I will run for office and nickname myself “StuBell”
Mailer………..nothing to see here. The club’s bylaws state its purpose is to elect republicans. The PAC is a subsidiary creation of the club, and the PAC’s logo is a big red elephant like those MAGA people use. This isn’t partisan. (Myron Leavitt…………a long time dem would spin like a lathe.)
The Republican Club and its PAC has the same president. https://www.nvsos.gov/elections/11332.pdf?_gl=1*5ywt2y*_ga*OTcxMjMxOTE5LjE3MTkyODYwODY.*_ga_2QDKTLXQYL*MTcyNzcxOTE4Ny4xNi4xLjE3Mjc3MTk0NjguMjAuMC4w
Nothing to see
Leavitt or not, elephant on a mailer or whatnot, isn’t nearly as big deal as the fact that she’s only been barred since what, 2017? 2018?
No thanks.
Madilyn will win this election for the exact same reason Miley used to win her elections.
Someone adopting a name in “quotes” because it isn’t actually her name is a pretty bold attempt to win based only on your name, which isn’t really your name. No thank you.
“Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. It shouldn’t be that women are the exception.” -Ruth “Bader” Ginsberg.
I don’t know Madilyn. If she wins, she wins. It’s up to the voters. No need to hate on her. Those complaining about “judicial dynasties” are you ready to throw that pejorative at Justice Linda Bell, one of our best jurists???
I dare say that a father daughter that are elected judge, do not a dynasty make. However, the Leavitt name would certainly be that.
When a niece/nephew/cousin with a different last name runs for office and starts putting out signs with “Bell” in quotes even though that is not their actual name, or a name they have ever used IRL, come talk to me.
Sincerely, Bob “John Fitzgerald Kennedy” Smith.
Except Madilyn is just as much of a Leavitt as her male relatives with Leavitt as their last name!
That does not change the fact that that she is adopting a name that she has never used in order to let the world know that she is a “Leavitt”.
Its slimy at the very least.
Counterpoint: voters should know Madilyn’s roots because many natives are familiar with the Leavitt family. Madilyn’s campaign states she is highly influenced by her upbringing, her grandfather, her mother, etc.
Voters *should* know about her mother and grandfather as opposed to not knowing her roots. This is about voter education!
Countercounterpoint: There’s more than one Leavitt family in the valley.
Which one has (or had) electoral cachet?
Dudley’s family.
Thomas Dudley > nonjudge Myron E. > Justice Myron > Judge Michelle.
Dozens and dozens of cousins in the valley and the rest of Southern Nevada though.
Why the RBG quote?
Literally has nothing to do with the critiques around her.
Yes, and I’m pretty sure Bader Ginsburg didn’t use “Bader” in quotes in an opportunistic fashion.
Is Leavitt her maiden name? I don’t understand the quotation marks.
It appears that it’s her mother’s maiden name. Clearly grifting somewhat off of the Leavitt legacy.
Her name is Madilyn Michelle Fitzpatrick Cole. It appears that she took advantage of the law allowing a nickname to put her mother’s maiden name “Leavitt” as a nickname on the ballot so people can identify her as a legacy candidate.
Some people think that the nickname law should only be used for someone like “Tick” Segerblom whose real name is Richard.
I’m not going to vote for her specifically because of this
I’m voting for her, not because she is a “Leavitt,” but because she will be much better than the current judge in that department.
Leavitt is her mother’s last name, not her mother’s maiden name. Madilyn’s grandfather is Justice Myron Leavitt. Madilyn is a Leavitt.
Cruz is about to learn about the Streisand Effect.
I mean with Ava Bravo and Anna Albertson completely changing their names and James “Jamie” Leavitt both pretending to be a Leavitt and changing his first name to appear like he’s a woman to get elected, using your mother’s actual name as a nickname seems like small potatoes by comparison. But what do I know.
All of these things are true.
Nonetheless, slimy.