- Quickdraw McLaw
- The HOA Scandal lives on–this time with regard to the law firm of Kaempfer Crowell. [RJ]
- A bill would allow judges to decide whether Nevada youth are placed on the sex offender registry. [RJ]
- The Boulder City attorney job starts out with a salary up to $138,200. They’re also hiring a paralegal. [nvbar]
Paralegal position, sign me the fuck up!
Can we talk about this $2.2 billion judgment? Seriously. https://lasvegassun.com/news/2017/mar/29/nevada-real-estate-investment-firm-receives-22-bil/
$2.2B? Did they just tell the judge "We can buy an HOA lien for $40k, quiet title against the 1st, and sell it for $400k, so with $100M we can generate $923M. Ignore the man behind the curtain about this exact issue going to the US Supreme Court……"
Yes they did. Oh by the way, Judge Cory, you found Chapter 116 to be facially unconstitutional (overturned after Saticoy). Oh by the way, First 100 has been burning cash in litigation and not on buying properties. The entire Judgment stinks. I think Judge Cory was slapping the bad guy but knew that this Judgment was never going to be paid. He was a big talker. However Bloom incurred no damages.
This guy is a total scumbag. He sues anyone who says anything bad about him and does business on the pretense that if it works out, he is your best friend, and if it goes south, he runs and threatens to sue you if you say anything bad about him.
Waste of time discussing it, like trying to collect $2.2 billion from a guy who is probably worth $2.25.
I can't believe a reporter thought that nonsense was worth writing about.
The real story? PSL's. Raiders fans deserve it though.
Jay Bloom is a lying judgment-proof huckster himself. To make matters even scarier, he is also a lay member of the Southern Nevada Disciplinary Board. So yeah, you could have this huckster sitting in judgment over your case. Ridiculous.
Are PSL's a sure thing? Does the stadium authority have to agree to them or can they limit them?
If I recall the stadium bill as enacted, PSL's are the property of the stadium authority.
"Anonymous", did you, or anyone you know invest with Jay Bloom? If so, I would like to speak with you.
Tons of us invested with Jay Bloom. Leave your contact information here and we will reach out to you.
My name is Mike
There was a group of Raider fans protesting alleged family court corruption today outside the family court building..Jeeze.
That was a Veterans in Politics organized protest. The email yesterday was, among other things, "have you paid an attorney and obtained a result you could have gotten yourself?"
My favourite of the Brunzell factors
My favorite is the client who begs you to represent them because they couldn't possibly represent themselves in front of a judge, and then when the hearing is over they magically become Perry Mason and decide they could have gotten the same result or better if they had done it on their own. Clients be crazy.
The HOA/Kummer Kaempfer story mentioned a 1st year associate from that firm faced criminal charges for the firm's role in the scandal. Anyone know who that was?
According to the RJ, "first-year associate Brian Jones…"
He was subsequently disbarred for it.
Brian Jones
Or I could have just read further below to see that it was Brian Jones. Whoops.
I have no knowledge of the situation, but having worked at several large firms, doesn't it seem crazy that some first year was given complete autonomy to work with a cash-cow client? Something doesn't smell right about that…
That bus he was thrown under ran him clean over. Sacrificial lamb.
Totally agree 11:30, but what I can't figure out is why would he go along with it? Why not point the finger at the billing partner, the originating partner, or whoever was giving him the wink and the nod, to reduce his sentence. I've yet to deal with a first year who didn't ask a million questions about every little thing out of fear they were doing it wrong.
And testify that the conspiracy was larger than he was portraying it to be? Not likely. His sentence was I believe 1 day in jail. There was no reducing the sentence by testifying that the conspiracy was larger. He bit the bullet and kept things as quiet as possible.
Lets also remember that Brian Jones is the only attorney implicated in this case (Quon, Amesbury) who did not end up dead.
Exactly what I was thinking. No offense to Boyd 2016, who I'm sure will be wonderful one day, but first years are worse than worthless at absolutely everything. No way I'm giving a first year any assignment where they can screw up this bad. I'm sure Jones thought "this seems weird, but my boss is going along with it, and I'd rather stay out of the unemployment line, so I guess I'll go along with it too."
Not to divert the topic to somewhat pragmatic concerns – but does anyone use an automatic or semi automatic time tracking software that captures emails (outlook and/or web)?
we use InTapp and it has increased our time capture by about 18%.
What size firm? Any idea what it costs the firm? InTapp looks promising, but as a solo, it's gotta make financial sense.