- Quickdraw McLaw
- Attorneys Dayvid Figler and Kristina Wildeveld were on Ralston Live the other day talking criminal justice reform. [KNPB- video]
- Here’s the latest on the Silverstone Golf Course–the new owner is being ordered to restore it to the condition in which he bought it. [RJ]
- Clark County Commissioners are looking at a procedural move to force owners of Fontainebleau to do something about the eyesore. [RJ]
Eff Dayvid Figler and Kristina Wildeveld. The probation system is a huge expense and a miserable failure. The only way to keep criminals from victimizing law abiding citizens is to put them in prison. For the overwhelming majority of criminals, probation, diversion, and court-supervised drug treatment programs don't work.
Maybe less stupid shit should be illegal
For the overwhelming majority of criminals, prison is a short-term solution to prevent "victimization." MOST prison inmates will return to society within a short period of time, and most will also return more f@cked up than they went in–and with better methods to get away with sh!t.
8:47 think this through: you can't lock people up forever, so they are going to get out. We give them little training, poor medical care, and no mental health services and we isolate many of them 23 hours a day. Then they get out, with nothing and a felony conviction. What do you think is going to happen?
@11:17am, AMEN! 11:13am here and we are obviously on the same (intelligent) page.
Lawyer Bird wins this argument, hands down.
I agree with all of you. Probation IS a huge money sucking expense and miserable failure. However its needless, wasteful and bureaucratic, which is only made worse by putting people in prison. Most of these people are not "criminals"; they are people who committed a crime. Prison turns otherwise ok people into criminals. Stripping them of their rights long after they have served their time brands them criminals and alienates them. Overcriminalization alienates people. Overincarceration alienates people. And who benefits from any of this?
While 8:47's rhetoric clearly shows that they do not practice criminal law and they think of Donald Trump as a viable presidential candidate, as a criminal defense attorney I do agree with the statement regarding Wildeveld and Figler.
The Silverstone Golf Course litigation has been fun to watch. I love it when patricians who think they are above the law defy court orders and it blows up in their faces. The owners are using out of state counsel? That's not really smart.
Not only out-of-state, but an out-of-state criminal attorney (whose pro hac application was eventually denied) and a local criminal attorney, Ross Goodman. Recipe for success in a civil lawsuit!
What chance will there be with any proposals advanced by two criminal defense attorneys. Nevada is a law and order jurisdiction where the most powerful lobbyists are the police and the District Attorneys.