>This was the first time Nevada courts had considered police participation in the Justice Department’s Equitable Sharing Program, in which federal law enforcement “adopts” civil forfeiture cases from local police. The local department gets up to 80 percent of the forfeiture proceeds, and the rest goes into a Justice Department pool that is doled out to other participating departments around the country.
Sad that the $26 million settlement involved Morgan & Morgan. C’mon Nevada’s PI cabal – don’t let the national PI firms take over! (obviously, much more sad that a boy drowned)
It looks like Morgan and Morgan has only five attorneys? Is that correct? I assume the business model is mostly a paralegal processing mill? Is that correct?
They have thousands of attorneys across the country. Obviously can’t speak for all of them, but M&M actually has some rockstar litigators. Keith Mitnik is a killer.
Please do not water down the term cabal as it is gaining traction as a distinct reference to those whose actions harm children via a connection to family court.
Harris just put up a great bill board that shows him next to Morgan. Morgan is labeled a “Florida Attorney” Harris is labeled a “local attorney” with the admonition to buy local or something to that effect.
Isn’t there an RPC which forbids comparing yourself to other attorneys in ads? (I wouldn’t know because I don’t advertise, and I am too lazy to go look it up).
That said, I love the passive aggressive swipes that Richard Harris takes at other PI attorneys. By far the funniest was making fun of Dimopolous for being “an attorney with nothing to say,” AND that Dimopolous then started to talk in his ads. Hahaha. Dimompolous you committed to the role of the smooth operator driving the Rolls Royce, stick to it, don’t be so easily and obviously goaded!
D used to have a TV commercial showing him driving a Roller, apparently trying to create the impression he’s a big deal. But it fails spectacularly at the end when he opens the door, steps out, and stands up, you can clearly see he’s even shorter than the roof of the car.
January 14, 2025 12:37 pm
After Dennis Prince was locked out of the Eglet Palace and later murdered, Robert Eglet made the papers with his moving tribute of his former partner: “Prince’s former law partner, Robert Eglet, described Prince as a wonderful father to four children. He said his death was ‘not just a loss to his family, but also to the community.'”
Civil forfeiture is the single most corrupt action a governmental entity can take. . . .and its abused in EVERY instance its used.
>This was the first time Nevada courts had considered police participation in the Justice Department’s Equitable Sharing Program, in which federal law enforcement “adopts” civil forfeiture cases from local police. The local department gets up to 80 percent of the forfeiture proceeds, and the rest goes into a Justice Department pool that is doled out to other participating departments around the country.
Yeah that’s some bullshit.
if you put it in all caps it must be true
Sad that the $26 million settlement involved Morgan & Morgan. C’mon Nevada’s PI cabal – don’t let the national PI firms take over! (obviously, much more sad that a boy drowned)
It looks like Morgan and Morgan has only five attorneys? Is that correct? I assume the business model is mostly a paralegal processing mill? Is that correct?
Yes. It is correct and they have at least on RN on staff to draft reports.
It looks like a great business model. Church and burn, baby.
The term is “churn and burn” derived for stockbroker abuses.
Yeah they only have a few in Nevada, but they have like 1000+ attorneys firmwide
They have thousands of attorneys across the country. Obviously can’t speak for all of them, but M&M actually has some rockstar litigators. Keith Mitnik is a killer.
all you have to do is ignore your children and you can “win” 26 million
Please do not water down the term cabal as it is gaining traction as a distinct reference to those whose actions harm children via a connection to family court.
The PI cabal (plaintiffs, plaintiff attorneys and judiciary) harms us all. It’s disgusting.
Stop being a shill for Uber. PI plaintiff attorneys are the ONLY access to justice 95% of Nevadans have. Full stop.
Harris just put up a great bill board that shows him next to Morgan. Morgan is labeled a “Florida Attorney” Harris is labeled a “local attorney” with the admonition to buy local or something to that effect.
Isn’t there an RPC which forbids comparing yourself to other attorneys in ads? (I wouldn’t know because I don’t advertise, and I am too lazy to go look it up).
That said, I love the passive aggressive swipes that Richard Harris takes at other PI attorneys. By far the funniest was making fun of Dimopolous for being “an attorney with nothing to say,” AND that Dimopolous then started to talk in his ads. Hahaha. Dimompolous you committed to the role of the smooth operator driving the Rolls Royce, stick to it, don’t be so easily and obviously goaded!
D used to have a TV commercial showing him driving a Roller, apparently trying to create the impression he’s a big deal. But it fails spectacularly at the end when he opens the door, steps out, and stands up, you can clearly see he’s even shorter than the roof of the car.
After Dennis Prince was locked out of the Eglet Palace and later murdered, Robert Eglet made the papers with his moving tribute of his former partner: “Prince’s former law partner, Robert Eglet, described Prince as a wonderful father to four children. He said his death was ‘not just a loss to his family, but also to the community.'”
Don’t forget turning Dennis into the Bar and pressuring the Bar to go after Dennis.
Or, as we say in funerary remembrances, “inseparable life-long friends.”
The Bar never should have involved itself in a firm dispute.
They had to bring their vast experience to assist.
Geez! I mean yeah, Bob Eglet and Dennis Prince had a long and interesting relationship. But why now? What brought this on? Is Bob Adams in danger?
Massive stress for years. Health issues?
>Massive stress for years.
Well yeah, he’s a lawyer.