Judge Herndon doesn’t see the harm being caused by Uber and denies the TRO. Preliminary injunction hearing is set for November 14. [RJ]
One perspective on why the Laxalt/Miller race for attorney general is so competitive. [Las Vegas Sun]
Another candidate is ruled ineligible for not meeting the residency requirements. [RJ]
Do you have your Michael Davidson for District Court Judge chip clip? [Fox5Vegas]
Sneaky FBI agents dressed up like the Geek Squad to get access to rooms so they could get search warrants with regard to an illegal World Cup betting ring busted earlier this year. [Fox5Vegas; RJ]
This is offensive, actually. The Uber dispute did not get into court until a month after the check you find so sinister and the case assignment a month later was random. Plus that, Herndon went the other way. I get that contributions to elected judges present genuine concerns but this one, to this judge, in these circumstances is a nonstarter as far as the sinister suggestion you seem to be trying to make.
Good job, Judge Herndon. And what story in the LVRJ ever garnered over 320 comments in less than 12 hours?
Easy — same sex marriage and Cliven Bundy to name just two.
Firefly poisoning 300 plus people.
For some reason Nevada Yellow Cab decided to write Judge Herndon a nice fat check on 9/24/2014 …. hmmm
This is offensive, actually. The Uber dispute did not get into court until a month after the check you find so sinister and the case assignment a month later was random. Plus that, Herndon went the other way. I get that contributions to elected judges present genuine concerns but this one, to this judge, in these circumstances is a nonstarter as far as the sinister suggestion you seem to be trying to make.
And Pisanelli Bice (representing cab companies) decided to give Judge Herndon a thousand dollars on October 6, 2014 too.