- Quickdraw McLaw
- The public memorial for Muhammad Ali takes place today. [ESPN]
- Will that 9th Circuit ruling on concealed carry really have little impact on Nevada? [Fox5Vegas]
- North Las Vegas has a chronic squatter problem. [Las Vegas Sun]
- Did you know the 2016 Nevada Legal Elite list had 105 Boyd alumni? And that only 7 of them were class of 2013? [Boyd School of Law]
I am legal elite. So there.
This list is such a joke. Where are the attorneys with 20+ years experience on this list? Too many attorneys with under 7 years experience that I cannot stop laughing. And I am a Cooley grad! That's probably why I didn't make the list.
No kidding. Martindale Hubbell is the closest rating agency we have that akin to a Consumer Reports for lawyers. Legal Elite is pure puffery. That's a shame. Consumers of legal services, like consumers of washing machines, etc, need someone to help guide them in selecting an appropriate attorney. I sense an entrepreneurial opportunity for someone with lots of money to fight bogus slander suits from aggrieved douchebags with large billboards. I think Consumer Reports is trademarked, but maybe something like "Las Vegas Lawyer Review." Subscription only. No ads. Well, no attorney ads.
Chambers is another list that is pretty much unassailable.
I am glad I am not on the list, where is Eric Johnson and Baby Johnson? I thought they are the legal elite.
I WAS legal elite but apparently I'm not this year. Weird that I was more successful this year than the prior year. Oh well, I guess I'll go cry on my stacks of cash…
You old guys need to get with the times. 3 years experience, legal elite, and swimming in my pool of bitcoin.
No attorney with three years of legal experience should be any list, other than the shit list. I am lmfao that Gina Bongiovi is legal elite.
Is anyone ready to spill the Bremer Whyte story yet?
Nobody is going to talk about trying to charge a paraplegic with a physically impossible crime?
Blame it on Metro. The DA dropped the charges as soon as she could after being told the defendant was paralyzed from the waist down. For those who missed it: http://www.reviewjournal.com/news/las-vegas/prosecutors-drop-charges-paraplegic-man-wasn-t-physically-capable-video Short version: Someone stole a phone from a UPS driver and ran from the scene. UPS driver picked out paralyzed guy from photo lineup. Paralyzed guy spends a miserable 2 weeks in CCDC before going to court, where UPS driver says it wasn't him after all.
Man talk about racial profiling at its worst. I really hope theres a 1980 claim in there somewhere for him
I wonder why the defense attorney didn't pick up the phone, call the DA, and say "Uh, yeah, why is my crippled client sitting in jail on this?" for a couple of weeks. Seems to me he let his client languish in jail so he could stage a media scene at the hearing.
I think you mean 1983
Nah, the defendant will be getting a DeLorean out of the deal.
3:21: maybe he did call the DA. Remember the kid that Kristina Wildeveld had. She had a video of him miles away from the crime. Took months to get the DA to dismiss. This DA's office would have said, "but I have a positive ID." It probably wasn't until the UPS guy came to court and said "that's not the guy" that they would move on it. Betcha she didn't even apologize. Instead she said, "We're not saying he doesn't live a life of crime, he just didn't do this one."
You criminal attorneys have all the fun.
If you are a member of the Class of 2013, you are elite PERIOD.
You don't have to bother with trying to game these types of lists.
That's right. It would take less time and waste less paper to make a list of Boyd 2013s that are NOT legal elite.
Glad to see the Legal Elite getting the negative press it deserves. It's the biggest joke in our industry and it says a lot about Nevada Business. If this list is a joke, then why even bother reading their magazine? They have a duty to at least use a reliable source other than simply having all of the desperate attorneys who don't make the real lists vote for each other and stuff the ballot boxes so they can all get this single honor since they will never get a real honor in their entire careers. And my apologies to the roughly 10% in the Legal Elite list who truly are elite.
It's a magazine gimmick to score advertising.
Yes, the Legal Elite list is more a popularity contest than a list of those lawyers who are truly legal elite. But, come on, it's pretty shitty of y'all to crap on everyone on the list. Some of us didn't beg for votes, our friends and colleagues simply think well of us, so they voted for us. Nor are we desperate and shitty lawyers. Some of us are intelligent and hard working, and will, in several more years be true legal elite.
7:31 sorry, I assume every name I see on there with less than 15 years of experience is a crappy, desperate attorney who campaigned for friends' votes to make the list.
I always know it is legal elite voting season when people try to get me to join a voting group to nominate all the other people in the group. Martindale is pretty serious but does the public look there at all?
Step 1: Pay magazine loads of cash for ads.
Step 2: You are a legal elite.
Step 3: Profit?
Too much time on my hands this weekend. I found the original Eglet photo, noticed a man sitting in the back (I don't know who he is) and figured out the Big Aaron Ford was photo-shopped over him. Here's the layered detail: https://www.anony.ws/image/JvEo
Thank you for your time and effort
The former guy that was photo-shopped over recently left the firm and now works for an insurance defense firm. Super nice guy.