A jury found Robert Telles guilty of the murder of Jeff German and sentenced him to life in prison with the possibility of parole. [8NewsNow; KTNV: RJ; Fox5Vegas]
DA Wolfson calls the verdict a home run; praises prosecutors and defense counsel alike. [KTNV]
Disbarred Nevada attorney placed on house arrest. [Fox5Vegas]
Family of woman who died in LVAC pool files wrongful death suit. [8NewsNow; RJ]
Judge delays decision on conflict of interest in 2003 homicide case. [RJ]
I don’t think we compare with New Orleans or NYC or Houston, but we’re small enough that hardly any interesting public attorney misconduct is going to go unnoticed, and the nature of what makes that misconduct interesting might be a bit flavored by the Vegas of it all.
I don’t have the impression that our legal community is comparatively corrupt, but I’ve never seen any statistics.
There is plenty of egregious attorney misconduct everyone here knows about – especially among certain practitioners who perform primarily in the circus tent on Bonanza, but it the Bar seems to treat some attorneys “more equal” than others, and I have always wondered why this is.
Telles is an exception. We actually have overly aggressive OBC and overly aggressive AUSAs. The OBC issue has been well documented to have changed with the Hunterton appointment. The AUSA issue goes back decades but actually has gotten better in recent years. I have heard that might have something to do with one certain AUSA who has been relegated.
August 29, 2024 12:46 pm
Not trying to start a negative thread but I was just thinking that Family Court judges and attorneys should be required to watch a full criminal trial from time to time to see how real trials are handled downtown. The days of never-ending speaking objections, lackadaisical admissions of evidence, and hauling truckloads of paper exhibit binders, like it’s still 1995, should be long behind us. Very impressed with how Leavitt, Draskovich, and the State handled the Telles trial. Professional and extremely efficient. Family Court should take note.
20+ years in family court. I can cite a case or rule of procedure and it’s simply ignored and when the Judge, usually a failed lawyer, doesn’t understand – they say for the best interests of the child
20 years?! You’re a better man (or woman) than me. I couldn’t do 20 minutes in there without losing it. It is like stepping into the Twilight Zone where Rules of Evidence and the Duty of Candor to the Court no longer exist. 100% agree on the judges there. I don’t know how you do it.
I extend the invitation to the criminal and civil attorneys to handle one pro bono divorce. You think it’s easy. How many emails do I send my client to remind them that their Financial Disclosure Form is due, past due, and now the Judge will not consider ANY monetary issues because it is the day before the hearing. Family Law attorneys have to do their own discovery. Criminal lawyers receive their discovery from the District Attorney. I have yet to meet a litigant who gives me 100% of the requested discovery; I have plenty of work to do I do not ask for superfluous information. Criminal attorneys don’t have to write 2.34 letters and hold bogus discovery conferences, draft motions to compel, discovery reports and recommendations, and any negative inferences are ignored. The discovery rules as written DO NOT work for family law. There are too many proper persons and too many clients who wait until after the deadlines to file pleadings to enforce the deadlines. Family law has case law about hearing the case on the merits even if discovery is turned over until the day of trial. I have watched dozens of criminal trials gavel to gavel. Yes, its formal, the state and defense know the rules of evidence and objections. I challenge the non-family attorneys to present a custody case. Yes, potty training techniques may be the crux of the case. Criminal law sees people accused of criminal behavior on their best behavior. Family law sees nice regular people at their worst moment in life.
And don’t forget preliminary production of financial documents when clients make just above minimum wage, a significant percentage do not speak English, have been the victims of domestic violence, are not getting financial contributions from their soon to be
ex and the children are living in poverty, and the list goes on.
I was impressed that Draskovich knew not to cross examine sympathetic witnesses. Gotta love family court attorneys who put victims of egregious child abuse on the stand and try to cross examine them. Big dumb idiots. Half of trial practice is knowing when to STFU.
Former Attorney
August 29, 2024 1:12 pm
Why does Las Vegas have so many criminal teachers??! I’ve lived all over the country and it is UNHEARD OF in the other places I’ve lived for a school district employee to be arrested. It happens twice a week in Vegas.
That’s bullshit. The CCSD budget is bloated and weighted drastically in favor of the admin class. We pay plenty and then allow the Trustees, the Superintendent and the bureaucracy to blow through our money with secret bonuses and inflated salaries. All at the expense of the teachers, who are not even empowered to keep order in their own fucking classroom. Every teacher worth a shit hates their job and cannot wait for retirement.
I’m not sure that 2:47 and 8:07 are in disagreement. Teachers are underpaid. You both agree on that.
There is no hope to redeem or reform CCSD. It needs to be burned to the ground and 10-12 school districts need to be built in its place. Even better, only charter schools.
I am a nerd so I enjoy odometer watching. Congrats to the Valiente Mott firm on securing the coveted 900000 case number in the Eighth Judicial District Court.
Pursuant to the prisons own ARs, anyone sentenced to 20 or more spends their first year in Ely so prison officials can see how they adjust and determine appropriate classification. But given how high profile this was, he may automatically go to p-seg at lovelock. After a year or so I’d expect he ends up at HDSP.
Question: Telles case–how did all those videos of the maroon Denali that looked like the Telles SUV come into evidence. Assume it was all recorded videos that were captured on cameras. How does the State overcome evidentiary hurdles to get them admitted into evidence.
Because it is not a positive ID with a human witness. Also presume the two shots that showed someone possibly other than Telles was agreed to by the defense. The similarity of the vehicles was so damning and cumulative. No plate. No clear shot of a face.
Why does Las Vegas have so many criminal attorneys? I mean like Jesse Pinkman says, criminals [who happen to be] attorneys?
I mean… it is Vegas
Bc Obc is circle jerking to padding their numbers with small non issues
I don’t think we compare with New Orleans or NYC or Houston, but we’re small enough that hardly any interesting public attorney misconduct is going to go unnoticed, and the nature of what makes that misconduct interesting might be a bit flavored by the Vegas of it all.
I don’t have the impression that our legal community is comparatively corrupt, but I’ve never seen any statistics.
There is plenty of egregious attorney misconduct everyone here knows about – especially among certain practitioners who perform primarily in the circus tent on Bonanza, but it the Bar seems to treat some attorneys “more equal” than others, and I have always wondered why this is.
Jesse Pinkman, my man, a remarkable survivor.
Telles is an exception. We actually have overly aggressive OBC and overly aggressive AUSAs. The OBC issue has been well documented to have changed with the Hunterton appointment. The AUSA issue goes back decades but actually has gotten better in recent years. I have heard that might have something to do with one certain AUSA who has been relegated.
Not trying to start a negative thread but I was just thinking that Family Court judges and attorneys should be required to watch a full criminal trial from time to time to see how real trials are handled downtown. The days of never-ending speaking objections, lackadaisical admissions of evidence, and hauling truckloads of paper exhibit binders, like it’s still 1995, should be long behind us. Very impressed with how Leavitt, Draskovich, and the State handled the Telles trial. Professional and extremely efficient. Family Court should take note.
20+ years in family court. I can cite a case or rule of procedure and it’s simply ignored and when the Judge, usually a failed lawyer, doesn’t understand – they say for the best interests of the child
20 years?! You’re a better man (or woman) than me. I couldn’t do 20 minutes in there without losing it. It is like stepping into the Twilight Zone where Rules of Evidence and the Duty of Candor to the Court no longer exist. 100% agree on the judges there. I don’t know how you do it.
I extend the invitation to the criminal and civil attorneys to handle one pro bono divorce. You think it’s easy. How many emails do I send my client to remind them that their Financial Disclosure Form is due, past due, and now the Judge will not consider ANY monetary issues because it is the day before the hearing. Family Law attorneys have to do their own discovery. Criminal lawyers receive their discovery from the District Attorney. I have yet to meet a litigant who gives me 100% of the requested discovery; I have plenty of work to do I do not ask for superfluous information. Criminal attorneys don’t have to write 2.34 letters and hold bogus discovery conferences, draft motions to compel, discovery reports and recommendations, and any negative inferences are ignored. The discovery rules as written DO NOT work for family law. There are too many proper persons and too many clients who wait until after the deadlines to file pleadings to enforce the deadlines. Family law has case law about hearing the case on the merits even if discovery is turned over until the day of trial. I have watched dozens of criminal trials gavel to gavel. Yes, its formal, the state and defense know the rules of evidence and objections. I challenge the non-family attorneys to present a custody case. Yes, potty training techniques may be the crux of the case. Criminal law sees people accused of criminal behavior on their best behavior. Family law sees nice regular people at their worst moment in life.
And don’t forget preliminary production of financial documents when clients make just above minimum wage, a significant percentage do not speak English, have been the victims of domestic violence, are not getting financial contributions from their soon to be
ex and the children are living in poverty, and the list goes on.
I was impressed that Draskovich knew not to cross examine sympathetic witnesses. Gotta love family court attorneys who put victims of egregious child abuse on the stand and try to cross examine them. Big dumb idiots. Half of trial practice is knowing when to STFU.
Why does Las Vegas have so many criminal teachers??! I’ve lived all over the country and it is UNHEARD OF in the other places I’ve lived for a school district employee to be arrested. It happens twice a week in Vegas.
Short (if not curt) answer: you get what you pay for.
That’s bullshit. The CCSD budget is bloated and weighted drastically in favor of the admin class. We pay plenty and then allow the Trustees, the Superintendent and the bureaucracy to blow through our money with secret bonuses and inflated salaries. All at the expense of the teachers, who are not even empowered to keep order in their own fucking classroom. Every teacher worth a shit hates their job and cannot wait for retirement.
I’m not sure that 2:47 and 8:07 are in disagreement. Teachers are underpaid. You both agree on that.
There is no hope to redeem or reform CCSD. It needs to be burned to the ground and 10-12 school districts need to be built in its place. Even better, only charter schools.
807 here.
I am a nerd so I enjoy odometer watching. Congrats to the Valiente Mott firm on securing the coveted 900000 case number in the Eighth Judicial District Court.
If you like odometer watching, keep an eye on probate. We’ll probably hit case #P123123 in the next few days, and P123456 on the day after.
People are just dying to get these case numbers!
Shouldn’t Telles go to the Ely State Prison? I assume he should go there since that is the max security facility for dangerous offenders like him.
Not automatically…Ely is basically death row and a punishment prison, all convicted murderers don’t get sent there by default.
Ely is for the rough guys. Telles is likely to be evaluated by Corrections and to be determined to be eligible for Indian Springs
High Desert
Can anyone visit him??
Pursuant to the prisons own ARs, anyone sentenced to 20 or more spends their first year in Ely so prison officials can see how they adjust and determine appropriate classification. But given how high profile this was, he may automatically go to p-seg at lovelock. After a year or so I’d expect he ends up at HDSP.
I have seen a couple of LWOP guys never set foot in Ely so there must be a way around such ARs.
So when will Telles change his home address from CCDC to an actual prison?
Sometime after October 16, 2024 when the actual sentencing occurs.
About a week after sentencing
Any recommendations for a guardianship attorney? A lot of medical issues involved, refusing treatment, belligerent, psych concerns
Dana Dwiggins
john park
Question: Telles case–how did all those videos of the maroon Denali that looked like the Telles SUV come into evidence. Assume it was all recorded videos that were captured on cameras. How does the State overcome evidentiary hurdles to get them admitted into evidence.
I would suspect by stipulation or affidavit. I guess you could make each property/camera owner come testify on the stand to authenticate, but why????
FWIW, Trump DID make them do this in his felony conviction trial.
lol “felony”
Yes, that is the class of crimes above gross misdemeanors.
Because it is not a positive ID with a human witness. Also presume the two shots that showed someone possibly other than Telles was agreed to by the defense. The similarity of the vehicles was so damning and cumulative. No plate. No clear shot of a face.