ACLU of NV effort to remove weed as schedule 1 substance survives motion to dismiss. [Nevada Current; RJ]
Police union calls for Judge Erika Ballou to resign. [8NewsNow]
California trucking law will have impact on supply chain issues. [Fox5Vegas]
What areas of law in Vegas are the upswing and what ones are on the way out? Is cannabis law the future, is construction defect dead? What is the most steady practice area?
Just spent some time with friends who work in the cannabis industry in California and apparently it's completely collapsing there. I haven't heard the same in Nevada but I don't deal with the industry at all. Are we having similar issues here?
do you mean the industry or the legal side of it? Feels like now that the licensing and initial letters and licenses have all been passed out it is becoming very niche again.
The industry itself. Apparently prices have collapsed, among many other things. Curious if cultivators/retailers are having the same issues here. I agree on the legal side the gold rush appears to be over and now it's an ordinary admin/licensing practice area.
It's just a market correction now that the market is saturated and inflation is so high that discretionary spending, like weed, has been pushed to the back of people's priorities.
This is 10:28/10:48 – that seems to be the case in California, although I think it's more rising interest rates rather than inflation that's ending the party. Are you saying the same thing is happening in Nevada?
"now that the market is saturated and inflation is so high that discretionary spending, like weed, has been pushed to the back of people's priorities."
I thought weed was "essential" under Sisolak's Emergency Covid Orders. Food is discretionary, but weed is not.
Anybody have any clue when DETR is going to pay valid claims from over 2years ago? Or when you can get a human to process a claim? Just received fraud threatening letter number 4 at the same time they ask who I work for? Um, my claim is 3 years old
Can anyone explain whether celebrity lawyers who are caught in rubber gloves and head scarf actively altering and tampering with the accident site before the jury view are immune from Attorney misconduct rules
Check out the case in the Nevada supreme court ref 76422
July 14, 2022 5:32 pm
I hate stories like the trucking laws. It's billed as hurting us, but really it protects workers and hurts businesses that have so far profited from abusive labor practices. Not to mention all the people on the road who are hurt by sleepy, overworked truckers when they wreck? Why do we even have so much dependence on trucking? Why don't we have more trains and less trucks?
I agree with everything you said, but it's also crazy that the Fox 5 story is essentially just a press release by a trucking industry guy with no supporting facts or push back. This seems to be a recurring issue with local media – just being a stenographer for a single source with an obvious bias. Even when it's in favor of causes I like it seems pretty far from actual journalism.
July 14, 2022 5:34 pm
So patients go to Summerlin Hospital for a Covid Test. Results are not ready for 2 days and patients are told to call medical records to get results. Medical Records refuses to give results unless a HIPPA is filled out and emailed or faxed back. The results are positive. Shouldn't Summerlin Hospital be required to affirmatively contact the patient rather than relying on the patient to own a computer and a scanner? We tried their portal but it said my clients email was registered to someone else so he could not use the patient portal.
July 14, 2022 5:42 pm
according to the billboard in Vegas, personal injury seems pretty steady to me. Although i would think criminal defense would be more in demand, but then again half the criminals cant afford a defense…
PI is tough because you have to have the means/ resources to get the clients. The work itself is easy, but as you can see by all the billboards, it costs a lot to get them in the door. And that's before you get to the unethical actions many take to get cases.
July 14, 2022 5:47 pm
July 14, 2022 6:37 pm
Judge Ballou should resign. She's a lousy judge and she has really dangerous ideas on how the world works. She is neither wise nor learned nor impartial. A District Court judge should have at least two out of three of those qualities.
July 14, 2022 7:28 pm
Where did the Ballou story come from? It seems like a petty political attack with little to no substance. She remanded the defendant in the case that's in the video, which by default supports both the police and probation officers' efforts.
Did this come from the DA's office? From what I understand, her criminal rulings are considered fair, so I'm not sure why they would go after her. And if they are, then this poorly investigated attack says a lot about how their office is run.
Perhaps a DA recall, similar to San Francisco, should be considered. Ozzie, don't close that campaign account just yet.
Just read her comment. It is clear how she feels about local law enforcement and that she would avoid all contact with law enforcement as she believes that she would be killed as a result of that contact strictly based on her race.
I think it's pretty fair for the DA to take issue with the following statement :" I’m a middle-aged, middle-class Black woman. I don’t want to be around where the cops are because I don’t know if I’m going to walk away alive or not"
The story indicated that the LVPPP made a public statement, which was likely sent to News 8. Hence the story. The video of the statement is also in the news8 story.
Narrow clip or not, what situation would it ever be appropriate for a judge to make that remark? Additionally, look at her demeanor and tone and tenor. Absolutely un-judge like. Clear as day she is nothing more but an advocate from the bench.
Remember when the very white Tobiasson made similar statements about the reliability of Metro and look where she is today. When they say the cops will get you if they want you, they are not kidding.
Yet Susan Johnson can instruct people to vote for Trump from the bench and nothing happens to her. Double standard much?
July 14, 2022 7:45 pm
It's not a question of how valid Judge Ballou's remarks my be(about black people needing to make an extra effort to avoid the police, etc.). The issue is that a judge should not be making those remarks on the record to a Defendant.
The PPA is over-reacting IMO -by demanding her resignation, and pursuing an ethics complaint, but their concern is legitimate to some degree and is not simply a "a petty political attack" as 12:28 suggests.
So, I think both sides are right to an extent, and wrong to an extent. Her comments were not really proper, but the relief sought is an over-reaction, and makes it clear they are specifically targeting her rather than attempting to correct certain behaviors so such remarks are no longer made on the record in a judicial capacity.
I happen to agree with, and admire, a lot of what she has said and done in the past. But just because I agree with certain activists on certain issues, does not mean it is appropriate to have them continue such blatant activism once they are on the bench. Judges simply have to be real careful, particularly when on the bench, about expressing their political views.
She is simply wrong when she acts like she was just trying to give him some real-life advice to help him. Her comments went well beyond that and pollute the record by creating legitimate questions concerning a possible bias against law enforcement. I happen to agree with what she told the defendant, but that is not the point.
July 14, 2022 7:45 pm
It ain't preponderance of the evidence here. She said what she said and additional footage on either side really doesn't help her.
July 14, 2022 7:57 pm
She should not have made the comments, but I kind of agree with 12:45 who I think offers a balanced view fair to both sides.
The remarks she made to the defendant were out of line, and do raise legitimate questions of bias. But, yes, since the PPA throws the kitchen sink at her(you must resign, and here's an ethics complaint for good measure) that shows they have targeted her since Day #1 and have no real sense of restraint or proportion. And, ironically, it does kind of make them look like bullies–disagree with us and we will not merely try to legitimately correct the problem, but we will attempt to destroy your career and annihilate your reputation). And being portrayed as bullies(and worse yet bullies with some racial motivation) is exactly what they take offense at someone suggesting. If a white male judge made similar remarks, let's assume the PPA would take some action, but would they demand the destruction of such judge's career?
July 14, 2022 8:09 pm
Just wondering when the cancel culture question gets asked.
She’s been an excellent judge so far. As far as the PPA is concerned, I like to know who they endorse so that I can vote the opposite way.
July 14, 2022 8:20 pm
I don't like or approve of what she did, but I agree with some of what 12:45 and 12:57 point out. It's kind of foolish to take up totally for one side. It's a mixed bag, but not totally 50/50. She shares the primary responsibility. Yes, they did over-react a bit, and have probably been targeting her since the beginning, but her comments are somewhat indefensible to make on the record.
She at least should acknowledge that–she can say she was trying to help him, but went too far. If she can't concede she went too far, her problems will stay with her, and her foes will become more and more energized against her.
However, I do take her side in the matter when she was a PD and wore the BLM button to court. It was reported the judge received a letter from METRO or PPA complaining about P.Ds and other defense attorneys wearing BLM lapel buttons to court. I don't believe the judge disclosed receipt of this letter on the record(I could be wrong on that), and it does not appear BLM reached out to the judge on such issue.
At any rate, the judge ordered her to remove her small BLM lapel button.Had the matter been a jury trial, with racial overtones and accusations of police profiling and the like, I would understand his concern. But it was not. It was a simple matter of her and the DA wishing to place a simple plea agreement on the record. The one poster discussed keeping things in proportion, and that applies here. Since it was entering a simple plea negotiation, as opposed to some intense jury trial, she should not have been compelled to remove the button IMO.
The judge wanting to maintain a "neutral courtroom" is weak justification, particularly since the DA was not complaining about the button and also wanted to finalize the deal on that day.
"Middle class" doesn't really have an agreed upon definition. There are poor people who think they are middle class and well off people who think they are middle class. I make $200k a year and I consider myself to be middle class, but there may be some who disagree.
Salaries are on Transparent Nevada (but since she hasn't been a judge for more than year yet, we will have to wait). Based on other judges' salaries, her base salary before PERS and insurance is probably just shy of 200K.
Rule of thumb. If you are at a large law firm and you are appearing before an emerge Nevada judge, send a female from your office. Could be the damn secretary. That's your only hope of betting a favorable result.
2:55 I was told that at my firm numerous times about which lawyer should appear before male judges of a particular religion.
July 14, 2022 11:21 pm
We seem to be clogging up this thread with a lot of flippant one liners about a very important matter. Now,12:45, 12:57 and 1:20 may or may not be valid with much of what they say, but at least they attempted a fair-minded, balanced analysis.
Doesn't anyone else have anything of intelligence to offer beyond this judge sucks, or don't trust that judge, or things of that nature? I for one need to know of how concerned I should be with the predilections of these judges elected in 2020, as I yet don't have a lot of exposure to some of them.
So, glib quips don't help. But if anyone has any advice or observations about any of the proclivities of these(I think there are like 10 of them) fairly new judges, many attorneys would be most grateful.
Ballou should resign because she frequently has no idea what is going on in front of her. Nearly every time I show up for a civil matter, she starts down one path and I have to explain what we are actually there for. This literally happened "Counsel, you haven't done any of the required analysis for [xyz motion] so I have to deny it." "Your honor, this is a Motion for [xyz]" Her: "Oh, I see. I am granting the Motion." Similar things have happened on multiple occasions. It is very clear that she doesn't read or understand a thing.
Well, sounds like once you re-direct her, she switches gears and you win your motions. So you may wish to reconsider your opinion that she should be removed.
July 15, 2022 3:43 am
I wonder, has any judge ever been censured for saying on the record that they trust and respect law enforcement and have the utmost faith in them?
Because if not, then the complaint here doesn’t seem to be the fact that a judge expressed an opinion, it seems to be based on what the opinion is.
I prefer my judges to conduct themselves conservatively and just keep their thoughts to themselves. But it’s hard to ignore the double standard given how often judges glowingly praise law enforcement from the bench with no pushback at all.
July 15, 2022 6:49 pm
8:43-Even though I think it's problematic she made the remark, and it does raise a viable argument of potential bias, you do raise an excellent point.
And yes, there is a clear double standard as no judge has ever, or will ever, incur discipline(or even serious controversy) by publicly stating that they support law enforcement.
I find it ironic that the police union has a problem with Judge Baillou while at the same time their president was indicted by the DA's Office for multiple crimes and their use of force expert killed two unarmed people and shot another and has cost the county millions of dollars. Clean up your own yard before you start looking in your neighbors.
3:45, I hear what you're saying, and strongly agree with you as to how odious the actions of the union president appear to be, as well as some dreadful excessive force cases which cost us millions.
But I don't agree that a law enforcement agency is precluded from raising questions concerning possible judicial bias against law enforcement, simply because there are officers, and union representatives, who have behaved in horrible, even criminal manners.
There are thousands of officers. The union is not required to wait until the department totally clears house before they can complain about how other agencies and functions within the system do their job. Thus, it is not necessary hypocritical to so complain.
For example, a District Attorneys Office can and should when justified, prosecute a politician with corruption while in office, and should not be precluded from doing so merely because a member, or former member, of the D.A.'s office is also getting charged with separate acts of corruption.
But, getting down to brass tacks, I don't think she said anything that justifies this gross over-reaction–unless a proportion reaction in the other direction is supportable or sustainable against ay judge who openly supports law enforcement.
Just spent some time with friends who work in the cannabis industry in California and apparently it's completely collapsing there. I haven't heard the same in Nevada but I don't deal with the industry at all. Are we having similar issues here?
do you mean the industry or the legal side of it? Feels like now that the licensing and initial letters and licenses have all been passed out it is becoming very niche again.
The industry itself. Apparently prices have collapsed, among many other things. Curious if cultivators/retailers are having the same issues here. I agree on the legal side the gold rush appears to be over and now it's an ordinary admin/licensing practice area.
It's just a market correction now that the market is saturated and inflation is so high that discretionary spending, like weed, has been pushed to the back of people's priorities.
This is 10:28/10:48 – that seems to be the case in California, although I think it's more rising interest rates rather than inflation that's ending the party. Are you saying the same thing is happening in Nevada?
"now that the market is saturated and inflation is so high that discretionary spending, like weed, has been pushed to the back of people's priorities."
I thought weed was "essential" under Sisolak's Emergency Covid Orders. Food is discretionary, but weed is not.
Anybody have any clue when DETR is going to pay valid claims from over 2years ago? Or when you can get a human to process a claim? Just received fraud threatening letter number 4 at the same time they ask who I work for? Um, my claim is 3 years old
Can anyone explain whether celebrity lawyers who are caught in rubber gloves and head scarf actively altering and tampering with the accident site before the jury view are immune from Attorney misconduct rules
Check out the case in the Nevada supreme court ref 76422
I hate stories like the trucking laws. It's billed as hurting us, but really it protects workers and hurts businesses that have so far profited from abusive labor practices. Not to mention all the people on the road who are hurt by sleepy, overworked truckers when they wreck? Why do we even have so much dependence on trucking? Why don't we have more trains and less trucks?
I agree with everything you said, but it's also crazy that the Fox 5 story is essentially just a press release by a trucking industry guy with no supporting facts or push back. This seems to be a recurring issue with local media – just being a stenographer for a single source with an obvious bias. Even when it's in favor of causes I like it seems pretty far from actual journalism.
So patients go to Summerlin Hospital for a Covid Test. Results are not ready for 2 days and patients are told to call medical records to get results. Medical Records refuses to give results unless a HIPPA is filled out and emailed or faxed back. The results are positive. Shouldn't Summerlin Hospital be required to affirmatively contact the patient rather than relying on the patient to own a computer and a scanner? We tried their portal but it said my clients email was registered to someone else so he could not use the patient portal.
according to the billboard in Vegas, personal injury seems pretty steady to me. Although i would think criminal defense would be more in demand, but then again half the criminals cant afford a defense…
Sadly, it seems most people charged with crimes cannot afford good legal defense.
Why is it sadly. Do not do the crime if you cannot afford to do the time.
Sadly because I waste all day doing consults with ppl who don't have anywhere near what it costs to retain me
Start charging consult fees (due before you meet in the conference room).
$295, which is applied to your retainer if hired. Worked for me for many years, unless they were referred by a good client or a friend.
How do you request traffic ticket negotiations in L justice? Thanks
PI is tough because you have to have the means/ resources to get the clients. The work itself is easy, but as you can see by all the billboards, it costs a lot to get them in the door. And that's before you get to the unethical actions many take to get cases.
Judge Ballou should resign. She's a lousy judge and she has really dangerous ideas on how the world works. She is neither wise nor learned nor impartial. A District Court judge should have at least two out of three of those qualities.
Where did the Ballou story come from? It seems like a petty political attack with little to no substance. She remanded the defendant in the case that's in the video, which by default supports both the police and probation officers' efforts.
Did this come from the DA's office? From what I understand, her criminal rulings are considered fair, so I'm not sure why they would go after her. And if they are, then this poorly investigated attack says a lot about how their office is run.
Perhaps a DA recall, similar to San Francisco, should be considered. Ozzie, don't close that campaign account just yet.
Just read her comment. It is clear how she feels about local law enforcement and that she would avoid all contact with law enforcement as she believes that she would be killed as a result of that contact strictly based on her race.
I think it's pretty fair for the DA to take issue with the following statement :" I’m a middle-aged, middle-class Black woman. I don’t want to be around where the cops are because I don’t know if I’m going to walk away alive or not"
The story indicated that the LVPPP made a public statement, which was likely sent to News 8. Hence the story. The video of the statement is also in the news8 story.
Very narrow clip there, with lots of extrapolated conclusions. I'd like think we are better than that.
Narrow clip or not, what situation would it ever be appropriate for a judge to make that remark? Additionally, look at her demeanor and tone and tenor. Absolutely un-judge like. Clear as day she is nothing more but an advocate from the bench.
Hate to see it.
It ain't preponderance of the evidence here. She said what she said and additional footage on either side really doesn't help her.
I've got a bridge for sale in Pahrump, here's a picture. Trust me, it's exactly as I purport it to be. Ain't it a beauty? Recon you wanna buy it?
Whatever TF that means…..
I am in the bridge business, also made a pretty penny in boiled denims
Then I believe you. Full stop.
–No One Ever
Remember when the very white Tobiasson made similar statements about the reliability of Metro and look where she is today. When they say the cops will get you if they want you, they are not kidding.
Yet Susan Johnson can instruct people to vote for Trump from the bench and nothing happens to her. Double standard much?
It's not a question of how valid Judge Ballou's remarks my be(about black people needing to make an extra effort to avoid the police, etc.). The issue is that a judge should not be making those remarks on the record to a Defendant.
The PPA is over-reacting IMO -by demanding her resignation, and pursuing an ethics complaint, but their concern is legitimate to some degree and is not simply a "a petty political attack" as 12:28 suggests.
So, I think both sides are right to an extent, and wrong to an extent. Her comments were not really proper, but the relief sought is an over-reaction, and makes it clear they are specifically targeting her rather than attempting to correct certain behaviors so such remarks are no longer made on the record in a judicial capacity.
I happen to agree with, and admire, a lot of what she has said and done in the past. But just because I agree with certain activists on certain issues, does not mean it is appropriate to have them continue such blatant activism once they are on the bench. Judges simply have to be real careful, particularly when on the bench, about expressing their political views.
She is simply wrong when she acts like she was just trying to give him some real-life advice to help him. Her comments went well beyond that and pollute the record by creating legitimate questions concerning a possible bias against law enforcement. I happen to agree with what she told the defendant, but that is not the point.
It ain't preponderance of the evidence here. She said what she said and additional footage on either side really doesn't help her.
She should not have made the comments, but I kind of agree with 12:45 who I think offers a balanced view fair to both sides.
The remarks she made to the defendant were out of line, and do raise legitimate questions of bias. But, yes, since the PPA throws the kitchen sink at her(you must resign, and here's an ethics complaint for good measure) that shows they have targeted her since Day #1 and have no real sense of restraint or proportion. And, ironically, it does kind of make them look like bullies–disagree with us and we will not merely try to legitimately correct the problem, but we will attempt to destroy your career and annihilate your reputation). And being portrayed as bullies(and worse yet bullies with some racial motivation) is exactly what they take offense at someone suggesting. If a white male judge made similar remarks, let's assume the PPA would take some action, but would they demand the destruction of such judge's career?
Just wondering when the cancel culture question gets asked.
Cancel who? The Judge, The LVPPA or 1257?
Are you implying that wanting discipline for her comment is somehow indicative of cancel culture?
Wanting discipline is far different than demanding resignation.
She is better than Allf.
Allfs pot biz on the boulder strip is taxing her. I lost all respect her on the gruden ruling. My left eye won't open.
She’s been an excellent judge so far. As far as the PPA is concerned, I like to know who they endorse so that I can vote the opposite way.
I don't like or approve of what she did, but I agree with some of what 12:45 and 12:57 point out. It's kind of foolish to take up totally for one side. It's a mixed bag, but not totally 50/50. She shares the primary responsibility. Yes, they did over-react a bit, and have probably been targeting her since the beginning, but her comments are somewhat indefensible to make on the record.
She at least should acknowledge that–she can say she was trying to help him, but went too far. If she can't concede she went too far, her problems will stay with her, and her foes will become more and more energized against her.
However, I do take her side in the matter when she was a PD and wore the BLM button to court. It was reported the judge received a letter from METRO or PPA complaining about P.Ds and other defense attorneys wearing BLM lapel buttons to court. I don't believe the judge disclosed receipt of this letter on the record(I could be wrong on that), and it does not appear BLM reached out to the judge on such issue.
At any rate, the judge ordered her to remove her small BLM lapel button.Had the matter been a jury trial, with racial overtones and accusations of police profiling and the like, I would understand his concern. But it was not. It was a simple matter of her and the DA wishing to place a simple plea agreement on the record. The one poster discussed keeping things in proportion, and that applies here. Since it was entering a simple plea negotiation, as opposed to some intense jury trial, she should not have been compelled to remove the button IMO.
The judge wanting to maintain a "neutral courtroom" is weak justification, particularly since the DA was not complaining about the button and also wanted to finalize the deal on that day.
She LOVES the publicity. Zero chance she resigns quietly or accepts some minor censure and makes it go away.
Think Maxine Waters or Lori Lighfoot. Maybe even AOC.
Love me ACLU,representing campaign orgs instead of minorities and publications. Wow
Judge Ballou thinks she's middle class? What is the starting salary of a new judge?
"Middle class" doesn't really have an agreed upon definition. There are poor people who think they are middle class and well off people who think they are middle class. I make $200k a year and I consider myself to be middle class, but there may be some who disagree.
Salaries are on Transparent Nevada (but since she hasn't been a judge for more than year yet, we will have to wait). Based on other judges' salaries, her base salary before PERS and insurance is probably just shy of 200K.
Is Ballou a product of Emerge Nevada?
Rule of thumb. If you are at a large law firm and you are appearing before an emerge Nevada judge, send a female from your office. Could be the damn secretary. That's your only hope of betting a favorable result.
No, I don't believe she is.
Emerge equals PDs. Is Allf emerge?
I think Kishner is Emerge. And Delaney. Possibly Allf.
Gloria Sturman is an Emerge Graduate as is Delaney. I don't believe Kishner and Allf are.
Yes, Kishner is Emerge.
Allf is very much an EmergeNevada graduate.
2:55 I was told that at my firm numerous times about which lawyer should appear before male judges of a particular religion.
We seem to be clogging up this thread with a lot of flippant one liners about a very important matter. Now,12:45, 12:57 and 1:20 may or may not be valid with much of what they say, but at least they attempted a fair-minded, balanced analysis.
Doesn't anyone else have anything of intelligence to offer beyond this judge sucks, or don't trust that judge, or things of that nature? I for one need to know of how concerned I should be with the predilections of these judges elected in 2020, as I yet don't have a lot of exposure to some of them.
So, glib quips don't help. But if anyone has any advice or observations about any of the proclivities of these(I think there are like 10 of them) fairly new judges, many attorneys would be most grateful.
Ballou should resign because she frequently has no idea what is going on in front of her. Nearly every time I show up for a civil matter, she starts down one path and I have to explain what we are actually there for. This literally happened "Counsel, you haven't done any of the required analysis for [xyz motion] so I have to deny it." "Your honor, this is a Motion for [xyz]" Her: "Oh, I see. I am granting the Motion." Similar things have happened on multiple occasions. It is very clear that she doesn't read or understand a thing.
Well, sounds like once you re-direct her, she switches gears and you win your motions. So you may wish to reconsider your opinion that she should be removed.
I wonder, has any judge ever been censured for saying on the record that they trust and respect law enforcement and have the utmost faith in them?
Because if not, then the complaint here doesn’t seem to be the fact that a judge expressed an opinion, it seems to be based on what the opinion is.
I prefer my judges to conduct themselves conservatively and just keep their thoughts to themselves. But it’s hard to ignore the double standard given how often judges glowingly praise law enforcement from the bench with no pushback at all.
8:43-Even though I think it's problematic she made the remark, and it does raise a viable argument of potential bias, you do raise an excellent point.
And yes, there is a clear double standard as no judge has ever, or will ever, incur discipline(or even serious controversy) by publicly stating that they support law enforcement.
I find it ironic that the police union has a problem with Judge Baillou while at the same time their president was indicted by the DA's Office for multiple crimes and their use of force expert killed two unarmed people and shot another and has cost the county millions of dollars. Clean up your own yard before you start looking in your neighbors.
3:45, I hear what you're saying, and strongly agree with you as to how odious the actions of the union president appear to be, as well as some dreadful excessive force cases which cost us millions.
But I don't agree that a law enforcement agency is precluded from raising questions concerning possible judicial bias against law enforcement, simply because there are officers, and union representatives, who have behaved in horrible, even criminal manners.
There are thousands of officers. The union is not required to wait until the department totally clears house before they can complain about how other agencies and functions within the system do their job. Thus, it is not necessary hypocritical to so complain.
For example, a District Attorneys Office can and should when justified, prosecute a politician with corruption while in office, and should not be precluded from doing so merely because a member, or former member, of the D.A.'s office is also getting charged with separate acts of corruption.
But, getting down to brass tacks, I don't think she said anything that justifies this gross over-reaction–unless a proportion reaction in the other direction is supportable or sustainable against ay judge who openly supports law enforcement.