- Quickdraw McLaw
- The AG is cracking down on those “malicious” ADA lawsuits. [KTNV]
- DA Steve Wolfson has announced his reelection bid. Who will step up to challenge him this time? [RJ]
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I wonder if most commercial insurance policies exclude ADA complaints.
Whitney Wilcher is the apparent mastermind of those ADA suits.
Whit is the "copy, paste, and file" lawyer. Being a mastermind would take far too much work.
"Mastermind" and Whitney Wilcher in the same sentence? Surely you jest. One of the laziest, most "cut and paste" lawyers I have ever met. Well suited for ID and CD where he was able to hide for years. With that said, Laxalt has no place in these lawsuits Just another political grandstanding move.
With that said, when will we get an equally hard-hitting expose on what a hack Darcy Spears is? He is the frivolous ADA lawsuit of reporters in this town.
I am defending some of these. Whitney is just the latest Hoe being used by a nationwide organization of ADA trolls. As soon as you appear in the case you get "settlement" offer from someone "connected" to Whitney. "no you have no need to talk to Mr. Wilcher I can handle the matter." This scam makes me think the Righthaven copyright trolls were nice guys.
I'd do Darcy Spears.
at 9:10AM, serious question, if "Laxalt has no place in these lawsuits Just another political grandstanding move," and we all know these ADA troll suits are crap and just a money grab. Then who, but the AG, is supposed to do something about it?
@10:20. These are federal lawsuits under Federal law for which the Attorney General of the State of Nevada has no interest.
If the ADA troll is improperly shaking down Nevada businesses, then the Nevada AG has an interest. You go try to pitch a case to the Nevada USAO. If it's not going to put a major scalp on the wall, then they have no interest. And good luck pitching economic crime to the DA's office, because the DAs have never seen an economic crime that doesn't "sound like a civil case." The AG is an important resource for bringing justice to scammers that don't quite have the profile to get the USAO into the newspaper. That was true when I would pitch cases to Masto, and it remains true now, even if you don't like the person currently in the office.
I appreciate that 1:09. I will eat crow if the AG's intervention does anything in these cases except get him on television.
Wolfson may get token opposition, but it is unlikely he will attract an opponent of any real political viability. If so, we would have heard by now as someone of arguable electability would already be beating the bushes to determine their level of support, etc. I don't believe any such person has yet emerged.
What about that attorney/defendant who ran last time? Is he suspended? Can't come up with his name.
Duensing disbarred I believe. Steve must be relieved.
If he gets opposition, it may not be of much higher quality than the candidate you mention.
No one of any real credibility or electability has yet stepped forward. Usually, for a position like this, if someone of real substance is mulling over a bid to take out the incumbent, they are testing the waters and putting out feelers a couple years in advance.
Duensing is suspended through March 2018. He was not disbarred.
OBC– You can contact any member of the OBC Office except Stan. Stan's telephone number is confidential. Asshole.
OBC is bad to the bone, bbbad to bone. Bbbbad, Alexis Plunkett and Rob Graham, bbbad to the bone.
Yes they are. Need to clean house and start all over again (with only two exceptions).
Who are the exceptions? Do tell.
I'm guessing Phil is one.
One of the OBC attorneys I knew some time back. That person was fired for leaking confidential client info. Management walked that person out in the middle of the day. I can't believe that person has the gall to police attorney ethics.
Who's that? Do tell.
I'm guessing it wasn't Stephanie Barker.
Come on, 2:59. Who's been previously fired from a job?
Sorry I just can't go there. I fuck around on this blog during the day instead of working and I really don't want marginally competent power hungry bureaucrats tracking down my IP so they can fuck with me. S/he knows who s/he is and should be ashamed. That's all.
Got a feeling Mr/Ms 2:59/4:43 don't know what he/she talking about.
Phil is not one. His shelf life has expired. Stephanie Barker is gone. Yes I share 4:43's concern.
Ha 449, nice try but not taking that bait, lol
Really guys, it is not hard. Look at the roster of OBC people, and you can figure it out pretty quickly on your own.
Really? How does looking at a list of names tell us who's been fired in the past?
You have the names. If you look into their past (because Lord knows they look into your past), it is not difficult to figure out who it is.
I'd love to see the AG file suit against the pharma/opioid manufacturers like Ohio and South Carolina have done. It's a legitimate issue (downplaying addictiveness when they knew differently, and pressuring docs into prescribing more). Also, it would provide some much needed cash for the state.
Whenever you think Adam Laxalt should do something you must first ask yourself the important question: how will is benefit Sheldon Adelson? Then you will know what Adam may do.
That is question no. 2. Question 1 is: How will this affect who will contribute to my campaign? Prescription drug companies and monies move mountains. Citizens against opioid use? Not so much.
I worked at a state AG's office in another state. Usually, in these types of cases, one or two big states do all the work and the small states essentially just sign on and cash a check. This would probably require ZERO work from our AG's office (but I don't know the particulars of this case).
The Lawyer Referral & Information Service handed out $50,000 in public service grants during the @clarkcountybar CLE Luncheon Thursday.
Who decided to give the money away?
Why doesn't this $$ go to client protection?
#wtf #bloatedbar
While I'm sure there is some better use for "extra" money, I think (hope) LRIS money comes from participating attorneys and not general bar dues
All LRIS monies come from the $50 fee that attorneys pay to join the service and the 20% referral fee on LRIS cases. LRIS not only does not take money from bar dues but actually has been funding the Bar.
Who decided to give the money away? It is in the Bylaws of the organization that the money goes to legal service providers throughout the State of Nevada. That is the purpose of the money, or at least it used to be until Kim Farmer started raiding its coffers. Kim diverted money to Diversity Scholarships. Then she decided to start funding LRE completely out of LRIS. There is no provision for monies from LRIS to go to Client Security. In fact LRIS used to be giving away $300,000 a year to LSPs a few years ago which has dwindled down to a fraction of that money under Kim's leadership.
Bunkerville Jury still out (despite Defendants putting on effectively no evidence or testimony). Could the USAO get their pelt-hunting hides handed to them again?
Was wondering same. Shouldn't be THAT complicated. Could be good sign for defense.
If those nutjobs get off, I'm gonna be pissed. They already got away with what they did in Oregon. We can't live in a world where political protestors take up arms against the U.S. government and get away with it – for very obvious reasons!
To the best of my knowledge, none of the present Defendants involved in this trial were involved or accused of participating in Oregon. So they did not get away with anything in Oregon.
While I generally agree with your sentiment 6:54, there is a line out there of governmental overreach and excessive force with which I am not comfortable. This government does bad things to bad people and good people indiscriminately.
Where can one get a list of who is on the CJA Panels?
Right here bud: