- Quickdraw McLaw
For those of you without kids, today may be just another Monday with less traffic than last Monday. But for those of you with kids, today is the first day of a long because you know that there is no school because of spring break. What do you do when the kids are on spring break? Do you try and schedule a family vacation at the same time? Do you just go to work and let them fend for themselves during the day? Do you think the State Bar should implement a spring break?
Also, does anyone have any new, solid information about Prince & Keating or Gordon Silver?
Dennis Prince is leaving to join up with Eglet. From what I heard most associates are staying with Keating.
Weren't they partners back in the day when Eglet was on the defense side?
yup. Eglet Prince – late 1990's – early 2000's
Speaking of Spring Break, has anyone else noticed a distinct drop-off in the quality of court orders that come out the few days before? Some orders sound like they were cut/paste jobs done by the JEA's.
I love it how jerky attorneys threaten Rule 11 sanctions anytime a complaint is filed against their client.
Think the courts and the bar should address this. I think it is an abuse of discretion.
Do you mean the attorneys for Slim Jim or Jack Link's?
Yup, pretty much have the same intellectual level.
Well, if people are consistently mentioning Rule 11 sanctions to you, they might be trying to tell you something. Either they're all bluffing or else maybe you are violating Rule 11… sometimes, it's very difficult to know when you're out of line until someone tells you.
Right, and opposing counsel is a reputable source. I have never threatened someone with a Rule 11. You have to be a really shitty lawyer to threaten Rule 11. Sounds like you do it often.
Only ass hats threaten Rule 11 violations.
I could not agree more with 11:45. Coming from California, I was stunned at the frequency with which Rule 11 threats are thrown about around here. A 128.7 motion (CA equivalent) is a rarity in California, and the threats of filing the same are reserved for conduct that actually merits the filing. Not so here.
I agree. Threatening Rule 11 is usually a dick move, unless you have OVERWHELMING evidence that something was filed with no basis. And then it's better to call up opposing counsel and have a conversation before throwing out the Rule 11 threat. It usually moves the litigation from adversarial between the parties to adversarial between the attorneys.
I once had opposing counsel ask the Court to sanction me to pay their attorney's fees when it was clear I had done nothing wrong. The Court agreed with me. But I thought it was a low move on the opposing attorney's part to make it personal and when I got contacted by Martindale to give her a recommendation, I politely declined.
Totally agree :).
I think part of the problem is that people who need to file rule 11 motions don't do it which results in idiots going forward to another day thinking they're in the right.
I don't threaten Rule 11 Motions. I file them (correctly of course).
I am sure that you do. Where's the Easter Bunny?
@1:15 – I don't even want to hear how the Rule 11 equivalent is reserved in CA (implying more civility). CA attorneys are far from civil. My experience has been that many are underhanded, unethical and unprofessional. Granted, all my experience pertains to a NV lawyer (me) practicing in CA, so there may be an extra level of prick coming my way so they can keep me out of their state.
You are the Rule 11 idiot. No wonder why attorneys don't answer or return phone calls.
You threaten a Rule 11 at the drop of the hat, ass hat.
Rule 11 attorneys don't file their Rule 11 motions, because they are baseless, meritless motions.
Rule 11 attorneys use it as a form of harassment, and it should be reported to the bar.
Thank you for reminding me. It cracks me up that these idiot, overly aggressive Rule 11 charmers treat opposing counsel attorneys like shit, then you get solicited for Martindale ratings for them. Fun, fun.
Yes, how sweet it is to get some Rule 11 letter and then a Martindale rating request. So very very sweet. That might explain why some well known and competent attorneys have low Martindale ratings.
You, well known? Yeah, maybe in your delusions. You just showed how stupid you are.
Rule 11 attorneys are famous. Their reputation as upstanding pillars of the legal community is amazing.
Tony Liker is famous!
Without Rule 11 (or at least the threat of Rule 11), what is there to keep the yahoo attorneys honest? Most state court judges won't do it sua sponte, and neither will the DCs.
WTH makes you think Rule 11 attorneys are honest? After all, we are one of the most respected professions.
When I am in court, the same attorneys make the same bullshit Rule 11 motions. All middle aged male. All look like they enjoy the booze. Most live life to the fullest in their sweat pants.
I love me some Southpole velour sweats!
5:32: You mean middle-aged males who remember a time when the bar was not infested with snot-nosed punks who think winning is everything and the rules are for suckers?
You are proving the point. Thank you, 5:57. You should work for the RTC.
Gordon and Silver is on Spring Break!
What does this mean? Their office is closed?
So, they are not dead yet?