Sorting Out The Issues

  • Law

  • Judge Richard Boulware indicated he will issue an injunction postponing the execution of Zane Floyd. [Las Vegas Sun; TNI]
  • Jury to decide whether break-ins at 24/7 Private Vaults were inside jobs. [RJ]
  • SafeNest offers new way for domestic violence victims to obtain TPOs without physically appearing in court. [RJ]
  • What are your thoughts on the Delta variant? [RJ]
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June 29, 2021 6:46 pm

Delta variant…
soon to be followed by Echo, Foxtrot and other assorted variants. Annual boosters, just like for the flu. For those who refuse to be vaccinated? Well, thinning the herd of stupid is probably best.

June 29, 2021 8:07 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

I'm inclined to agree with you re the anti-vaxxers. I legit do not care when I see another one on the news with their social media full of anti-vaccine nonsense and their sad family talking about how they just got sucked into the fox news nonsense. What angers me is the people who cannot get vaccinated. I know two people who have legitimate medical concerns regarding the vaccines and there's nothing they can do about it. So they are in danger because some morons refuse to get vaccinated. Then there's the crowd that says well do what's right for you and I'll do what's right for me…except that's not how viruses and science work so here we are.

Can the herd of stupid be quarantined in South Dakota away from the rest of us?

June 29, 2021 8:29 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Thanks for participating in the great experiment. Look forward to checking in with you in five years.

June 29, 2021 8:48 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

The tech used to develop the vaccines has been around for years. 1:29 and the rest of the nutters need to just leave. Go away. You're selfish, awful, willfully ignorant people who ignore science and facts in favor of nonsense and tinfoil hat theories. So just go. Move to South Dakota or something. Just go away…far, far away.

June 29, 2021 8:58 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Well, since 1:48 set the tone, please allow me:

You go away, hater. Only an idiot would believe the mainstream media and fraudulent Fauci, with their unbroken track record of being wrong.
You ruined the economy.
You destroyed children's lives.
You corrupted science completely.
You turned the courts into rubber stamps for unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats.
You allowed blanket immunity and indemnity laws to be passed so no matter how many die because Big Pharma chose profits over people, not one of them will ever be held accountable.
You chose to be governed by fear and use your fear to justify fascist policies aimed at crushing any open thought, debate, or progress towards answers.

You go away.

June 29, 2021 8:58 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

You do realize that the vaccines have not gotten FDA approval except for EMERGENCY USE, don't you? How can you condemn people for wanting to wait until these experimental vaccines have gone through the entire protocol for vaccine testing and approval before subjecting themselves to the vaccine?

Only an ignorant asshole will brand someone a "nutter" for wanting to rely on the FDA's well-established testing regime.

June 29, 2021 9:01 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

In addition to being rude, 1:48 is also wrong. Go into broadcasting, nasty nut.

June 29, 2021 9:12 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

jfc You're citing to an alternative health nut? Seriously? You know this is a law blog, right? Remember that class we all had about legal research and credible citations? Like how citing your mom isn't really credible? Moron.

Woooo….I was rude. Someone get the smelling salts.

You are a nutter if you think an alternative health fraudster is a credible source for medical advise. You are a nutter if you think Fauci is anything other than a dedicated civil servant with decades of experience handling pandemics and public health. You are a nutter if you think covid is just the flu.

June 29, 2021 9:28 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Hey 2:12, I don't feel like you're winning anyone over to the "I better go get vaccinated" side. And it's adorable that you show your love for dear old Anthony Fauci. Or is it sexy Tony? Hard to tell with you Fauci followers, it gets downright weird.

June 29, 2021 9:50 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Here's a reason to get the vaccine – the worldwide medical community recommends it. It's very effective at preventing you from getting covid, and in the very small chance you get it, it's very very effective at preventing it from causing any serious problems.

A personal anectdata – I lost smell/taste with Covid last October. After getting the pfizer vaccine, it has started to return significantly. A couple other friends reported the same improvement.

June 29, 2021 10:09 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

There is also a very, very small chance that a person not at risk will die if they do get Covid. About 10 years ago I caught the flu at a time when I was in personal contact with many international travelers. I lost my sense of smell, taste, and hearing for a while. Those sensations slowly returned to normal. It was a really bad flu season that year.

June 30, 2021 1:09 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Generally I sort anti-vax people to be in the same category as flat earth society members or those claiming to be sovereign citizens. Lots of convoluted arguments.
Think of the boundless opportunity here for PI lawsuits.
Person A, without medical excuse, refuses vaccine and passes the virus to Person B, who is at risk or has a serious side effect.
If I could link A as the person (more likely than not standard) who infected B, where A, with knowledge of the risk to others, did not get vaccinated, I would sue A into bankruptcy. Just like a MVA, general and specials to include cost of care/treatment, loss of income, futures for loss of smell, heart, lungs damaged etc. Seek non dischargeable punitives for reckless endangerment.
Anyone willing to admit they are not vaccinated and infected someone else? Now, where can I find those contact tracing records?

June 30, 2021 2:25 am
Reply to  Anonymous

3:09 at any point during the year that you caught the flu, were the ICUs overflowing their capacity? Did any hospitals run out of oxygen? Was there any point in any US city where bodies of people who died from the flu were backing up funeral homes that couldn't keep up with demand for their services? Were bodies of flu victims clogging up the Ganges river?

June 30, 2021 3:21 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Slow down on the Covid Cool-aid, it's well known that the poor that can't afford to bury the dead put them in the Ganges river…long before Covid. The hospital overflow has been hyped. Try talking directly to those that work in them, and not just reading sensational headlines. Same with the funeral homes. This Delta variance is being spun out of control by the Delta-Bravos that can't think for themselves.

June 30, 2021 3:32 am
Reply to  Anonymous

I'm not getting the vaccine. I do believe the earth is round. I'm a Trump supporter. I believe there are only 2 genders, but that if an adult wants to transition from one to the other, then that's their right. I believe in gay marriage and I support abortion, but only in the first trimester. I'm pro 2nd amendment. I do believe in doing things to protect the environment (respecting the planet), but I don't believe in climate change. I'm all for people coming to America to pursue the American dream, but do it legally. Don't game the system, cross illegally. I don't believe January 6th was an insurrection. I don't believe this past summer was a summer of love and full of peaceful protests. Antifa is real. BLM is a pro-marxist movement. Critical Race Theory is Marxist and is racist in its teachings. I don't care what color or religion anyone is and they are all endowed with the same rights I am. They are not greater than me and I am not greater than they are. I don't believe in reparations because no one in America alive today has owned slaves and no one in America alive today was a slave or was even a grand child of a slave. Is America great? Absolutely. Is it perfect? No. America made mistakes, but worked to correct them. People who helped create this country shouldn't be vilified and held to a 2021 standard, when everything they did at the time was considered legal and normal. Just saying. Not everyone is a nutter because they're on the other side of the aisle you're on.

June 30, 2021 4:32 am
Reply to  Anonymous


You're not a nutter on everything, just on the vaccine. As long as your stupidity only puts yourself at risk, I don't care.

June 30, 2021 6:02 am
Reply to  Anonymous

I love how 8:32 uses "I believe" for fact and opinion, as if that validates both.

The earth is round. Whether YOU "believe" it or not is inconsequential. Just as almost 100% of COVID deaths are now from the unvaccinated.

Whether YOU believe it or not does not change that fact. But your chances of surviving a very survivable disease do.

June 30, 2021 6:45 am
Reply to  Anonymous

The covid deaths were greatly exaggerated. Anyone who died having tested positive was counted as a covid death. The disease affected a smaller percentage than advertized. Too much focus was put on positive tests even though a great majority of those testing positive were asymptomatic. Early on the coming vaccines were touted as the only solution when scientists had no idea. Competing remedies were and still are shunned even if they work. Also, viruses mutate to become more contagious but less deadly. This is what happens time and time again. So, the Delta variant is probably an exaggeration to get the unvaccinated in line.

June 30, 2021 4:55 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

11:45 PM is proof that, as humans, once we reach a conclusion, it is very rare that any amount of evidence will change our minds. Covid could kill 3-4 of the people that 11:45 PM loves most and I guarantee you 11:45's conclusions would not change.

June 30, 2021 6:36 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

600k+ people in this country have died from COVID. No one commenting on this blog knows all the rules re reporting deaths. It varies state to state. There is credible evidence that DeSantis intentionally underreported the numbers in Florida. The state employee he had arrested for disagreeing with him on the COVID data has been granted whistleblower status. That's just one example.

People can go on about comorbidities, etc, but the reality is that we all either have our own comorbidities or we know and love someone who does. It is selfish and ignorant to claim we should all be allowed to make our own decision regarding COVID precautions when the choices of one irresponsible individual can have devastating consequences to an entire community.

I find it incredibly disrespectful for people to post about their individual freedom and choices and their quack medical theories some natural "doctor" told them about on youtube when a large portion of America has lost a loved one to this pandemic. It's so very sad and it's a slap in the face when some asshole on the internet claims it's just a bad flu. It's not. It's a fucking pandemic. Wear your mask, stay home when you can, and get vaccinated.

June 30, 2021 9:15 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

11:36 manages to be wrong on everything. This kind of lowbrow makes idiotic policies possible. To think I share a profession with this poster.

July 1, 2021 3:04 am
Reply to  Anonymous

To the moron dumb enough to think a personal injury lawsuit can be maintained against an unvaccinated Covid spreader, please find and cute for everyone a case with those same facts but for any other illness for which a vaccine exists. Flu, polio, chicken pox, etc. We'll wait. What are you, a first year law student?

June 29, 2021 6:47 pm

Ah, yes. I remember the ads by (the late) Mr. Elliot running on KXNT non-stop for years. It surprised me not at all when the place was robbed, and it turned out all of the vaunted protection was a fairy tale, much like the the views espoused by the talk radio hosts on that station.

June 29, 2021 7:15 pm

Judge will issue an injunction postponing the execution of Zane Floyd.

No-News News.

He committed these murders in 1999.

He will never be executed.

End of story.

We still have a couple inmates on Nevada Death Row since the 70's, who still periodically face (supposed) execution dates.

June 29, 2021 7:41 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Although not on death row anymore, the longest-serving inmate in Nevada was sentenced to death in 1963 after murdering, raping and dismembering a British Olympic skier in Reno. His death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment in 1972.

June 29, 2021 8:51 pm

Re: Delta variant. I think Ivor Cummins has been consistently correct throughout this covid thing. The data is in: nothing to worry about.

June 29, 2021 9:02 pm

Ms. Nevada is a dude – women are okay with this? Seems like men-trans-women are taking over women's sports and, now, beauty competitions while women-trans-men are not having any such effect on men's sports or other competitions/fields. And women are the ones hurt by the "inclusive" bathrooms (men don't care). I'd like to hear from the women out there on this issue, since they seem to be the ones detrimentally affected by the woke-centric inclusivity media complex.

June 29, 2021 10:25 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

The whole trans issue is nonsense. If you do not confirm with gender norms, than wouldn't the logical conclusion be that gender norms are nonsense? It doesn't make sense to say "I don't conform, so I am in fact, a women." Wouldn't it be better to say, a man or woman can be anything? Including someone who cross dresses? Doesn't mean your gender is "wrong." Seems to be a illogical idea which has grown to the point where it cannot be contested.

June 29, 2021 11:05 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Ms. Nevada is not a dude, she is a transgender woman. I would respond to your points but you are being disrespectful and not discussing this issue in good faith. Have a good day.

June 29, 2021 11:17 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

No, 4:05, there is no disrespect to a man when he is called a man. When every DNA cell in your body is male, you're a male, no matter what you call yourself. Can I identify as a tree? A toaster? A tire iron? A paramecium? Would calling myself one of those things make me that thing?

And being dishonest is the very embodiment of NOT acting in good faith.

We do so-called trans people a disservice when we endorse their delusions and mental illness. If a schizophrenic were to perceive that a lawnmower was talking to him, would we say "yes, absolutely, the lawnmower IS talking to you"?

June 29, 2021 11:23 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

I'll be honest, the concept of transgendered persons doesn't make a lot of sense to me. That said, that doesn't really matter. A hallmark of human decency and empathy is to just take people at their word when they share their experience. And that's what I do with transgender folks. I can't see any error or harm that will befall me for that.

June 29, 2021 11:54 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

@4:17 just say you wish you were as pretty as Miss Nevada and move on lol

June 30, 2021 4:33 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Ms. Nevada is a dude. That's a biological FACT.

June 30, 2021 5:55 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

4:23 – thank you! Exactly the point. What is gained by marginalizing and belittling people? Denying their experience? Nothing. And it costs us nothing to simply be kind and accept trans people at their word.

LGBTQ+ children and people are at extremely high risk of suicide and exploitation. If just taking a person at their word puts a dent in those numbers, I'm here for it.

June 30, 2021 7:20 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

10:55, no one is supporting being anything but kind to anyone. However, I haven't seen much literature or studies that say that transitioning, surgically or otherwise, actually helps anyone. There are a number of studies and works that point out some very concerning issues that are present in the transgender movement.

I have seen data which suggests that the number which regret their transition or report no improvement to their mental health is high. There are also concerning patterns, such as clusters, especially among young girls. These are statistical patterns that show that when one person in a friends group declares themselves to be transgendered, it becomes exponentially more likely that those in this persons social group will also declare themselves to be trans. Not a huge deal if it meant just giving them space to explore, but it is a significant issue when you are talking about medications being used off label to block puberty or irreversible surgery. More over, there is much data that shows that many of those who transition young, but don't do anything permanent, will de-transition later.

All of this, in my opinion means that while we should respect everyone, you have to be very careful. I do not understand while gender dysmorphism is the only mental health issue we treat this way. No other condition dealing with a disconnect between someone's mental state and physical reality is meant with unquestionable acceptance and celebration. It seems like if we were to do that, we would see many of these same problems. I sincerely do not understand.

July 1, 2021 2:30 am
Reply to  Anonymous

I am transgender, and probably against my better judgment, can't resist adding my 2 cents.

First, to 3:25 and others, I ask that you reconsider your view that "the whole trans issue is nonsense." I (and many non-trans medical professionals) can tell you that gender dysphoria is a real condition that causes real pain to real people. (I deleted the treatise I started to write here. Instead, I ask you to suspend your disbelief for a little while and research gender dysphoria to better understand it.)

Second, this condition is a separate thing from the rhetoric about trans issues, some of which I agree is ridiculous. The point is that, even if you reject some of the overzealous advocacy, that does not mean that gender dysphoria is not a legitimate health issue that some people face. Even if you don't understand it, I hope that you can value the person just for being a person, and be empathetic enough to honestly try to call the person by the right name and pronouns.

Third, on the other side of the coin, people need to stop shouting "transphobia!" every time someone even asks a question about sports or bathrooms, etc. You're not helping. This just shuts down discussion and alienates instead of engages or educates people. (Honestly, I have no idea what we should do about transpeople in sports. We should talk about it.)

I transitioned more than a decade ago and it helped me substantially. Previously it really was like being in the wrong body. I'd get painful reminders throughout most days that the world did not see me the way I saw myself. So I avoided a lot of social interactions. Several times I got myself into really dangerous situations because it did not occur to me at the time that other people saw someone of the "wrong" gender there. It's actually a wonder I'm not dead.

Now all that crap is gone. Is life perfect? No, but it is much better. Hell, a lot of times I forget that I transitioned. Like the time I greeted an old friend from high school who I hadn't seen in ages. At first I was sort of hurt that he didn't seem to remember me – then duh! I realized that he had no idea that I had transitioned.

That said, as 12:20 noted, some people do regret their transition. Transition is a serious thing that no one should undertake on a whim. I am grateful for the progress that advocates have made, but I also fear that advocacy for transpeople has gone somewhat off the rails. Things like putting "she/her/hers" in your email signature is not really supporting transpeople. It's silly, imo, and I think can even do harm because other people see it as silly also, and end up thinking all trans issues are a joke.

But this message is still on the mark: if you know someone who is transitioning, honestly try to use the right name and pronouns when you are talking to them or about them. Even if you don't understand what they are going through, or even if you plainly reject it based on your religion or philosophy, it's just a matter of basic respect for a fellow human.

I guess after all of that I could have just said "ditto to 4:23 and 10:55."

July 1, 2021 4:09 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

@730 pm

Gender Dysphoria = Mental Illness

Yes, its real. We should empathize and love regardless, but we should not enable. Like any other mental illness, get treatment.

July 1, 2021 4:42 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

@9:09, Treatments include transitioning and gender-affirming surgery.

June 29, 2021 9:46 pm

Pagents in general should be a quaint memory of times gone by.

June 30, 2021 7:48 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

AMEN ! ! !

June 29, 2021 10:24 pm

2:02–without getting too involved in the policy discussion, pro and con, of all this, you must concede that some of those trans men who wear female apparel, with real fine make up jobs and flowing wigs, in order to participate in beauty pageants, are quite stunning.

Ru Paul's Drag Race is a fine program.

Now as to 2:46's observation, as to the broader societal implications of beauty pageants in general, I would agree that they generally represent an objectification of the young women involved, and place alost the whole focus on personal appearance.

Even when they adopt the pretense of putting focus on something else(such as this contestant is a bidding concert cellist, while this other contestant hopes to become a physician and serve in Third World locales, etc.) the main focus still always comes back to modeling the formal gowns, swimwear(although that aspect has been eliminated form some of the major pageants), etc.

June 30, 2021 2:24 am
