That lawyer is what makes the practice of law unbearable most of the time. The longer I practice, the more annoyed I become with being a lawyer. We take our jobs and roles way too serious.
Luckily, I haven't run into many attorneys who are unreasonable. However, I find the least reasonable practitioners and courts, tend to be up in Reno. Curious to know if others have felt the same.
11:33 You obviously haven't worked in Nye County. Believe me or not, as I am an anon blog poster to you but I once had the Nye County Sheriff's office pull up in a marked car to my client's house (how they crossed into LVMPD jurisdiction I do not know) to take back a child who was literally about 6 hrs late being returned. And they had no Court Order or anything apparently just acting on their own. The craziest thing I've seen from some Lone Ranger Sheriff. I never practiced again in Nye County after that case.
Interesting. My experience has been exactly the opposite: I've found that Las Vegas attorneys are much, much worse than Reno lawyers. I get the impression that Reno lawyers work with / against each other more often and therefore are more congenial.
I'd say Reno lawyers are generally more laid back and less likely to pull this kind of stuff. At least law firm lawyers. They have a handful of solos who are on one-man crusades and obstruct anything and everything. But we have those too.
For judges, in my experience Reno judges are far less flexible. Lots of Judge Chamberlain Haller vibes up there.
My experience is that Reno lawyers are better to each other than to Las Vegas lawyers, whereas Las Vegas tends to be relatively collegial to Reno lawyers.
My VERY LIMITED experience with Reno attorneys and judges is that Las Vegas attorneys (and Los Angeles attorneys even more) get "home town"ed by the Reno locals. Reno locals may be congenial to each other, but they resent the hell out of LV and LA attorneys coming into their playground, and they don't try to hide the resentment.
I had experienced the same thing as an L.A. attorney who sometimes appeared in San Diego, Riverside County, Orange County and San Berdoo. But when I remain friendly to all, the anti-"big city hired gun" attitude seems to slowly dissipate. Too many of the "big city slickers" seem to be arrogant a-holes and we have to prove that we are not the same.
March 31, 2020 6:37 pm
Don't know what this means for the re-election but as I was calling around about my mortgage, bank loan, and unemployment – all 3 people on the other line referred to it as the "Trump Check," the "Trump Foreclosure Stoppage," and the "Trump Loan." To be clear, I want to elect whoever helps me and my family and I could not care less who that is. It just made me think that this is really tied to Trump. Probably for good or bad. IDK. I guess I'm interested because I cannot do much right now it seems but worry and as small as my vote is – I want it to go to the best person. I truly don't know where Biden stands. Some are even suggesting Cuomo gets in. IDK.
An overwhelming majority of Americans have already decided who to vote for in November. Few, if any, will change their minds. It will all come down to turnout and the electoral college. I've already made up my mind, as has my spouse, and no events between now and November will dissuade us from how we will vote or turning out to vote.
"It just made me think that this is really tied to Trump." Congress passed the law. He chose not to veto it. But he gets to slap his name on everything once the various agencies implement the law.
11:37 OP here. 12:37 and 1:53 -> how do you infer I'm pro-Trump? I clearly said I do not care who wins as long as they help my family. Who the President is seems a distant, theoretical, abstract concept when dealing with my mortgage, etc. I was just trying to make the point that I think he "owns" it and if it turns out good he will get the credit and if it turns out bad he will be blamed. I just don't remember any other President being so closely associated with an action, like I don't remember the "Bush 911 Retaliation" or the "Carter Botched Helo Rescue." Of course, they were associated but not so much by name. I just thought it was weird that the people I spoke to called it the "Trump Check." I will vote for whoever I think will help me and my family the most. Right now I truly have no idea who that will be.
2:40 – Blamed? Blamed by whom?
His supporters don't blame him for anything, up to and especially things that are 100% his own doing. He can do no wrong. His farts are Trump-brand perfume, which they eager to apply. His blatant lies are yesterday's fake news, and the subject of tomorrow's nasty questions.
Don't kid yourself. Trump's entire persona has been built on bullshit. When it appears as if someone might dare to call bullshit, he goes on the attack. In the time they take to respond to the first attack, he makes 3 more. And his sycophants giggle and rush to dab on some Trump perfume.
To respond to the application of the name – see Obamacare, Obamaphone, etc.
@11:37 – You post on a law blog is completely unrelated to any of the topics/articles listed at the top. While not completely out of the ordinary for a new topic to spring up, yours was seemingly out of the blue and went to some length to attach the Trump name to "Check," "Foreclosure Stoppage" and "Loan", claiming that some unnamed entities are actually using those monikers. I would love to know who is supposedly doing this, because it's the first I personally have heard of anything of the sort. Rest assured, if he had his way, you would be required to spend your stimulus check on his shitty steak and shitty wine at his obnoxious hotels. Maybe when all is said and done, "Trump-Increased COVID-19 Death Toll" will be a thing.
I'm a die hard blue who caucused for Biden and for Hillary before that. I'm genuinely scared that Trump is getting a lot of wins out of the way he is handling the pandemic. These are undeserved wins, but to the general public he is doing a lot of good and its reflected in his approval rating recently. If he gives a check to 80% of US voters he is going to get a fair amount of them to vote for him. 11:37's post has a lot of merit.
If Trump had "acted immediately" by invoking all the measures we see now, the left would call him a dictator. Perhaps you recall he was in the middle of shampeachment hearings when we first received word of something going on in China?
He acted earlier than most world leaders, and in direct contradiction to the recommendations of the hopelessly incompetent and pro-China WHO. When he closed travel from China, he was roundly condemned as racist, and Pelosi started on legislation to reverse the travel ban. She backed off the when the rest of the world followed our lead. Almost a month after the Trump ban saved countless lives, Pelosi was walking in SF Chinatown encouraging people to head on down and rub shoulders. Idiot of a staggering magnitude.
Unlike 2008, when Bush gave his buddies all the money and let people lose their homes and go bankrupt under a completely unjust revised Chapter 13 regime that was a modern-day debtors prison, Trump insisted ordinary deplorable people outside of wall street get some of the money. Pelosi blocked that so she could lard the bill with gimmedats for banks, unions, etc. Public outcry finally changed her feeble little mind. But she's still gunning for it with the next emergency bill.
And so on. Even as the hospital ship Trump promised to New York arrived, talking heads were saying he has done nothing for New York. Unbelievable. At his request, the Army Corps built a hospital in a convention center in New York in like a week. Crickets. Oh, he's so dumb. So racist. So selfish.
Let's focus our wrath on the Wall Streeters who are robbing us blind right now. You think there was a massive redistribution to Wall Street after 2008? Just wait for this one to wrap up. A tiny number of insiders are going to own the bulk of our national assets. Now that is something to get worked up about.
Trump barely survived impeachment and was then tossed right into this mess. Give him a break. Precisely because he is always under attack, he has to cut deals like this horrific "stimulus" bill that gives everything up to a tiny Wall Street elite that fundamentally hates him.
Oh, and he never called the China Virus a hoax. Even the anti-Trumpers at Snopes admit this.
I am bored with this pro- and anti-Trump bullshit. If I want political drivel, I will go to CNN or Breitbart. Is this a legal blog?
March 31, 2020 11:21 pm
Because as lawyers, when there is no direct evidence we will draw inferences based on the info provided. Yeah, you don't come directly out and say "I love Trump and will be voting for him," but you talk about calling around about your unemployment, mortgage, etc. So, it appears that you are someone who needs help in those areas. Then you say that the people you are talking to are referring to it as "trump whatever.." Then you say that you will vote for whoever helps your family (and you don't know where Biden stands). So yeah, while it's not entirely clear (since at one point you say something about not knowing if it being tied to Trump is good or bad)…overall, the post reads more as pro-Trump.
April 1, 2020 12:26 am
I need to passive aggressively vent. I had a hearing in front of a Judge who I had not previously appeared before. This judge is painfully painfully painfully bad, like I am certain this judge wears slip on shoes because tying his/her own shoes would be far too difficult. Like Opposing Counsel has already contacted me to crack that they have no idea how to draft the Order so that this will not be summarily reversed on appeal.
OP. Sadly this was Clark County. EJDC. I wonder if 7:53 is on the same case. But Jesus to have to look at my client and shrug that this judge could not even have taken the time to read the pleadings is frightening.
I just want to say I am sorry to a party to a case that was recently decided in which you were ruled against
I work for the court, and I know the reason for the ruling and that is full of lies. Just know, I feel awful, and the ruling is a farce. If I say who I am, I will be fired. I wish the party the best.
April 1, 2020 4:51 pm
This post could apply to my client's case that was appealed. So, in the few cases I have looked at, this happens quite often with appeals in Nevada. So, while it is awful, we are in good company. Thank you for posting this, and vote out Pickering and Bulla.
April 1, 2020 8:28 pm
These two posts above, one hundred percent. My clients were one hundred messed over by court of appeals, and their family members are front line responders in NY, risking their lives because of the virus. No shame! Vote Bonnie Bulla out.
About rescheduling the bar exam 'til the Fall, what are they going to do about the Multistate?
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judge suggests lawyer who opposed extension may want to brush up on karma concepts
LQQking at you BIGLAW.
That lawyer is what makes the practice of law unbearable most of the time. The longer I practice, the more annoyed I become with being a lawyer. We take our jobs and roles way too serious.
I have come across this more with solo and small firm practitioners than large firm practitioners
Luckily, I haven't run into many attorneys who are unreasonable. However, I find the least reasonable practitioners and courts, tend to be up in Reno. Curious to know if others have felt the same.
11:33 You obviously haven't worked in Nye County. Believe me or not, as I am an anon blog poster to you but I once had the Nye County Sheriff's office pull up in a marked car to my client's house (how they crossed into LVMPD jurisdiction I do not know) to take back a child who was literally about 6 hrs late being returned. And they had no Court Order or anything apparently just acting on their own. The craziest thing I've seen from some Lone Ranger Sheriff. I never practiced again in Nye County after that case.
Agree with 11:33 that Reno attorneys are, I think ironically, much less civil and accommodating than Las Vegas attorneys.
Interesting. My experience has been exactly the opposite: I've found that Las Vegas attorneys are much, much worse than Reno lawyers. I get the impression that Reno lawyers work with / against each other more often and therefore are more congenial.
Third on Reno lawyers being unpleasant to deal with. Maybe it's just towards Vegas attorneys. Pleasant experiences with them are few and far between.
I'd say Reno lawyers are generally more laid back and less likely to pull this kind of stuff. At least law firm lawyers. They have a handful of solos who are on one-man crusades and obstruct anything and everything. But we have those too.
For judges, in my experience Reno judges are far less flexible. Lots of Judge Chamberlain Haller vibes up there.
My experience is that Reno lawyers are better to each other than to Las Vegas lawyers, whereas Las Vegas tends to be relatively collegial to Reno lawyers.
My VERY LIMITED experience with Reno attorneys and judges is that Las Vegas attorneys (and Los Angeles attorneys even more) get "home town"ed by the Reno locals. Reno locals may be congenial to each other, but they resent the hell out of LV and LA attorneys coming into their playground, and they don't try to hide the resentment.
I had experienced the same thing as an L.A. attorney who sometimes appeared in San Diego, Riverside County, Orange County and San Berdoo. But when I remain friendly to all, the anti-"big city hired gun" attitude seems to slowly dissipate. Too many of the "big city slickers" seem to be arrogant a-holes and we have to prove that we are not the same.
Don't know what this means for the re-election but as I was calling around about my mortgage, bank loan, and unemployment – all 3 people on the other line referred to it as the "Trump Check," the "Trump Foreclosure Stoppage," and the "Trump Loan." To be clear, I want to elect whoever helps me and my family and I could not care less who that is. It just made me think that this is really tied to Trump. Probably for good or bad. IDK. I guess I'm interested because I cannot do much right now it seems but worry and as small as my vote is – I want it to go to the best person. I truly don't know where Biden stands. Some are even suggesting Cuomo gets in. IDK.
^^This ad paid for by the Committee to Re-elect Donald Trump.
An overwhelming majority of Americans have already decided who to vote for in November. Few, if any, will change their minds. It will all come down to turnout and the electoral college. I've already made up my mind, as has my spouse, and no events between now and November will dissuade us from how we will vote or turning out to vote.
"It just made me think that this is really tied to Trump." Congress passed the law. He chose not to veto it. But he gets to slap his name on everything once the various agencies implement the law.
It's amazing that the Trumpbots / russian trolls / whatever they are have reached even onto this blog.
How much more prevalent they must be on the biggies like facebook and twitter.
I understand that he wants the Treasury Dept to make it so his signature (the Sharpie one) will be on the checks.
11:37 OP here. 12:37 and 1:53 -> how do you infer I'm pro-Trump? I clearly said I do not care who wins as long as they help my family. Who the President is seems a distant, theoretical, abstract concept when dealing with my mortgage, etc. I was just trying to make the point that I think he "owns" it and if it turns out good he will get the credit and if it turns out bad he will be blamed. I just don't remember any other President being so closely associated with an action, like I don't remember the "Bush 911 Retaliation" or the "Carter Botched Helo Rescue." Of course, they were associated but not so much by name. I just thought it was weird that the people I spoke to called it the "Trump Check." I will vote for whoever I think will help me and my family the most. Right now I truly have no idea who that will be.
2:40 – Blamed? Blamed by whom?
His supporters don't blame him for anything, up to and especially things that are 100% his own doing. He can do no wrong. His farts are Trump-brand perfume, which they eager to apply. His blatant lies are yesterday's fake news, and the subject of tomorrow's nasty questions.
Don't kid yourself. Trump's entire persona has been built on bullshit. When it appears as if someone might dare to call bullshit, he goes on the attack. In the time they take to respond to the first attack, he makes 3 more. And his sycophants giggle and rush to dab on some Trump perfume.
To respond to the application of the name – see Obamacare, Obamaphone, etc.
@11:37 – You post on a law blog is completely unrelated to any of the topics/articles listed at the top. While not completely out of the ordinary for a new topic to spring up, yours was seemingly out of the blue and went to some length to attach the Trump name to "Check," "Foreclosure Stoppage" and "Loan", claiming that some unnamed entities are actually using those monikers. I would love to know who is supposedly doing this, because it's the first I personally have heard of anything of the sort. Rest assured, if he had his way, you would be required to spend your stimulus check on his shitty steak and shitty wine at his obnoxious hotels. Maybe when all is said and done, "Trump-Increased COVID-19 Death Toll" will be a thing.
I'm a die hard blue who caucused for Biden and for Hillary before that. I'm genuinely scared that Trump is getting a lot of wins out of the way he is handling the pandemic. These are undeserved wins, but to the general public he is doing a lot of good and its reflected in his approval rating recently. If he gives a check to 80% of US voters he is going to get a fair amount of them to vote for him. 11:37's post has a lot of merit.
If Trump had "acted immediately" by invoking all the measures we see now, the left would call him a dictator. Perhaps you recall he was in the middle of shampeachment hearings when we first received word of something going on in China?
He acted earlier than most world leaders, and in direct contradiction to the recommendations of the hopelessly incompetent and pro-China WHO. When he closed travel from China, he was roundly condemned as racist, and Pelosi started on legislation to reverse the travel ban. She backed off the when the rest of the world followed our lead. Almost a month after the Trump ban saved countless lives, Pelosi was walking in SF Chinatown encouraging people to head on down and rub shoulders. Idiot of a staggering magnitude.
Unlike 2008, when Bush gave his buddies all the money and let people lose their homes and go bankrupt under a completely unjust revised Chapter 13 regime that was a modern-day debtors prison, Trump insisted ordinary deplorable people outside of wall street get some of the money. Pelosi blocked that so she could lard the bill with gimmedats for banks, unions, etc. Public outcry finally changed her feeble little mind. But she's still gunning for it with the next emergency bill.
And so on. Even as the hospital ship Trump promised to New York arrived, talking heads were saying he has done nothing for New York. Unbelievable. At his request, the Army Corps built a hospital in a convention center in New York in like a week. Crickets. Oh, he's so dumb. So racist. So selfish.
Let's focus our wrath on the Wall Streeters who are robbing us blind right now. You think there was a massive redistribution to Wall Street after 2008? Just wait for this one to wrap up. A tiny number of insiders are going to own the bulk of our national assets. Now that is something to get worked up about.
Trump barely survived impeachment and was then tossed right into this mess. Give him a break. Precisely because he is always under attack, he has to cut deals like this horrific "stimulus" bill that gives everything up to a tiny Wall Street elite that fundamentally hates him.
Oh, and he never called the China Virus a hoax. Even the anti-Trumpers at Snopes admit this.
Trump's last two new conferences were terrific. I got a bit tingly.
I am bored with this pro- and anti-Trump bullshit. If I want political drivel, I will go to CNN or Breitbart. Is this a legal blog?
Because as lawyers, when there is no direct evidence we will draw inferences based on the info provided. Yeah, you don't come directly out and say "I love Trump and will be voting for him," but you talk about calling around about your unemployment, mortgage, etc. So, it appears that you are someone who needs help in those areas. Then you say that the people you are talking to are referring to it as "trump whatever.." Then you say that you will vote for whoever helps your family (and you don't know where Biden stands). So yeah, while it's not entirely clear (since at one point you say something about not knowing if it being tied to Trump is good or bad)…overall, the post reads more as pro-Trump.
I need to passive aggressively vent. I had a hearing in front of a Judge who I had not previously appeared before. This judge is painfully painfully painfully bad, like I am certain this judge wears slip on shoes because tying his/her own shoes would be far too difficult. Like Opposing Counsel has already contacted me to crack that they have no idea how to draft the Order so that this will not be summarily reversed on appeal.
I, too, have been to Pahrump.
Pahrump is an alternate reality, inside and outside the court room.
OP. Sadly this was Clark County. EJDC. I wonder if 7:53 is on the same case. But Jesus to have to look at my client and shrug that this judge could not even have taken the time to read the pleadings is frightening.
"farts are … perfume" hahahaha
They smell like roses.
I just want to say I am sorry to a party to a case that was recently decided in which you were ruled against
I work for the court, and I know the reason for the ruling and that is full of lies. Just know, I feel awful, and the ruling is a farce. If I say who I am, I will be fired. I wish the party the best.
This post could apply to my client's case that was appealed. So, in the few cases I have looked at, this happens quite often with appeals in Nevada. So, while it is awful, we are in good company. Thank you for posting this, and vote out Pickering and Bulla.
These two posts above, one hundred percent. My clients were one hundred messed over by court of appeals, and their family members are front line responders in NY, risking their lives because of the virus. No shame! Vote Bonnie Bulla out.