- Quickdraw McLaw
- Here’s a couple stories on the discipline of James Colin. [National Law Review; Big Law Business]
- Former Nevada Solicitor General Lawrence Van Dyke, who moved to Nevada for the job, is President Trump’s nominee to the 9th Circuit from Nevada. [National Review]
- President Trump’s nominee to the 9th Circuit is being opposed by California’s senators. [Washington Times]
- Did you know Nevada has state planes? [TNI]
- The Rio has been sold. [RJ; Las Vegas Sun]
PRivate Luxury Jet?
I suspect NDOT is filling a private agenda of its executives. Boondoggle.
The Cessna Citation is older, but is in wide use throughout the US and the world. Parts, pilots and training are widely available. Engines have been upgraded to be more fuel-efficient. The replacement Pilatus is an upscale luxury aircraft, but cannot carry both full fuel and a butt in every seat. Far fewer pilots have experience in this aircraft and therefore training costs will be higher. The Pilatus’ max cruise is about 440 kts., while the Cessna’s max cruise is about 400 kts. On a 380 air mile trip from Carson City to Las Vegas the enroute time between the two aircraft is insignificant.
The bigger question is: Does NDOT really need to move people frequently enough to justify the cost of a luxury private jet? Most businesses, most state agencies (and the state courts) use video conferencing for meetings. If someone needs to be on the ground, Nevada has competent civil engineers in both locations.
Keep an eye on who is using the aircraft and where it travels. Executive privilege on the tax payers’ back, ripe for waste and abuse.
Is the ready availability of parts for a 31 year old plane the reason why it's been grounded all year?
Who reopened the RJ comment section?
Come on… No one could expect NDOT to use our top quality highways to travel North to South. Those are for aliens and peasants, not state employees.
I wonder… does the Governor want a new luxury jet, hiding it in NDOT's budget?
Audit the Governor's spending.
Who reopened the RJ comment section?