- Quickdraw McLaw
- What is a sanctuary city? [TNI]
- Sanctuary status for Clark County School District. [Las Vegas Sun]
- Las Vegas and Clark County are not sanctuaries? [TNI]
- The Raiders proposed lease agreement calls for rent of $1/year. [TNI]
- A compliance investigator with the Nevada Transportation Authority is still driving on the job despite three previous DUIs. [RJ]
speaking of new bar cards, what is the purpose of them? More importantly what is the purpose of the 3 keychain ones?
The keychain ones get you discounts and bonus points at Target and Kmart.
Admission to the State Bar new gym facilities.
11:10 — Where is the gym? I'd like to go.
The keychain ones are a new tracking device devised by the State Bar to be able to follow you whenever you are tapping your IOLTA Account.
No. They are not keychains. You are supposed to wear it like a dog tag. Per NRPC 8025, you are prohibited from ever removing the "dog tag," including but not limited to during bathing, athletics, and acts of coitus.
I actually put the key chain one on my keys this year. For that one time per year that security asks to see my card when I go to court.
A little new info on the fed civil case Century Surety vs. Dennis Prince/George Ranalli … a lunch convo with staffer @ USAG office says their looking into the alleged RICO components stated by Century Surety. Same office that seated grand jury with the med mafia claims where Bob's name floated around several years back. Any meat on that bone? Welcome any of your comments and insights as I don't practice in either PI or ID.
I think E&P has a big target on their backs from the insurance lobby for obvious reasons, along with many insurance defense counsel in town having just flat out hatred towards them. So, I figure sooner or later some type of scandal, real or imagined, will center around a partner or partners at that firm. After all, isn't Aaron Ford's job there strictly a political one?
Anyone who doesn't think that settlement deals aren't cut by prolific PI firms and prolific Defense litigators is just naive. As to the ethical and legal aspects of those deals that always benefit the attorney's financial interests and not those of the clients they represent? Well, ladies and gents this is the practice of law for profit isn't it?
I don't think that the Century Surety suit is intended to do anything than to force a reduced settlement by Prince.
However, I also don't think that the monarchy over at Eglet wants the Feds snooping around again either!
agree with 12:11, simply for the fact that Prince and Ranalli have a very long history of joint litigation work on both sides of the equation.
Where there's smoke, maybe there's fire?
Someone's blowing smoke alright!
Eglet better make sure that IOLTA account is good down to the penny!
That goes double for 702,Golightly, and our buddy Schwartz too
Yeah I think the envy and hate will bring some type of BS always to Eglet.
Some say Awand was the fall guy, that firm would give the feds a real fight.
BIG War Chest and a lot of prominent counsel as allies.
Yep! But no more Reid for influence or protection
No where near the "pull" in federal court vs. RJC!
Reid is a douche. Good bye, you worthless asshole.
11:51, Based on what? internal memo? chatter around the water cooler?
I heard something near the same a couple of weeks back on an eavesdrop waiting for a table for lunch outside EAT.
Wouldn't surprise me at this point. It seems as if every other week the true face of the Las Vegas legal community disgraces itself with another disgusting unethical exposure of some sort!
I heard a rumor that somebody was sniffing around. Apparently their ability to pay out is a disorganized mess and that is a topic of investigation. The rumor is that they are aware of it and made the employees sign a NDA to keep their jobs.
US Attorneys Office: place where people with small penises use the power of the Federal Government to think that they are on the side of right and good when really they are on the side of power.
Is this Penis Day? It seems to be coming up a lot on this blog today.
Seriously? An NDA because they have issues properly paying out settlement funds post costs, fees , liens etc. ? For a firm that put so much importance on every detail of their French Provincial Palace unto themselves! If true, I call major major BS and if there is issues of paying out? I would be suspicious of a designed flaw to the effect of plus money to the firm myself! NDA's to keep your job? I have a friend that works there on staff and they don't pay that damn much money to their employees! I've often wondered why such good talent like Danielle was unable to be retained by them. But, NDA requirement for client payout procedures is bullshit! Are they claiming some new proprietary procedures for such?
I am 12:58, and I've known for many years that I am well above average in length and girth strictly according to the Kinsey Institute. Just the facts. Can you handle that 2:10? Not that you're probably into Cock anyways! And No! I'm not in the least threatened by your female presence in this profession. In fact, I most thoroughly enjoy litigating against feminist centric counsel of the opposite sex because you spend so much time focused on achieving equality that your advocacy for your client suffers and my client gets a more favorable outcome! Still my offer stands should you desire a good railing!
Fact: anyone who misuses "their" for "they're" did not make it through law school (maybe not high school). You're someone someone trying to stir the pot and start rumors.
I wish this were true. I spend a lot of time proofreading docs for smart attorneys, and their spelling is appalling.
Kmart sucks. New topic, Hydrant Club owner on the news. Talking about her seeing "A Dog's Purpose," and she refers to the dog nearly drowning as a little controversy. No, lady, animal abuse is not a small controversy, and I won't be taking my dogs to your day care.
Molehill, meet mountain. Mountain, meet molehill. People are getting way too butthurt over this.
Yeah, what is big fucking deal, an animal almost drowns. Idiot meet idiot.
11:59 and 12:09 should both probably read the account of what really happened… especially since the dog that "almost drowned" was a CGI dog. PETA cut together a tape the most controversial way possible, without regard to whether or not things actually happened (or even existed).
If any dog really was in harm's way, and PETA didn't step in immediately so they could grandstand around the release of the movie, they're about as hypocritical as I'd always assumed they were and should be thrown into the rapids themselves.
12:28 should buy a clue.
You are not anybody unless you go to the Hydrant Club and you pimp yourself on the social media about it.
12:30 Should learn not to jump to conclusions based on a single side's version of the "facts", completely disregarding the other side's very plausible explanation supported by unedited video evidence. Especially when the first set of "facts" are released to TMZ and no charges for Cruelty to Animals were ever filed. In California. – smh
I get asked for my bar card constantly. Female, young looking, professionally dressed. Others asked all the time as well?
I get asked my cock size all the time. Tall, broad shouldered, slim wasted, professional tailored pleated slacks , size 13 dress shoes, large hands!
Anyone else have the same problem of inquisition with the clerk staff @ RJC and the Sprouts check out cashiers?
Ahh, I love my male counterparts, who are sexist, who think female attorneys are their eye candy or worse. Did you dress up as Trump for Halloween?
I always flash the card rather than wait for someone to ask me. It's a common courtesy.
I am short, over weight and have small hands. No one pays attention to me. The Sprouts check out clerks get creeped out when I try to engage in light conversation.
I've been asked maybe once in the last year. For context, I am at the RJC on average 2x a week all year.
Late 30s, male, facial hair, average height and build, graying hair, piercing blue eyes and a sparkling smile.
I am taking these all down for Match.com.
@ 2:10- Who was the pretentious bitch who described herself as "Female, young looking, professionally dressed"? Promise I will not make it about your looks if you don't. And you are the Milk Duds of eye candy.
I like milk duds so she must be hot!!!!
@ 2:42. I'm a guy, and I think you're an idiot. "Female, young looking, professionally dressed" equals "pretentious bitch"? WTF. She didn't say she was "good looking" or anything like that. Just that she looked young but wears a suit, and still gets carded going through security. It's an innocent — and reasonable — question. Dumbass.
Um, my stating that I am a female attorney just pissed you off, 2;42. Nice name calling. Professionally dressed, that is offensive and full of yourself. Young looking, that is pretentious, too. I don't need to affirm my looks to you anyone,so you can take your misogyny and stick it up your fat ass.
2:42 works at Lewis and Roca.
Holy crap! Won't ALL of you ever grow up?
Ah, caps man is back. The blog is alive.
I've only been asked for my card when entering prisons. Who the eff asks you for your card?
The RJC rent-a-cops stationed at the attorney entrance, or the marshals after you walk through the main entrance metal detectors without removing shoes or belt. That's it for me.
2:49– you being female did not piss me off nor did I find your comment offensive. However you led off this thread off with "young looking and professionally dressed", making your assertions regarding your self-perceptions of your aesthetics the topic (and then believing that men find you to be but "eye candy or worse"). You made this about looks and then threw out there your myopic belief that men "think female attorneys are their eye candy or worse." No, you are not eye candy. You are indubitably not young looking (at least to those of us who do not use your mirror). Yes, yes your mistaken impressions of yourself are pretentious, even if that mirror of yours cannot make you see it.
6:33, you are an asshole, and you are miserable fuck.
I have show my card all the time. It better be this year's card, too, or the bailiffs will strangle you like Leon Cash allows at the Family Court.
@ 8:41– You are responding to Law Blog posts at 8:41 pm on a Friday night while the rest of us were out having a life. And you think other people are miserable fucks? Keeping the irony alive.
4:08, they were probably working late on a Friday. You are responding on a Saturday. Keeping the irony alive. Supporting a troll.
I have my card ready, and I still get asked if I am an attorney. It is insulting.
I have a discovery question, do you normally attach a copy of requests for discovery if they are almost entirely unanswered in compel motion? I know Bulla does not like it when you file discovery.
Thank you!
I quote the pertinent discovery requests and responses in the motion.
This is tough, this person has 5 objections per each request. Re-quoting will not create brevity, believe me. Think I will attach the responses and identify which ones are problematic. Shocks me what attorneys get away with.
per question, i mean
Honestly call the Commissioner's Office. Bonnie's minions are not courteous but they do answer questions.
5 objections per question, wow. Stupidity. I would attach your request to the motion, then copy the responses that you get with the objections, too. Bulla will be pissed at them not complying with discovery instead of you being thorough. Good luck to you.
Definitely reduce your paper waste as much as you can when filing with Commissioner Bulla. She really, really does not like it.
If being asked for your bar card, for your bar number, or if you're an attorney gets you riled up, you're strung a little too tight. Immigration requires it, for one thing.
Plus, how about the double standard of expecting respect from people you're calling "rent a cops," etc.?
Look at it this way – we're all just trying to make it one more day on the inexorable and pointless march to our inevitable ends. Someday we'll get to the sweet release of death and to be honest I wouldn't want "attorney" to be the main thing that defines me. "Cantankerous shut in" is preferable.
Buy security coffee and bagels and they'll remember who you are if it is that important to you.
Join a gym if you have pent up aggression.
And for my fellow female attorneys, it's just par for the course to be treated like a nobody. Chin up and remember to never look nicer than the judge.
Um, 7:34, it is near impossible to not look better than the judges. Asking if other people get asked for a bar card is a completely legit question. You can join a gym.
I show my bar card every time I go to the RJC. I'm almost always thanked for showing it.