- Quickdraw McLaw
- The estate of the Speed Vegas killed earlier this filed suit and is represented by Dominic Gentile and Janiece Marshall. [RJ]
- Here’s a quick look at the new recreation marijuana laws. [Las Vegas Sun]
Not Like Us
At this point I think he's appeared more on TV…
Job Tips: Using AI
I am the person who posted the AI summary yesterday.…
Job Tips: Using AI
https://newrepublic.com/post/191313/donald-trump-ally-supreme-court-overturn-press-protection Steve Wynn is a massive piece of shit.
Not Like Us
You must not have seen the Dimopoulos as Batman commercial.…
Through An Unlocked Gate
Why do some people care so much about the 4th…
Quick poll: Any firms implementing pro- or anti-pot measures?
Firm Rules:
1. Whoever rolls it must light it.
2. Puff, puff, pass.
3. Don't slobber & no hits if sick.
4. Don't blow smoke in someone's face.
5. Pass to the left.
6 Be careful with ashes.
7. Mentor the rookie.
8. Have fun.
9. Uber / Lyft
10. Bill time to bank or insurance company
Excellent policy. May we crib?
What fun things are there to do this weekend in Vegas?
Your momma
So does the Nevada Bar consider use of recreational marijuana by attorneys a violation of the NRPC or not? I think possession is, right? Because possession is a federal crime still. But what about just usage. I'm asking for a friend, of course.
Those a$$ eaters at the NSC don't even like medical marijuana use for attorneys. https://www.nvbar.org/wp-content/uploads/ADKT-0495.pdf
Vote these fuckers out. All of them. NSC sucks.
Fuck them all. Can't do their job but boy can they enjoy themselves some Austin BBQ.
I would take an was kisser K. England over of those clueless NSC dweebs. Go smoke a legal doobie.
Use? It was merely second hand exposure.
Anyone know the federal statute that bans simple possession or use on non-federal property? Is this really a federal offense. Yes, I could try to look it up – but it's Friday afternoon and maybe someone just knows.
It is still a schedule 1 drug at the federal level, so while I do not have federal statute at my fingertips, it is illegal within the confines of the USA even on what you have termed "non-federal property".
Doesn't have anything to do with federal property, it is deemed to be in interstate commerce so it's illegal everywhere
21 USC § 844
Can we talk for a minute about Naqvi's new billboards? Am I the only one who has noticed that his pompadour has become so big and luscious that a 30' billboard can't even contain it? I love it.
Naqvhi is hot!
Said no one ever.
He is hotter than Glen Lerner.
That's a pretty low bar to set!
He is hotter than Bernstein.
Not Jack Bernstein
Jack Bernstein is a babe.
I wonder if Ed Bernstein thought that by growing that goatee, and then coloring it jet black, that he would look younger, more handsome, more edgy, exotic, etc.
If so, I have news for him. He simply looks like a 68-year-old man who decided to grow a goatee and then color it jet black in a grossly misguided attempt to look younger and cooler.
At any rate, I would not be surprised if Ed resents Lerner, Golightly, Kutner, etc. Bernstein was the first in Vegas to conceive of, and then implement, saturation level t.v. ads for legal services. And for about 15 years, he pretty much cornered the t.v. advertising market. Remember that? For years it was somewhat unusual to see any legal ads except for Berstein.
One exception was Crockett & Myers. They advertised a fair amount during the Bernstein dominated era. But their ads were dignified, informative, and created no false expectations. As a result, they may not have been that effective with Vegas viewers.
Speaking of ads, have you seen this one on Facebook for Chris Connell. I hate to give him free advertising, but it definitely got my attention and had me asking WTF is this?
That's just a stupid ad. Probably a website somewhere where you can input any text and they'll put it on the side of that airplane.
I feel like it will be good for me if I take up MJ — less alcohol equals less damage to the liver. But I also don't want Jefferson B. Sessions coming after me.
John Curtas body shames a woman who is innocently eating at a restaurant. Nice, John, glad to see you are in the same profession as me. Grow up!
I went looking and found the tweet – one reply seems to focus on dress code but either way it was just mean of him.
nobody gives a shit. john curtas is no farhan naqvi.
John, you are above this or at least you used to be. That is truly a shameful comment.
It is not merely the Tweet. He did it on Facebook also and when called out by a TV Station doubled down on his rudeness.
"As he was about to taste his spicy Nuits-St-Georges Miss Leg-Tatts-Bulging-Out-Of-Her-Jean-Jorts sat down, effectively ruining his first sip"
The woman was inappropriately dressed for a nice restaurant. They shouldn't have even let her in the door. I'm fat and ugly, but I still dress appropriately for the venue. He was snarky, yes, but not wrong.
So attack the restaurant. But John is such a bully that he attacked the woman. Shameful.
John is a bully. Typical of our profession.
I don't care what John Curtas thinks of a certain restaurant, and I don't care what he thinks of the physical appearance of someone who may have dined in the restaurant.
I don't consider him any sort of spokesman for the State Bar(despite his occasional culinary columns in Bar publications), and I don't view him as any sort of legitimate restaurant critic.
I suppose if he had a column published in a Bar publication and/or the newspaper or even a culinary website, wherein he disparaged the physical appearance and weight of a restaurant customer, that would be most unprofessional.
However, in this age of electronics, it really makes a difference what kind of forum he made the comments in. If he simply tweeted what he thought, even understanding that quite a few people could potentially see the tweet, it's no big deal. Not very dignified or professional, but no big deal. Again, had he published such abuse in an actual culinary column, it would be a lot more problematic.
I guess the basic problem is that I never considered him particularly dignified or classy, so it is difficult for me to share everyone's seeming disappointment and indignation that he criticized someone's physical appearance. I'm simply not surprised, which makes it difficult to express righteous indignation.
Let's just say he didn't show much class in this situation.
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I honestly don't get you guys. I did not read what he wrote as being critical of physical attributes or characteristics over which one often has no control (e.g. body type, or overall "attractiveness"). If this woman showed up in reasonably appropriate attire and he criticized her overall appearance ("they shouldn't let any fat people in here") then I would be with you. Would any of you tolerate an employee showing up for work at your office dressed this way? Shouldn't one at least wear office-appropriate attire to dinner at one of the nicest restaurants in town? I'm not talking evening gowns and tuxedos here. She looks like the people you run into at Home Depot on Saturday.
"As he was about to taste his spicy Nuits-St-Georges Miss Leg-Tatts-Bulging-Out-Of-Her-Jean-Jorts sat down, effectively ruining his first sip"
What part of "tats" and "bulging out" do you believe was directed at the clothes and not the person? However was her attire appropriate for Guy Savoy? Guy Savoy thought so, so apparently the answer is yes. If John has a gripe, he should take it up with Guy Savoy. But God forbid he bite the hand bringing him "spicy Nuits-St-Georges".
Seems to be some drama with one of the attorney's a Kolesar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC5aVmoFgr4
Yikes! Kind of a matter-of-fact way of calling someone a pedophile/sexual abuser.
It now shows up on the first page when you google his name. Probably can't ignore this if you're the subject.
Wow, defamation much? I know, I know. The truth is a defense. Don't care. There better be rock solid proof of this.
@9:12– Here is the problem. Its Youtube and Google. Defamation does not appear to be a basis to gag it. So precisely what can Shlomo Sherman due to get Youtube to take down the allegations that he is a pedophile?
Rock solid proof? I am not taking a side here because I have no idea as to the facts. But, this is he said/she said. Very difficult defamation case unless you can show he has a rock solid alibi for when she claims incidents occurred. Moreover, the publicity surrounding litigation of a defamation case will only increase the public spectacle.
Doesn't matter. He will have very little choice as she has gone public. And "Uncle" means that the family probably has some insight into this story. 13 years later. Is there some record somewhere other than she said?
Kolesar removed him from the website today… Looks like he is no longer employed there.
Seems like a good call to me after watching the full video.
The issue of respecting the story of sex victims while simultaneously presuming innocence of the accused is something our society doesn't do very well. I want to live in a world where victims are believed. But I also don't want to live in a world where an internet accusation can completely derail a life (not saying that's what's happened here, there could be more to the story one way or another).
I have had cases with Shlomo. Did not care for him. Was not a big fan. By the same token, if his life was just ruined because some woman who looks half-deranged decided to slander him on the internet, something is wrong. I can respect her version of her story without destroying this man on nothing but an allegation without anything more.
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Seems like the video was removed. This just came out though. http://www.jewishcommunitywatch.org/wall-of-shame/shlomo-sherman/
Purchased 5 grams of various strains this weekend. Feels very strange walking into a dispensary and legally buying pot as opposed to meeting some guy in a secluded parking lot. Too bad that Washoe judge is f-ing everything up and the stock will run out very soon.
Carson City.
How is the call center working out for Alversom Taylor? Have they built a wine seller yet?