- Quickdraw McLaw
You probably saw the news over the weekend that a reckless driver crashed killing 9 people including himself, along with injuring 6 others. [8NewsNow]. A gofundme was set up for the family that lost 7 family members in the crash. It’s another horrific entry into what is becoming a long list of traffic fatalities in Las Vegas.
What are your thoughts on traffic laws and safety in Southern Nevada? What needs to change? More public transportation? Stricter requirements for a license? Automated red light ticket cameras?
I am not sure what government could do to curtail the tragedies on our roadways. After what I heard happened in this accident, I am now going to try to drive more cautiously, especially at intersections even though I may have the green light. Crazy.
Red light cameras are problematic and not the solution. In cases like this, there isn't really a government solution. What is the govt supposed to do? It is already illegal to speed, to run red lights, etc. Assholes are gonna asshole. That doesn't mean we need more laws after the fact.
They are making moving violations civil infractions instead of criminal offenses. They need to take licenses away from folks and a hard line approach on speeding. Maybe some jail time here and there might help. Bring back criminal traffic and traffic court. Speeding 20 mph over the limit should have double points and double fines.
Yes…because throwing poor people in jail because they can't afford to pay a speeding ticket is going to make a difference to the Henry Ruggs of the world.
Jail time does not help people or the traffic situation. These kinds of crashes have nothing to do with the usual speeding ticket. No law, no traffic court, no fine is going to stop someone like Gary Robinson or Henry Ruggs.
Reckless driving will still be a criminal offense when the law changes.
Brent Bryson killed a man and was able to get lucensed. You lose a client tick tac, bar will come after you like Paul Dehyle.
A person who will drive 100mph down a city street does not care if his license is taken away or not.
Cry me a river on the "poor person" nonsense. No one is making anyone speed and get a ticket. It's as dumb as saying lotto tickets are a tax on the poor. Good thing Nevada only has casinos, not the lottery (unless it's for the Covid vax, of course, then the lottery is a-ok).
"A person who will drive 100mph down a city street does not care if his license is taken away or not." Correct. This is the type of person that must be kept in a cage to protect the rest of us.
Where is Kris Puckering when you need her?
3:41 has all the critical thinking skills of a 5 year old.
After all of the things Bailey Kennedy and Jim Jimmerson did to get most of the Nevada Supreme Court elected and you do this to him? Turncoats
Yeah. Heaven forbid that @341 should actually point out the hypocrisy of our state leaders. But, comparing him/her to a 5 yr old, really places you in a superior position…..logically speaking.
Has anyone else read the Jimmerson disciplinary opinion that came down last week? If this is how OBC is spending (wasting) its time and our dues money then every single one of them should be canned. What a joke. And no I am not Jim Jimmerson.
Yeah…I read that. What garbage. OBC is trash.
And the state bar wanted harsher discipline than what was recommended. Jeez. Talk about a waste of time/resources.
How can I read it if it's unavailable on the supreme court's website? I know many of the justices get peeved when they hear practitioners aren't regularly reading their opinions. But how can we keep up if your website won't let us download the pdfs?
We are going after attorneys for a clerical errors? Bar went after me a human error that I fell on the sword about, and I was cleared. This is bullshit.
I don't know what is up with the NSC website. If you try to click on the opinion it will not let you download. Instead, you need to go to the docket and open the opinion from there. I don't know if that is the problem that everyone has been having, but it's what I have noticed the last several weeks.
Worked for Jimmerson. The man is loaded. He owns a limo fleet. This disciplo is bull shit o . you should be ashamed of yourselves, Paola Armeni.
Who is the incoming bar President? That, Hardest and his ointment will determine what misery and lives will be destroyed by OBC and the Nevada Supreme Court
Loaded or not– how much do you think Dennis Kennedy billed Jimmerson to have to fully brief an appeal to the Nevada Supreme Court? How much were the OBC salaries to fully brief a public reprimand over earned fees? I am not a Jimmerson fan but this was needless and ridiculously wasteful.
There were 2 transfers of money without having earned the fee. Doesn't sound like he's "loaded" if he's taking out unearned money from his attorney trust account. And no, I am not OBC.
There were multiple transfers and Jimmerson didn't have enough money in his operating account to cover payroll. He transferred money from clients that didn't have enough money in trust to cover their bill. This was not a clerical error. Lastly, Jimmerson admitted these facts at the hearing. He should be suspended. Jimmerson may be rich (not sure frankly), but you can't take money from trust that is not earned. Pretty simple.
4:48 is clearly OBC or an OBC surrogate. The word payroll is not even in the Supreme Court's opinion and the panel found the absence of selfish motive (further confirming that there would be no evidence that the transfers were necessary to cover payroll).
James Jimmerson not making ADP? Are you on opp? That man is more loaded than Santa.
4:48 here. I was bored and taking a poop and read the opening and responding brief by the parties. Not OBC and don't really care what does or doesn't happen to Jimmerson. It is funny you rely on a short opinion as to what happen. It will help your legal career if you investigate a little before making assumptions.
5:21 – The briefs do indicate and he admitted he didn't have enough money in his account to cover payroll. I am sure he could have got it another way. Those are the facts that Dennis Kennedy concedes in his brief.
I do not know the parties or the case, so I will not opine on it. I will say, however, that I learned long ago that surface appearances do not always necessarily reflect financial reality. I know very wealthy people who drive modest, often used sedans. I have had many broke-ass clients pull up to my office in luxury cars.
4:48… wow, just wow. If your comments are any indication of your reading comprehension while dropping a deuce, you really shouldn't read anything that you will need to use later if you're on the pot. In respondent's brief, it was affirmatively demonstrated that Jimmerson could make payroll without the transfers. "Mr. Jimmerson further demonstrated for the Panel, using monthly statements that had been subpoenaed by the State Bar from Nevada State Bank that he had sufficient funds in another business account to cover payroll. (Id. at 3576-78.)" Respondent's Brief at 25-26. I would respectfully request that you do not attempt to lecture others about doing an investigation before you have done yours.
Why the at least 4 transfers from client's trust account then, bub? Why was the Judge Jennifer Dorsey comment removed?
Perhaps the initial charging document could help you out. You know, the one that the OBC cut in half once the facts came in.
I am no fan of Jimmerson but concur that 4:48's recitation while seated is off. Something tells me that you have worked for the Nevada Supreme Court because your reading comprehension leaves something to be desired.
I likewise am not necessarily taking up for Jimmerson, and of course I recognize how serious some trust fund issues can be.
But 5:50 and 10:15 are correct–4:48 is being unduly sanctimonious, and over simplifying the factual, legal and ethical issues, and assuming certain other matters.
I don't think 4:48, or anyone else except those directly involved in the matter, have enough information to definitely opine that a suspension should have taken place.
This guy was 59 years old. Going to restrict 59 year olds from getting a license? He had a recent speeding ticket for 10 over (which means he was 15 over). Are you going to take licenses away from people ticketed for 10 over? He had an "extensive criminal history going back 32 years" but nothing in 13 years and only one criminal charge related to driving. Not foreseeable. Not preventable unless there was an NLV copy there who saw excessive speed and did nothing. Tragedy but not something that any one law would have prevented in this case.
It is ironic to see 2 comments in a row regarding reckless driving and Jim Jimmerson because there was a disciplinary referral last week for Garrett Ogata who has convictions for DUI and reckless driving causing substantial bodily harm. THAT would be a conviction that could indicate a need to take legal action. Case 83719.
Sounds like someone in the OBC decided to anonymously post.
#free lunch
Off topic question: Anyone else feel like they are burning out way too early in their career? I have only been practicing for a few years and I really am starting to dislike the whole practice of law thing. I feel like I am not smart enough for this job and still really have no idea what I am doing. And it's pretty demanding compared to a lot of jobs, I feel like I spend so much time working the rest of my life is a mess.
Maybe I am just a snowflake and can't hang, I don't know. I try to stay positive and hopeful, but I am wondering if I should seriously consider doing something else. Curious if anyone else feels like this and what you plan on doing.
I'm so sorry you are going through this. Please know you are smart enough. I've been practicing 10 years and still have days I think the same. Other days I see some dumb stuff someone else does, so it's not just me. You passed the same bar as the rest of us. As for burnout, do what you need to do to take care of yourself. Change jobs if you need to. Take time away from work. Get a new hobby that can distract you while you're away from work. Know that this is a hard career. You are doing better than you think. If all else fails, please talk to someone, whether a colleague, friend, therapist. You're not alone.
Hey 9:16, you're not alone. I'm trying to get other cash streams going myself so I can rely less on law and and the necessary hustle for clients down to a lower boundary where I (hopefully) won't burn out as much.
@9:16A & @3:28A – I've been licensed ~14 years now and in the area of law I chose I became pretty good at it. Not Jimmerson rich good, but enough. However, I'm doing the @9:16a thing for similar reasons and working on other revenue streams so I can slow down on having to hustle for clients.
Find a therapist you like. It helps even if you only see them occasionally. Definitely look into other revenue streams. Depending on how long you've been practicing, there are even administratively law positions with the state that aren't a huge amount of money, but are enough to supplement income so you can be more exclusive as to which clients you accept. Also, try to make friends with a few decent attorneys in your practice area. It is always helpful to have someone to talk to who understands your work and you can bounce ideas off each other.
I'm smart enough, but I'm too nice.
3 strikes worked because it took dirt-bags like 100MPH-killer off the streets before he could do this. I hope Las Vegas does not get a Soros DA and Sheriff. You can predict with absolute certainty the consequence.
Too late.
Did Kim Gilbert Ebron break up?
Not break up. Effectively retired after making bank so quickly.
100 mph wreck
We are from the government. We are here to help.
(Translation: We are fat underworked lifers who think we know more than the hicks)
Can we please have 10:01 and 9:50 deleted? Seriously, we do not need the conspiracy trolls.
Cancel cancel cancel!!!!!
Amok, Amok, Amok!!
I regularly drive in Las Vegas, SoCal and Phoenix. Las Vegas drives are the worst. Speed is excessive, and a yellow light apparently means hit the gas and go for it. I believe cars should be armed with paint ball guns and you get to shoot a red paint ball at the idiot drivers to make them easier to identify and quite frankly shame them.
Well here's my solution, which I know will popular with the tin foil hat crowd, but I'm absolutely serious.
As we transition from fossil burners to electric vehicles, put governors on them that don't permit speeding. Eventually make them all autonomous. The worst, most incompetently designed computer traffic system can't kill as many people as all us hairless apes at the wheel.
I'm a horrible driver, the only person who wants me in a self driving vehicle faster than me is my poor terrified wife…
Yes. Because everyone that loves freedom is part of the "tin foil hat crowd".