- Quickdraw McLaw
- A woman was indicted last week after threatening the lives of lawyers at Fennemore Craig. Danger lurks even when you’re doing civil work. Be safe out there everyone. [RJ]
- Did the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau fail to protect student loan borrowers? [KNPR]
- The Vagos motorcycle club trial continues. [RJ]
Here is a sentence I never thought I'd say. I just told my wife, "We gotta get that lumber in the barn before the snows come." As a retired Las Vegas lawyer living outside St. George, UT – I have never felt so removed from practice as when I said that haha
Hope all my former colleagues are having a wonderful Thanksgiving week and I must echoes the sentiments of old men throughout time: make time for your family this week as you will never regret it. Not all, not emergencies; but most work can wait a couple extra days. -SGWW
Also, there's going to be a freeze later this week in both LV and STG. Make sure to cover your garden plants if you are trying to get the last little bit out of them like we are. I still have some unripened tomatoes, unfinished broccoli plants and various types of lettuce as well as basil. Would like to get a couple more weeks, if possible.
Who you people?
@9:57 You must be a baby lawyer. It's okay. Your day of reflective wisdom will come.
And along with that wisdom will come the basic understanding of the proper use of verbs to indicate grammatical person. Although one would assume that four years of college and three years of graduate school would have already assured that.
9:57– While I generally support some modicum of grammatical corrections, your reference went over certain heads in this thread.
No, definitely Boyd.
Boyd sucks, Southwestern is worse.
Certainly not BYU! They say they're the best.
My attorney was good. She went to UNLV.
I hope everyone at Fennemore stays safe – sounds like a pretty crazy lady.
Looks like Judge Potter's probate caseload has been reassigned to Judge Crockett or Judge Sturman. This is a good development. The only thing that would be better is if the same was done to Judge Marquis' probate case load. To be fair to her though, she was an upgrade from Judge Ochoa.
They are now assigning a small portion of the new probate cases to Judge Atkin. Therefore, your wish may have already been granted.
Reading the article I learned that Wade Beavers was one of the attorneys who had to deal with the crazy lady. I know Wade personally and he is a nice guy, and not deserving of such treatment. Although I wouldn't wish this upon anyone, its always a shame when the nice guys when the bad luck and not the asshole lawyers who deserve it the most
I know Wade also, and I agree with 12:42, 99%, except I wouldn't wish this crazy lady even on the asshole attorneys. (Maybe I'm too nice of a guy.)
If you haven't already, read the article to the end. The beginning makes her sound like one of the slightly crazy, annoying, but mostly harmless types that many of us deal with (sometimes our own clients).
Nope. She's the "show up at your home with a gun" kind of crazy.
The fact that the RJ buried that incident at the end was weird. At the beginning of the article I kept thinking this was an overreaction to a nutty but harmless person. And then, PS- she showed up at counsels house with a gun and forced her way in. Weird.
Also agree that Wade is a good dude.
Not all that surprising when you consider the R-J has a pro Second Amendment bent.
Yes, as opposed to say, a pro 5th amendment bent
Pumpkin pie is horrible.