- Quickdraw McLaw
Project REAL (Relevant Education About the Law) is hosting its first ever Lyrics and Lawyers legal team karaoke competition tonight. You can get more information here.
Project REAL gives students of all ages the opportunity to explore our judicial system, examine current controversial issues and the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Are you participating in or attending this event tonight? Why or why not? Do you think programs like this are important? If you’re not doing pro bono work and you don’t support something like this, what do you do to give back?
No I am not attending 50 bucks just to get in the door. I am sure the program is great but do they really think they will get a turnout at those prices? What do I get for 50 bucks when I can go to a karaoke bar for free. They would be better off doing a charity car wash or auction off a date with Alexis!
Project REAL is a good program but this is a ridiculous fund raising option. I do a ton of pro bono work and have given money to Project Real in the past. I wish them the best; however I did not give attending this event a second thought.
Clark County (aka, cab companies) want to run a new elevated roadway along the strip. https://lasvegassun.com/news/2017/aug/03/road-to-ruin-clark-countys-plan-for-expressway-nee/
I feel like it's time to get cars off the strip completely. Run light rail along the length of the strip right down the middle and make the rest pedestrian friendly. Cars can access parking easily on parallel roadways already in place. And with the Raiders coming light rail solves the parking and congestion problem.
I've been saying this for years; block off the Strip other than a single lane for emergency vehicles between Mandalay Bay Road and DI or Sahara, make it pedestrian friendly, run a Monorail or light rail line through its center (or above it) to make it easy to get from one side to the other.
Improve Koval and Sinatra / Davis / Industrial to handle the increased traffic and vehicular access to the casinos.
But what do I know? I r lawyer.
What would you consider paying to help them "fundraise"? What type of events?
Golf tournaments average $150.00 and sit down formal rubber chicken dinners start at $100.00, and that's just to make a nominal amount (usually about 20-25%). Would you attend at a lower price if there were some cool stuff to raffle or silent auction? What type of event would open up your wallet and pique your interest?
August 3, 2017 at 8:53 AM – You could not be more wrong, this is a swell fund raising idea! 🙂 However, as someone who does not consume alcohol, I also will not be attending, since I don't know how any intelligent, educated person can sing karaoke without crippling embarrassment unless they're stinking drunk…
August 3, 2017 at 9:14 AM – Awesome idea. When may we expect your check?
I pay property tax, sales tax, and gasoline tax. Who do you think is paying for the roads now?
Jordan– I have not heard of a single person going other than Legal Aid personnel (who are helping to promote it). If you have a "swell fund raising" event that no one (including you) is attending, how swell can it really be?
August 3, 2017 at 11:13 AM – I think you missed the satirical bent of my comment. However, that being said, I'll pay $250.00 a seat for a decent fundraiser if it's a strictly black tie function (not some lame "black tie optional" loser events.
There is no satirical bent to your comment. Maybe it was satirical in your head; however it did not make it to comment.
The $50 is to participate in karaoke. The next morning, there's a $200 "What did we do???" option to prevent the video from going public.
Quite the entertaining read. I try to put some creativity in my writing but a number of the judges here just do not seem easy to amuse.
Can someone explain what happened to the special public defender David Sheek (sp). I heard attorneys were contacting HR on him and complaining so the county removed him.
Let's just say Dave needed to retire and HR did not remove him because people were complaining.
So then why did he need to retire? Health? Substance abuse? I mean I could totally understand how in the grind he was in that someone would be driven off the edge.
11:38 please explain more. Why did he have to retire. I heard it was fast and sudden and the county pushed him out.
11:45 kind of hit the nail on the head with his/her guesses. But lets just say the county was put in a position where they couldn't turn a blind eye to it.
Court website is still down… what a toilet system.
What a ******** mess this Court system is. The only system that has gotten worse as it implements changes.
Eh, as long as the Attorney Portal is up and running (which it is), I'm not too fussed about the face of the court being down.
Is it wrong that I'm excited about the lower bar standards because I want fresh meat? Hot attorneys are slim pickens around here. I walk through the courthouse these days and it's like stepping into an episode of Walking Dead.
Amen! The BK Hottie isn't getting any younger!
Before you start worrying about fresh meat, how fresh is your meat?
I've been practicing 20+ years and I have yet to see an attorney I'd classify as hot, male or female. Decent looking when compared to the attorney pool at large? Sure. Hot? Not even close. The real unicorn a decently attractive attorney with an equally decent personality. Most are wretched.
One of my favorite depositions ever was in a small traffic accident case where the Plaintiff's attorney brought his super hot paralegal with him. She definitely wasn't needed at the deposition, but I'm pretty sure the attorney was dipping his pen in the company ink, so I knew why he wanted her there.
What made the depo interesting was that she was wearing a shirt that was cut in a way that every time she bent over you could basically see all the way to her belly button.
I do realize that this story seems pretty insignificant and kinda pervy, but I don't care. It sure made a boring-ass depo with a bunch of old men more interesting. Fight me.
Steve Jones was HOT!
Marisa Border, too.
Ma Border is Alexis Plunkett hot.
Great, the person obsessed with Marisa Border is back. Please explain, what is with the "Ma" Border thing?
The people for the ethical treatment of M. Border. Who cares about this woman? She sucks.
You should hear what she does to her husband every time she wants a new pair of shoes!
No thank you.
What a travesty. http://www.npr.org/2017/08/01/540903038/u-s-citizen-held-by-immigration-for-3-years-denied-compensation-by-appeals-court?sc=tw
I read that article, they definitely did that dude wrong. I don't understand how if the violation was ongoing that the statute ran while he was in custody. Makes no sense.
The argument is apparently that once he first made an appearance he was aware, or should have been aware, that his detention was unlawful (even though without counsel and remaining locked up which effectively for all but the most savvy of jailhouse litigants cuts off all access to justice).
Another chapter in the saga of Laxalt's Office versus the State Bar. This one is even weirder. Deputy AG never actually talked to the State Bar and never relied upon any information that the State Bar told him. Instead he just relied upon people in the AG's Office telling him that he did not have to take the bar exam. 73288 STATE, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL VS. STATE BAR OF NEVADA.
On another note, I have been really surprised that Stiglich has been on the side of strict interpretation and strict enforcement in a number of decisions.
Wow that office is a mess. Laxalt can't find any Nevada attorney he trusts because he's a carpetbagger and doesn't have any roots in this state except his name and 1/2 of his genes.
He has just as much claim to New Mexico genetics.
He'll probably try there next if Nevada isn't stupid enough to elect him Senator. Once he's a senator he can move back home to DC.
The quality of attorneys in the NV AG Office is generally poor. Lots of political/patronage hires. Laxalt just made it a little worse. Nevada Supreme Court: "The supervisors at the AG's office are so retarded they wrongly advised a junior attorney he didn't have to take the bar. The junior attorney, being an AG employee, is also a retard, so we're going to say his reliance was reasonable. Footnote: it's because we are also retards that we're going to apply the doctrine of reasonable reliance to bar admissions rules."
Of course the retards at the Nevada Supreme Court issued an Opinion which states "You must take the July 2017 Nevada Bar Exam which of course took place 2 weeks before we told you that you must take it. We would have told you sooner but for f**ks sake we cannot issue more than 2 decisions a day between the 7 of us."
Saw photos of the Project REAL event last night. Looked to be sparsely attended.
http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/homeless_bank_robber_who_wanted_prison_time_gets_his_wish Only uplifting, positive news ever comes out of Nevada…
Project REAL is an awesome concept!