Her words not mine, Lucy committed "grand theft auto and a couple of other major, more serious, crimes" and that's not disqualifying for public office, but apparently smelling her hair is?
April 1, 2019 4:32 pm
Lucy is coming forward now for only one reason: Lucy has been out of the limelight since she lost the Lt. Gov.'s race in a spectacular fashion. She stopped practicing law, and started practicing Influencing. Now, she's getting CNN interviews, and NY Times interviews, and she's appearing all over the place. This has nothing to do with Joe. This has everything to do with Lucy.
She's pissed that she didn't get the Democratic establishment support for CD3 and instead lost out to someone who indeed turned out to be a sexual harasser. Plus she's all-in for Bernie. That pretty much explains everything as far as I am concerned, and it is pathetic. There are good reasons why Biden might not be the best Democratic candidate. This is not one of them.
She's not all in for Bernie anymore – apparently he's old news. She's been spotted at Beto O'Rourke rallies recently. She's going with the fresh face this time around.
April 1, 2019 6:51 pm
I went to law school with Lucy. My recollection is that she commonly talked down to people, rolled her eyes when others spoke, and came across as someone with an exaggerated sense of self worth. I'm no fan of Hutchinson, but my take from his debates with Lucy was that Hutchinson had a plan and spoke from experience, and Lucy relied on eye rolls and hollow insults. So I'm admittedly biased against Lucy here, but I get the sense that her telling is highly exaggerated, if not a total fabrication, and that she's only coming forward because she misses the spotlight.
April 1, 2019 7:09 pm
I had interactions with her after law school. I found her to be pleasant. I also believe her.
Political hit jobs like this one (or the dumb thing with Aziz Ansari) detract from real #metoo stories. This one, IMO, is totally okay to mock.
April 1, 2019 7:19 pm
I did not go to law school with Flores or know her personally. It seemed she was on track to have a good career in the Nevada Assembly. My take was she might have been better served paying her dues in the legislature before trying for higher office but her option of course. Disappointing she left the state. That said, the timing of her allegation is problematic for me insofar as I don't care for the possibility these situations are used for political gain as it takes away from those bringing these issues to the fore. That said, I guess more time will be needed for all of the facts to come to light.
Flores was hand-picked by Democratic leadership, and fast-tracked and put on a trajectory which was not justified considering her relative youth, and lack of meaningful experience. Rather than her paying her dues and running initially for lower offices, she shoots high and that exposes her relative lack of experience and knowledge. But the democrats liked how she profiles–liberal, young Hispanic female, with an interesting back story(troubled teen years that she overcame, etc.)
But although she was not yet ready for prime time,this does not change the fact she is probably telling the truth about Uncle Joe.
The motivations, however, are interesting in the sense that she is close to Bernie Sanders, and Sanders and his people rightly consider Biden as the presumptive front runner for the democratic nomination.
So, her again craving the lime light after her failed political bids may only be part of what motivates her. Seems that there is a far more practical concern. And attacks on Biden will continue from all fronts as long as he remains the democratic front runner.
We would not be hearing about any of this if Biden was polling about 12th out of 14 declared democrats(or whatever the total number is now).
April 1, 2019 9:59 pm
A certain judge is stepping down effective next Friday. You heard it here first.
My (very big) firm just hired a guy I used to work with. He's nice enough, but he was basically pushed out at the last place we worked together because he's an absolutely terrible lawyer. No one asked me to weigh in on his work and he won't be working with me at all. Since he's already hired, I'm thinking I should just not say anything about his work. Maybe he's better now, which would be great, or maybe he still sucks, and the people he's working with now will find out soon enough. What does the board think?
3:59 here. I haven't told anyone except the partner we used to work for (who said "Jesus, you didn't put your name on that hire did you?"). I'm confident that the dude at issue has no idea I think he sucks and I'm equally confident that he doesn't know about this website. If I had an ownership interest in the firm, I'd care, but I don't, so I'm not going to say anything.
If he was interviewing I think it'd be fair to avoid the heartache of a bad hire and speak up. But since he's on board only bad can come of raising the issue now.
Her words not mine, Lucy committed "grand theft auto and a couple of other major, more serious, crimes" and that's not disqualifying for public office, but apparently smelling her hair is?
Lucy is coming forward now for only one reason: Lucy has been out of the limelight since she lost the Lt. Gov.'s race in a spectacular fashion. She stopped practicing law, and started practicing Influencing. Now, she's getting CNN interviews, and NY Times interviews, and she's appearing all over the place. This has nothing to do with Joe. This has everything to do with Lucy.
I think she's a good person but my frustration was that when she lost she moved to California.
She's pissed that she didn't get the Democratic establishment support for CD3 and instead lost out to someone who indeed turned out to be a sexual harasser. Plus she's all-in for Bernie. That pretty much explains everything as far as I am concerned, and it is pathetic. There are good reasons why Biden might not be the best Democratic candidate. This is not one of them.
Correction – not CD3 I don't think. Whichever one it was that Kihuen won.
10:30, CD-4.
She's not all in for Bernie anymore – apparently he's old news. She's been spotted at Beto O'Rourke rallies recently. She's going with the fresh face this time around.
I went to law school with Lucy. My recollection is that she commonly talked down to people, rolled her eyes when others spoke, and came across as someone with an exaggerated sense of self worth. I'm no fan of Hutchinson, but my take from his debates with Lucy was that Hutchinson had a plan and spoke from experience, and Lucy relied on eye rolls and hollow insults. So I'm admittedly biased against Lucy here, but I get the sense that her telling is highly exaggerated, if not a total fabrication, and that she's only coming forward because she misses the spotlight.
I had interactions with her after law school. I found her to be pleasant. I also believe her.
#metoo is not a joke. This is why I have so little respect for attorneys in this town.
Political hit jobs like this one (or the dumb thing with Aziz Ansari) detract from real #metoo stories. This one, IMO, is totally okay to mock.
I did not go to law school with Flores or know her personally. It seemed she was on track to have a good career in the Nevada Assembly. My take was she might have been better served paying her dues in the legislature before trying for higher office but her option of course. Disappointing she left the state. That said, the timing of her allegation is problematic for me insofar as I don't care for the possibility these situations are used for political gain as it takes away from those bringing these issues to the fore. That said, I guess more time will be needed for all of the facts to come to light.
#JoeBidenSniffedMyHair #BelieveTheVictimsOfHeteronormativePatriarchalHairSniffing #SnifferJoe
Flores was hand-picked by Democratic leadership, and fast-tracked and put on a trajectory which was not justified considering her relative youth, and lack of meaningful experience. Rather than her paying her dues and running initially for lower offices, she shoots high and that exposes her relative lack of experience and knowledge. But the democrats liked how she profiles–liberal, young Hispanic female, with an interesting back story(troubled teen years that she overcame, etc.)
But although she was not yet ready for prime time,this does not change the fact she is probably telling the truth about Uncle Joe.
The motivations, however, are interesting in the sense that she is close to Bernie Sanders, and Sanders and his people rightly consider Biden as the presumptive front runner for the democratic nomination.
So, her again craving the lime light after her failed political bids may only be part of what motivates her. Seems that there is a far more practical concern. And attacks on Biden will continue from all fronts as long as he remains the democratic front runner.
We would not be hearing about any of this if Biden was polling about 12th out of 14 declared democrats(or whatever the total number is now).
A certain judge is stepping down effective next Friday. You heard it here first.
A name would be helpful.
I would guess Tobiasson, absolute guess.
I'd guess that is a big fat no.
Smith was last week.
Smith's last day is this Friday.
Linda Bell
It was news last week that Smith is stepping down April 12
You heard it here … eventually.
My (very big) firm just hired a guy I used to work with. He's nice enough, but he was basically pushed out at the last place we worked together because he's an absolutely terrible lawyer. No one asked me to weigh in on his work and he won't be working with me at all. Since he's already hired, I'm thinking I should just not say anything about his work. Maybe he's better now, which would be great, or maybe he still sucks, and the people he's working with now will find out soon enough. What does the board think?
Maybe give him a chance to prove themselves before you sink his ship or muddy the waters of his professional life? Just a thought.
Best not to say anything. Let the deciders figure it out for themselves.
Hey buddy, I know what you think and that you've been talking shit about me. YTA.
3:59 here. I haven't told anyone except the partner we used to work for (who said "Jesus, you didn't put your name on that hire did you?"). I'm confident that the dude at issue has no idea I think he sucks and I'm equally confident that he doesn't know about this website. If I had an ownership interest in the firm, I'd care, but I don't, so I'm not going to say anything.
Run this by Joice Bass for some insight.
Joice Bass. LOL.
If he was interviewing I think it'd be fair to avoid the heartache of a bad hire and speak up. But since he's on board only bad can come of raising the issue now.
You should tell your boss. I doubt he has changed and a bad hire is bad for the firm and sets the firm back.
No, we already know Smith is retiring.
Lucy Flores will do anything for attention. What she's doing in this case will only spread discord among Democrats and help Trump.